Death… And Me

Chapter 233 - Universal Restraint And The Profound Abyss

Chapter 233 - Universal Restraint And The Profound Abyss

The process took around one hour to finish, just like last time. In the end, the twins were drenched in cold sweat. Sure enough, there was no way they could get used to that.

"I hate this shit!"

"Indeed. However, it's already over, so let's forget about it."

Roan then got up and performed a few movements. He wanted to see how much his body had improved with the new bones. Rean, of course, was also curious, so he did the same.

"Exchange a few blows with me."


The twins then sparred in the Soul Gem Dimensional Realm for a few minutes. As one could expect, Rean received a good beating. Still, as the Light Element user, he recovered from those blows almost instantly. Well, they were just bruises to start with. It was not surprising that bruises disappeared that fast for him, who can heal severe injuries in seconds.

Roan also wanted to test his own body resistance, so he allowed Rean to hit him several times during that spar. He was also able to heal very fast by using their Soul Connection to get the Light Element. Of course, not as quickly as Rean.

"Alright, that's enough."

Rean nodded and stopped.

"As expected of the Soul Gem Realm Rewards. I feel like my body strength alone increased by at least 10% or so."

Roan agreed with him.

"Correct. It's not as much of an improvement as breaking through a small realm, but it is definitely a significant improvement. When we were in the Middle Stage of the Foundation Establishment, we fought that Late Core Formation Realm Dual Element user. We had to go all out during that time to barely achieve victory. However, now that I'm two stages higher and got the Tiger Bones, I feel like I can put an even fight against him on my own."

Rean pondered a bit and then added.

"Well, that is in the case the battle doesn't continue for too long, right? If it turns into guerrilla warfare, that guy would probably be victorious due to his much bigger pool of Spiritual Energy."

Roan snorted in response.

"Do you think my Death Style would allow for guerrilla warfare? Don't forget, my Death Style looks for the fastest way to connect a killing strike to the enemy. I will more than welcome anyone who tries to use guerrilla warfare in front of me."

Rean had to admit that Roan was right. As the second main user of this style, he understood it very well.

"Anyway, now we need to deal with our last problem."

Roan knew what Rean was talking about.


"Sister Orb, the Universal Restraint will arrive at the same time as the Profound Abyss opening. However, we don't want to lose this opportunity. How will it work?"

[To be honest, I'm not really sure. I know that this half of the Universe will try to use its own power to destroy the intruders. Still, I'm unaware of how it will do that.]

Rean pondered a bit and then asked.

"The Profound Abyss will open in two months. To be more exact, it starts in 58 days. How long will it take for the Universal Restraint to arrive?"

[From what is showing in the Soul Gem System, the Universal Restraint will come during the third day after you entered the Profound Abyss, which means 61 days.]

Roan asked another thing soon after.

"Can we undergo the Universal Restraint inside the Soul Gem Dimensional Realm? That would be the safest option."

[I would not recommend that. I'm not sure about it. Still, I think if you enter the Dimensional Realm during that time, the Universal Restraint will destroy it so that it can reach you two. Of course, this is just speculation, but the chances are very high. If that happens, the Soul Gem System will be affected, which will obviously affect the protection it can give to you two.]

[But that's not the worst that can happen. Suppose the Soul Gem System is destroyed during the process instead. In that case, there will be nothing there to protect you two against the Universal Restraint. Without a doubt, that will mean instant Roan!]

Roan's mouth twitched a little after hearing that.

Rean, on the other hand, agreed with Sister Orb.

"Indeed. It looks a lot scarier when you put it like that. Who wants an instant 'Roan?' It's like a terrible cup noddles mark no one really buys. Let's stay outside the Dimensional Realm to be safe."

Roan's expression darkened as he threatened.

"Let's go back to the main topic before I give you a quick 'Roan' right here. Different from cup noddles, I guarantee my 'Roan' will be really 'instant.'"

Rean laughed out loud with Sister Orb, but they didn't persist with the joke.

With that over, Roan asked something else.

"What about the visual effects? What will happen when others see us passing through it?"

[No idea. It is the first time you and I will see the Universal Restraint. We need to wait to check how it goes.]

Roan and Rean nodded. You can't really blame Sister Orb for not knowing something she had never seen before.

"Alright, we can just try to stay hidden when that time comes. We will deal with it as the situation requires."

With all of that over, Rean and Roan exited the Soul Gem Dimensional Realm. However, Roan was still kinda itchy for some battle, so he went back to the arena to challenge the next opponent, the 895th one. As mentioned before, one can not challenge more than ten positions ahead of oneself in the Inner Sect. The 895th was the highest positioned Inner Sect disciple that was available to fight at that moment.

As for Rean, he decided to go back to practice Formations and help Droman with the Router Formation. Unlike Roan, he didn't have an interest in the different skill manuals that Inner Sect disciples have access to or the battles he could have. Also, since he was alone in his own room, he decided to send Kentucky into the Dimensional Realm. It was better than having it start to scream because no one was around and get into trouble.

Still, Roan gave him a warning through their Soul Connection.

'We just had a breakthrough, and our cultivations are very chaotic. The Inner Sect disciples are a perfect opportunity to help stabilize it through battles. I don't care if you spend more time with Formations, but you should also try to reach the Inner Sect disciples at the Middle Stage of the Core Formation Realm. Besides, you need to practice more to fight with your Light Element alone if such a situation arises in the future.'

Rean pondered a bit and replied.

'Alright. It's just that Elder Droman and I are very close to completing the Router Formation, so I want to help him finish it.'

That was indeed a good reason to not start it now. After all, the Router Formation was directly linked to their Destiny Points' rewards.

'How long before you complete it?'

Rean smiled as he replied.

'Version 1.0 should be ready for tests in two weeks or so. Droman and I already prepared a few cities with the correct cabling work to receive it too. Once he goes out to test the formation, I'll go to the arena to challenge the higher-ranked disciples.'

Roan nodded and didn't ask anymore.

As one could imagine, Roan coming down to challenge the next disciples so fast like that caught a lot of attention. However, what really surprised everyone was that he had a breakthrough into the Foundation Establishment's Peak Stage! Because of that, quite a crowd gathered to see Roan's fights while he tried to go up in the rank.

Rean didn't care about any of that, though. He quickly arrived at the Formations Hall and found out that Elder Reliance was also there, talking with him.

"Oh! You are back. Wait, you entered the Peak Stage of Foundation Establishment?"

Rean smiled and nodded.

"Roan and I were already at the peak of the Late Stage before, so we just needed to take the last step."

Reliance narrowed his eyes before warning.

"Your cultivation is progressing too fast. If you continue like this, your foundation will suffer the consequences."

Rean agreed with Reliance too.

"Don't worry, we already decided that we will let our cultivations stabilize naturally. We will only try a breakthrough in the Core Formation Realm once after we have reinforced it as much as possible."

Reliance's expression finally relaxed as he looked around.

"That's good then. By the way, where is Kentucky?"

"I just gave him another piece of Luminun Ore. He is now sleeping in my room while digesting it."

Reliance nodded, satisfied.

"That's good then."

He then turned to Droman before saying.

"Droman, I'll leave that in your hands then. I still need to prepare a few things for the Profound Abyss travel, so I'll take my leave."

With that, Reliance disappeared from the room.

Rean, of course, was curious about it.

"What was that about?"

Droman shrugged his shoulders, not minding that much.

"It's just a few upgrades he wants to make to his Formations Flags. It seems like they aren't that useful for him anymore now that he is already at the Peak of the Nascent Soul Realm."

Droman then changed the topic.

"Anyway, that thing can wait. Come take a look at this. You won't understand the rune arrangement at your level, but I want your opinion on the concept behind it."

Rean nodded and immediately began to work with Droman.

And just like that, the days began to pass.

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