Dear Immortal Tyrant

Chapter 376 Mavez Empire

Silenced ensued. Lina simply blinked and tilted her head. Will she ever be in a relationship with Kaden before marriage ensues? In fact, Lina didn't think she had ever called him boyfriend. It went from acquaintance to husband. Kaden worked fast.

"Precisely why I recommended our house." Kaden glanced out of the screen and saw everyone's curious gaze. People had poked out their heads, wondering where the noise came from.

"See you back home," Lina said to him with a pat on his shoulders.

Kaden frowned at her eagerness to get him to leave. He glanced at her, the ladies, and firmly nodded. He grabbed her waist, kissed her on the lips, and left without a second thought.

Lina was stunned as she rapidly blinked, touching her mouth. Then, her face went red and she turned to the onlookers.

"I'm not surprised by you two," Krystal finally said. "When you took the bullet for him, Lina, it was all over the news."

"Speaking of which, how are you?" Isabelle rushed out, her face filled with worry. "The artist has long been jailed and prosecuted… but he suddenly went missing."

Isabelle warily glanced at Kaden, to which all of the women had doubts. Lina glanced over at Kaden who said nothing and stared back at her. His face was filled with arrogance, almost as if it was asking "What? Of course, I did it."

"I'm fine," Lina murmured.

"Yes, you don't seem like a coma-recovering patient at all. Not to mention, those heels… I'd love to snatch them from your feet, they look great. No, I mean—"

"You can have them if you'd like, Belle," Lina mused, her lips twitching. Then, she paused at the unfamiliar nickname. She had accidentally let it slip from her second life.

Isabelle didn't seem to realize. She waved her hand and laughed. "No need, I already know which collection it's from."

"Your recovery is alarming," Krystal said. "But miraculous and well deserved. I'm happy to see you're doing well."

Lina could barely hold her expression. Her smile grew dim and her brows wrung together. She didn't know how long she would be able to see her friends. The thought of her living beyond them suddenly saddened her. In fact, she teared up thinking she'd be at all of her friends' funerals, and none would be at hers. IF—she even held one.

"Oh, are you alright?" Krystal asked, grabbing her friends by the elbows and directing them to take a seat.

Lina was wary of whether or not she should share this startling information. When she sat down, Krystal poured her a cup of their usual blend, which was a mellow and minty jade tea. She breathed in the scent, hoping it'd calm her nerves.

"Yes, I'm fine," Lina responded. "I just… I'm no longer human."

"I expected as much," Krystal stated. "No one recovers from a coma as healthy and glowy as you did."

"Aw, just when I was going to ask if Kaden did your skincare routine when you were in a coma," Isabelle pouted. "You look amazing."

Lina forced a laugh at their words. "Yes, well, when you've slept for months, the beauty sleep was eventually going to catch up."

- - - - -

The three chatted about mindless things here and there. They discussed how the art gallery was still running with Estella managing many of the orders and commissions, but whether or not the staffs were being paid, that was unknown. Seeing as teh gallery was still open, someone must've set up something.

After their reunion, they talked about the latest news, drank to Isabelle's promotion, and Krystal's securement of her position. By the time the three were finished, the sun was heavily set in the sky. The trio hugged each other tightly and were only released after promising to meet each other soon.

"Where are you?" Kaden asked the second she picked up.

"I'm at the mall you own too many shares in," Lina dryly responded whilst taking the escalator up to the highest floors of the mall, where many high society members frequented.

Lina wanted to get Estella a present for all of her hard work. She was even thinking about promoting Estella, seeing as she was able to safely manage everything without qualms. Not to mention, Lina intended to get Isabelle a congratulatory gift and something nice for Krystal's upcoming birthday.

"You should've told me," Kaden softly said. "I would've accompanied you."

"And let you swipe your card? No way."

"Do you even have money left in your bank account?" Kaden returned.

"I—" Lina paused. Did she?

"You're lucky I slipped my card into your pocket at the cafe. Go check."

"Wait, I—"

"See you at home, dove. I expect a hefty charge on my card tonight, or I'm locking the doors."

Before Lina could respond, Kaden hung up the phone. She gawked at her blank screen in disbelief, then attempted to call him again. He didn't pick up. She called him two more times. The same thing. It went straight to voicemail. She grumbled to herself and checked the pocket of her skirt. Sure enough, she pulled out a black card.

Kaden DeHaven.

His name was scribbled with white gold that glistened under the chandelier lights. The higher up Lina went in the mall, the quieter it was, for not many people had the pockets to shop here. She sighed under her breath and wondered if it was too late to head home.

Lina needed to get a present by today. She planned on visiting Estella tomorrow and seeing the condition of the gallery. As Lina walked down the hallways, she examined the front and back of the card.

"A limitless credit… he's crazy," Lina nearly groaned. "His debit card, really?"

Lina was even more burdened by this. At least with a credit card, she could try to pay the money back at any branch. But seeing as it was a debit card, she'd need his pin to make a deposit to return the money.

Eventually, Lina wandered into a jewelry store built upon generational wealth. Just last year, she attended one of their opening ceremonies for the release of a multi-million necklace crafted from a newly unearthed enormous ruby.

"Miss Yang!" One of the store attendants rushed over, bowing deeply at her entrance.

Lina dryly smiled and slid the card into her front pockets. She casually glanced around the store and noticed everyone suddenly turning to get a better look at her.

"Please allow us to escort you to the private lounge, Miss Yang," the manager stated, stepping forward with a warm smile.

Lina nodded her head and accompanied the woman towards a set of lush purple curtains. With each step, soft murmurs filled the room and no one could glance away.

"For refreshments today, we have champagne served with freshly baked fruit tarts. Would you like to start with them, Miss Yang?" the manager asked just as Lina took a seat on the plush couch.

The manager had elegantly lowered herself, one knee on the floor, and the other peering up at the VVIP customer. It was how they usually spoke to their clients, for the posture was a sign of respect.

"No need, I know what I want in mind. Please pass me the brochure that has brooches."

"Right away, Miss Yang," the manager responded. All she had to do was turn and one of the store attendants was already approaching them with the booklet.

"These are our most prized collections, if there is anything that interests you, please let us know, Miss Yang," the manager explained.

Lina offered them a grateful smile and then turned to the pamphlet. She quietly flipped through the pages, searching for something that would suit Estella. Then, Lina came across a beautifully crafted brooch with a large topaz situated upon the center. The accessory was accompanied by tiny pearls and diamonds, all emphasizing the dazzling amber color of the gem.

"Ah, this piece is inspired by a brooch that once belonged to the favorite attendant of the founding Duchess of the Mavez Empire," the manager said, upon noticing her interest.

"Mavez Empire?" Lina echoed whilst blinking in curiosity. She remembered the ancient yet modern city that began around the time Wraith was founded.

"Yes, the Mavez Empire as you know was to the far north of Wraith. As history portrayed it, the Duchess gifted this brooch as an award for the attendant's undying loyalty, determination, and expertise that greatly aided the Duchess, who at the time, was hesitant in her new atmosphere."

Lina tilted her head. She mainly studied the history of Ritan, and a snippet of Wraith, but it had been years since her graduation. She didn't recall much about the Mavez Empire except for one thing.

"The Mavez Empire was historically known for their enormous werewolf population. Topaz and pearls were extremely valued amongst the people for it's resemblance to the moon and sun, therefore, the master craftsman wanted to emphasize it's beauty," the manager went on to explain.

"What a lovely story," Lina murmured.

Granted, the story could be made up just to sell the item, but Lina knew better than that. The store prized itself on being the most authentic. The manager could lose their job if they were discovered, and her position was one of the most coveted ones. They were wise enough to not fool a client as important as hers.

"Is this in the inventory right now?" Lina asked. "I'd need it by tomorrow."

"It is in our vaults, Miss Yang," the manager explained. "However, since it's the afternoon, we will personally deliver it to you tonight if you wish."

"Yes, that'd be perfect. Please put it on my usual tab," Lina stated whilst rising to her feet.

"Unfortunately, Miss Yang, since it is such a large purchase, we must confirm the tab upfront."

Quite a nice way of saying that the payment must be given now. Lina was left with no choice. She had already scheduled a time to meet Estella tomorrow. Lina wanted this brooch immediately.

"Very well, put it on this card." Lina handed them Kaden's debit card. He did say to spend it. She just hoped the sudden charge was enough to make him regret his words.

"Thank you for your understanding!"

The manager accepted the card with two hands. Her attendant already had the card swiper at the ready. When the manager saw the name on the card, she tried her best to not blanch in surprise. Was this… THE Kaden DeHaven?

The manager's hands trembled as she inserted the card. Not a second later, it went through. Many of the wealthiest rarely kept money in their bank account to let it sit there and rot. The majority of them invested it in all sorts of things. Large purchases like this were usually verified through a bank-issued cheque for the sum, as it'd take a while to get the money.

But the second Lina didn't hesitate to swipe the card, the manager was further amazed by the woman. Just how rich could an art gallery owner be?!

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