Dawning Skye

Chapter 396

396 Homeward Bound

The sun had been up for an hour or so when a massive group of people could be seen riding across the Highland territory. Tidas had the Tamers recall their horses shortly after they had gotten back to the bunkers. Since the troops had stayed in the bunker, the majority of their equipment was still packed up; making setting out in the morning relatively easy.

Petrie was trotting alongside Murdoc as they headed towards the boarder village. Amara was following closely behind, in a similar state as the Highlander King. They both had gotten splitting headaches about twenty minutes after they’d left.

Murdoc complained every three minutes, and Amara had thrown up her breakfast an hour into the ride. Skye was at the front of the RMC with Tidas and most of the other Generals. They were planning to stop in the village so Skye could check on the residence, which Murdoc and Amara were greatly looking forward to..

The stop didn’t take long since there were only a handful of people that were sick or injured. Their way of celebrating Richard’s demise was to start building up their home as quickly as possible. They had delayed it due to the constant threat of having to relocate, so it was the first thing they did as soon as they’d received the message.

Skye felt an odd peace in the land that wasn’t there before. Like a stain had been scrubbed from it, but Skye didn’t see Richard in the same light as everyone else. They had all been his victims in one way or another, but Richard himself had been a victim..

‘Ima convinced that Marco knew what the Spear would do to ’em. But why?! What was the point of turnin’ Richard into a monster? What end could it have brought about?’

As Skye started to lose herself in her thoughts, Tidas called out to her several times. When he realized that she was somewhere else, he said the words that he knew would snap her back..

“Out your head, love. Your place is here, with me..”

Skye whipped her head over to look at her husband; “What? Sorry, love. I was lost in me head. Whatcha need?”


Tidas smiled as he asked; “Do you have your canteen on you? Mine’s buried in my pack.”

After a quick nod, Skye walked over and detached her canister from the side latch of her bag. After walking back over, she handed it to her husband. He muttered ‘thank you’ to her for getting it, which made something in the back of her mind itch..

Once he’d had his fill, Tidas handed it back to her as he said; “Thanks for that, love. It would’ve been a hassle to go get mine from my horse.”

Skye beamed at her husband before her face clouded over in thought. After a few seconds, her whole body jerked as she stared at him with wide eyes..

“That’s it.. That’s why! That’s Why!”

“W-Why what? You’re not makin’ any sense, love,” Tidas commented as he eyed Skye with a concerned expression.

“It’s Mar-” Skye realized that she was yelling, and lowered her voice to a barely audible whisper; “It’s Marco! He’s the one that wanted the Spear! He sent Richard ta fetch it! Tis all his fault! And he had a purpose..”

Tidas sighed; “I thought that we already figured that out?”

Skye shook her head; “Na-Aye, I mean.. What kinda magic was yer brother born with?”

“Ether, why?”

“What two types of magic does the Spear actively use?”

Tidas was about to say the obvious, so Skye added; “And what kind of a monster did Richard turn into?”

Tidas’ eyes widened as the realization hit him; “One that used Dark and Ether magic.. Do you think he would’ve been able to control my uncle, if his power hadn’t of been nearly lost?”

Skye shrugged; “If he had the Spear: tis possible.. Remember how much of that ooze he could make? The things he created? What would yer brother do wit that kinda power?”

Tidas glanced back at the center of the resting troops; where the carts were. The one in the very center contained the Spear, underneath a bunch of other equipment for safe-keeping. Skye, Tidas, Murdoc, Petrie, and Amara were the only ones that knew it was there.. As far as they knew.

As Tidas turned his head forward again, he said; “Nothing good will come from bringing that damned thing back..”

“Aye, but yer Da ordered it. Tis out of our hands, husband. All we can do is request that it stay wit me.”

Tidas narrowed his eyes on Skye; “Why does it have to stay with you?! Why can’t it just be locked away?”

Skye scoffed; “Do ya honestly think that yer brother will let it be if it’s simply locked away in the capital?! It needs ta stay where I can get to it.”

“And why is that?”

Skye ignored the snarky tone in her husband’s voice as she replied; “Cause Ima the only one who can touch it without goin’ nutters, or dyin’. And Ima the Catalyst: tis in the legend that I possess the Ethereal and Celestial keys.”

As everyone started to get ready to leave the village, Tidas stopped Skye, and took on a serious tone; “Do you honestly think that my father will just let you walk off with a weapon that’s as legendary as Excalibur, or Mj?lmir?”

Skye smirked; “He won’t have a choice. Let’s just say that Maggie owes me one.. Or five. I’ll just tell him the truth of it: Ima the only one who can handle it, and it’ll look good fer him.. Ta have the Catalyst as a loyal subject, and a Princess of Alcon. I’ll convince him ta let me take it back ta our castle.”

Tidas grinned mischievously at her; “And how do you know it’s a castle? I happen to like the coziness of cottages and the like..”

Right as Klaus, Kari, and Ronnie came over with their horses, Tidas slipped his arms around Skye and said; “I like the snugness.. Gives me another excuse to touch you..”

“Can ye two keep it in yer pants?! At least until Moonshire? Not all of us can be wit our loved one!” Ronnie joked as the three came to a stop a few feet away.

Klaus chuckled as he turned to Ronnie; “Oh, but you’re wrong! Your dream lass is right here..”

Ronnie whipped his head about; “What? Who? Where?!”

Klaus grinned mischievously; “Aye, alright. Hold yer hand up so I can point her out.”

Ronnie quirked a suspicious eyebrow at him; “Why do I have ta-”

“Just do it! Okay.. Spread your fingers so you can see her clearly, and..”

As soon as Ronnie spread his hand out in front of his face, Klaus smacked the back of it. Ronnie yelped as he smashed his own nose, and poked his eye with his pinky finger. As he held his face, Klaus told him to ‘kiss his so-called girlfriend and shut up’.

Skye, Tidas, and Kari got a good laugh out of it before Murdoc and Amara trotted over. They thanked Skye again for her help, then asked if everyone was ready to go. They were only going to stop twice until they reached Moonshire, which would put their arrival three days away instead of four.

The troops weren’t happy about the no-sleep bit, but they had already received word from Moonstone Castle that they were well prepared to receive the weary troops. With the promise of hot and fresh food, as well as grassy fields to sleep on: they found the energy to push through.

The first time it had taken nearly five days to reach the boarder village due to the weather, and the surplus of supplies they had brought. This time, Tidas wanted to accomplish it in three. He had a lot of questions for his older brother, and wanted to confront him before he had a chance to even go near the Spear.

Tidas had convinced most of the troops that they would reveal the Spear as a gift from the Highlanders at the treaty signing ceremony. Some had protested, claiming it as Alcon’s property because Skye had recovered it. But Skye told them that it originally belonged to the Highlanders’ ancestors.

Which was a lie, but they had no way to prove otherwise. Skye was the one saying it, and was nearly irreproachable. She felt bad for lying, but it was for a good reason..

‘ I hate lyin’.. I’ve had ta lie quite a bit since comin’ to the Capital.. I canna wait ta go to me new home..’

The group talked for a few minutes about their route, then set off on their journey home. It rained on the second day, so they wound up arriving at Moonshire on the fourth day, similar to when they had left. The troops had actually enjoyed the rain since it gave them all a chance to sleep for a few hours.

They were also slightly delayed because Skye stopped at the cotter’s homes, and treated the sick. As they came closer to the main estate, they also stopped to meet and greet the villagers that had taken care of them the last time.

Many were nervous about the Highlanders at first, but Petrie introduced Murdoc and Amara. She charmed them while Murdoc won over the men with his farming and building suggestions. The Moonshire soil was far richer than the Highland soil, so they could afford to experiment.

Once Skye caught up with a few specific people, Tidas announced the death of his uncle, and the impending peace treaty between the two kingdoms. The people cheered and cried tears of happiness to learn that they wouldn’t need to worry about raids any longer.

After Tidas answered a few questions, the group of officers rode towards Moonstone Castle. Skye’s heart felt light as a feather as she rode up the long drive, and into the courtyard. As she dismounted Thoth, the front doors flew open to reveal a crowd of people clamoring to see their former lady.

Skye and Tidas both chatted with the Moonstone staff until a shrill, familiar voice rang out over everyone. Whipping her head up, Skye saw her mother standing in the doorway. Seconds later, her father popped up behind her; his face red and sweaty from his exertion.

“Mother! Da! Tis So good ta see ya! I miss ye two so much!” Skye exclaimed before running and wrapping her arms around them.

As tears welled up in Skye’s eyes, she fought them back until she saw the one person that she missed the most.. “Peggy!”

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