Dawning Skye

Chapter 339

339 A Gauntlet And A Witness

Once Skye told them what Mickey had said about Malcolm telling him to get the gauntlet and explosives, simmering rage emanated from Murdoc. The plot was exposed before him, but without proof, he couldn’t punish Malcolm for Mickey’s death.

“On who’s authority were ye confined?” Murdoc nearly screamed.

Ralph looked at the Highlander King with a neutral expression and replied; “It was the Council, headed by a man named Malcom.”

Murdoc grunted as Tidas looked at him and said; “I know that this isn’t your doing, but if my people are in danger-”

“Ohh, there be people in danger, alright.. But none of yers..”

As the words hung in the air, Murdoc stalked over to the RMC Bunker entrance. When he reached the door, he turned back, and called out for Tidas and Skye to follow him as well. Several of the Alconian Generals and Captains thought that at least one of them should stay back, but both refused.

“If this were a fight, I’d agree, but this is a political grab for power. Skye has more standing with the Highlanders than I do because of her bloodline; it would be foolish to waste that at a time like this.”

Tidas wished that Skye would stay, but knew that this was the better decision. He trusted her, regardless of that dark little part of him that wanted to lock her safely away. She had proven capable of handling herself multiple times at the Alconian court, and saw this as no different.

But Tidas still worried..



Murdoc took them straight to the trolly, but in a completely different direction than they had gone in to get to the fields. Their Senate building was one of the oldest bunkers not directly attached to the ones powered by the old reactor. Ancient tunnels had been dug through the mountain to connect it to other bunker.

The rooms had been cleared of their comfort spaces, and turned into an official building countless generations ago. Offices replaced bedrooms, and meeting areas overtook congregation and recreational areas.

The walls were an off white color, and were dotted with the pictures of the previous Councilors and Highlander Kings. Skye was surprised at how much Murdoc looked like his father, but following the line of succession, she saw that not all Highlander Kings were Campbells.

The names Flanders, McNally, and Staurt popped up frequently, too. Skye wasn’t sure how many generations she’d seen when they reached the Council Chamber. It looked like the rest of the bunker, except for the ceiling..

Skye’s breath caught in her throat when she saw a giant mural depicting the Fae planet coming out of the Earth, and merging with it. As she stared at it, Tidas asked what was wrong..

“Remember that dream I told ye about? The one where I saw our world come into bein’? That’s pretty much it,” Skye pointed up as she’d finished.

“King Murdoc?! Why are ye-Why are those two here?! They should be in confinement!” Malcom yelled as he noticed them enter the room.

At least a hundred Highlanders sat in seats built into the raised sections of the floor. They were Councilors, Mayors, and other influential people that ran the various sections of the Highlands. As Murdoc, Skye, and Tidas walked down towards the center of the room, Petrie got up from his seat and joined them.

Murdoc’s expression with filled with sadness and pain for a split second when he looked at Petrie. He still had no idea how to tell him about Mickey, and knew that the chances of him finding out now where high. He hated how things had turned out, but his emotions had to be put aside..

Their treaty with Alcon was at risk because of Malcolm, and he was furious over it. Thousands of years and lives lost in vain if the treaty fell through now. As he neared the ‘Acting Head Councilor’, Murdoc bottled everything, and kept moving forward.

“Mornin’ Malcolm! What’s all this about now? I hear Amara and the Alconians were confined.. Must be somethin’ serious if Yer willin’ ta risk Amara’s wrath..”

Several of the Highlanders laughed at Murdoc’s quip. Skye could tell how much he didn’t want to play the part as the jovial king right now. But he knew just as well as Skye and Tidas did that their precarious peace wouldn’t last without his signature ability to defuse a situation.

However, Malcolm wasn’t pacified like the others were. Murdoc was welcoming their enemy into their home, and it was his duty to put a stop to it. Before they had a chance to infiltrate and sabotage..

‘And I know just how that devil of a king in the south planned ta do it..’

With that thought in the back of his mind, Malcolm began to tell the room why he had confined Amara and the Alconians..

“I know that I went beyond me authority when I confined the Southerners and Amara, but one must cut the head off of the snake before it strikes! Not after..”

“I have proof that a member of the RMC attempted ta place explosives along the top of the hydroelectric dam! One of the guards had shown up early fer his shift, and found the other unconscious! When he went ta check the plant, he found a member of the RMC placin’ bombs!”

The gathered dignitaries murmured amongst themselves a bit before Malcom continued; “He fought off the armored soldier the best he could! But the bastard still stuck ’em wit a hidden blade before the lad knocked him over the side!”

“Even bein’ an enemy, the lad still tried ta save him! But the bastard’s gauntlet slipped off! The lad was left wit it on the bridge before he collapsed himself!”

The Highlanders all cheered for the so-called lad until Malcom solemnly added; “He was a brave lad! He fought ta his bitter end!”

The room fell silent as everyone realized his wording. Skye and Tidas exchanged a disbelieving glance with each other as they thought the same thing.. ‘Malcom probably killed him to keep him quiet..’

Secretly grinning about the hostility building in the room, Malcom piled it on; “After I was notified last night, I immediately informed Amara! She said that we had no right ta restrict the Southerner! She said that she Knew that they had nothin’ ta do wit it! I asked if she was gonna investigate, and she told me no! That SHE would handle it herself!”

As disapproving voices began to overlap, Malcolm continued; “I told her that That wasna Our way ta do things! We don’t hide tragedies! Or heroes! We decide together what’s ta be done! That is the legacy that the True Kings of the Highlands has left us!”

As several Highlanders jumped to their feet out of enthusiasm, Malcolm added; “We do not run! We do not turn away! We face our foes! And Fight! These Southerners have no sense of honor! They plot and sabotage, and hurt innocent people! All under a guise of peace!”

As the crowds began to turn ugly, Malcolm added fuel to their fire; “And what better weapon fer that traitorous Southern King ta use than our own honor against us?! Our loyalties?!”

Malcolm dramatically pointed to Skye; “He uses the Last Warrick ta weaken us! Sure, she healed our fields, and cured the sick, but where does she call home?! Who Does She Happily Call Husband?! A Bloody MacArthur! The same one that’s been slaughterin’ us fer years!”

All eyes and hostility automatically shifted to Skye and Tidas. Her name and good deeds were the main reason that the peace treaty had been approved. If he could tear her down in the minds and hearts of the Highlanders, then everything else would fall into place..

Amara and Murdoc were both beloved and popular, but known Warrick Supporters. As Skye’s fame and admiration rose, so did Amara and Murdoc’s for supporting and trusting her. If Skye fell, so would they..

Malcolm hadn’t intended to dethrone Murdoc. In truth, he was a good king, but soft. Drexel wouldn’t have been as good, but he would’ve been easier to control. Murdoc thought and acted for himself, and listened to Amara over him constantly..

‘If I have ta take him down wit ’em, I’ll do what I have to, ta protect me Highlands..’

Walking over to stand in front of Skye, he looked her in the eye and shouted; “I think the Real reason that traitor MacArthur King sent you, was ta win us over! Then have Us make ye our Queen! Just so ye could turn around, and bend the knee ta that pretender!”

“Ye will break every pact in the treaty! Take our lands! Our children! Anythin’ ye like! Are ye not ashamed of yer self?! Standin’ before us good folk, pettlin’ yer platitudes, and fixin’ up the lands ye plan ta take?!”

Tidas took a step forward, which instantly made Malcolm jump back and yell; “Ye see?! The MacArthurs are barbaric scum! Can’t even defend his self with anythin’ but a sword!”

The room was turbulent before, but now it had been flung into full-blown chaos. People screamed at each other, and a few even started to become violent themselves. As thing started to escalate, Murdoc, Tidas, and Petrie all started to back up from Skye..

Pivking up her foot, Skye slammed it down, and made the entire room shake. Everyone automatically shut up, and turned towards the one person in the room capable of it..

“Have ye said yer piece, Councilor Malcolm? Because I got some things I’d like ta say,” Skye looked directly at him as she spoke in a booming voice.

“Why should we allow ye ta spread yer lies?! We have the evidence! And a witness ta the guard’s testimony! Why should I listen-”

“I thought it twas ‘We’, not ‘I’, here. Unless aside from taken Amara’s seat, yer plannin’ on taken Murdoc’s crown, too,” Skye stated in a matter-of-fact tone.

Malcolm sputtered for a moment before finding his words; “How Dare ye accuse me of-”

“Oh, is that not what we’re doin’ here? I thought the point was ta make wild accusations outta no where. Since that’s what yer doin’,” Skye replied as she made a face at how dirty her hands were.

Malcolm was so furious that his face was red. It had been a slight shade of pink from when he was yelling to everyone.

As he and Skye stared each other down, it took everything in her not to either drop him in a spiked hole, or drive a spike through his gut.

‘No One insults me family, ya crusty old bastard.. Yer gonna wish I had put ye outta yer misery now..’

Before Malcolm could start to rant again, Skye walked passed him, and to the podium. He tried to speak, but Murdoc ordered him, and everyone else to shut up and listen to her side. That she had earned at least that for healing the sick, and giving them extra food on top of healing the fields.

Standing in front of the hundred or so Highlanders, Skye took a deep breath before she verbally tore into Malcolm...

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