Dawning Skye

Chapter 415

415 As Long As We’re Together(Part One)


Maevis and Skye discussed a story passed down from the Undines about their original world. While they chatted, Nicolas and Tidas talked about the Fire Nation. It was a closed continent due to it’s raised sea walls. Hardly any moisture passed the ever-rising shelf, making the majority of the continent a desert.

There were stories and tomes saying that it used to be lush and green. Half of it having trees, then transitioned into a rainforest, then a flat-out jungle the father south one went. The central East had a small desert in the past, but it had expanded and devoured the continent as it rose in elevation.

Now, there was one kingdom surrounded by never-ending sand and rock, or so it was rumored. The wildlife was limited, but enough to support Nomadic Tribes that basically lived on the backs of horses and camels. They traveled to various oases that had been used by their ancestors.

As Tidas listened to Nicolas’ tale, he couldn’t imagine a land made of nothing but sand. He loved the lush, green fields and forests of Alcon. Not even the Highlands could compare to his home in his mind, and the mountains had been breathtaking during the end of winter.

One night while Skye and Tidas were spending time with Zazzy, they looked up to see an array of vibrant colors above them. All three stood awestruck as they watched greens, purples, and pinks mix and dance together across the star-spattered sky. It wasn’t until the next day that Petrie told them what they were.

“We call’em Mirrie Dancers, but ’twas called the Aurora Borealis by the ancients. They’ve also been referred to as the Northern Lights, too.”

Skye had heard of the Northern lights before, but they were nothing compared to what they had seen. Fascinated by them, she had automatically made Petrie show her where he had gotten his information from. It was there that Skye had delved into the Highlanders’ knowledge of geography, and the Earth’s electromagnetic field.

She spent three days locked away researching until she had exhausted the Highland library on the subject. There was something about it all that made her think of the Great Shift. Based on what she had learned from her dreams, Skye thought that there was a connection between the Earth’s magnetic field, and how the ancients had tampered with the fabric of space/time.


It was just a guess, but she thought that the ancients may have used the field created by the electromagnetics like a two-way mirror..

They were merely trying to glance at the other side, but had torn a hole in the two realities. When the magnetic fields were exposed to one another while occupying the same space, they acted like magnets: attracting each other, and ultimately causing an extinction level event.

The ancients’ various government systems had several bunkers with every kind of seed imaginable. After the first humans had re-emerged, they began re-planting, which attracted wildlife that had survived. Skye assumed that based on the ledgers; plant life hadn’t been completely snuffed out. Otherwise the surviving humans wouldn’t have been able to go out to plant anything.

Skye wished that tomes pertaining to the Great Shift were more specific and direct, but the information was scattered. If it weren’t for the dreams she’d had, Skye wouldn’t be able to figure out what had really happened. Not without living several lifetimes dedicated to nothing but reading.

She had told Tidas how much she wished that humans lived as long as Fae. After flashing him a sour face, Skye retracted her statement when she realized that it meant that people like Marco would also live longer. Tidas grimaced as his brother’s image popped into his mind..

“Don’t worry about it, laddie. The Undines and Merfolk are happy to help. They get to keep whatever they find and like from the wreckage of the ships, so it’s a win-win situation for them,” Nicolas said as he watched Tidas shift his demeanor again.

“Sorry about that, Nic.. You were saying something about Mermaids? Really? ..Is there any fairytale creature that doesn’t exist?”

Nicolas chuckled; “Well, the stories had to come from somewhere, right? Is there a certain one that you don’t want to be real?”

Tidas shifted uncomfortably in his seat; “Honestly? Gremlins. A story that one of my nannies had read to me when I was a wee terror hasna left the back of my head all of these years,” Tidas replied with a far-off look in his eyes.

Nicolas laughed loudly enough to draw Maevis and Skye’s attention. Right as they were going to ask what was so funny, Peggy told them that she was off to bed. It was far passed her usual bedtime, and she was already going to be a crank tomorrow..

“Magnus asked me ta help wit the feast fer the celebration on the morrow. Apparently we got quite a lot ta celebrate, thanks ta ye two.. Peace, justice-speakin’ of: how’s Marie doin’? She was awfully worried while ye two were away.”

Tidas looked down as Skye answered for them both; “We were plannin’ ta go see her in the mornin’.. There’s some delicate things that we need ta tell her about..”

As Skye told them about Petrie’s sister, Tidas went into the bathroom, and started his nighttime routine. He didn’t want to think about his uncle, or the unbelievable discussion that they were going to have to have with his Aunt Marie tomorrow. After stripping down and climbing into the shower, Tidas lost himself in his thoughts..

‘I cannot believe that father agreed to Genie’s scheme! Well, I do...But I don’t! I’m the bloody Commander of the RMC, and Skye is a brand new General. She hasn’t even had the proper training yet! Damn that Genie! He ruined so many plans!’

Tidas recalled the multiple discussions that he and Skye had while in, and after they had left the Highlands. They originally didn’t want to have any children yet, but Magnus’ precarious health made Tidas brooch the subject. They had decided that after Skye completed her training, they would try for their first child..

‘Can’t do that now! Skye doesn’t want to risk our child’s life in Sai, and I agree with her. If we’re going there because Mei and her father are in danger, then our unborn child certainly wouldn’t be safe. And Skye would barely be able to defend herself..’

‘Why does Genie need our help, anyway?! Mister Master Ninja my arse! And why do the Senators want to see Zazzy so badly?! They could just take turns traveling here to see her: why do we Have to go there?’

Right as Tidas’ thoughts started to run amuck, he felt a familiar hand on his back. Not even turning his head, Tidas knew that it was Skye. He was expecting her to come in and tell him when everyone had left, but he didn’t expect her to climb into the shower with him..

Excited, confused, and aroused by her nakedness, Tidas turned his head, and asked; “To what do I owe this pleasure?”

Skye smiled as she wrapped her arms around him and replied; “Shut it.. I know I already bathed, but the others left, and yer too temptin’ ta pass up, husband. Plus, ya need me ta wash yer back, don’t cha?”

Tidas chuckled lightly as he embraced Skye back, and said; “Aye, but you didn’t need to get in to do that. What do you really want, wife?”

Skye smirked; “An ear ta listen, a back ta scrub, then maybe another part of ya once all’s said and done.. But that depends on what ye say.”

Tidas grinned and turned to look at his wife; “What did you want to ask?”

“Why do ye think Genie waited til we came back ta tell us about Mei? And why would he use yer da ta try and force us ta go? He knows I would anyways cause of Mei, so why the extra steps?”

Tidas’ expression deflated; “I thought you were going to ask...fun questions. Give me a minute to let the blood return to it’s proper places..”

As Skye laughed, Tidas focused on her questions..

“I don’t understand why Genie waited to tell us, either. The only thing I can think of is that he didn’t want to make you choose between helping me, and saving Mei. We definitely wouldn’t have survived without you, Skye.”

“Thank ya fer sayin’ that, husband. Ta be honest: I wondered the same thing. I honestly don’t know what I woulda done if he woulda asked me ta go then..”

“Neither do I,” Tidas said before turning completely around to face her; “If you would’ve chosen to go to Sai, I probably would’ve asked my father to postpone the Highland Raid.. But then Petrie would’ve most likely died.. I suppose we’re lucky that he didn’t say anything then.”

“So are the entirety of the Highlands,” Skye continued as she slowly and deliberately pressed her body against his; “Remember that Amara’s second husband was tryin’ ta Murder Murdoc, too? I canna imagine he would’ve actually succeeded, but the Highlanders might be in the middle of a civil war right now without us.”

Tidas knew that his wife was attempting to tease him, so he let her as he spoke; “Aye, that be true. Malcolm would’ve divided the people whether you were there or not. His ambitions grew every time he rose in power, and would’ve wanted Murdoc’s crown at some point..”

“As to why I think Genie involved my father.. I honestly think he was worried that we wouldn’t allow Zazzy to go to Sai. Or maybe that my Father wouldn’t allow it. She technically is a living, fire-breathing weapon to him and the court. If it weren’t for the peace pact as an incentive, I seriously doubt that my Father would’ve allowed it. Marco certainly wouldn’t have approved it.”

Skye had stopped her enticement as soon as Marco’s name was mentioned. Tidas’ voice was lined with animosity when he’d said it, making Skye feel like he needed to relax a bit. For his initial distraction, she asked; “Do ye think that Sai really will provide the ships we need to deal wit Sync?”

“They better, or I’ll break Genie’s legs.. I don’t think he would lie to us, but it’s hard to believe that Sai would break it’s own laws just to meet Zazzy,” Tidas replied as he visibly started to relax again.

As Skye slowly pressed against him, she reached over, and grabbed his wash rag. Holding it up, she smiled at her husband, then spoke in an innocent voice; “Ye can keep talkin’ as I scrub.. If ye want me ta make use of that other part of yers in a wee bit..”

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