Death… And Me

Chapter 235 - Leaving The Sect

Chapter 235 - Leaving The Sect

At the Sect Master's Hall of the Dalamu Sect, Rean, Roan, Malaka, Weren, and Tive were gathered together for the trip. Of course, Mia was there too. Other than them, there were just a few elders.

Of course, Reliance was also there since he would bring and protect the team during the round trip. Tiria and Hulian were there as well since they knew the teams. Droman also took some time to come and see Rean off. Other than them, there was another Core Elder called Ryfon Quilynn. He had appeared once during the Entrance Exam of the Dalamu Sect. He was also Weren's Master.

Well, Kentucky was going as well, but he kept waiting outside. After a few months, Rean finally succeeded in training the chick a bit. Now, it could at least stay alone for some time without starting to cry.

Mia didn't feel like wasting much time, so she went straight to the main topic.

"The Profound Abyss is opening in 15 days. However, it is quite far away. You will need to pass through quite a few countries before arriving there. That's why I'm sending you off ahead of time. Reliance will be in command. I gave him full authority to deal with anyone who doesn't follow his rules on the way as well."

"Remember, this is an excellent chance to improve your meridians. Still, know that there are dangers ahead. The other participants will definitely get rid of you if they see that it will increase their chance of acquiring a spot in one of the Vermilion Pools. I know that you are all confident in your own strengths. However, there will be no lack of Core Formation Realm cultivators there, several of them even with Red Color aptitudes. Even Purple Color aptitudes might appear during it due to how many countries are taking part."

"You are the future of the sect, so make sure to put your own lives above all benefits. Do not show mercy to anyone. I'm adept at attacking first and making questions later, so I hope you can do the same. If you see that getting rid of someone will give you access to the Vermilion Pools, attack to kill since the enemy will definitely do the same."

"You are bringing the Sect's name on your back, don't disappoint me."

All the disciples bowed at the same time after hearing that.

"Yes, Sect Master."

Mia nodded.

"Good. Reliance, I'll leave them in your care."

Reliance laughed as if it wasn't a big deal.

"Hahaha! It's okay. I'll bring them all back in one piece... as long as they come back alive from the Profound Abyss, that is."

With that, Rean and the others left the Sect Master Hall with Reliance. After walking a little, they finally saw Kentucky, who seemed to be walking in circles... with an 'oh I'm so bored' expression.


Malaka immediately rushed at the Minokawa, who also noticed her. For some reason, Kentucky only acted intimate with Malaka other than Rean or Roan.

She hadn't seen it for a few weeks since Mia insisted on increasing her training before the Profound Abyss opened.

In the last few months, Kentucky's cultivation continued to increase. Although he didn't step into Stage Three, he was very close to it. He lost quite some of his plumpness. His yellow plumage was almost totally gone, giving space to his Dark and White feathers and scales. He also increased quite a bit in size, surpassing Rean and Roan's size and being almost as tall as an adult. Finally, he was looking more like a proper bird than a chick. Well, the chick's traits were still present, though.

Malaka immediately hugged the bird, who was supposed to have feathers as sharp as blades and scales as resistant as metal. However, as mentioned before, Kentucky seemed to control this feature, so all Malaka felt was a velvety sensation. Reliance and the twins didn't know if it was an effect of the mutation or not either. Right after, she jumped on Kentucky's back, making him her mount. Kentucky didn't seem to care either and began to play with her.

Rean sighed as he shook his head. They were just about to go to a place where they might even die, but the girl seemed to not feel the tension at all. On Roan's side, Weren and Tuve didn't know what to say either.

As Malaka played with the bird, Weren took the chance to talk with Rean and Roan. After all, this was the first time seeing them.

"Hey there, Weren here."

As mentioned before, Weren was the previous Red Color Aptitude disciple who joined the sect before Agis. He joined the sect six years prior, when he was eleven. Now, with seventeen years, he already reached the Middle Stage of the Core Formation Realm.

Although the twin's bodies' age was the same as Malaka, eleven years old, they seemed older. Also, they gave the wrong age information to the sect when they joined it, so others think they were thirteen at the moment. That being said, they didn't look like the kids from back then anymore, but not adults either. Well, Weren didn't seem to intend to treat them as kids either.

Roan simply gave a small nod while Rean properly complimented the man back.

"Hi there, I'm Rean Larks. Don't mind the empty shell beside me. He's always like that."

Rean also took the chance to compliment Tuve.

Tuve was the oldest of the group, being 25 years old at the Peak of the Core Formation Realm. Because of that, he couldn't help but see Rean and Roan as kids.

"Oh! Hey there."

He didn't seem to have much interest in them, though.

Neither Rean nor Roan cared. They were already used to the treatment due to their appearances anyway.

Weren was just about to make a few more questions when suddenly, a cry sounded by their ears. They all looked at the sky and saw a blue eagle with four wings coming down. That was one of Reliance's tamed demon beasts that he usually left in the sect, a Stage Four Sky Eagle.

It quickly landed in front of Reliance and extended its head to him. However, it was then that it saw the small Fire Tanager on Reliance's shoulder. Immediately, it stopped its actions as it retreated a few steps slowly. It knew very well just how strong the Fire Tanager really was.

Weren and Tuve noticed its fear, but they didn't see anything that could cause it.

Reliance just laughed as he said.

"It's okay. He won't touch you. Come here."

The enormous Sky Eagle finally showed a happy expression. She brought its head down once more so that Reliance could pet it. Zunzun, who was on Reliance's shoulder, didn't seem to like it very much, though. It wasn't only Zunzun. Lanlan and Jinjin also liked to monopolize Reliance for themselves.

"Alright, that's enough."

Reliance then jumped on the Four Winged Sky Eagle's back and called Rean's group.

"You five, jump on Fanfan's back. She will bring us to the Profound Abyss's location."

As always, Reliance's sense to give names wasn't that good.

But it was then that Weren noticed that Malaka was still playing with the chick on the back. In the end, he couldn't help but ask.

"Isn't she the Sect Master's disciple? Is it really okay for her to be like that?"

Tuve agreed with Weren.

"She is the polar opposite of Sect Master, who is usually very cold and aloof."

Rean shrugged his shoulders.

"Just leave her be. In a certain way, you could say that this is her best trait."

Well, Weren and Tuve didn't mind much since she wasn't their problem. They already decided to move on their own when they enter the Profound Abyss anyway. In fact, many participants liked to do the same thing to test their own abilities during the event.

Malaka then shouted from Kentucky's back.

"Elder Reliance, can I go flying with Kentucky instead?"

This time, both Reliance and the Twins were taken aback.

"What are you talking about? Kentucky can't fly yet. Come down and bring Kentucky; we need to go."

For some reason, Kentucky got angry after hearing that. It was as if his pride as a bird had been hurt.

He immediately opened his wings and flapped them with all his might while jumping. It was quite a comic sight. Unfortunately, it already couldn't fly alone, let alone with Malaka's extra weight.

Roan seemed to lose his patience as he convened his thought to Kentucky with his Spiritual Sense.

'Stop wasting time. You are too fat to fly. Come here and get on the Sky Eagle.'

Roan was the same as Rean. He could send his intentions through their connection, so Kentucky could more or less understand it.

Kentucky then got even angrier when he heard that. Suddenly, Light Element began to gather around his body with the help of his Spiritual Energy. Right after, his body's strength increased as he was finally strong enough to force his way out of the ground.

Reliance and Rean were surprised to see that. They didn't expect that Kentucky could fly in those conditions. However, it was having quite some difficulty to keep itself in the air. After all, Kentucky was also carrying Malaka.

Nevertheless, it showed a stubborn face as if saying that he could handle it.

Malaka then laughed as she shouted from high in the air.

"See?! Kentucky is the best bird! He can definitely fly!"

*Chick! Chick!*

Reliance also laughed before looking back on the rest of the team.

"Alright, we are leaving very early anyway. Let Kentucky carry Malaka until it gets tired. It will be good training for it too."

Everyone looked at each other but nodded in the end. Since Reliance said it was okay, they didn't mind it either. As long as they reach the Profound Abyss in that, that was fine.

With that, the two groups finally departed the Dalamu Sect... until they reached 50km of distance and Kentucky collapsed. All they could hear was his gasps for air due to its fatigue. Rean and Reliance laughed out loud before placing him and Malaka on the Sky Eagle's back and continued their journey.

Poor Kentucky. His first time trying to show its amazingness didn't go very well as planned.

Back in the Dalamu Sect, Mia looked with her Spiritual Sense Rean's group disappearing in the distance. Finally, she let out a sigh and retrieved her Spiritual Sense back.

It was at this time that she received a Spiritual Sense Message.

'Cold and aloof... said that brat Weren. If just he knew about the younger you...'

A faint red color appeared on Mia's face as she replied with a helpless expression.

'Master... Why must you bring those past memories back?'

'Hahaha! Still, I can see why you like that disciple of yours so much. Polar opposite? No way! She is a perfect copy of your younger self. How many times I had to smack your head for you to go back cultivate? I lost count of how many times you tried to escape under my watch too. If anything, you were even more mischievous than her.'


'Alright, alright. I'll stop it here. Hehe.'

Right after, that Spiritual Sense disappeared. Mia couldn't help but sigh at this. Good thing that not many people knew about it. Nonetheless, Mia couldn't help but show a faint smile as she thought about the past.

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