Dawning Skye

Chapter 335

335 Scouting Ahead(Part Two)

Riding on the snow mobiles wasn’t like anything that Skye had ever experienced before. It was annoyingly loud, but the ride was relatively smooth until they came to a hillside. The valley leading through the middle of the mountains took them about halfway to their destination.

Skye, Tidas, Klaus, Kari, Ronnie, and Arthur were all on snow mobiles by twos. Mickey and Arthur were not happy to have to ride together, but it was what it was. Ronnie and Murdoc opted to ride together because they had struck up a conversation, leaving Arthur and Mickey to deal.

The Highlanders only had so many snow mobiles that they could risk, so they were didn’t have another option. Even if the creature was sleeping, there was still the risk of the snow mobiles being destroyed by the unfamiliar riders.

Crashing into trees, falling through a snow-covered ravine, or just driving one off of a cliff. The number of ways that the RMC members could destroy their vehicles were too many.

The soldiers with them were all members of the Scouting Platoon, but each was chosen for their adaptability. One Tamer from the Long Range Squad, two Tamers from the Short Range Squad, and three Hybrid Tanks from the Offensive Squad.

On the Highlanders’ side; Murdoc, Mickey, and six other Highlanders were going with them. Tidas wasn’t happy to have twenty people in total going, but they needed all the help that they could get. Murdoc insisted that Richard was sleeping, but Tidas still wanted their task completed as soon as possible.

Scouting didn’t just mean counting enemies, then running away. They would need to scope out the buildings and grounds, look for possible entry and exits points, look for weapons; things of that nature and scope. They may need to camp close for the night to do a proper assessment, which Tidas didn’t like either..

There was a multitude of reasons that scouting parties were kept small. Not just because it was less likely to be detected, but because larger parties also meant more lives at risk. Even if Murdoc assured him that the creature slept during the winter months: Tidas was leery.

Once they cleared the valley, the group stopped to rest a moment. The Highlanders were surprised by how well the RMC members were handling their unfamiliar rides. And everyone but Mickey and Arthur were fine with riding together.


The two bickered a bit until the topic turned to children. Arthur gushed about his, which softened Mickey’s disposition a bit. He liked it when parents talked about their kids the way Arthur was. He knew actual details about them, and clearly cared for his family a great deal.

When the topic turned to his respect for Tidas, Mickey became a bit disgruntled. Arthur smiled at him, and started to explain the love his men had for him, and why. As he piled on the examples, Mickey actually asked questions about the various members, too.

Arthur covered things like his early training together, all the way to why Ralph had named his son after Tidas. When he told Mickey a bunch of stories about Tidas’ personally-funded war on the Slave Trade and the Sync kingdom, some of the Highlanders said that they knew a few of the their people that had returned after he’d saved them.

As they listened to Arthur, Mickey felt a building uneasiness in his chest. His entire life, he’d been told that the Southerners were dangerous savages that wanted to take their land, and enslave their people. That, and the death of his father had made him hate a people that he didn’t know..

And Mickey was finally starting to understand just how wrong that was.

Looking around at the mix of north and south: he couldn’t see a difference. They were all there to protect the people and things that they loved.. They were the same. When the politics and privileges were removed: they were just people.

“He sure likes to talk, doesn’t he?” Tidas said as he walked over to where Mickey was standing.

“Aye, he does. Especially about you. Why do ye do it?” Mickey asked with a genuinely curious tone.

Tidas didn’t hesitate as he nodded to Skye; “For her. For the children we want in the future. This world is shit, and I have the means and position to make it better. So that’s what I’m doing.”

“But why? How do beggars on the streets affect ye in yer golden palace?”

“Because I’m not blind. I see them when I walk or ride in the streets. I see the servants in the palace mistreated because they aren’t ranked or wealthy. My teacher once told me that we’re all the same, only made different by choices.”

“The choices of our ancestors, the choices of our parents.. When the choice finally becomes ours, it’s up to us to make different ones from our scripted lives. I choose to make a difference however I can because I want my children’s choices to be easier ones than I had to make,” Tidas smiled softly as he watched his wife talking with everyone.

As Mickey stewed on what Tidas had said, he added; “I don’t always make the right choices, but I do everything with that in mind.”

As Mickey nodded, Skye walked over to them, and wrapped her arms around her husband as she said; “Here ye are! I was wonderin’ where ye snuck off to.”

Tidas beamed at her; “I’m never really that far from you..”

Skye smiled back; “Aye, but I thought that maybe ye walked off with Anders, the Long Range Tamer. Scoutin’ ahead, as it were.”

Tidas lost his joviality; “No, why? Is he miss-What are you talking about? Anders is over there.”

As Skye’s eyes followed Tidas’ finger, she saw the mage in question. Confusion spread across her features as she looked at him, then shook her head and said; “He wasna here a few minutes ago.”

“Maybe he went ta piss? Or take a dump?” Mickey vulgarly suggested.

“Maybe.. But aren’t we still supposed ta go in pairs?” Skye asked, not liking the uneasy feeling bubbling up in her stomach.

“Aye, we are. Tis standard on scouting missions when in a group like this,” Tidas replied as he eyed the soldier.

Anders was a decent man, although he did have a bit of a gambling issue. He and one other of his mages had gotten in trouble a few years back for owing so much money. Other then that, the man kept to himself quite a bit, and was a good soldier.

“I’ll go talk to him about it. It might’ve just slipped his mind because we usually don’t operate in such large groups,” Tidas stated as he kissed the top of Skye’s head, then walked over to Anders.

Watching him walk away, a small grin played at Skye’s lips. Mickey saw where her line of sight went and commented; “I thought only men stared at women’s arses?”

Skye chuckled then replied; “Clearly ye don’t spend enough time around women then..”

Mickey smiled before his expression turned serious; “Do ye two really think ye can kill the monster? His uncle?”

Skye sighed deeply; “Aye, and we won’t stop tryin’ until we find a way. Richard didn’t choose this path, but he canna be excused from the deaths he’s caused. We’ll put him down, and take the Ethereal Spear back to the Capital ta be locked away.”

Mickey chuckled darkly; “Ye really think that they’re just gonna lock away such a powerful weapon? Yer daft-”

“They have to. No one can wield it without bein’ corrupted by it. The only reason I Think I can touch it is because Ima the Catalyst,” Skye had reached into her assigned snow mobile, and took out a canteen to drink from as she’d spoken.

“Ye think?! So ye could turn into a monster, too?” Mickey asked with a nervous tone.

Skye donned a quizzical expression; “I could, but I doubt it. What do ye know of the legend?”

For the rest of their break and part of the next section of their ride, Skye explained the Catalyst legend to Mickey. He’d heard parts his whole life because of the legend of the Warrick Family, but it was nothing compared to the whole tale.

As they made their final stop on the snow mobiles, Skye and Mickey finished their discussion while everyone checked over their supplies. The Highlanders had an outpost about a mile away from where they were leaving the snow mobiles.

It was nearly sunset, and the stars and moon were just starting to become visible. If they had to walk a bit in the dark, it wouldn’t be so bad due to the full moon, but animals would still be a problem. As they removed their gear, Murdoc lamented leaving his comfortable ride behind.

The mountainsides were too narrow to try and ride through, so their final stretch to the Old Capital had to be on foot. Horses could get through during the summer months, but not the wintertime. As everyone chatted and did their double-checks, Skye watched Anders disappear into the woods again..

The foreboding feeling in the pit of her stomach kicked into full-gear as she watched him duck behind some trees. He was moving like he didn’t want anyone to see or notice his departure. As he started to slip from her view, Skye decided to follow him..

“Ima sorry, but I’ll be right back,” Skye said, cutting Mickey off as he was asking about what she thought the missing piece of the legend was about.

When she took off into the woods seemingly by herself, Mickey went and told Tidas what was going on. A quick survey of his troops let him know exactly where she was going. Signaling a few of his men, Tidas carefully went into the woods after his wife...


As Skye followed him from a distance, Anders stopped about twenty-five feet or so away from their rest area. The held up his arm, signaling a nearby falcon to come to him. As he went to attach a small scroll to it’s ankle, Skye stepped out and asked; “What are ye reportin’, and ta who?”

Anders jumped when she’d spoken, then spoke in a hostile voice; “What does it matter to you? It’s official business, and none of your concern.”

“If it’s official, then why do ye need ta sneak out into the woods ta do it? I’ll ask again: what are ye send in’, and ta who?”

As Skye walked towards him, the bird squawked loudly, and flew away. Anders whipped his head around nervously as he asked; “Who did you bring with you?!”

Skye shook her head; “No one, now answer before ye piss me off.”

The man smirked; “I don’t have to show you anything. This is a report for Prince Marco, and None of your concern, Commoner.”

Skye’s eye twitched in annoyance as she readied herself to verbally tear into him, but wouldn’t get the chance. A few branches snapped behind Anders, which was in the opposite direction of their rest area.

As she peered into the darkened trees, the darkness itself began to move as a low, animalistic grumble sent a chill up Skye’s backside. Suddenly, she was overwhelmed with a sense of magical chaotic darkness. As the massive living shadow came forward, a single name escaped Skye’s mouth..


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