Dawning Skye

Chapter 485

485 Beginning Arrivals

“What do ye mean ya found the stagecoach?! What about Karena and Draco?! The other guards?!” Skye practically yelled in shock.

Zas’ flashed Skye a sympathetic expression; “There were no traces of anyone. No blood, no belongings: nothing. The men found some of her dresses in a shop in the town Evercrest, but no traces of the princess or her guards. We’ll keep searching, but I doubt we’ll find them..”

Tidas’ demeanor had completely shifted while Zas had spoken. He stood up from his desk, and walked over to his sword and armor. As he started to strap everything on, he started issuing orders to Zas..

“Recall half of the Tamer birds from their current mission, and reassign them to look for Karena and Draco. Find someone who knows who the other guards were, and send people to their homes. They might have pictures that the Tamers can use..”

“I want the name of the shop that Karena’s dresses were found, and send a few of the Tamers with canine companions there to search. I’ll brief them directly on all of the details. I think my Father needs to be informed of the situation as well, so send someone he’s familiar with like Wyatt or Walters.”

Zas grinned; “I figured those would be your orders. I already sent for the Tamers, and I picked Walters to inform the King. They can discuss strategies afterwards.. Your father will most likely need a distraction after the news.”

Tidas nodded with a small smile at Zas, tightened the strap to his sword’s sheath, then looked at Skye with an apologetic expression; “Sorry love, but it looks like I will be needing a raincheck.”

Skye nodded with a smile; “Tis fine, husband. I hope you guys find somethin’ helpful. Will ya be home tonight?”

Tidas nodded; “Aye. I can’t risk missing Lawrence’s wedding, so I’m going to set up an information chain. That way we’ll know as soon as anything develops. I’ll see you in the room before dinner?”


Skye smiled, kissed her husband, then replied; “Aye. I’ll see ya back in the room, love. Be careful.”

Zas and Tidas rushed out the door, leaving Skye alone in his office. She looked at the blueprints and smiled, then left the office feeling a mixture of happiness and trepidation. She hoped that whatever happened to Karena and Draco, they were okay somewhere..


With the wedding only a few day away, diplomats and dignitaries were beginning to arrive. Shasta only had a handful of people attending since she wasn’t allowed to invite the children from the orphanage. Magnus had refused to allow them into the palace for many reasons, but all it did was make Shasta not want a wedding.

Thanks to Lawrence acting as a mediator, they had agreed to the children not attending. But in exchange, they would receive a full cake, a toy each, and Magnus had agreed to donate enough money so that all of the children could have new clothes for adoption days. Shasta had demanded more, but Lawrence had convinced her let the rest go.

Magnus felt like the two had shaken him down, but since it was for children, he didn’t mind. Their wedding was costing a pretty penny, but it was still far less costly than Karena’s extravagant ideas. As Magnus was in the middle of talking about flowers with Shasta and Lawrence, his guards announced General Walters.

He quickly filled the king in on what was happening, then immediately launched into their strategy options. The two were so involved that Magnus had barely heard Lawrence and Shasta bid him farewell. As they walked down the hallway together, they talked about the odds of Karena’s group being okay until they saw Skye.

“How are ya two doin’? Did ya get Magnus ta okay the extra flowers?”

Shasta smiled and nodded; “Yeah, he said it was okay. Apparently he’d set aside a good-sized budget, but we’re not using nearly as much as he thought we would since Karena wasn’t in charge.”

Skye grinned cheekily at Lawrence; “So the Ruscovic King isna flippin’ his own bill?”

Lawrence coughed lightly; “We’re having a wedding in Ruscovic. Father is the one who wanted one here. I won’t use my people’s money for something they can’t benefit from.”

“I get yer point, but you could always use yer own money,” Skye suggested.

Lawrence laughed; “I’m not like my brothers. I didn’t invest in businesses or people, so I don’t have my own fortune like they do. I live off of a relatively humble salary for a royal. It could still be less in my opinion, but my council refused it because then they would have to make less money, too.”

“I was just messin’ wit ya, Lawrence. I dinna care! Me Da paid fer both of my weddings,” Skye replied, noticing the uncomfortable look on Lawrence’s face as he had explained.

Shasta laughed; “Oh yeah! I forgot that you almost married a different guy! What was his name?”

Skye shivered with disgust; “Jacob Fowler.. He was awful. I dinna ken what would’ve happened to me if I would’ve married him instead of Tidas.. Probably woulda killed him the first time he tried ta touch me.”

“I remember the Fowlers. They seemed shady as hell, to be honest. Especially the son. I heard some bad stories about him,” Lawrence commented.

Skye nodded; “I have no doubts that they were true, but he’s not a problem..”

“Really? Why again?” Lawrence asked as he tried to recall.

Skye shrugged; “Cause I did kill him already.”

“...Oh. Right. I kind of forgot about that.. Remind me to stay on your good side, my dearest sister-in-law..”

Shasta and Skye chuckled at Lawrence’s joke. She’d felt so tense coming back from Tidas’ office that her shoulders were actually hurting. With her mind so preoccupied, she hadn’t noticed the pain until she’d relaxed.

As Skye activated her Shaman trait to heal her achy muscles, she nearly ran into someone coming around the corner. As soon as their eyes met, Skye inwardly cursed as she curtsied and said; “Good day to you, Lord Abari, Lord Yaris. I hope your trip was comfortable.”

Lord Abari offered his hand out to Skye, and kissed it when she gave it to him. Her skin crawled as his lips lingered Fae long than what was considered appropriate. After he finally released her hand, Abdul replied; “Princess Skye.. I do believe that you have grown even more beautiful since the last time I saw you.”

Skye put on her best courtier smile, then spoke in a ‘proper’ tone; “Thank you for the compliment, my lord. As you may know, this is King Lawrence MacArthur of Ruscovic, and his fiancée Shasta: the Vice Commander of the RMC..”

Lord Abari greeted them politely, but didn’t offer his hand to either of them. Shasta was thankful for it, but found it insulting at the same time. Lawrence was in the same boat, but a different ocean: he just didn’t want Abdul touching Shasta period.

They all recalled the instance of him punishing his slave in front of them the last time they’d seen him. Lawrence also remembered his son Victor having nightmares on and off for weeks because of it. As a small, awkward silence started to set in, Skye felt unbelievably uncomfortable..

Abdul was elated to see the princess as soon as he had arrived. He was on his way to the King’s quarters to greet him, since he was supposedly in a meeting with the Ruscovic King. It would make his discussion a bit easier to be alone with King Magnus, but he really wished that he had time to chat.

Feeling his eyes roving over her, Skye choked back her irritation as she asked; “Where are you heading to Lord Abari? Perhaps I could call a servant to guide you?”

Abdul smiled charmingly at her; “I would greatly prefer you to lead me down the proper path, princess..”

It took everything Lawrence and Shasta had not to laugh, and even more restraint from Skye herself. Shasta could literally see her body tensing up in spurts, which made her want to laugh even more. They were all amused despite the character of the man before them, but it faded the instant he grabbed Skye’s hand again, and insisted that she be his guide.

Lawrence knew what kind of man Prince Abdul Abari was, and didn’t like him touching his brother’s wife. He’d been demoted in title to being a lord due to him challenging his younger brother’s rule. And because of his multiple attempts to limit his brother’s authority and power.

Skye could easily defend herself, but it would most likely result in an international incident. She wasn’t verbally or physically able to hold back when a person was clearly in the wrong in a bad way. To save both Skye’s, and his father’s sanity, Lawrence spoke in a candid tone..

“I apologize, Lord Abari, but Skye’s time is already reserved until her departure for Sai. She is my fiancé’s Maid of Honor, and is helping us plan the wedding. On top of that, she has her RMC duties, as well as her royal and marital ones.. I suggest making an appointment with her for a future date once she returns.”

Abdul’s features crinkled into an unhappy expression as he released Skye; “To Sai? Why would going there be better? If you would prefer to visit the Fire Nation, I swear that you would be treated like a Queen..”

Lawrence furrowed his brow; “I never said that it was better, just that Skye is going there.”

“What could be better than breathtaking mountains, soothing rivers, and lush greenery?” Genie asked as he walked up to the group.

Abdul smirked; “Jin Laos: the Greatest Assassin to ever live. Well, almost.. There is one who rivals you. Or at least there was a long time ago. It’s a shame he is no longer. I imagine that you two would’ve gotten along quite well.. Except for him killing-”

“You go too far, Abdul.. Do you really wish to hang dirty laundry in such a public place? Because I can assure you that yours are Far dirtier..”

Genie’s outward appearance and voice seemed pleasant, but Skye recognized the murderous intent in his eyes. She knew that if something wasn’t done, then an international incident was going to happen. As if reading her mind, Shasta stepped forward..

“Genie! Just the man we needed! I require another set of eyes since Tidas is no longer available. Will you please come with us?” Shasta’s eyes narrowed on him, but she kept her face cheerful as she added; “Or do I need to drag you?”

Genie knew from the months that he’d spent in the palace that when Shasta had that specific look: No was Not an acceptable answer. He’d seen it dozens of times when he would drink with her, and he’d hit his limit. Looking at Abdul, then back to Shasta, Genie grinned broadly..

“How could I say no to that? I’d be happy to help..”

Turning towards Abdul, Genie smirked darkly as he said; “Be careful in the halls, my lord. We wouldn’t want an accident to happen now, would we?”

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