Dawning Skye

Chapter 445

445 Banquet Of Sycophants(Part One)

Tidas had been shocked to see Skye launch herself across the gap between the shields, but what had impressed him the most was her anticipation of his reaction. He told himself that it was because she knew him so well, but there were too many variables and calculations that she would’ve had to deduce within seconds. As she rolled off of him and the Barrier that they had crashed into, Tidas grinned at her with pride.

Seeing his smile, Skye quirked an eyebrow at him; “What’s that for? Ya seem awfully happy fer someone who just lost.”

“...Not happy.. Hurting.. Hurtin’ a lot..” the Highlander muttered.

Skye had accidentally kneed him in his gut when she’d gotten up, thinking that he was Tidas’ leg or the like. She only weighed around a hundred and twenty-five pounds or so. So her weight didn’t bother her husband at all. A man not expecting a gut shot, on the other hand..

“Oh shite! Ima So sorry about that! Yer last name be Caster, right? Ima so, so sorry-”

“Tis fine, lass. Ya didna do it on purpose.. But I wouldna mind a healin’ hand, if ya catch me drift?” the man replied, cutting of Skye mid-sentence.

She continued to apologize as she healed the ulcer that she had aggravated, and boosted his endorphins a bit to help with any residual pain. As she finished up, Magnus and his group came over with massive smiles on their faces..

“That was Incredible! I do believe that you two have gotten faster since going to the Highlands! Now I regret not waiting until after the Mage Trials to release you two to Genie. Sync might think twice after seeing you two in action,” Magnus practically bellowed as Skye and Tidas got to their feet.

Marco displayed the same placid expression on his face that he usually had, but inside; he was ecstatic. Skye was developing her powers much faster than he had anticipated, which meant that she was growing closer to her fully developed state as the Catalyst.. ‘She’s so close to the first edge.. She may need a push to get her next trait.. I need to make adjustments to my calculations..’


As the thoughts were filed away in Marco’s mind for later, he glanced at his youngest brother. Tidas was standing with his arm about Skye’s shoulders; smiling like he was the victor. It annoyed Marco that a dunce like him had been married to Skye in the first place, but the arrangement had allowed him to keep track of her more easily.

Marco had always known Skye’s true parentage, and had kept an eye on her throughout her childhood. Watching her learn and grow as the years ticked by.. Until Marco was able to begin the plan that he had been working on since the age of eight..

‘Lucas may have ruined my chances of an early rein, but there’s no one to stop me once those two leave.. They know that I’m up to something.. Otherwise they wouldn’t be having the Fae watch me. But it’ll be too late by the time they even get word of what I’m doing publicly..’

Marco couldn’t stop himself from glancing at Skye. He was so close to his plan coming to fruition that he couldn’t contain his excitement. Right as their eyes met, he grinned at her..

A deathly chill had instantly run up her spine, making Skye lean into Tidas’ side instinctively. He was talking with the king, so he thought that she was just snuggling into his side. The only one who had seen the devil’s grin other than Skye was Murdoc.

The Highlander King came up to Skye’s side, and glared at the Crowned Prince. He nodded at Murdoc like he had just given him a friendly wave, inciting the Highlander King to stick his middle finger up at Marco with a similar smile. He stopped grinning after that, and focused on Tidas’ explanation of how he wanted to implement a new training plan based off of the game.

The crowds were in a tizzy over Skye and Tidas’ match. They couldn’t believe how fast the two had been, and made numerous comments about how well they suited each other. A handful of people were saying that the only one who Might be better suited to be Skye’s partner was Marco.. But the ones saying such nonsense were all Marco’s minions.

As the guards and servants put the banquet room back to normal, servers started to trickle out with refreshments and appetizers. The few barrels of mead that the Highlanders had brought were served, but most of the highest ranking nobles didn’t drink any. They considered it swill compared to the whiskey that many had received from Lucas Moonstone as random gifts over the years.

Murdoc had brought a barrel of similar whiskey with as well, but that was supposed to be specifically for him and the king. He had planned on getting Tidas’ father outrageously drunk, then discuss a few things with him. From his true intentions towards the Highlands, to what he thought about his oldest son.

Murdoc found it hard to believe that Magnus could turn a blind eye to Marco’s deeds as often as he did. Skye and Tidas had told him that Marco was manipulating him with his Ether magic, but Murdoc knew that there must’ve been signs that he ignored beforehand. Even if he was unaware of the manipulation, there would be things that should’ve conflicted with his moral standings, and made him realize that something was wrong..

‘If he’s intentionally ignorin’ Marco’s behavior just cause they be family, then I dinna think this alliance will last past the fall.. I willna risk my people wit a lavvy heid, or his rocket of a son..’

As Murdoc’s face soured, Amara touched his arm and spoke low; “Ya look scary when yer face is all scrunched like that...and old.”

Shifting his expression, Murdoc smirked at her as he replied; “I look ta be in me twenties! What ya mean ‘old’?! Yer in yer six-Ouch! Who treats their king like that?!”

Amara narrowed her eyes on him; “What King acts like a bairn the way ya do?! Now stop bein’ so whingy, congratulate Skye, and sit down!”

They had been speaking low enough that anyone not trying to hear them wouldn’t. King Murdoc had a humorous, tough-guy reputation building, and Amara didn’t want to undermine it. The tougher that the Alconian people viewed the Highlanders as, the fewer issues they should have later.

Murdoc had always been a very charismatic person, and stuck out without a crown. Those that had interacted with him had liked him so far, but people’s opinions were easily swayed. If it looked like Amara was being disrespectful to her own King, then his barely established standing could be compromised, and the Highlands seen as weak or vulnerable.

Understanding what was on the line, Murdoc and Amara immediately went back to having happy faces, but those that knew them could see that they were utterly fake expressions. Skye and Tidas glanced at each other, then asked the King if they could eat.

Magnus knew that the quickest way to replenish magic was to eat, and assumed that hunger was their only motivation for wanting to start dinner. It was already running around forty minutes late due to the Shields game, so he saw no reason to delay any further.

The servants were ready and waiting with massive trays in hand. Each was piled high with varying kinds of enticing dishes. The aromas that began to fill the room caused Skye’s stomach to burn, and her mouth to water. Her head darted back and forth as she looked over the dishes being passed about around her.

Roasted elk, chicken, and a whole pig were being carved off upon request, and offered with a choice of gravy. Every version of potatoes Skye could think of were passed around to guests, followed by baked squash and sweet potatoes, then mixed greens. The squash dish had been seasoned with simple butter and brown sugar, which Skye always thought made it closer to a dessert than a side dish.

By the time she had sat down, Skye had no idea what she wanted to eat first: just that she wanted to eat a lot. She’d barely been able to breath since they’d gotten home, and they would only be there less than a month now. As she started to load up her plate from the trays passing by, Skye scanned the room for Genie..

She didn’t see him right away; most likely due to him not wanting Skye to find him. His presence was unmistakable to her, so she eventually spotted him at a table with the newly arrived Zas. They were talking about something that had Zas’ tail whipping back and forth like an irritated house cat.

It was strange to see either of them show anger, so when Genie’s face scrunched for a moment, both Zas and Skye flinched. He looked a completely plain person that one wouldn’t even think about passing on the street. But the anger he had just shown to Zas reminded Skye that he wasn’t just Genie, but Jin Laos..

As Skye finished off her third plate of food, Tidas said; “You’ve been staring at Genie off and on for the passed half an hour. Is there something I should be worried about?”

Skye quirked an eyebrow at her husband; “What do ya mean by that?”

Tidas paused a moment before he answered; “Are you angry at him? Do I need to be angry at him for something, too?”

Skye sighed; “Sorry about that, love. The way ya said it-ya know what? Just-nevermind.. I just wanna ask him a few questions is all. But I know he’s gonna try and dodge me.”

Tidas took a bite of his chicken as he thought, then replied with an eureka expression; “How about you ask him a few non-sensitive questions where he can’t run away?”

Skye set her fork down; “What do ya mean, husband? Elaborate..”

Tidas leaned to his side, and whispered in his wife’s ear like they were flirting. It was common to see between them, so not many paid attention to them whenever they did it. As Tidas sat back into his seat, Skye smirked devilishly..

“Remind me ta stay on yer good side, husband. Yer quite tricky when ya wannabe.”

Tidas smiled genuinely at Skye; “You are my good side, love. I’d probably be a terrible person without you to motivate me.”

Skye scoffed; “Dinna go thinkin’ that a wee bit of sweet talk is gonna get you yer reward. Ya lost, love. Looks like you’ll have ta earn it some other way.”

Tidas wiped his mouth with his napkin, set it down, then leaned over to her to whisper; “Oh, I’ll earn it.. And it’ll be tonight..”

Right as the two went to kiss, someone cleared their throat from behind them. Tidas looked behind to see Petrie with a smirk, which confused the prince a bit until the Highlander said; “I hope ya two weren’t plannin’ on leavin’ early..”

“...Why?” Skye asked with a touch of annoyance in her voice due to being interrupted.

Petrie gestured to the crowds of people in front of them; “Cause there’s no way that ya two are gettin’ outta here without some panderin’.. See those two lines formin’ over there? Like ten people each already, right? Aye.. Those be the ones wantin’ ta ask ye two fer a dance..”

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