Dawning Skye

Chapter 422

422 Selfish Motivations

Tidas wanted so badly to deck his oldest brother, but wouldn’t do it in front of his father. Lawrence saw his youngest brother’s simmering fury in the form of clenched fists, and knew that if he didn’t intervene, then Tidas and Marco would most likely start a fist fight as soon as they were alone.

Fully knowing that it would cause issues for him later, Lawrence still suggested that Tidas accompany them back to their father’s parlor. They were finishing up the final copy of the treaty with the Highlands, and ‘could use his opinion’ since he knew their dispositions the best. He also suggested that Skye take Shasta shopping during his absence..

Lawrence’s main objective was to make Shasta feel better. She had been so excited to have a wedding since she had never imagined herself ever getting married. Deep down, Shasta never thought that someone would Want to marry someone like her, and had given up on the idea at a very young age.

Now, she was marrying the man of her dreams.. But the event had quickly turned into a nightmare for them. Karena had tried and succeeded at taking over the wedding, and didn’t like anything that Shasta had picked. Every decision was made for her, despite adamant protests..

While Shasta wanted different shades of yellow chrysanthemums against white, Karena wanted red and purple roses against off-white. Shasta had requested simple foods that people could eat throughout the night, but Karena had changed it to a ‘proper’ five-course meal. Everything from the music to the attire, to the vows they would say during their wedding ceremony: Karena had final say over all of it.

Shasta had stopped caring about the wedding completely, and had been utterly focused on making Karena’s job as difficult as possible. If she was going to ruin the best day of Shasta’s life, then she was going to have to deal with a hellcat for it.

Lawrence wanted Shasta to make happy memories on their wedding day, but he was starting to doubt that they would even attend. It would infuriate his father, but Lawrence was a king in his own right, and refused to tolerate his future wife and Queen being mistreated..

Walking over to his father with Shasta at his side, Lawrence spoke with a steeled voice; “I understand that she is yet an Alconian, but after our wedding, Shasta Will be the Queen of Ruscovic. If she is treated with so little respect from here on out by Anyone, I will break our agreements, and take her straight to my kingdom. I will never fight against Alcon, but Ruscovic will never aid Alcon in any way again.”

Everyone in the room was shocked into silence. No one had expected Lawrence to threaten his ties to the kingdom in general.. Except Tidas and Skye. They understood how deeply Lawrence and Shasta loved each other, and knew that the situation was bound to lead to this..


Skye shifted closer to Tidas and whispered; “Damn.. We weren’t quick enough. I was gonna talk to yer da while ye were at that meetin’, but I guess I lost me chance now. Whatever I say: back me, ya?”

Tidas nodded in the positive, giving Skye her cue to interrupt Magnus and Lawrence’s argument. The old king was going off about their family bond while Lawrence was yelling about how blood wasn’t the only family he had now. Shasta’s ears were slightly bent as she internally freaked out over the turn of events.

She was both happy that Lawrence was defending her, and upset that he was threatening to just ‘take her away’ without talking to her about it first. Shasta knew that Ruscovic would eventually be her home, but not until she was confident that Skye could handle her duties as Vice Commander in all of the rank’s capacities.

As Skye walked up to her and the father-son MacArthur pair, Shasta wondered if she could handle the harsh side to being a commander.. ‘She’s too na?ve for a position that involves politics on occasion..’

As Skye looked between the two men, her balled-up fists went to her hips as she tore into them; “What the blood hell are ye two thinkin?! Ye don’t talk about such things here! Not with so many gawkers out there listenin’ in..”

Skye focused on Lawrence with a skeptical expression; “Yer not dumb enough ta cut ties wit yer da.. Alcon provides over thirty-five percent of yer grains and vegetables. What would ye do without the trade deals? Go to Ital? Ye would still have ta send the supplies through Sync waters, and they willna think twice about raidin’ ships bound fer Ruscovic.”

Lawrence grimaced, but he didn’t say anything; Skye was right in her evaluation. Lawrence would never break ties with his father, and he would never ally with Alcon’s enemies. Magnus wasn’t just his father, but a fair king, which is far more than he could say for most of the other kingdoms.

With Meccano possibly aligning with Sync, and Ital a known ally already, it didn’t leave Lawrence many options. He could attempt trades with the Highlanders, but since they were fans of Skye and Tidas, he had no idea if they would be open to the kind of broad-scope trading he would need. Rightfully flustered by Skye’s chiding, Magnus puffed up his chest in victory.

When he flashed a small smile, it set Skye off on a mini-tirade; “Don’t ye go lookin’ so pleased wit yer self there, Maggie. Are ye goin’ daft in yer old age?! Why the Hell would ye put that witch in charge of Shasta and Lawrence’s wedding?! All this strife is Your fault!”

Magnus narrowed his eyes at Skye; “Watch your tone with me, lassie. I’m your King and Father-In-Law-”

“Exactly!” Skye cut him off, and moved to be just a few inches from him as she snapped at him; “Everyone knows that Shasta and Karena dinna get on! They hardly get along wit Anyone! WHY would ya put her in charge Without talkin’ it out wit Shasta? Or Lawrence?! Son or not: he’s an allied King, aye? Shouldn’t you have respected his request ta remove Karena’s authority?!”

Magnus genuinely looked a touch afraid at the anger reflected in Skye’s golden eyes. He had instinctively taken a step back when she started to yell, and couldn’t think of a valid enough reason to tell her that wouldn’t earn him her ire again. If he told her that he was tricked like an idiot by Karena into thinking that they were friends, she would definitely tear into him..

‘I did know better, I just didn’t want to deal with it then.. Karena is in much more danger than she realizes right now, and her character is making it very hard to want to save her again..’

As the thought passed Magnus’ mind, Marco burst out laughing from near the doorway. It was a hardy, bone-chilling laugh that had sounded like it had come from a supervillain. As the five turned and looked at him, Tidas gritted his teeth..

After he had regained control of himself and returned to his unflappable expression, Marco apologized for his outburst, then said; “It’s just amusing to see how honest a person can be. Even when faced with a king.”

Skye locked eyes with him; “Isna the King the one person everyone should be the most honest wit?”

Marco’s expression didn’t change as he replied; “That is true, but I assume many people lie because they want something.. Take my wife, for example..”

As he kept talking, Marco slowly started to walk towards Skye; “She lied about being Shasta’s friend to my Father because she wanted to plan the wedding. It’s rumored that it’s going to be the Wedding of the Century because the Fae Royals, and the Highlanders will be attending. She was motivated by self-interest, as are most people..”

As he came closer to Skye, Tidas went to her side near his father, and waited with white knuckles as Marco continued to both move and speak; “Very few do things that don’t serve their own interests, unlike you.. Tell me, sister: why do you go around healing people without asking for payment? Why help those that do nothing to contribute to society?”

Skye took a deep breath, trying to calm the firestorm within her. All she wanted to do was hit him as he came within inches of her. Tidas went to move in front of her, but Skye grabbed his wrist, and gently motioned to him to stay back.

Skye locked eyes with him once again, and replied with a confident tone; “Did ye ever stop ya think that maybe most of those people Want ta be a part of society, but society makes it impossible fer them ta jump in without help? Maybe if ye were a bit more like yer brother, ye would know yer people better.”

A small flash of anger streaked across Marco’s eyes, but it was quickly replaced by amusement. It was obvious that she was trying to get a rise out of him with her comment, but Marco wouldn’t play with Skye just yet..

“I know the people that employ, house, and care for the general masses. And it seems that the only places that have vagabond problems are here in the capital, and now Dragonhorn is starting to have issues. It’s rise in popularity has created an equal rise in crime, and attracted a variety of unsavory people.”

Marco looked at Skye with his head slightly tilted as he asked; “Tell me, sister.. Would you save a man who was dying from a stab wound after he had just assaulted a woman? Or would you let him die?”

Tidas and Lawrence were both about to say something to their asshole of a brother when Skye replied; “I was never one ta interfere with the complexities of karma.. Which we All deal with eventually. Ye might wanna keep that in mind yer self..”

“Skye! Watch what-”

“It’s fine, Father. I admit that I am no Angel, although I’m told that I come close in certain aspects,” Marco had stared at Skye as he’d spoken.

“Wasn’t the Devil a fallen angel in one of those ancient religions?” Shasta muttered, but no one had heard her.

Feeling the tension in the room rising, Magnus stated; “Enough of this foolishness, we have too much work to finish before the banquet. Tidas, come with us and tell us if the treaty matches with the agreed upon terms. Skye, take Shasta shopping for whatever you two need for the wedding. You’re in charge of it now.”

Skye and Shasta looked at each other, then beamed as they thanked Magnus, then bowed. Marco had moved away from Skye, but had kept his eyes on her nearly the rest of the time until she and Shasta had left. As Magnus and Lawrence talked about the difficulties that Karena had put Shasta through, Tidas and Marco walked side by side down the hallway.

At first they were silent, but Marco soon spoke first by asking; “What did you wish to talk about at that meeting today?”

Tidas gritted his teeth; “You should know what..”

Marco shrugged like it was nothing, then started to pick up his pace when Tidas asked in a low voice; “What did an eight year old you want with the Ethereal Spear?”

Stopping in his tracks, Marco turned and glanced at his brother flatly as he replied; “Excalibur wasn’t available to me..”

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