Dawning Skye

Chapter 375

375 Monster Hunt

The mornings in the Highlands were bitter cold, no matter what time of the year it was. The sun was barely beginning to tint the sky when Tidas walked out of the bunker. The grass beneath his feet crunched slightly with the morning frost as he watched his warm breath billowing out of his mouth like smoke.

Tidas was dressed head to toe in his dragon armor that Skye had made for him. As He ran his hand over the bumpy, scale-like layers of the armor’s edge, the creator herself walked up behind him in her matching set. They leaned against each other as they watched the colors blend and fade as darkened clouds peaked out over the horizon.

Sighing as he slung his arm over his wife’s shoulder, Tidas kept his eyes on the mountain line as he said; “Looks like we might get rained on along the way. We need to make sure everyone’s wearing their sensory suits underneath their armor. I’m not risking anyone getting sick while we’re tracking Richard.”

As Skye nodded, Petrie and Amara came up to their sides as Petrie said; “Are ye ready to kill a monster? Still so very strange ta be sayin’ that.. Tis like we’re in a game, and yer goin’ on a monster hunt..”

Skye glanced at Petrie with a chortle before speaking in a firm voice; “He wasna always a monster.. He’s still human at the core of ’em. At least I think..”

As Skye finished speaking, Murdoc walked up behind them with a grin and asked; “Are ye ready ta set out on yer long-awaited mission?”

“Why do you look so happy about it?” Tidas countered, suspicious of his joviality so early in the morning.

The feast had gone on until around eleven, then there was the cleanup that took until around one in the morning. Tidas, Skye, and Murdoc had all stayed behind to help, so they were extra tired. If it wasn’t for Skye’s Shaman trait, then she and Tidas would resemble classic zombies.

As the sun and clouds mixed into a dreary grey color, Highlanders and Alconians alike started to gather outside. There were only a few of the Highlanders going with them, and only a small amount of RMC members were being left behind. It was a joint venture, but the RMC made up the bulk of the troops.


Gavin had ventured out looking exhausted, having done last-minute checks on the equipment that they would use to nullify the effects of Richard’s ooze. Amara looked well-rested, so it was clear that he had gotten up extra early to do the run-through.

After he had dropped of the equipment and kissed Amara several times, Gavin disappeared back into the bunkers to get some much-needed sleep. Skye wished that he was going with them back down south, too..

‘I bet he and Jakub would become bestest buddies in no time..’

As the thought crossed Skye’s mind, she looked around at the gathered soldiers with a smile. It made her feel extremely satisfied to see the north and south getting along. There were still a few issues last night, but nothing a fair fist fight couldn’t solve.. And a few free drinks.

As everyone gathered, Tidas felt that it was appropriate to say a few words before heading out. They were going to ride to the Old Capital, but there were too many soldiers going, and they needed everyone. The more distractions, the better.

They knew that Skye and Tidas’ weapons hurt Richard, but they didn’t know if it would kill him. The Highlanders had gone as far as to blow him up, but after everything they had done to try and kill him: Richard was still alive. If using the dragon swords didn’t work, Skye had one other theory as to what might kill him..

“You want to stab him with the spear?! How are we supposed to get it?! Do we even know where he hid it?!” Tidas practically yelled last night right as they started to clean up.

Skye flashed him a nervous smile; “I don’t know for sure, but I think it’s in the palace.. Remember my dream? I think it’s there: in the old throne room.”

Tidas swallowed hard as he recalled the details that she had told him about. It wasn’t just the memory that made him worried, but the fact that he’d had a similar dream to hers the past two nights..

A big black mass swallowing up Skye, and a familiar laugh that Tidas couldn’t quite put his finger on were the common end to his dreams. As he listened to Skye explaining her old dream, he watched his soldiers running about. Making sure that they had all the supplies that they would require.

Going to the Old Capital on foot meant that it would take three to four days to get there verses the two on horseback, or by snowmobile. As Skye finished her tale, she realized how distracted her husband was. Tidas had said that he was fine, but Skye knew her husband better than that.

“I know somethin’ is botherin’ ya, but I won’t pry. I’ll wait until ye tell me, or until ye start actin’ squirrley again,” Skye stated as she walked towards Zazzy.

Neither she or Tidas wanted Zazzy going on the hunt, but knew that she would follow behind them regardless of what they told her. Since she was going, Skye thought that they could use her as a safe means of advanced recon. With Skye’s Tank ability and Zazzy’s flight; they could scout ahead for miles.

Tidas was going to ride with her, but he needed to stay on the ground with the troops. Ronnie had assigned one of his birds to stay near Zazzy at all times, to be able to receive and send reports and orders. With their bases covered, the Commanders stood at the front of the gathered warriors as Tidas gave a final short speech before their departure.

“We ride now, to take down a monster that has terrorized the Highlands, and has been a stain upon my family’s conscience for years! After we take down my uncle, we ride for home!”

“For all of us Alconians! North and south! The quicker we kill the Bastard, the quicker we see our families again!”

The troops all cheered for Tidas, then began their march across and down the strath. Some of the soldiers talked and joked along the way, but most focused on the task at hand. They had left in October, and it was now April.

Nearly a full six months had past since they had seen their families. A few of the RMC members were married couples, like Skye and Tidas, but very few were. Most had left all of their loved ones waiting, and worried when they would see them again.

There was no limit to their mission. If it took them five years to track down and kill Richard, then that’s what they would have to do. Of course Tidas wasn’t planning on their stay going past a few more days, but it was a possibility..

Richard had recognized Skye as the Catalyst, so he had some small amount of intelligence to him still. It was the one factor that truly bothered Tidas not to know. If he was capable of intelligent thought, then he might flee again. No one really knew what was beyond the Highlands because it was a constantly frozen tundra.

If Richard escaped this time, they might spend the rest of their lives looking for him..

Tidas shook the thought from his head as Zazzy’s shadow passed by overhead. She was loving the extra fly time, and needed the exercise. The Highlanders and RMC members alike spoiled her rotten with jerky and other meat treats.

Zazzy had gained considerable weight since they had come to the Highlands, and it was beginning to affect her flying. She couldn’t get as high in altitude as she usually could, which frustrated the dragon to no end. While her parents loved her no matter her shape, size, or abilities; she was angry that she’d let herself go so far.

As Zazzy wallowed in her self-pity, Skye scanned the mountainside up ahead. They were nearly where they had encountered Richard the first time, but Skye hardly recognized it..

The sparse forest from before was completely gone now, and the ground looked like it had been poisoned and scorched. A trail from the area led up into the mountainside, then went off into the rocks.

Skye flew around in several circles checking within five miles of every direction, then told Ronnie through his bird that it was clear to set up their first campsite. Without horses, it had taken them the whole day just to clear the valley.

As the soldiers set up, Skye and Zazzy went out hunting for food. They came across a gathering of elk, and picked off around six bucks, and two females without little ones. They had to make sure to leave enough males to repopulate with, which was a lesson her father had taught her at around eight when Skye had showed an impressive ability to hunt.

Skye much preferred all of the conveniences than the ancients had, like butcher shops inside and mixed in with other stores.. ‘It would’ve been nice not ta go from one end of the city fer me favorite bread, then ta the other fer me favorite seasoned meat patties..’

The Capital of Alcon was massive, and took a normal person nearly half a day to walk from one end to the other. Skye had become accustom to speeding through the alleys with her Tank trait, but often wished that Zazzy was smaller like she used to be so she could still fly within the city walls..

Petting Zazzy for a job well done, Skye yelled over the chilly spring wind; “Let’s head back fer now, lassie! The others shoulda gotten the other stuff ready by now! Don’t forget that one of these is yours!”

Zazzy trilled happily as she carried the three oversized male elks in her arms, two regular-sized ones with her back legs, another with her tail, and the two females were strapped down behind Skye.

She was surprised that Zazzy could carry them all at once, but she had insisted. She didn’t want to leave her mother out in the wilderness without protection; not that her mother needed it. Zazzy understood how strong her mother was for a human, but her strength wasn’t the problem..

Zazzy would occasionally catch a whiff of the same foul stench that she had smelled coming from the monster that she’d saved her parents from. Trusting her instincts had saved her a few times in her short life, and they were screaming at her to fly away now...

As the campsite came into view, a devilish idea popped into Skye’s head. Calling out to Zazzy as they dipped low, she yelled; “Oy! Scaly bairn! Would ye like ta scare the crap outta daddy?!”

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