Dawning Skye

Chapter 439

439 Dance Of The Shields(Part Two)

Murdoc’s vision was blurred, but he could never mistake Skye’s smell and warmth. He thought that he was having the most vivid dream of his life when he’d finally focused, and saw her above him with a relieved smile. Right as he mumbled and reached up for her cheek, Skye’s expression deflated..

When she pushed his head from her lap and got up, the slight drop jarred Murdoc awake. Skye’s Shaman trait astounded him every time she used it, especially when it came to delicate places like the head. He didn’t understand it all, but he admired the knowledge, time, and skill that Skye had to have to be so capable.

As the crowds whispered amongst themselves about the connection between the Highlander King and Princess Skye, Tidas helped him up. When he was on his feet, Murdoc went to thank the prince for the hand, but saw him staring at his wife. It wasn’t unusual for him, but the look on Skye’s face was almost scary.

Murdoc had never seen her with a look of murder about her before, and was unsettled by it. As he followed her deadly gaze, the Highlander King realized why she looked ready to kill..

Marco was staring right back at Skye with his usual deadpan expression, but there was something in his eyes that rubbed Murdoc the wrong way. It was a mix of pride, amusement, and dominance that Skye was refusing to back down from. Murdoc didn’t understand right away, but realized the source of Skye’s anger the second he thought about the round of Shields that he’d just played..

‘Does she ken he just tried ta kill me? Wouldna surprise me if she did.. Guess Skye was right about him havin’ magic after all..’

As the thought passed, Murdoc placed a hand on Skye’s shoulder and whispered; “Ya keep starin’ daggers at him like that, and yer gonna stir the pot, ya ken? Dinna worry, me sweet. A tadger like him ain’t gonna take me out.”

“Not himself, anyway,” Tidas muttered low so only the two of them could hear.

“What do ya mean by that?” Murdoc asked him, but Magnus called for Tidas to play his turn.


The Highlander King called after him, but Tidas practically jogged away. Leaving Murdoc with a disgruntled expression on his face. Skye patted his shoulder out of sympathy, and suggested that they go watch her husband win.

Murdoc nodded in agreement, then asked with a raised eyebrow; “How do ya know that he’ll win?”

Skye grinned cheekily; “Cause no one wants ta dance wit me more than me husband..”

“...I wanna dance wit ya, too,” Murdoc stated in a childish tone, which made Skye smile.

As they reached the edge of the crowds, Skye lightly smacked the side of his arm as she said; “I think I can get away wit dancin’ wit ya even though ya lost. Bein’ king has it’s perks.”

Murdoc chuckled loudly, drawing Tidas’ attention. He didn’t like how Skye was smiling at him, but he shook it off. He’d been having issues with controlling his negative thoughts since they’d fought his uncle, and Tidas recognized that he was thinking irrationally.

It wasn’t bad at first, but since he’d stepped foot in the palace again, his thoughts and urges were becoming stronger.. ‘We’ve only been home for two days now, and I can feel the difference.. Is it because I’ve always found the court to be a cesspool of depravity? Or is it someone trying to influence me?’

As the thought crossed his mind, Tidas looked at his oldest brother. Marco was talking to Karena, who looked like she was angry over something again. As the two talked back and forth, Tidas pushed his thoughts aside, and focused on the game at hand..

Tidas found John Saulsberry to be a decent young man, albeit overly enthusiastic about most things in life. Tidas found him to be a source of energy for the rest of the troops, while Shasta and Zas generally thought of him as annoying. Not so much Zas, but Shasta had flat-out told him on multiple occasions.

Johnny, as he preferred, didn’t mind it since he thought that ‘the VC was a stick in the mud without a buzz’. He was considered a kind of class clown, and always made others smile with his antics.. Except his commanding officers.

As Tidas climbed up onto a shield, he watched Johnny get up onto one with more ease than he had expected. As they started to hop from shield to shield, Johnny moved similarly to how Tidas was, and caught up to him much quicker than he had anticipated.

Johnny grinned mischievously as he yelled; “Sorry Commander, but I really wanna beat you at something! And having your trait sealed is my best chance!”

As Tidas dodged an elbow to the face, then kicked him as he flipped, Johnny nearly toppled. After fixing his footing, he grinned and picked up his pace to close the growing gap between him and Tidas. While the crowds cheered them on, Marco had finished his conversation with his wife, and had returned to watching the game..

He didn’t outwardly show it, but when Johnny had mentioned his ‘best chance’ of beating Tidas, Marco had an idea pop into his head.. ‘The sealing cuffs.. That could work.. I wasn’t planning to use them until he was put into the dungeons, but that should make the job easier for Zas when the time comes..’

As the thought crossed his mind, Marco found it hard to keep the smile off of his face as he glanced at Skye...


Tidas was struggling against Johnny far more than he had anticipated. The lad was quicker on his feet that a Tamer usually was, and he seemed to have an excellent center of balance. As he tried to think of a reason that the lad wold be so adept, it hit him..

“You grew up on a farm, didn’t you Johnny?!” Tidas yelled as he closed in on him from behind.

In between huffs, Johnny replied; “Aye sir! My mother married into wealth after my father passed! I grew up hopping around on fence posts that are half the size of these!”

As Johnny finished speaking, he pivoted on his foot, and tried to knock Tidas from his shield. Seeing his arm raised, Tidas had instantly taken a step back. The man holding the shield faltered for a moment, and tilted it to the side..

The crowds froze as they watched the two competitors fall, and hit the ground hard. Skye rushed forward again to check their injuries, but both wouldn’t have more than a few bruises. As they got up, Magnus called for Shasta to announce who the winner was..

Shasta looked between the two men and took a breath to speak, but Johnny called out first..

“I lost fair and square! I fell when I tried to kick the Commander! Congratulat-Ouch! Why?!” the lad screamed as Shasta yanked on his ear.

“Did King Magnus ask You to announce the winner?! No! Don’t forget I control your PT.. Do you want to be doing nothing but running for the next month?!”

“No Mam! Sorry Mam!” Johnny bellowed out of habit.

As a satisfied grin covered Shasta’s face, Tidas chuckled and said; “He’s just enthusiastic, Shasta. There’s no need to threaten him.”

As a subtle growl escaped her, the next contestants stepped up. Wallace was going against a man named Winston Fredricks. He was the son of a wealthy merchant, non-magical, and had participated in the Summer Games the past three years. Theirs was the longest match so far, and Wallace only won by a hair of experience.

“Ima gettin’ too old fer this shite,” he commented grumpily as Skye healed a cracked tailbone and fractured wrist.

“Tis better played back home. Mead Hall’s floors are designed wit the game in mind. Here, tis just hard ground ta land on.”

Skye could feel her cheeks growing flush, but she didn’t say anything.. ‘I suppose I coulda changed the floors ta make’em soft ta land on, but I didna think of it.. No one else did either, though.. So I should be fine.. I always forget how convenient me powers are..’

As Skye inwardly chided herself, Magnus called for the next round to start. The next two sets of competitors seemed slow, but had gone by quicker than the others: there just hadn’t been any action. Michael Felix wasn’t bad, but both he and Jarod Herod were both mages.

They were used to using their traits, and Herod wound up falling from a shield before Felix could get to him. The round between Douglas Gallaway and Oliver Strong was a bit more interesting, but still relatively short. Gallaway was a veteran soldier, and a Sergeant in the RMC, so his reaction time due to his experience earned him a win.

As the competitors all stood talking about the difficulty of the game, Magnus called out to everyone; “With the first rounds completed, I’d like to offer up a toast to the participants before we draw to see which fighters go first! Never have I seen a more...challenging game! I believe that it will benefit our military to use as a training scenario! I thank King Murdoc for introducing us to this game of champions!”

Marco walked over and stood next to Magnus as he spoke to the crowds; “Well said, Father. I’d like to suggest that it also be added to the Summer Games! As well as the participation of the Highlanders! Many of our games originated from the same places and people! I say we enjoy them together! As our ancestors did!”

The crowds erupted with applause and cheers for their future king, except for Skye, Tidas, and the Highlanders themselves. Petrie had explained Alcon’s Summer Games, and they were nearly the exact same as the ones they played at their Summer Solstice Festival. It was a good idea to build camaraderie between the two kingdoms, but the fact that Marco had suggested it made them worry.

Skye walked over to Tidas’ side and whispered; “He’s up ta somethin’..And we might not be here ta stop him.”

Tidas took a deep, calming breath before he replied; “Oh, we’ll be here. We’ll make that clear to Genie when we talk to him later. If we’re not finished with whatever he needs you for by next year’s games: we’re still coming home. If he can’t understand that, then he can just-”

“I can just what?” came a familiar voice from directly behind Tidas.

He’d reflexively put his arm up to elbow him in the face, but Genie already had his hand up as Tidas practically yelled; “Will you Stop with the Ninja thing when we’re in public!”

Genie smirked; “But that is when it is easiest to be sneaky. And I love the face you make when I do this. Reminds me of when you were young.. And I was young-er.”

Skye wanted to smile at their banter, but she was too fixated on her upcoming match. When Genie saw her expression, he asked what was bothering her. Tidas clenched his jawline as he answered in her stead..

“She’s just focusing.. Regardless of the order: Skye plays against Marco next..”

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