Dawning Skye

Chapter 478

478 The Audacity


Skye and Shasta parted ways with Lawrence, and barely made it down the hall ten feet before Karena came into view. Her face was scrunched, and her fists were balled as she stomped her way towards them. Both Skye and Shasta sighed heavily as they braced for the inevitable verbal impact..

“Do you two have Any idea how long I have been waiting?! How Dare you make Me, of all people, wait for You! I am the future Queen of Alcon! I have better things to do than to stand around all day like you lazy people!”

Shasta scoffed; “We’ve only been gone for a few hours, and we’re only about half an hour late. I bet that you’ve barely been waiting for five minutes..”

Karena glared at her as she came to a huffy stop in front of them; “The fact that you even have the Audacity to make me wait in the First Place-”

“We apologize, Karena. We were playin’ wit Zazzy out at her place, and lost track of time. We’re ready ta discuss yer dress alterations.”

Skye had cut Karena off, trying to keep her from blowing up, but all it did was infuriate her more. She had said all the right things that should’ve de-escalated the situation. But it was like Karena didn’t care about the apology at all; she just wanted to fight.

Huffing haughtily, Karena stared at Skye with contempt as she said; “You know, you really are utter trash. The only reason the king keeps you around is because you’re an overpowered freak of nature. The way you talk, the way you dress: simple commoner trash..”

“Your father was just doing his job on the night that Richard tried to kill Magnus. Why he took a liking to a drunken scum like him, I’ll never understand,” Karena flicked a random strand of her hair back with a self-satisfied expression as she finished.


Shasta let out a low growl in warning as Skye dug her fingernails into her skin. The air was tense as Shasta flicked her tail back and forth, and internally argued with herself about scratching Karena’s face up. As her smile stretched to an obnoxious level, Skye took a deep breath..

“I dinna care what ya say about me, but leave me Da out of it, understand? And dinna speak ill of Richard in front of me. Ye dinna ken the power the Ethereal Spear has. It wasna his fault-”

“I knew there was something wrong with you! How can you stand there and have the Nerve to defend a Traitor?! He should’ve been drawn and quartered as an example to future royals.. Don’t think I haven’t heard the rumors. You and your husband will Never rule Alcon.”

Karena’s face made Skye think of an evil stepsister from a story she’d read as a child. She was enjoying their reactions, and their attempt to stay ‘in the right’. As she tried to keep her breathing steady, Karena giggled..

‘If I can just get Skye to threaten me, then the maids that are trailing me can stand as witnesses to her abuse.. But I need to provoke her now, or someone will hear us..’

Karena shifted her weight, held her hand up, and pointed at Skye; “Commoners are meant to serve, not stand next to royalty. I bet the only reason Tidas puts up with you is because King Magnus ordered him to marry you. Look at you. He could have anyone he wants, but he’s Stuck with you. How long have you been married? Still no children..”

“I bet you can’t have any. Good.. The idea of you tainting royal blood is sickening,” Karena looked at Shasta; “And the gods made the right decision when it came to your kind..”

Shasta raised her arm and stepped forward, but Skye stopped her. A small smirk played at her lips as she looked back over at her sister-in-law. Karena instantly lost her smile as she recognized Skye’s cocky expression..

“Tidas and I are waitin’ ta have children til we’re ready ta share each other. We love one another greatly, and want a few years alone before we devote ourselves to our bairns. I willna feel bad fer me husband not treatin’ me like a brood mare..”

Before Karena could comment, Skye raised her voice as she continued; “And Lawrence Truly loves Shasta. He doesna care if they can have kids or not. And the twins adore Shasta like a mother, so it seems that the only one not in a happy relationship around here is you.”

Fury flashed across Karena’s face before she screamed; “You stupid commoner whore! How Dare you speak to me like that! You’re nothing! You’re lower than the dirt my servants clean off of my shoes! I have handbags worth more than you! You’re Nothing! And as soon as I’m Queen, I’ll have you drawn-”

“Princess Karena! Stop!”

The Skye and Shasta turned around to see a very perturbed Draco marching towards them. Karena didn’t look like she cared at first, then she recalled that he had left with Marco on the hunting trip. Confusion covered her features for a fleeting moment, then terror filled her eyes as she asked; “Is my husband home?”

“Not yet. He won’t be back until a few days before the Ruscovic King’s wedding. Good day Princess Skye, Princess Shasta,” Draco smiled as he greeted the other two, and stopped just a couple feet away from them.

As they said hello to him back, Karena’s face twisted with utter shock; “Why would you call that thing a princess?! That’s a horrible insult to Real princesses everywhere!”

“By the gods, you really wanna get hit today, don’t you?” Shasta had bent her ears back in anger as she’d spoken and glared at Karena.

“I apologize for my mistress’ attitude.. Is there anything that I can do to help?” Draco asked sincerely.

Karena scoffed; “You do not speak for me. You’re just a guard: nothing more. Remember your place.”

Draco took a calming breath, then locked eyes with her; “Prince Marco sent me here to handle three things, and the main one was to keep you out of trouble. While I technically hold no authority over you, Prince Marco does. And he will not tolerate you making a fool out of him again..”

Karena swallowed hard, then nodded sheepishly at Draco. She then glared at Skye and Shasta, who’s expressions had barely changed since seeing Draco walk towards them. The fact they they had seen her guard chastising her only added to her overall fury.

As Karena muttered insults under her breath, Draco bowed and congratulated Shasta on her upcoming marriage. She thanked him politely, then told him that they would simply send a list of acceptable dress styles, and that Karena could choose from them. They had wanted to go over the details with her, but welcomed the opportunity not to have to deal with Karena directly.

After Draco nodded in agreement, he offered Karena his arm, and bid the other two farewell. Servants ducked into rooms as they walked by, to avoid the Crowned Princess’ wrath. She and Draco had gone down the hall quite a bit before she stopped, and looked at he guard with still-smoldering anger..

“Do not Ever embarrass me like that again! Especially in front of those two! When we get back to my quarters, expect swift punishment.”

Draco nodded, but he didn’t speak. All he could focus on was his reward.. ‘I just need to deal with her for two more weeks.. Two weeks, and I’ll be free.. Maybe I’ll get lucky, and King Marco’s plan will work.. The sooner I get to kill her with my own hands, the better.. I wonder what kind of face she’ll make? How should I do it?’

A small smile tugged at the corners of his lips, infuriating Karena. She stopped and slapped him hard enough for it to echo down the hallway, making the two hidden servants flinch. As they fretted over whether or not to reveal themselves, Karena snapped at Draco..

“Do you find me amusing?! Do I look amused?! No? Then keep that smirk off of your face! You just earned five extra lashes..”

Draco gritted his teeth, and nodded in understanding.. ‘You go right ahead, you little bitch.. I can’t Wait to give you a taste of your own nastiness.. That’s it! When I go to kill her, I’ll strangle her. That way, I can watch she panic as the light fades.. It’s going to be hard to wait, but it’ll be worth it..’

Wiping the drop of blood from his split lip, Draco followed after his Princess with a dark smile...


Skye and Shasta watched as Karena and Draco disappeared around a corner, and sighed in relief. They had wanted to just send her the list of dress styles after they had picked her material, but knew that she would most likely just throw it away. However, since Draco had returned and would make Karena stick to their choices: they didn’t need to worry anymore.

The rest of their time was filled with final selections. The table cloths, centerpieces, place settings, and small gifts for the guests were mostly taken care of. The only thing that Shasta had left to decide on was her cake and topper.

The first couple of shops only had standard toppers, but Skye had managed to track down a shop that made custom ones. She had even helped design it so that the details would be spot-on. Shasta hadn’t seen it yet, so when she opened the box that Skye gave her as soon as they entered her quarters; he jaw dropped.

Tears gathered at the corners of her eyes as she gingerly held the figure in her hands; “I can’t believe you did this.. The details are amazing! I can’t believe it..”

Hearing a small sniffle, Skye offered Shasta a tissue as she replied; “Tis made of ceramic, so it’s fragile, but if cared for properly, it’ll last forever. Since we couldna find one ya liked, I commissioned this one made fer ya. Ima glad ya like it-ouch! Too much! Too much!”

Shasta had bear-hugged Skye mid-sentence, and was slightly crushing her as she yelled; “Oh my gosh, Skye! I can’t believe that you did this for me! It’s wonderful! Beautiful! Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

“...Am I interrupting something? If so: good,” Tidas joked as he came into the room.

Shasta partly released Skye as she replied; “You have the best wife! Look at this! I can’t believe she had this made for me! Isn’t it beautiful?! I’m so excited!”

Shasta’s tail was in overdrive as she’d spoken. It twitched like she’d stuck her hand into an electric socket, and Tidas could’ve sworn that he was hearing a light purr coming from her. As he chuckled at looked at Skye, Tidas commented; “Why do you think I married her?”

“I thought it was because our fathers betrothed us,” Skye quipped with a smirk.

Tidas grinned as he wrapped his arms around her, and said; “Betrothed or not: I knew that you were the one I’d marry after you pushed me down the first time we’d met..”

Skye barked a sharp laugh; “Ya knew at five that ye wanted ta marry me? Yer so full of it.. But I like it.”

As the two gave each other a sweet kiss, Shasta asked; “What are you doing here so early? I thought that the General’s meeting would run a lot later.”

Breaking away from his tempting wee wife, Tidas looked at her and replied; “Zas saved me after the first two hours. I’m here to take Skye, and get ready for dinner.”

Shasta quirked an eyebrow as he started to lead Skye out of the room; “That’s not for another two hours! It doesn’t take two hours to dress!”

As Tidas gently pushed Skye out of the door, Tidas grinned cheekily at her as he yelled back; “We have a meeting of our own to attend to!”

As the door shut behind them, Shasta stood in confusion a few seconds before she burst out laughing; “A ‘meeting’, huh? Horn dog..”

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