Dawning Skye

Chapter 321

321 The Real Highlands

The city was far more advanced than Alcon. The streets and buildings reminded Skye of the countless tomes she had read; like the ancient structures. As they walked along, Skye also noticed tracks going down the middle of the street.

“What are those for?”

Murdoc grinned at Skye; “Those are fer the trolly. It takes people from one place to another at certain times of the day. They align with the work shifts fer the majority of the city, ta make it convenient fer those that like to futz on their way to and from work.”

“Do you have cars?” Tidas asked, his curiosity peaked.

“Haha! Hell no! We did generations ago, but they made air quality terrible. Now, tis strickly trollies and bikes.”

Skye and Tidas shared an excited glance, then looked around for them. They both knew what bikes were because they were popular in Sai as well. Genie had one imported to Alcon for them to play with and ride on when they were around ten or so.. It lasted two weeks.

Once they had taken it to the palace, and Lawrence had crashed it and bent the frame; it was all but useless. Skye wound up using it for parts for one of her inventions later, but she and Tidas had been furious with Lawrence for a month. Genie stuck to sending away for foods after that..

“Tidas! Over there! Look!” Skye exclaimed as she patted his shoulder enthusiastically.

As he looked to where Skye pointed, a large smile spread across his face as nostalgia filled his mind. A bunch of adults were riding them together in a group. They were all dressed the same, so they assumed that it was a bunch of workers heading in together.


As their heads whipped around Murdoc chuckled and said; “Come on ye two. Ye’ll have plenty of time ta explore later. Mead Hall closes at five!”

“I take it that this place is some type of a tavern?” Tidas more stated than asked.

A smug expression overtook Murdoc’s features; “Oh, tis much more than that.. You’ll see, laddie.”

The roads were clean and smooth, just like the new roads in Alcon. They even seemed to be made of the same material. Lamp lights shined brightly, keeping the streets well lit. As the crowds around them thickened, Skye listened to the everyday discussions, gossips, and complaints that she heard while walking about Alcon.

“Tis the same as home,” Skye muttered with a soft smile.

As the crowds thinned and organized with each corner they passed, Murdoc donned his cockiest expression yet, and said; “Hey! We be a mightly bit More impressive than that!”

He looked over at Tidas, whom shrugged in response and said; “Hey, I can’t argue. Your infrastructure is a bit more advanced than ours...right now.”

“HA! Well see.. Alcon’s a good forty ta fifty years behind us! Ye’ll see what ima gettin’ at here shortly.”

They had walked for a good twenty-five minutes or so before Murdoc motioned to their destination. Along the way, uncountable people had waved, shouted, or even stopped them to say hello to Murdoc. As they watched his interactions with his people, Skye realized just how much the Highlanders truly loved their King.

As Skye smiled to herself they found themselves standing in front of a building no bigger than a shed. It had a flamboyant sign that read ‘Mead Hall’ above it that was as big as the building itself. Murdoc had a huge grin as he motioned for one of them to open the door.

Hesitantly, Tidas reached for the door, and pushed it open..

A long descending stairway leading down into a poorly lit hallway was the only thing in it. As they stared down, wondering where the hell Murdoc was leading them, someone grabbed their shoulders from behind. Both ready to punch whoever it was, they were surprised to see Amara standing behind them.

“Where did you come from?!” Tidas asked, happy that he hadn’t just cold-cocked their High Councilor.

“Ye went ta gab wit Gavin, didn’t ye?” Murdoc asked with a knowing smirk.

Amara’s cheeks flushed prettily, piquing Skye’s interest.. ‘Ima gonna have ta meet this man at some point..’

“You’re crazy if you think that we’re going down there,” Tidas said, bringing Skye out of her thoughts.

“Ack, don’t be such a bairn about it. Do ye really think that we’d do anythin’ to ye now?!” Murdoc chided him.

“No, but I just don’t like the idea-”

“Yer wife is gone,” Amara stated in a flat tone as she waited for the panic to amuse her.

“Dammit, Skye!” Tidas nearly yelled as he headed down the stairway with Murdoc fast on his heels.

Amara chuckled loudly as she comfortably followed behind them at her own pace. They were obviously going to either Mead Hall, or his favorite restaurant. Otherwise Murdoc wouldn’t of brought them through the city. It was the gossip going around that had incentivized her to seek out a drink in the first place.

Because of the fight, most knew what Skye and Tidas looked like now. People gathered and followed them in groups at they made their way down the road. All Amara had to do was keep her eyes peeled for gawkers, and she knew where they were.

As she turned around to head down the stairs, a small grin played at her lips as she thought about their surprised expressions..

When Murdoc and Tidas finally caught up to his wife, Tidas tried to admonish her; “Skye! What the hell?! Why do you always have to-”

“There it tis!” Murdoc exclaimed, cutting off Tidas.

A single large door was in a wall directly across from them. Two other tunnels to their sides connected to the decent sized room from other parts of the city. As they stared at the door, Amara came up from behind them and tapped the two men’s shoulders, making them jump.

After giggling first, Amara said; “Well, are ye goin’ in, or are ye gonna stand here all mornin’?”

“I’d like ta go in,” Skye stated as she lifted her hand.

Amara walked over to her with a smile on her face, and offered her an arm; “Shall we, then?”

Grinning broadly, Skye looped her arm through Amara’s, then they walked towards the door while chatting. Tidas sighed deeply, then he and Murdoc shared an amused look, shrugged, and followed after the women..

“Why is there snow on the ground out here?” Tidas asked as their feet crunched.

“It blows in through the cracks in the walls. This is one of the oldest parts of the settlement, so there’s been shiftin’ over the years,” Murdoc replied.

As the crunch of the snow echoed inside the medium-sized cave, they walked up to the door and knocked loudly. They could hear music and talking on the other side. Not waiting for a reply, Amara swung the door open, and pulled Skye along inside..

The music reverberated within the room as people drank, talked, played games, and danced...kind of. It was mostly men jumping around, and slamming into each other as the music played. It was an odd sight, and one Murdoc called a ‘mosh pit’.

“They happen frequently when the laddies play! They like rock and metal music the best!” Murdoc yelled over the noise, drawing attention to himself.

“King! King! King!” the crowds chanted.

Murdoc thrust his arms up into the air, causing them to cry out more. Highlanders started to crowd around him, Skye, Tidas, and Amara when they realized that they were there, too. As they were bombarded with questions, Skye noticed a bit of strange movement through the throngs of people..

Since she was so short, Skye grabbed Tidas’ arm and asked him to look for her. Quickly apologizing to the Highlanders, he glanced around, and saw Petrie and Mickey arguing, and the latter was shoving Petrie repeatedly.

“Well that’s not good,” Tidas stated as he briskly walked over with Skye following closely behind him.

Right as they came up, Mickey was readying himself to punch Petrie. The second that his arm lurched forward, Tidas was there stopping him. He complained and cussed at him, so Tidas let him go when Petrie had stepped off to the side.

Mickey stumbled as he tried to stand still, which was impossible. He’d still been struggling against the prince’s hold the whole time, and had momentum when Tidas let go. Seeing him falling forward, Skye attempted to steady him..

When he saw Skye, for a moment, he was taken aback by her beauty. He didn’t really pay attention to her before, simply noticed her hair color, and knew who she was. As her golden eyes looked into his, he snapped back to reality, and pulled away from her once he got his footing back.

“Are ye two alright? What’s goin’ on?” Skye asked before Tidas could antagonize the situation by speaking.

“What does it matter ta a Southern wench what Highlanders be doin’? Go back ta whence ye came! No one wants ye here!”

Mickey turned to Tidas and added; “Especially you!”

Skye watched a range of emotions cross her husband’s face, and prayed he’d land on a less hostile one. Seeing his wife’s pleading expression, Tidas went with exasperated, and replied; “We’ll be gone once we kill the monster..”

“Ye mean yer uncle?! Figured they’d send ye ta kill it.. Takes a monster ta kill one,” Mickey replied with a sneer.

Tidas’ body tensed all over; “If that’s how you want to look at it, then fine.”

Mickey chuckled loudly, drawing even more attention; “Damn right that’s how I sees it! Me, and a whole lotta others.. Ye think I’ll ever forgive ye for killin’ me Da? Forgive yer uncle fer Eatin’ me Ma?! Fuck off, MacArthur. Go back ta the pits of Hell from once ye came!”

“MICKEY! What the Hell do ye think yer doin’?! Get yer drunken arse home NOW!” Amara bellowed from behind Skye.

He’d automatically flinched when he’d heard her voice, but Mickey stood his ground; “I willna back down now! Ima just sayin’ what we’re all thinkin’! How could ye even bring them here?! They’re fuckin’ Southerners!”

Amara walked straight up to Mickey as he’d spoken, and was a mere three inches from his face when she’d stopped. Fury shined in her eyes as she spoke in a threatening tone; “Get yer arse outta here before I throttle you in front of everyone here..”

The intent in Amara’s voice was clear, and Mickey knew that she wasn’t joking around. As he looked from her, to the spectators, then to the Southerners; Mickey made up his mind..

“I hear ye, Amara, but I canna back down now. I don’t care about the result of that bout. It was probably fixed, anyways! No way these two could Tie wit ye and Murdoc! They be traitors ta their own, and ta us!”

Right as he’d finished speaking, Mickey shoved Amara to the side, grabbed a dagger from his side, and aimed for Skye..

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