Dawning Skye

Chapter 465

465 Hunting Trip(Part Four)


Marco awoke the next day with a wide grin on his face. Dinner had been satisfactory, and he had enjoyed watching his guards mess with each other after he had explained their plan in detail. However, to Marco; the best part of the night was about to happen..

Sheri was sleeping next to him with her backside exposed. A wide grin spread across his face as he looked at the marks he’d left on her. He preferred women that resembled Skye, but Sheri made a decent substitute when his Choices were limited, or nonexistent like now.

Knowing how much she hated being his partner for the night made Sheri appealing to Marco. Using his Ether magic to make her want him, and seeing her struggle and give in to her desire was like his personal aphrodisiac. Seeing her stir, he laid perfectly still; waiting for the best part..

Sheri awoke with a a familiar pain throbbing throughout her body. She instantly knew that Marco had used her again, and she hated herself for it. It wasn’t like she could fight against the urge due to her shard, but she blamed herself for being weak every time it happened.

The effects were like a drug. Blurring her senses, and sending her into a state of euphoria at made it hard to recall the night the next day. As she stared at the ceiling of the tent, a soft, haughty laugh came from next to her.

As Sheri turned her head and looked at her king, Marco smirked; “Not that I’m complaining, because I’m not, but why do you make that face every time you wake up next to me? You enjoy it while it’s happening.”

Sheri grunted as she sat up, and grabbed her clothes; “It wouldn’t happen if the decision were Actually up to me.”

“Where’s the fun in that? It’s better to watch you...squirm. And again: I get to see that beautiful, pitiful face that you make,” Marco replied as he trailed a finger down her spine.


Sheri fought the mixture of disgust and lust as her back arched on it’s own. She hated that the shard in her neck made her unable to refuse him, and it would kill her if she tried to run away or remove it. The one time that she had decided to leave the kingdom, the shard had nearly killed her.

The week that had followed was hell, too. Doctor Stein did experiments on her during the day, and Marco would visit her at night. Sheri nearly went insane from the continuous mix of pain and pleasure. Her punishment was supposed to last two weeks, but she had been sufficiently broken within the first one.

After that, Sheri had resigned herself to her fate. The only reason that she hadn’t taken her own life was because she feared for Skye. The princess was the kindest, sweetest person that she had ever met, and the monster of Sheri’s dreams was after her..

As she and Marco dressed in silence, Draco tapped on the tent once before he pulled it open. He smirked at Sheri, who hadn’t put her shirt on yet. She huffed in irritation, then stood up and said; “Whatever you’re looking for: my tits aren’t it.”

“But they’re a happy discovery. A bit nippy this morning, is it? They’re quite perky-Ouch!” Draco bellowed as Sheri kicked his shin.

As he hopped around holding his shin, Sheri finished dressing, said; “Shut it, Draco,” then took off to was up for the day.

Marco chuckled as he dressed and emerged from the tent, and said; “Don’t pick at her. You know how she hates sleeping with me. But she will be ferocious in battle later.”

“If you know that she hates it, then why do make her?” Draco asked honestly as he stopped hopping.

Marco grinned darkly as he replied; “Because she hates it.. I’m her King. She should feel honored to give me pleasure, even if it’s minuscule and fleeting. I do love the look on her face in the morning. That utter expression of self-loathing is like coffee to me: it’s invigorating, to be honest.”

Draco nodded in agreement, even tough he didn’t. Being abused by Karena for years had left him sympathetic to women who suffered from unwanted attention and rape. Not enough to make him go against his King on her behalf, but he did feel sympathy for Sheri.

As she went towards the river, she passed Benzo as he said; “I’m curious: does he give you a treat after you raise you ass up for him, or is he the treat?”

Sheri whipped around while summoning water to her hand. It was another technique that Skye had showed her, and was supposed to be for self defense. As she pointed a blade made of water up at his throat, Sheri warned him; “Bring up what he does to me again, and I will kill you.”

Benzo grinned wickedly; “Oh? The bitch tries to bite when called out, huh?”

“Leave her alone, Benzo, and come help me with the last generator!” Doctor Stein yelled as he tugged at a cord to a massive hunk of metal.

“Alright, alright,” Benzo yelled back as he stepped back; “Tis bad luck to kick a Dog while it’s down, anyways.”

As soon as Benzo had left her alone, Sheri went to the small stream that they had found and were using as a water source. She grabbed a bucket with soap that she’d hidden inside of a nearby tree hallow, then scrubbed herself damn-near raw. Afterwards she still didn’t feel clean, but dried and dressed anyways.

Their breakfast was quick, consisting of only eggs, cheese, and ham slices between two pieces of bread. They each had about three to five sandwiches, then put their armor and, and readied themselves for battle. As they stood by waiting for their King’s orders, Norvis got the projectors up.

Even after defeating the Goblin King, it would take them many days and nights to subjugate all of the Fae in the forest. Many of them were nocturnal, and could only be caught or killed at night. Norvis had been awake most of the night monitoring and writing down the various types of Fae that he saw, and was crankily exhausted from it.

As Marco stood in front of his guards, he donned his usual deadpan expression as he started to speak; “Since it’s barely eight o’clock in the morning, we can’t do much until the evening time. That’s when the Fae in the forest will be the most active. For now, we’re going to do physical recon, and kill whatever we come across.”

“But keep in mind to do it quietly. We don’t need a horde of goblins and orcs to go on a rampage, and tear through our camp. If you can’t do it stealthily, then just wait until they pass. If there’s more than two, no one is to engage unless you Know that you can instantly take down both. Is this understood?!”

“Aye, sir!” they all yelled in unison.

Marco nodded in approval at his guards, then turned to face Norvis; “Do you have the communication devices up and running yet?”

A massive smile stretched across his face; “Yes, my King. They go across the back of your head, then those round nodes go into your ears. Aren’t I a Genius?!”

“Not as smart as Yeager,” Draco commented loud enough for everyone to hear.

Norvis stared daggers at Draco; “Fuck you! I AM smarter than him! The bastard’s just a smooth talker! Otherwise I would be the King’s head inventor!”

“...You Are your King’s head inventor,” Marco commented as he glared at Norvis.

Norvis flashed his King a panicked expression as he started to profusely grovel. Marco scared him more than anything, and he did everything that he could to avoid having his shard activated. His King rarely ever used it on him since Norvis basically got whatever he wanted, so seeing him in such a pathetic state was a treat for the others.

The pint-sized inventor often mocked the others whenever he saw Marco punishing them, so they all smirked and laughed as he writhed in pain. Marco glanced in their direction, which made the three immediately stop. As Norvis regained his composure, Marco turned back to him..

“Focus on your work, Norvis. And never forget who it is that you serve..”

“Aye, My King! I’m so, so sorry for offending you,” Norvis replied as he shrunk back, and got back to work.

As he handed out the communication devices, Norvis glared at them. Benzo and Draco didn’t care at all, but Sheri gave him a sympathetic look. Norvis scrunched his nose at her, not wanting pity from his King’s plaything.. ‘If it weren’t for Jeager, I never would’ve had to deal with these lunatics. As soon as Marco’s King: I’ll kill him.. Then Marco will Have to depend on me!’

As the thought crossed his mind, Marco called out; You all know where you’re supposed to search. After Norvis explains how to use the communicators, we start. Make sure to stay as quiet as possible, and don’t let anything make it back to the caves. I don’t want the Goblin King to find out what we’re doing until it’s too late.”

Everyone agreed, then listened to Norvis. As he went on, Sheri recalled Skye telling her about an invention that the ancients had created called ‘headphones’. They would use them mostly for entertainment purposes, but Norvis had clearly used the design for military application. It was both brilliant, and lazy to her, but she wasn’t about to say anything.

Norvis used to be nice to her, but that had changed while Skye and Tidas were in the Highlands. Yeager had received an award from King Magnus for improving the monitor system that ran throughout the kingdom. It was mainly used as an emergency broadcasting system, but also doubled as viewing screens for the Mage Trials and such.

The entire kingdom got to see the Fae Parade thanks to Jakub Yeager’s flying cameras. He and Skye had created them by studying Zazzy’s wing’s structure, but she didn’t want any credit, so Jakub received the award. Norvis had been furious since he had been working on a similar project, but his cameras were ground ones. All of the designs could be remotely operated, but Jakub’s was more advantageous.

As he explained how to use the equipment, Norvis added all of the reasons why his invention was better. At least until he saw the very unamused expression on Marco’s face. As he finished up and looked to his king, Marco smirked and called out; “Now that you know what to do, let’s go. I want those caves cleared out by morning..”

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