Dawning Skye

Chapter 363

363 Back In Alcon(Part Three)

The room was relatively silent for a few moments before it exploded with speculation. Sone were saying that Sai wanted to steal Zazzy, while some were more focused on Genie’s wording. They thought that maybe Sai had a dragon, too.

Genie had literally burst out laughing at the thought.. ‘If Sai had a it’s own dragon, then I wouldn’t be here, I’d be there studying it..’

He had heard rumors that the Highlanders knew about dragons, and claimed that they still existed, according to Lucas. After seeing Zazzy, no one could deny that they existed, but to say that she wasn’t the only one was hard to believe. With Zazzy’s size; if another dragon existed, someone would’ve seen one by now..

Maevis and Nicolas sat quietly, watching the humans arguing over speculative nonsense. It always amazed them in a bad way, how easily humans could be pushed into anger. Many Fae weren’t that much different, but most were less easily baited.

Titania had always said that ‘they were around’, but even the Fae folk doubted dragons’ existence, and shared the same general consensus as humans. If they couldn’t see it, then they weren’t real; which was funny coming from a bunch of fairies, elves, and the like.

After a bit of nonsensical back and forth, the conversation switched back to the Sync kingdom. Genie explained how Sai didn’t have as many ships as the other Kingdoms, but could spare most if needed. Since their port was smaller, it didn’t take as many ships to patrol and safeguard it.

Many were skeptical since the Sai Republic generally stayed out of the conflicts between kingdoms. They had sent aid to the various people through goodwill missions, but had never contributed to the violence of it all. Many questioned whether or not Sai was dependable enough to trust..

As the volume started to become overwhelming, Magnus grabbed his scepter, and banged it on the floor. The gathered nobles and lords instantly quieted down, and turned their attention to the front where Magnus continued on explaining their numbers and known munitions.

When the lords had asked where the information had come from, all Magnus did was smile and say; “A few little birds told me..”


Maevis and Nicolas were hovering above the crowds, watching the spectacle from near the chandelier. They were arguing about trivial things instead of focusing on the main points. Tired of listening to their dribble, the two elders focused on the main table.

Magnus was in the center of an enormous half table, with Lawrence to his left, then Zas, followed by Lord Moonstone and Lord Reinbolt. Marco was to his right, followed by Karena’s empty seat, then a few of the other lords that were near the boarder, but supported Marco.

Everyone that was near the front was involved in the next topic. First, however, they needed to hammer out the details for preparing against the Sync Kingdom. Marco suggested a cautious approach, saying that with the Highland Raid happening, there just wasn’t enough supplies to go around.

Many of the nobles in the crowd became confused, considering that the raid had left months ago. Therefore shouldn’t have any bearing on what other missions were taking place now, or so they thought..

Magnus stood back up to give his voice the proper projection it needed; “We have received word from Tidas that the treaty with the Highlanders is confirmed, and that their King, Murdoc Campbell, along with several others will be returning with Tidas and Skye after the Summer Games.”

“The reason that my oldest seems so tightpursed is because I plan to have reinforcements sent north as soon as the mountains are passable, to help deal with the monster that my brother has become. They will come from the boarder lords who have been at odds with the Highlanders for more generations than we can count..”

As the whispers began to become louder, Magnus banged his scepter again, then continued; “If True Peace is to be had with the Highlanders, then those that hold the most animosity towards them must be the first to extend their hand in friendship. If we cannot get over our past, then we have no future!”

As the king’s words sunk in, Lawrence stood up; “Would you like me to send in additional troops now? My men are used to the cold.”

Magnus grinned broadly at his second oldest before saying; “That won’t be necessary, but thank you, my lad. Apparently there were hardly any casualties during the original scuffle, thanks to Skye..”

As soon as her name was said, the men gathered started to talk about how great of a contribution she was to the kingdom. They praised her skill and temperament, and a few even boldly commented that they wished that she was the next Queen instead of Karena.

Lucas was all smiles as he listened to the compliments about his child...Until he saw Marco’s expression. The man never smiled about anything, but was grinning ear to ear at the comments being said closest to him..

“I think that Prince Marco and Princess Skye would make excellent rulers! Possibly the best Alcon has ever seen!”

“Aye! She’s much more respectful than Princess Karena!”

“Don’t you mean respectable? Haha..”

“I think the rumors are true, that Tidas keeps them apart..”

“I do, too. It makes more sense for her to love Prince Marco..”

As Lucas readied himself to get up and start a brawl in the throne room, the only other female in the room aside from Maevis ripped into them..

“Shame on you for saying such Deplorable things! Skye and Tidas are perfectly happy with each other! And how can you show such little respect to the Crowned Princess in front of the Prince?!”

The men wanted to point out that Marco had been smiling at their comments, but kept their mouths shut as she turned on him next..

“And Marco! How can you sit idle while others insult your wife in such a way?! She is Your wife! Have you no respect for her?!”

Marco sighed deeply, then replied to his Aunt Marie; “Of course I respect my wife, auntie, but what others say about her is a reflection of her own treatment of them. I will not silence them for-”

“Marco! You would allow others to disrespect the crown in front of you?” Magnus’ voice was lined with warning as he’d spoken.

Marco actually looked a little perturbed by his father’s chiding, but had instantly hid it as he looked up.. Giving Maevis and Nicolas a good glimpse of it. He knew that they were up there, but didn’t know or care where..

“No father, I would never allow it. Karena is my wife, but she does not wear the crown yet. And if her brother outright violates the treaty he holds with us, I will send her back.”

Lucas shot up out of his chair with enough force to nearly knock it over; “How about the fact that yer men are makin’ such remarks about me daughter’s honor, and ye say nothin’ in defense of it?!”

“I know for a fact that she loves Tidas with all of her heart. Future king or not, she’d never betray Tidas. And the fact that ye say nothin’ in the face of such ridiculous rumors speaks more about yer character than hers..”

“Lucas!” Magnus shouted, but Lord Moonstone wasn’t swayed.

Looking straight at the King, Lucas didn’t hold back; “Ye once asked me why I stopped comin’ ta court: this is why. Even in Moonshire, I’ve heard the rumors of me daughter’s non-existent conduct. We both know that they be lies, but yer son only throws fuel on the fire!”

“He has insulted my daughter’s honor, Your youngest son’s honor, and the honor of his Own wife by allowin’ such comments to go unpunished! I be no fool; I know how court gossip works. If he’s not gonna correct them, then Ima gone..”

Magnus wasn’t sure what to do other than try to maintain his slipping control; “Lord Moonstone! You are required-”

“You have me troops, me loyalty, and me sword, Your Grace. That is a given between us. But that man there is unworthy of it,” Lucas pointed to Marco as he finished.

Marco’s demeanor barely changed, but pure rage flickered in his eyes. Lucas Moonstone had just outright insulted the Crowned Prince in front of the King, and everyone was expecting to see Magnus finally lose his cool, and kick the commoner out of court..

Marie placed her hand on his shoulder and whispered; “If you blow up at Lucas here, you will cause a rift in the people. He is right in everything he said, and you know it. Why do you punish for slander against Marco in front of you, but not against Skye and Tidas? Haven’t you warned the court multiple times? If you do nothing now, the people will view you as favoring your oldest..again.”

Magnus sighed, irritated that Marie was always right. In truth, she would’ve made an excellent Queen herself, but had refused Magnus’ offer of marriage. It would’ve only been in name, but she knew why he had wanted to do it: he just wanted to saddle her with all of the responsibilities..

Huffing where he sat, Magnus turned to face his oldest; “Marco, the next time such slanderous things are said about your sister-in-law, and you do nothing: I will treat you the same as the offenders. Is that understood?”

Marco silently nodded, then turned to face Lucas as he said; “I apologize, Lord Moonstone. It was highly improper of me to allow. I’ve found it better over the years to simply ignore the ugly rumors around me, but this is a different matter..”

“Skye is a member of the royal family now, and someone I have always cared for very deeply. I will do my best to protect her honor from now on,” Marco finished with a bow, which sent the room into another tizzy.

Lucas was no fool, as much as Marco seemed to think it. What he had just said, and the tone that he had used, made it seem like he cared for Skye as more than just a brother-in-law. It sent the gossip vultures into another whispering kick, making Magnus sigh in exasperation..

“And how about our brother’s honor? You don’t seem to care much about that, either. Otherwise you wouldn’t allow others to say such things about Skye in front of you. Unless you resent our brother for some reason? And allow the rumors out of spite.”

Marco locked eyes with Lawrence as he came to stand at Lord Moonstone’s side. The two were becoming bigger thorns in his side than he thought they would..

Magnus knew the look they were exchanging. He’d seen it many times when they were young.. It was the look they got before swinging on each other. Magnus stood up, then walked over to stand between them before speaking..

“Knock it off, you two!” Magnus turned his attention to the crowds; “It’s simple: the next person that speaks about Skye and Marco as anything more than family will be strung up in the arena! Do I make myself clear?!”

After seeing several men nod in agreement, Magnus looked between his two sons as he spoke; “King and future king or not: I swear by the gods, I will bend you two over my knee, and paddle your arses black and blue if you don’t start acting like family! Am I clear?!”

Like sulking children, the two brothers nodded, then retook their seats. As the meeting continued, Marco inwardly smirked. Every time they made a spectacle of him and Skye having a relationship or not put just a little more doubt into people’s heads, and more opportunities for him..

As they started to go over who would be sending troops north, Marco thought about the face Lucas would make when Skye told him herself that they were in love..

‘It would be nice if one of my side plots worked in the meantime.. But no matter.. Whatever they do, or however far they run, when they return from Sai: Skye will be mine, and Tidas will die..’

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