Dawning Skye

Chapter 481

481 Her Fall(Part Two)

“No! You can’t do that! I’m royalty! I’m the future Queen of Alcon! Let go!” Karena screamed as Draco grabbed her arms, and pinned them behind her back.

The gathered crowds were completely shocked by their King’s decision, and a few were even angry about it. Skye was common-born, and they felt relatively the same as Karena did about commoners being allowed into noble circles. Lucas Moonstone, for example, made them very nervous.

Skye was a unique situation because she turned out to have multiple traits, and extraordinary powers. But how she and Tidas had come to be betrothed in the first place is what bothered them the most..

Lucas had simply been doing his job when he’d saved King Magnus all of those years ago, but it had allotted the king the opportunity to get to know him as a person. They hit it off and became exceptional friends, and had stayed as such even after they had fought over a woman. Lucas became the wealthiest merchant in the capital in just a few short years thanks to the king’s friendship and support.

Because of that, Magnus agreed to several of Tidas’ reform laws, and even allowed him to build schools, orphanages, and public bathing houses. The commoners were being educated, which always turned out badly for the elites throughout history. Even the little that they knew.

If the common folk were recognized as the people that they were, then the nobles would lose rights over them. They wouldn’t be able to treat them like easily replaceable pieces, and use them until they break. Their nearly free labor would start to cost them, and if the third prince got his way, then their profits would drop by at least half.

To the nobles: the more distance between the classes, the better. And yet here they were, watching their future Queen being arrested and sent to the dungeons over a commoner. The gossip and speculations exploded all around, and the news spread faster than a wildfire. Within a few hours, the entire capital knew of Princess Karena’s imprisonment.

Many rejoiced that she’d finally been stripped of her power since she abused it so terribly. Any time Karena went to the markets, or out to eat with friends, she was a horror. Nothing was ever good enough, and everything had to be free because of who she was, or she threatened the proprietors.

The shop owners that complained to the palace were reimbursed, but many were too afraid of the Crowned Princess’ reach and repercussions. Her reputation from the servants that worked in the palace were even worse. The majority of common people didn’t care about the happenings and dramatics of the palace, until they found out that it was Skye that she had tried to hurt.


A few days after the incident, no one had heard any news about what was going to happen to Karena. Frustrated that another noble would get away with yet another terrible deed; the people gathered, and marched to the palace gates. Skye was shocked and confused as to why so many people would be outraged on her behalf, so Tidas explained..

“It’s because you’re a wonderful person,” he stated with a cheeky smile.

“Shut up! Dinna make fun of me!” Skye replied with pink cheeks.

Tidas’ grin turned soft as he looked at her; “I mean that, Skye. They’re here because a young woman took it upon herself to heal as many people as she could, without charging the ones who couldn’t pay. She saved their children, siblings, mothers, and fathers.. She protected the King against an assassin. She won the Mage Trials through hard work. She went to the Highlands and kicked ass-”

“I get it, I get it.. But still.. I dinna deserve this, and Karena didna hurt me. Have ya heard some of those rumors? Outrageous! One of ’em says Ima missin’ an arm, haha. How can people believe such nonsense?”

Tidas looked at Skye with an amused expression; “I don’t think they actually believe it since they’ve seen you walking, and riding around with all of your limbs intact. I think they just like the story because it furthers their narrative. People are generally easy to read, with the limited exceptions.”

Tidas’ face darkened slightly as he stared off into the crowds from a window. Skye instantly knew why, but asked just to make sure; “Have ya still not heard from Marco yet?”

“No, and that bothers me greatly.. How can he just leave his wife’s life hanging in the balance like this?! Even if it is Karena..”

Skye shrugged; “Tis a good way fer him ta get rid of her: make his da kill her, or send her away in exile. But what about the boys? What will happen ta them? I hope they dinna go wit her.”

Tidas shook his head; “No, they’ll stay where they are. My Father knows that Karena has barely had any contact with her own children for the majority of their lives. He won’t subject them to her wrath. And they’re still Marco’s heirs. My Father will keep them safe.”

“Good. But why hasna Marco sent word of his return? Or at least requested the trial be postponed? I think he’s tryin’ ta get rid of her,” Skye stated as they headed for the throne room.

Tidas sighed deeply with worry all over his features. He thought the same thing as his wife, but with one difference.. ‘I think I know who Marco wants to replace Karena with..’

Looking at Skye, he wondered if she thought the same, but couldn’t bring himself to ask. If Karena got to stay in Alcon, then it would cause her unnecessary tension. Skye felt guilty about the oddest things, and he didn’t want her to think that Karena was being banished over her instead of Karena’s own actions.

Tidas had asked during dinner after the incident if she had sensed any Ether and Dark magic coming from Karena, and she had said no. That meant that Karena had acted on her own, and deserved whatever punishment his father delt her. But there was something gnawing at Tidas about it all that he couldn’t shake..

‘This all just so happens while my brother is gone.. What if he came back, and tricked Karena? But how? Skye would’ve sensed his influence.. Unless he pre-programmed her like he did our Father..’

Tidas inhaled sharply as they entered the main hall, and made their way through the crowds. No one but Magnus and the royal court were allowed to enter except Karena, Skye, and the other three involved. As they neared the doorway, they could see Maevis slip in from near the ceiling.

Skye and Tidas shared an amused smile between themselves, then continued wading through the crowds. It didn’t help any that they were stopped every few feet by people attempting to strike up a conversation with them. It wasn’t until they’d reached right outside of the doors that the spectators changed from pleasantries to insults.

The majority of nobles not allowed inside were gathered near the front. As Skye and Tidas walked through, they heard an array of both rumors and insults. The insults were common enough now, so they didn’t bother them as much, but the rumors were getting on Tidas’ nerves.

Skye was used to being called a commoner whore or an overpowered monster, but most took care not to say such things in front of Tidas. He’d punched a noble before for insulting Skye in front of him shortly after they had first arrived. Since then, most kept quiet around him, but not today.

“Common trash!”



The insults came from every direction. Tidas was gritting his teeth so bad that he thought he might’ve cracked a tooth. A few men actually intentionally blocked their way until Tidas put his hand on the hilt of his sword. They moved to the side after that.

Lawrence and Shasta stood directly on the other side of the door talking with Draco. He seemed to be in an excellent mood, despite Karena’s pending trial. As they finished making their way through the crowd, Skye waved at the three and smiled brightly.

Draco straightened up and returned her gestures with a touch more enthusiasm than usual. Before the two approached, Lawrence whispered; “Wrong tree, my friend. That is a woman already deeply in love.”

Draco flashed him a small smirk; “I know, but that doesn’t stop my body’s reaction. I can simply enjoy looking. It’s all anyone else but him can do.”

Lawrence followed Draco’s gaze to a surly-looking Tidas. He was clearly angry about the ridiculousness behind him, and had every right to be. As he greeted Shasta and commented on how ‘people needed better entertainment’, Lawrence turned back to Draco..

“That is true. Just keep in mind that she’s happy. That should help,” Lawrence replied.

Draco looked at him with a confused expression, then laughed hard enough to where he had to use Lawrence to lean against. When he’d finally calmed, Draco turned towards Lawrence with a devilish grin; “I don’t necessarily care whether she’s happy or not. I’m not in love with her: I just find her extremely attractive.”

“...Sure. Whatever you say, friend. Anyway: how’s Karena doing? You visited her, correct?”

Again, Draco grinned devilishly before he replied to Lawrence; “Oh, I was her guard. She begged me to let her out, but I’m not getting executed for that bitch.”

Lawrence quirked an eyebrow at him; “So those rumor? Some were true?”

Draco sighed heavily; “More than I’d like.. The king knows it, too. Let’s just say that when Karena’s trial starts, most of you will wish for her execution..”

“What do you mean? What do you have to do with the trial? I thought that this was about her trying to hurt Skye?” Lawrence questioned, gaining everyone else’s attention as well.

Draco smirked; “Nope. This is a trial concerning All of her sins, not just her recent ones. I think Skye and Tidas will be particularly pissed off by my testimony.”

“Why? What’d she do?” Skye asked.

Draco flashed her his handsomest smile as he replied; “You’ll have to wait and hear, my fair princess. Just please keep in mind that I only followed orders. I’m a soldier: it’s what I do. But I also want to clarify right now that Prince Marco had no knowledge of her orders.”

Tidas stepped forward to partially block his view of Skye as he said; “I seriously doubt that..”

Draco made a ‘tsk’ noise, then replied; “You’ll hear all about it soon. She’s here..”

As the people parted, Karena came into view of the others. She looked tired, and had a prisoner dress on that looked dirty. The nobles either laughed at her, or swore that she would be okay.

As the guards crossed the threshold with her chains, Karena glared at Skye, and said; “I hope you’re happy now.. My husband is all yours..”

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