Dawning Skye

Chapter 407

407 The Meeting of Kings(Part Two)


Magnus could feel his anger rising as Murdoc and Marco stared at each other. It was beyond rude of the Highlander King to declare such a thing before the treaty was even discussed. As the room’s tension level rose to smothering, Tidas stepped forward..

“And that’s your right to choose as King of the Highlands. But what if Marco agreed to the exact same terms as my father, and we wrote the treaty to where it was simply renewed every few years: would you maintain the peace then?”

Murdoc stared at his friend for a few moments before a broad smile stretched across his face. He smacked Tidas’ shoulder in a jovial manner, then looked towards Magnus; “I could agree ta that.. Ima tellin’ ya, MacArthur: this man deserves ta be a king.”

Magnus sighed inwardly, not wanting the Highlander King to pick up on how he had agreed with him, for the most part. He had said for years that he wished that he had two kingdoms for his sons, but the world didn’t work like that.

Magnus had considered telling Murdoc to give the Highlands to Tidas, but knew that it would restart the wars.. ‘Tidas will just have to be content with being the Commander of the RMC now.. He’s not going to like the second half of this meeting. Speaking of; where is that fool Genie?! He should’ve been here by now..’

The Alconian King sighed deeply, then looked at his youngest son. Lawrence walked over at that moment, and ruffled his little brother’s hair in a playful manner. Magnus grinned at his youngest two, then turned to look at Marco..

He stood straight-faced, staring at his brothers with the same placid expression that he usually had affixed to his face. He didn’t disagree with what his brother had suggested, so Magnus assumed, along with everyone else, that he was alright with Tidas’ suggestion.

As the three started to chat, Marco stepped forward; “I will not sign the proposed treaty. It doesn’t benefit Alcon enough for me to accept it as is. However, if you would like to negotiate, I am open to it.”


Everyone within the room stared at Marco in utter shock. He had approved the treaty that was about to be signed before the Highland mission had even gotten under way. No one understood why he was changing his mind now.

Amara and Marie joined in the circle right as Marie started to speak; “I thought that you had co-wrote the treaty with Tidas and your father. Why are you refusing something that you helped create?”

Marco turned and looked at his aunt; “Because that treaty was designed for my father’s rule. My rule will be a bit more...conservative. If the Highlander Natives wish to remain separate, then they will have to pay a greater tribute to maintain that independence. Otherwise, I don’t see peace lasting past father’s rule.”

Everyone could see the vein on Murdoc’s forehead become instantly visible. Magnus looked dumbstruck as he gaped at his eldest. The only one that looked coherent was Amara. She knew that if Murdoc blew his top now, they might lose the peace they were about to get through the treaty with Magnus; however short it may be.

Amara knew that the southern King was in his seventies, but he looked to be at least ten years younger than that. Skye had mentioned that his health relapsed often, but he looked as healthy as any man could be at his age. Forcing her confusion aside, Amara switched sides with Marie so she could speak directly to Marco..

“Pardon me, but we havena been introduced yet. My name be Amara McLeod, and I be the High Councilor fer the King’s Advisors. May I ask ye what exactly is it about the current treaty ye wish ta change?”

Marco looked Amara up and down as he took her hand, and kissed the top of it. He introduced himself first, then told her exactly what she was afraid to hear..

“I would change the number of mages sent, the amount of raw materials that you’ll send from the mountainside, and I would have you turn over the boarderlands to my nobles. I would also require the man known as Gavin Bruce sent here. I believe he would be far more useful if he were working with Jakub Yeager.”

Now Amara had to take a slow, calming breath to maintain her cool. They knew that Marco had had spies within the RMC, but the look he was giving her implied that he knew far more than just surface details..

“Ima afraid most of those demands would be impossible ta even consider,” Amara replied a bit more curtly than she would’ve liked.

Marco’s face let a hint of a smirk show as he said; “A shame.. Looks like peace will be temporary then. Although during that time, I really would like to meet this Gavin fellow. Perhaps you could arrange a visit after your return to the Highlands? I assume that you would accompany him here.”

Amara hadn’t missed the glint in his eyes as he’d spoken.. ‘He obviously knows of me connection ta Gavin.. Who and how many spies did the bastard send?!’

After clearing her throat and sipping her whiskey, Amara replied; “I think we’ll hold off on a visit from our top inventor.. Unless ye would be willin’ ta sign the treaty today?”

Marco outright laughed at her comment, which sounded maniacal, even to Magnus. After composing himself, Marco replied; “Your quick wit reminds me of Skye. You two must’ve spent quite a bit of time together over the months.”

It was a seemingly innocent remark, but everyone in the room but Magnus knew that there were dark intentions hidden within his words. They all knew of his attraction to Skye, thanks to Tidas. He had asked for their help in keeping her safe by not letting him be alone with her.

Klaus, Kari, and Ronnie were almost always watching her, but Marco somehow always found Skye in those rare instances. They wouldn’t be there long, but while the Highlanders were in Alcon: they had all promised to keep an eye out for their princess.

Murdoc was aware of the silent battle between Marco and Amara, but he had alway been more of a ‘charge in through the front door’ kind of guy..

“Yer fuckin’ daft if ye think we’re handin’ our people over like that. We could handle the extra minerals, but it’ll be a cold day in hell before I sell me people off ta fill yer ranks, then body bags.”

Tidas sighed deeply as Marco looked at Murdoc neutrally, and replied; “The Highlands, after all, rightfully owe their allegiance to Alcon. The tribute is still far less than what I should be receiving from the area. I don’t understand why you are getting so emotional over numbers..”

Murdoc’s eyes bulged as he walked over to stand directly in front of the Crowned Prince; “Those ‘numbers’ ye speak of be my people and their livelihoods! Any decent king Would get pissed off at yer bullshit demands!”

Lawrence turned towards Magnus; “I have to agree with Murdoc on this one, father. What Marco demands is too much for an allied kingdom to handle. We’re allies, And I’m your son. But you would never ask such a price from me..”

Locking eyes with his brother, Lawrence added; “And I would Never pay it if you did.”

It took everything Marco had not to openly grin at his brother.. ‘Oh, but you will, little brother. You’ll do everything I say after Skye and Tidas leave..’

“Well, Ruscovic has never been a part of Alcon, has it? Why would I seek land that doesn’t rightfully belong to me?”

Magnus straighten up; “Nothing belongs to you yet, laddie. And if this is how you will handle your power: I don’t know if you will ever be ready.”

Marco actually had a genuinely confused expression on his face, just like his brothers. It was the first time that their father had ever made a negative comment about one of Marco’s decisions. As they looked at him, Marco took on his calculative expression as he stared at their father..

‘He shouldn’t be able to say things like that.. I gave him a strong enough dose of my magic earlier to trigger the programming I’ve done, so why is he showing personal judgement now? Could it be because of how close we were to the Spear before? Or is it something else? No matter..’

Marco partially bowed to his father; “I am sorry, father. It was morbidly rude of me to discuss my rule during yours. If you wish to punish me for it, I understand. But..”

“I stand by my decision. Maybe in the many years it will take before the crown passes to me, we will have built up a good enough relationship with the Highlanders to where I could overlook the hundreds of years of rebellion and murder.”

Wallace had been silent nearly the entire time as he stood near his king’s backside. Tidas had felt his power, and moved when he did as he zipped in front of Marco in a flash. Marco hadn’t moved an inch when Wallace stopped inches from him.

Wallace’s voice was icy as he said; “A MacArthur has no place talkin’ about rebellion and murder.. Ye’ve done plenty of both ta ours as well, so let’s leave the rocks on the ground before ye bust out yer own window. Ya ken?”

Marco and Wallace kept their eyes locked on each other, like they were about to start throwing punches when a knock came from the door. Magnus sighed in relief as one of his guards walked in and announced the arrival of Lucas Moonstone and Genie. As soon as their names left his lips, Magnus motioned to the guard to let them in.

Lucas came in first holding a large bottle of the Highland’s finest whiskey. Both Magnus and Murdoc’s expressions shifted for the better as he smiled, and lifted the large bottle into the air. Amara and Marie exchanged a look with Tidas, then lightly chuckled amongst themselves.

Lord Moonstone’s most prominent abilities were negotiating, and diffusing hostility. As he entered the room, everyone but Marco visibly relaxed. He barely nodded in Lucas’ general direction as he took a breath, then went and sat down until the new round of meet and greets were finished.

When Genie walked in behind him, Magnus took a deep breath before firmly nodding in his direction. Tidas had caught it, and wondered what the two had been up to since they had left. As he watched the door close, Tidas wondered why Skye hadn’t shown up yet, and silently prayed that she would return soon..

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