Dawning Skye

Chapter 411

411 A Redhead At Heart


Skye could feel her anger nearing it’s tipping point, so she did the only thing that she could do..

“I need everyone but King Magnus, me husband, Genie, and me Da out of this room...Now.”

Marie, Petrie, and Amara were the first ones to head for the door. They had seen Skye’s temper firsthand, and wanted no knowledge of what she was about to say to the king. As they neared the door, they realized that a couple bodies weren’t moving.

Murdoc and Marco wanted to stay. Marco wanted to hear what Skye was about to say, and actually found her state of anger quite attractive. Her flushed cheeks and intense eyes made his suck in a sharp breath as he stood due to Lawrence yanking his arm up. Murdoc just wanted to watch the show, so it was easier for Wallace to move him along.

As everyone filed out except those named, Maevis and Nicolas stayed hidden within the arch of the chandelier. They moved whenever Skye did, to make sure that she wouldn’t see them. They’d stopped flying, and were slowly and quietly stepping along the edge of the fasteners that held up the crystal monstrosity.

Once the door had shut, Skye waited until she could no longer hear the sound of retreating footsteps. Tidas was the only one in the room who’s head wasn’t on the chopping block. As Skye’s pending victims stared at him with pleading eyes, the Third Prince crossed his arms over his chest with an unsympathetic gaze.

Tidas’ disapproving expression said everything as he refrained from actual speaking: ‘You brought this upon yourselves.’

As soon as she knew that the others were gone, Skye unleashed her fury on the three men..


“I canna even Begin ta describe how PISSED I am at you three! Why would ye make such a hefty decision About Us without Our input?!”

Lucas looked at his daughter with slight fear; “W-Why are ye mad at me?! I did nothin’ ta warrant yer-”

“Did ye already ken that we were bein’ sent ta Sai when we showed up in Moonshire?” Skye asked in a hard voice.

“...Fair point,” Lucas replied in a poignant tone, then waited for the lecture that he knew was coming.

Skye turned her stabby gaze on her king; “Ye promised that Tidas and I would have time to ourselves once we returned from the Highlands! What the hell, Maggie?! How could ya go back on yer word?!”

Genie sighed; “That would be my-”

“Oh, I’ll get ta you in a minute. But fer now, you shut up and sit down! You three have earned quite a bit offa me kindness.. I’ve healed people fer free, I’ve changed vast, barren fields into farmable land, not ta mention the daily bullshite I have ta deal wit while stuck inside these walls! Like Karena’s psychotic arse!”

Skye’s hands went to her hips in a very Peggy-like fashion before she continued; “I won first place in the Mage Trials Against Zas and Tidas, I went ta the bloody Highlands, And I fought and stopped a Real monster! But I canna get time alone wit me husband?! Even wit me King’s pre-fucking-approval?!”

As Tidas watched, no one, not even Lucas; had seen Skye so furious before. The only time she had come close was when Tidas had told her about what Bibalow had done to him. As she screamed and cursed at the three men that were family to her, Skye’s eyes turned shiny with unshed tears.

It was even more frustrating to her that she cried whenever her emotions ran high. Whenever Skye got overly happy, mad, or sad: she cried. It was often misinterpreted as fear or weakness when she was a child, but that also left those picking on her open for a good punch in the stomach.

As her language boardered on insulting, Tidas placed a hand on her shoulder. Letting Skye know not to get too out of hand in her state. The three deserved every word, but Magnus wasn’t known for allowing badmouthing about him or his family.

As Skye curved her language, Tidas could hear tiny snickers coming from sbove them. He knew that Maevis and Nicolas were up in the chandelier somewhere, but didn’t care to bust them out at the moment. Even after ranting at them for ten minutes straight, Skye’s ire didn’t seem to be dissipating much.

Skye’s eyes could’ve shot out literal daggers, and it wouldn’t have surprised anyone at that point. As her gaze fell on Genie, Skye’s voice dropped as her anger spiked to an all-time high. It was then that Tidas had finally realized why his wife was so upset..

“Why did ye not tell me as soon as ye arrived that Mei was in danger?! I woulda gone straight to her! Is she okay?! What of her child?! Why are ye even here and not back in Sai protectin’em?! Mister Master Ninja?!”

Genie was shocked at first to see his pupil in such a state, but now he felt his own ire building; “It wasn’t like I had a choice, Skye. If it were up to me, I would be there protecting them, but I was sent here for a reason: to convince you to come to Sai with Zazzy.”

Before Genie could continue, Skye snapped at him again; “Why should I bring her there?! I know that Sai reveres dragons, but we Just. Got. Back. I wanna see me family and friends! I wanna see me bloody house! I havena even laid eyes upon it yet! But ya want us ta go gallivantin’ off ta another kingdom?!”

Magnus stood up; “You can still do most of that! You’ll have to stay for Lawrence and Shasta’s wedding, so you’ll have near a month before you need to leave. Please, Skye? I know I’m breaking my word by asking this, but if you do this: Sai’s Senate has agreed to sign a peace pact with us!”

Skye scoffed; “Why would it matter if a peaceful republic is allied wit us?”

Genie grinned softly; “Because we have ships. And Alcon needs ships to go against Sync, and hold their own.”

Tidas had perked up as soon as he’d heard the othe kingdom’s name; “Why would we need ships? I thought Sync only had enough for their privateering?”

Magnus huffed in dismay; “Not anymore..”

It didn’t take long for Skye and Tidas to be brought up to speed on the situation that had developed during the Summer Games. Tidas was surprised that Karena’s brother was stupid enough to sell a sea-fearing enemy kingdom buoyant wood. It didn’t make much sense to him, considering that he Had to have known that it would jeopardize his treaty with Alcon.

Once they were caught up, Skye was still flippant with the three; especially Genie. There was something else that he wasn’t telling her, which she hoped was due to her father and Magnus being present.. ‘The next time he lies ta me, I swear to the gods that Ima gonna kick him straight in his kin-maker!’

After a bit more blustering from Skye, she had finally vented enough to get to her point; “You three shoulda been honest wit me from the start. At least then I wouldna gotten me hopes up about what we were gonna do after we came home..”

As a melancholy expression started to overtake his wife’s features, Tidas glared at his father and Lucas as he added; “Like get ta work on some grandbairns for you two.”

Magnus and Lucas shared a surprised look between them before Magnus started to mutter with a smile; “Bairns.. Wee grand babies..”

Genie coughed and cleared his throat; “Sync won’t wait. They’re building ships as we speak. How good of a life will your grandchildren have if Sync overtakes Alcon?”

Magnus and Lucas both huffed at Genie for ruining their fantasies. Both envisioned a wee red-headed lass crawling around, and a sweet wee laddie with his father’s face helping his sister along. The two looked like they had seen a puppy and a kitten hugging each other as Genie brought them crashing back to reality.

As the two consoled themselves, Genie turned to Skye with a partial smile; “At least this trip means that you will get to see Mei again, and finally meet her child.”

Skye sighed; “And her husband, correct?”

Genie stiffened; “Possibly.. He works quite often and quite late. I must warn you, Skye: Mei isn’t the same carefree girl that you once knew. She’s been through a lot since her marriage, and hardly spends time with anyone outside of the palace. I worry about her.”

Skye quirked an eyebrow at him; “How long have these attacks been goin’ on?”

Genie sighed; “Due to my brother’s career as a politician, Mei has received death threats most of her life, but they were meaningless. Until she opened a poisoned letter..”

Skye gasped; “Who sent it to her?!”

Genie chuckled at how serious she’d become; “It definitely wasn’t done by the mailer. She would never do that to Mei. I think the culprits were just trying to drive a wedge between her and Mei.”

“How do ya know that the woman didna send it? People will do some crazy shit if the price is right,” Skye asked as Magnus and Lucas started to bombard Tidas with fatherly advice.

Genie shook his head; “No, not this girl. She’s nearly as close to Mei as you are, just in a slightly different way.. You’ll see when we get there in a couple of months. Do you still hate me?”

Skye took in a slow breath; “I canna ever hate ya, Genie. Yer like the big brother I never had, and I love ya. But aye: Ima still tiffed at ya fer lyin’ to me.”

Genie smirked; “Technically, I didn’t lie. I just didn’t tell you the truth.”

Skye glared at him; “Omittance is just as bad when it comes ta these kinds of subjects! Now, is there anything else I should know?”

Genie turned his face so that only Skye could see the side he winked with as he replied; “That’s all I have to say here..”

‘I knew it! That cheeky bastard is holdin’ somethin’ back! But what? And why? Tis me Da, Tidas, and Magnus in here.. Who’s he worried about? And sayin’ what ta who?! Ahh, fuck this shite.. Ima so friggin’ done wit today..’

As Skye readied to leave, Tidas flagged her over as Magnus and Lucas started to argue about nature versus nurture. Coming to his side, Tidas leaned in and whispered; “If you’re leaving, take frick and frack with you, please? They’re in the chandelier..”

Skye grinned at him; “How did ya know?”

Tidas scoffed; “How could I not hear their laughs? I’m pretty sure that Nicolas almost fell, too.”

As they smiled at each other, Nicolas yelled down to them; “I did not! I was just...testing the grip on my boots!”

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