Dawning Skye

Chapter 306

306 Rough Start


When Skye had first walked into the bunker, she marveled at what she saw. The room itself was enormous, and had light fixtures lining the center of the ceiling all the way down. There were also small light fixtures on either side of every door.

Two stairways that wrapped around the room led up to multiple hallways, and each hallway was connected to multiple rooms. The bottom level was where the kitchen, bathroom, and congregation rooms were.

The walls of the main room were a soft white color that was easy on the eyes, and anything metal looked shiny and new. Long, light-brown tables that had been linked together spanned the room’s length, and had matching chairs on all sides.

Tidas liked the way the place was laid out, and how open the spaces were. When he’d made a comment about it, Murdoc explained that most ‘ancient sites’, or bunkers as the ancients called them; had two frequent designs. Ones big enough for a large family, and one ones designed by ancient governments.

The bunker that they were in was a multi-family bunker that was hardly ever used. They were planning on renovating it, and using it as a kind of garage, but they were still in the re-designing process. Any work done to bunkers had to be carefully calculated, to avoid cave-ins and systematic malfunctions.

All of their systems were interconnected throughout the Highlands. One home losing power affected the entire section of their grid. When Skye asked where they got their power from, he started to say it, but Amara stepped on his foot and said; “We can explain all of that in private.”

Skye nodded and started walking again, but their path was being impeded..

Four large Highlanders were standing in the largest doorway connected to the room; discounting the new one that Skye had made. They were arguing with another Highlander, and Skye and Tidas recognized him right away.


Petrie stood directly in from of them, to stop them from entering. Klaus, Ronnie, Kari, and Arthur Tanner all stood behind him for support, and to stop any other RMC members from becoming involved.

Seeing an incident in the making, Tidas stepped forward to stop it; “What’s going on here?”

One of the men shot the Alconian Prince a nasty look; “Tis nothin’ that concerns ye, pretty boy..”

“We’re just makin’ sure the Southerners are doin’ what they should,” another less-confrontational man said.

“Don’t go losin’ yer spine now, Fergus,” the largest one said before turning his attention back to Tidas; “We’re makin’ sure ye bastards stay where yer supposed ta! I don’t give a shit about what the Council says! I’ll never trust ye Southerners!”

“Oh really? Is that yer final answer, me laddie? Because I really don’t give a shit how big ye get: I’ll still bend ye over me knee, Mickey,” Amara said in a threatening tone.

The man that was nearly as big as Murdoc flinched at her words; “Amara?! I thought ye were wit Gavin?! What are ye-”

“Me duty as the Head of the Council.. Ye foolish clipe! Are ye tryin’ ta start another fight?! Ye know Tis not their fault. We’ll speak later.. Now, get yer arse back to yer quarters! NOW!”

Amara’s voice carried over the crowds of Alconians, making most of them stop mid-task to look at what was happening. The Highlander named Mickey turned several shades of red before storming off in a bluster.

The other three that had been with him quickly apologized, then took off after their unofficial leader. Amara sighed deeply as she bent her head, and rubbed at her forehead. Her exasperation emanating out; warning anyone near her not to further frustrate her.

“What the hell was that about?!” Skye asked a bit louder than she’d planned.

Amara sighed as her hand went to the bridge of her nose; “That was Mickey Farland. He’s a bit of a complicated matter..”

“Ima good with complicated,” Skye stated with a smile.

Amara stared at Skye for a minute before she smirked, then turned to the other Councilmen with her; “Would ye mind given us a moment, laddies? Won’t take longer than ten.”

The few elders shared a glance, then nodded their approval to the two women. Tidas shot Skye a look that screamed ‘be careful’, then winked at her. Letting her know that he was just a shout away.

Skye wasn’t worried about Amara’s intentions, just the intentions of the other Highlanders. If instances like this were going to keep happening, then they were better off outside with Zazzy.

Amara led Skye out and down a short hallway that was attached to the bunker. It was their utilities room, and the place to go if they had any issues such as water temperature and/or pressure, room temperature, and other things of that nature.

As soon as they got into the room, Amara knelt down in front of Skye, and pledged her loyalty to her. It was just as jarring as when Klaus and Ronnie had done it, and made an awkward feeling settle in the room for her.

Not liking it at all, Skye said; “So.. What’s the deal with that Mickey guy? Has he always been such a jerk?”

Amara flashed a sad expression; “Mickey was me son’s best friend, when he was alive. They grew up together, and I’ve often had to act in his mother’s stead ’cause she worked so much. After her husband died, she threw herself into her work down at the brewery. Yer da’s favorite whiskey is her craftsmanship.”

“When she was killed by the Monster of the Old Capital, his attitude took a turn fer the worse. He started drinkin’ and gamblin’ ta excess, and most gave up on ’em. All except us.. He’d given up his gamblin’, but not his hooch..”

A sinking feeling filled Skye’s chest as Amara continued; “The day me son was killed, he was supposed to be with ’em, but he stayed back ta nurse a hangover.. I don’t think he’s ever forgiven himself fer that..”

“What’s his issue with Alconians if it was Richard who killed his ma?” Skye asked, confused by the target of his anger.

“His ma was killed by the beast, but his da was killed in one of me husband’s raids.. Yer husband is supposedly the one who did ’em in..”

“Oh....Well, shit. That’s not gonna be easily fixed,” Skye rambled as she paced.

Amara chuckled lightly; “Yer an optimist if ye think it can be fixed at all.”

Skye smirked; “Humans are rather simple in their complexity. Safety and acknowledgment are all any of us are really lookin’ for.. I just need ta figure out what would give him that.”

Amara gaped for a second at her before she smiled and said; “Ye truly are a born leader, me Queen.”

“Don’t call me that,” Skye stated sternly.

“Understood,” Amara nodded; “Only when we’re in private.”

Skye’s gave her a flabbergasted expression; “We’re in private now, and I don’t like it!”

“...Alright, Yer Highness it tis then,” Amara replied with a devilish smile that let Skye know that she was going to have to deal with it.

“Whatever, just not Queen.. Why do ye even call me that? I know that Ima the last Warrick, but that doesna make me capable-”

“Trust me, from what I’ve seen and heard: ye were born for it, Catalyst.”

Skye was about to ask what she knew of the legend, but a ruckus from right outside the door drew their attention away. When they opened it, two decent-sized Highlanders were in Tidas’ face, talking smack to him.

“What kind of a coward brings his wife ta the battlefield?” one said with a sneer.

“Probably scared that she’d run off with another man.. Ye know how loose those Southern women are,” another commented.

Amara huffed then went to take a step, but Skye stopped her and said in a hard voice; “I got this..”

Tidas didn’t see her right away, but he could sense her magic near him. A small smirk tugged at his lips as he waited for his wife to unleash the fury he felt coming from her presence..

Skye was standing a few feet away from them when she spoke; “So ye think all Southern women are light skirts, do ye? Hmm.. Yep, yer definitely Those types..”

The two men were momentarily stunned by Skye’s beauty, but quickly recovered; “What types? Of what?”

Skye smirked; “The bitter and angry kind that say, ‘Ima a virgin cause women are too smart ta touch me!’ kind..”

As laughter filled the hallway, the two men turned red from rage; “What did ye say, ye dumb bitch?!”

As the man went to take a step, Skye was already in front of him.. The tip of her sword at his neck. The second the other one twitched, Tidas was behind him; holding his blade up to the man’s neck.

“I suggest not insulting my wife again, or I’ll slit your throat where you stand,” Tidas threatened in a chill-inducing tone.

“Fuckin’ Mystic Cowards! Twas not fer yer magic, ye would never beat us!” the man Skye had at sword point bellowed.

“Oh really? That’s what ye really think? Alrighty then, prove it,” Skye’s eyes narrowed; “Fight me. I’ll even wear a Sealin’ Stone bracelet since ye fools don’t have any magic.. If that’ll make ye laddies feel up to the challenge.”

The men looked over to Amara; “Are ye just gonna stand there?!”

Amara smiled sweetly; “Oh, Aye! Yer right!”

Walking over to Skye, she patted her shoulder and said; “Have fun with yer wee workout! We can finish our talk after.”

Skye grinned at her, then looked back to the two men. The shocked expressions on their faces let her know that they were most likely just putting on a tough-guy show. Everyone knew that there was a ceasefire, and the younger, arrogant ones saw it as a chance to bluster.

Seeing their shock and fear at Amara’s response, Skye said; “Well laddies? Ye gonna fight me, or are ye gonna do the smart thing and back the fuck off?”

The two were already in too deep. If they backed off now, then they’d look like cowards to their people..

With a strained tone, the bigger of the two replied; “B-Bring it on, Bitch! We’re not scared of a wee lassie like you!”

Pulling her blade away from their neck, Skye turned to Amara and said; “How strong is this sentiment?”

Knowing she was referring to all of the Highlanders, Amara replied; “Mild at best, but easily bolstered by the wrong decision right now.”

Skye looked up at the man, then over to her husband. A familiar sense of foreboding began to fill him as Skye’s face stretched into a mischievous grin..

Sliding her sword into her sheath, Skye turned to Amara and said; “I think we need ta have a wee competition of our own here..”

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