Dawning Skye

Chapter 494

494 Grand Wedding(Part Two)

Skye had rushed down the hall with her mother to find Maevis, Marie, Renee, Kari, Peggy, and Zas’ daughter Mary in Shasta’s room. They were all fussing over how beautiful she looked in her wedding dress while Shasta was having her brushed out by Peggy. As soon as her eyes fell on Skye, a pleading expression overtook her features.

With a small wink, Skye cut through the overlapping voices filling the room; “Alrighty, give the bride a wee bit of breathin’ space, lassies! She needs ta collect herself before headin’ out in a few minutes.”

The women nodded and agreed, then dispersed into little groups to talk about random subjects. Aside from Skye and Peggy, only Mary stayed by Shasta. Even though she was Zas’ daughter, she had always treated Shasta like a doting grandmother.

The first time she had met Shasta, she had offered her milk and cookies, and had spoken sweetly to her. She was one of the few humans that Shasta liked before Tidas and Skye had shown her the better side of humanity. As they put the final touches on Shasta, Mary wiped a tear from her eye.

“I can’t believe yer gettin’ married. I’m so happy for ya, dear.. I know you’ve liked that laddie for a long time.”

Shasta smiled warmly at her; “How did you know it was the same guy from back then?”

Mary chuckled lightly; “Because you have the same dreamy look in yer eyes whenever someone just talks about him.”

Skye laughed as she said; “What? Tis true,” earning a look from Shasta that she has instantly brushed off.

Mary was a wonderful old woman that was loved by everyone who met her, and was kind to everyone that she met. She had a special table at Thistlewood tavern for the poor, and fed anyone for free that sat there. Her two daughters and their families were helping out daily since Zas had been kept in the capital, but their whole family was in for Shasta’s wedding.


They all grew up knowing her, and most of them even called her Aunt Shasta. It was a strange situation since Zas was, and wasn’t the oldest, but they were a loving family that accepted Shasta before anyone. Except for the two previous people from her past.

When Mary told her that everyone was already in the throne room waiting, Shasta beamed as her tail swayed. She had hoped that they’d accepted the invitations, but never got an RSVP back from them. All Zas would say was that they would try to attend, but he wasn’t sure if the whole family would be able to.

‘That dirty alley cat.. I need to give him a big hug after the ceremony..’

As the thought crossed her mind, Marie handed her a shot glass full of Highlander whiskey. She knew it was from the Highlands the moment she sniffed it, then had her hunch confirmed by a slightly familiar voice..

Amara stood with the whiskey bottle in her hand raised in the air as she proclaimed; “Cheers ta Shasta! May her union be blessed with many years of happiness and prosperity! I may not ken ye, but Skye sees ya like a sister. Which makes ya good in me book, no matter the start.”

Shasta took the shot glass and stood, then knocked it back with everyone else. Kari was the only one not having alcohol, but she did cheers with a glass of juice. She was still on duty, and wouldn’t be able to drink until the reception.

Maevis tried to get her to sneak one, but she refused. Saying that ‘Skye gets into trouble too often to risk it.’ After a good laugh, Maevis agreed, and left her alone to go hassle Lidia to sip a bit with her. However, it was only one more..

“Time ta go, ladies! The laddies should be in place by now, and we need ta go before we’re late,” Peggy shouted from the doorway after she put away the grooming utensils she’d used on Shasta.

As everyone filed out, Shasta and Skye hung back. As the bride let out a shaky breath, Skye smirked; “Put an army of enemies in front of ya: no problem. Send ya to the alter and yer shakin’ like a wet cat.”

Shasta scoffed; “Enemies I can kill or run away from. I don’t want to run, but I don’t want to go, either.. Was it like this for you?”

Skye smiled softly as Shasta as she looped her arm through hers, and slowly guided her towards the door; “On the way to me ceremony, I was nervous. But I can promise ya this, Shasta.. When ya see Lawrence’s smile: everything else will melt away.”

Shasta thought about what Skye had said as she walked towards the throne room. The women accompanying her surrounded Shasta in a defensive manner; in case someone was trying to pull a Karena. As she realized that the women with her were protecting her, Shasta felt a small weight fall away as she came closer to their destination.

Skye and Amara were shouting as loudly as possible, making sure the way was cleared for the bride. Many of the nobles didn’t recognize Shasta right away, she was so beautiful. Peggy had trimmed her fur down at her request again, and used a bit of coal liner to accent her eyes.

As the people parted with shock and awe all over their faces, Shasta felt a small surge of confidence. She still didn’t think she was qualified to be a Queen, but had definitely earned her place as the Vice Commander of the RMC.. ‘I can’t say I’ll be a good Queen, but I’ll definitely try my best to be better than any before me..’

As the thought crossed her mind, Skye had her stop. She had noticed Shasta lost in her thoughts, and knew that she wasn’t really paying attention to where they were walking. Guiding Shasta took almost no effort, but stopping Victor and Anna from jumping on her had proved to be a challenge.

It was only after Shasta had promised to dance with them once the meal was finished, did they calm down, and listen. Victor was going to be one of his father’s groomsmen, but he had backed out a few days ago. Apparently he didn’t want to give a speech, and learned that ‘ring barriers barely do anything’, so that was the job he wanted.

Anna was excited to be the flower girl, and had been practicing in the courtyard for days. She said that there was a ‘correct way’ to sprinkle the petals, and she didn’t want to mess up. Lawrence and Shasta thought it was adorable to watch her walking up and down the side of the garden practicing her timing with her steps.

As the non-bridal part members went into the throne room to take their seats, Skye comforted Shasta; “I meant what I said before. Once ya see Lawrence, the rest will fall away..”

“You say that, but you and Tidas had a tiny wedding compared to this,” Shasta replied before swallowing hard.

As the music began to play, Skye directed the flower girl, the bridesmaids, and the ring barrier on their jobs a final time, then waited for her cue. Anna would go first, then Victor, followed by Renee, Peggy, Skye, and finally Shasta. As Anna slowly skipped through the doorway, a servant handed Shasta her bouquet.

She gripped it tightly as Victor, Renee, then Peggy disappeared. Right before Skye stepped out, she turned and smiled at Shasta as she said; “Just look at him,” then walked into the throne room.

Focusing on the violin and cello, Shasta listened for her cue. She thought Skye was a much better violinist, but it wasn’t like she could’ve played instead at that moment. Barely hearing her cue, Shasta stepped into the brightness of the throne room..

Everything from the floor runner to the aisle ribbons looked perfect. The light coming in from the windows made the yellows shimmer, contrasting beautifully against the dark brown and crimson. The guests were either smiling or happily crying as she stepped ever closer to the alter. Looking straight ahead, Shasta’s breath caught in her throat.

Lawrence stood at the forefront with the sweetest smile she’d ever seen on him. As their eyes locked, the only thing Shasta could hear was the pounding of her heartbeat in her ears, then nothing. No music, no people, no titles.. Just them.

Shasta realized what Skye had meant in that moment: that moment was all that mattered. Lawrence was marrying her because he loved her. It was there, plain as day in his eyes.

Not a burning or consuming love, but an enduring one. As Shasta strode towards Lawrence, she could see herself with him through the years.. When Victor and Anna grew, and began making their own lives. She saw that they would struggle, and overcome together..

Neither had to hide their true feelings about anything. Shasta accepted that Lawrence truly loved Anastasia before her, but that he also earnestly loved her. The children loved her, and she them.. Nothing beyond the love of their family really mattered..

A feeling that Shasta had never experienced before shattered the last bit of armor around her heart as Lawrence reached out to her. He knew every bad thing about her, and he didn’t just live her: he accepted her as she was.

Every day of her life, Shasta had to pretend to be something she wasn’t. A Fae trying to behave like a human; rejected by both sides. She wasn’t either to Lawrence.. Shasta was just Shasta. As she stood before him with her heart full of understanding, Shasta whispered; “I love you..”

Lawrence flashed her a radiant smile, then kissed the top of her hand before turning towards the officiant. Shasta followed suit, then waited to repeat the lines that she had practiced with Lawrence. As the middle-aged man started his long-winded speech about the sanctity of marriage, Skye and Tidas shared an adoring glance between themselves, then listened.

Peggy and Zas had both seen them, and grinned at each other knowingly. As Peggy relaxed and listened to the vows, she felt eyes on her. Nonchalantly glancing around the room, Peggy’s eyes landed on Prince Marco. She barely met his eyes before she had to look away, the level of hostility and hate was so intense..

‘Is he pissed that a servant’s in a royal weddin’? I knew it, I knew it, I bloody knew it! I told that mangy cat woman that somethin’ like this was gonna happen.. At least I think he’s lookin’ at me like that cause of me status.. What else could it be though?!’

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