Dawning Skye

Chapter 342

342 Evidence To The Contrary(Part Two)


Murdoc and Tidas led the way down to the RMC bunker with Malcolm, and a goodly portion of Highlanders from the Council Chamber following behind them. Malcolm was walking right behind Tidas in the hallway, and contemplating just killing him right there.

As Malcolm slowly reached for his dagger, Tidas looked over his shoulder at him..

An icy chill ran up his spine as he looked into the Alconian Commander’s eyes. They were seemingly placid, but death lurked just below. Daring Malcolm to give him a reason to cut his throat. He barely managed to look away, fear had gripped him tightly.

‘Those are the eyes of a killer.. He’ll kill me before I even get a chance ta lift me dagger!’

Unnerved, Malcolm dropped back, and out of sight. He mixed in with the other dignitaries, and made small talk with them while he thought of what his next move should be.

Malcolm had never felt so aggravated, or concerned before. He didn’t think Skye would get any information from the corpse that could be linked back to him, but.. ‘One never knows wit that women..’

As they neared the RMC bunker, Tidas and Murdoc were discussing how to divide up the groups to match the suits of armor. When they entered, at first they were greeted somewhat casually. When the soldiers saw the other Highlanders, they all began to form up without an order.

Their Commander gave them a great deal more freedom than the others military branches didn’t receive, so they were loyal to a fault. Whenever visiting officials, diplomats, or other military heads came to check out their performance, the soldiers made it their duty to show off for their boss.


Within two minutes, all available member of the Royal Mage Corp was standing at attention: awaiting their orders. Murdoc was impressed that the men and women were about to straighten and line up so promptly, and so were the other dignitaries. It reflected the respect his men had for Tidas.

Malcolm’s mood continued to deteriorate as Tidas ordered the soldiers to bring out every piece of armor with them. A few of the Highlanders marveled over the craftsmanship that went into both the RMC’s, and the various Generals’ guards’ armor.

Tidas talked with a few of the merchant dignitaries about Athena’s blacksmith shop, and many other stores and businesses that resided within Alcon. When he started to tell them about the trade agreement that Alcon had with the Fae, the merchants practically started foaming at the mouth.

Anything made by a Fae was bound to sell well. They didn’t have many Fae Folk in the Highlands because they mostly lived underground. There were a few that had made their way there after being chased out of surrounding kingdoms, but they weren’t common.

It worked to their favor, however, as the few Fae that did live in the Highlands were treated like celebrities. They had good homes and lives, and were all treated with a great deal of respect. Especially the few that had joined the Mystics Division of the Highland’s Military.

They knew of who Skye was by the feel of her magic, and didn’t see the point in challenging her. They had already known the outcome of the Bout before it had even happened..

As the RMC members finished bringing out all of the gear, Murdoc and Tidas started to assign inspectors to groups of armor. Malcolm didn’t know if they were being spiteful or not, but they had assigned him to their team.. Which was in charge of checking the suits of the dead outside.

Malcolm complained nearly the entire time they were out. The snow was blowing across the valley, and instantly biting any exposed skin. Only the tops of their faces were showing, but he never stopped his whining the entire time they spent comparing numbers.

When all the pieces of armor were accounted for, the group went back in to find the Highlanders mingling ether the Southerners. Murdoc and Tidas smiled at the meeting of minds, but Malcolm fumed..

“Never thought I’d see the day when our honor was lost,” he commented low, but both Tidas and Murdoc had heard him.

Murdoc stepped towards him, but Tidas used his magic to cut in front of him, and lock eyes with Malcolm..

“The only one who lost his honor today is you. Instead of fostering peace between our two kingdoms, you’ve created this bullshit plot to sabotage it. You failed miserably, Malcolm. I’m just sorry Mickey isn’t here to watch you fall..”

Malcolm’s face turned red as he tried to hold his rage in; “I havena done anythin’, and ye canna prove otherwise.. I’ll show the others that the MacArthurs are just as treacherous as they’ve always been.. Ye best keep an eye on that bonnie lass of yers..”

Tidas was about to hit him, but this time: Murdoc literally beat him to it. Everyone’s attention was already on them from when Tidas he’d zipped in front of Malcolm. Even though it was a small amount, most in the room had felt him use his Tank trait.

When Malcolm fell over, several Highlanders rushed to his side. As big of an asshole as he was, the man was still elderly, so a few felt obligated to help him. When they had gotten him to his feet, Malcolm seethed with rage as he started to scream at Murdoc.

He blatantly ignored his bellyaching, and started to talk to Tidas about how all the suits were accounted for and complete; except for one. It was missing a gauntlet, and only one..

Right as he began to panic, Skye came into the bunker with the six doctors in tow. Malcolm’s heart sank further at the sight of Skye’s smirk. As she started to talk, Malcolm reached for the hidden blade on his back..

“After examinin’ the body of the Hydroelectric dam guard, we concluded that he was Not killed by an Alconian!”

As Malcolm slipped the blade up his sleeve, he yelled; “Why would we believe what You say?!”

“Because she speaks for all the medical professionals gathered here! If ye doubt her words, then ye doubt Our findings! In which case, I challenge ye ta prove that Your medical expertise is greater than those gathered here!”

The Fae that had verbally chastised Malcolm was the Head Surgeon at the main hospital within the Highland’s city. Doctor Drius was a Caladrius; an ancient type of bird Fae that was known for it’s healing touch. He could absorb certain types of sicknesses, and dispose of them later.

He was a couple hundred years old, and had taken a liking to Skye in the short time that he’d been with her. Then again, he never particularly liked Malcolm to begin with.. ‘He’s always been a schemer, that one..’

Clearing his voice so all could hear, Doctor Drius told everyone what they had found..

“First, I would like to see every version of dagger that is available to Alconians. We need to compare the blades we took of the stab wound in his chest. Secondly, I want the clothes that the witness was wearing brought to me..”

Seeing expressions of confusion on a few of his fellow Highlanders, the doctor elaborated; “Considering the wound was to his heart, the guard would not only have bled out profusely on ’em, but he would’ve died nearly right after the stabbing had occurred. I must see if the evidence lines up before I can give my definite opinion, but from the looks of it so far: the Alconians are being set up..”

Doctor Drius looked directly at Malcolm as he’d spoken, and several of the Highlanders had noticed. His plan to use the influence of the higher ranking, non-council members of their society was very quickly backfiring on him. He hadn’t invited the doctor on purpose, but the merchants were supposed to be on his side..

Feeling like the entire room was against him, Malcolm looked at Tidas with hatred burning in his eyes. As he stalked closer to him, Malcolm went off about how the MacArthurs had destroyed their world once, and that they were aiming to do it again..

“Ye come up here claimin’ peace, but we know of the treachery that the MacArthurs are capable of! Answer me this, Boy: how much longer will yer daddy last? I know of yer brother’s cruelty! Ye think that we ain’t got spies of our own in the south?!”

Seeing the surprise cover his face, Malcolm sneered; “Oh.. Murdoc didna tell ye that, did he? Seems Ima not the only one who doesna trust ye..”

“Ye ask us ta break bread wit yer da, but it’ll be yer twisted brother who’ll be in charge soon enough! Why would we trust the word of a man who skimmed off of the slave trade that You were tryin’ ta dismantle?! I’ll never accept MacArthur rule! I’d rather Die!”

Tidas was in a daze the moment Malcolm told him of Marco’s secret. He had suspected his brother, but the paper trails always died out once they reached the palace. He didn’t know for sure who, but knew that someone high-ranking within the palace was protecting a few of the slavers by slipping them information..

As range of emotions battled within Tidas, he didn’t notice how close Malcolm had gotten as he talked.. He didn’t notice the hidden blade in his sleeve.. And he didn’t see the thrust of the dagger coming as Malcolm aimed for his heart..

Blood misted on Tidas’ face as Malcolm’s blade struck flesh, but it wasn’t his target’s. Skye had used her Tank trait, and sped to stand in front of Tidas as Malcolm’s blade came down. Being so much shorter than them, she had to stick her hand up..

She let the blade slip nearly effortlessly through her flesh, catching everyone by surprise. As soon as the hilt hit her palm, Skye grabbed it so Malcolm couldn’t try to pull it out. He still did, but it was futile..

“Arrest that piece of shit Now! I want ’em out of me sight before I kill ’em! And someone fetch Amara! Tell her she’s needed!” Murdoc bellowed with fury in his voice.

As Highlanders and RMC members alike swarmed Malcolm, Gavin took off out the bunker door to go fetch Amara. As soon as Malcolm’s arms were restrained, Skye pulled the blade from it, dropped it, and show Tidas that she was fine..

She could feel the bloodlust rolling off of her husband as he stared at Malcolm. Tidas wanted to kill him as painfully as he possibly could for hurting Skye, even if she didn’t make a peep when he’d stabbed her hand.

As she wiped the blood from her hand, Skye held up her perfectly healed hand and said; “Tis alright, love. A weak, wee creature like him couldna hurt me in a hundred years.. Out yer head, love.. Yer place is here, with me..”

Hearing their pet phrase had brought Tidas most of the way back to his senses, but he could still feel Skye’s blood splatter on his cheek. As he wiped it away and looked at it, dark thoughts began to fill his head.. Until the Fae doctor from before walked over to them, laughing.

Bending down and picking up Malcolm’s blade, Doctor Drius held it up in front of Skye and said; “I think we just found our murderer..”

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