Cultivation Starts From Simplifying the Exercises

Chapter 412: overlooking

Chapter 412: overlooking

Chapter 412 Overlook

The shadow on the wall trembled slightly, and a roar sounded in Chen Fei's ears.

Chen Fei glanced at the door. The moonlight was bright outside, and in the distance he could see the hospital servants running around.

Chen Fei withdrew his gaze, walked slowly to the wall, pulled out the hatchet, and then inserted his hands directly into the gap left by the hatchet.

"Chen Fei...Chen Fei...have you seen my head? Where has my head gone?"

Qi Chun's voice suddenly sounded behind Chen Fei, and a cold breath blew against Chen Fei, as if Qi Chun was already pressed against Chen Fei's back.

Its on the ground, look for it yourself!

Chen Fei seemed not to notice the strangeness on his back, as if he was talking to an ordinary person.

"But I can't see it. It was you who cut me down. Can you help me look for it, Jie Jie..." Qi Chun's voice began to become gloomy, as if coming from under the Nine Netherworld.


A roar came from Chen Fei's mouth, powerful power rippled from Chen Fei's body, and Qi Chun's voice disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Chen Fei looked at the wall in front of him, and there seemed to be the sound of dragons and elephants contending in his body. His arms began to exert force, and a hole began to be torn out of the wall.

It should have been ordinary earth and tiles, but at this moment the wall actually gave people a sense of vitality, desperately resisting Chen Fei's power, preventing Chen Fei from tearing it apart.


Chen Fei's body sank slightly, and with a low cry, a huge force exploded from his arms. In an instant, Chen Fei tore out a huge hole in the entire wall.

The black mist surged behind the mouth, and it was cold and cold. Just one glance made people subconsciously want to avoid it, and they were unwilling to have more contact with it even with their eyes.

But Chen Fei didn't hesitate at all, stepped out with his right foot, and stepped into the black mist.

Third brother!

The sound of pain sounded, Ling Hanjun looked ahead in disbelief, Jian Liang was lying on the ground covered in blood.

Chen Fei opened his eyes and looked around, and this time he returned to Pingyin County.

Chen Fei glanced at Jian Liang on the ground and Ling Hanjun not far away. They were all old acquaintances. Back in Pingyin County, Chen Fei had several enemies.

However, in reality, Jian Liangs bones did not even know where they went. As for the Linghan Army, although they avoided the strange things in Pingyin County, they eventually died in a cave.

I killed you!

Ling Hanjun went crazy, holding a big sword, and rushed towards Chen Fei. Several other bandits also rushed towards Chen Fei at the same time, ready to assist Linghan's army.


Looking at the Linghan Army rushing over, Chen Fei slapped it to the ground. The bandits behind him were stunned, neither advancing nor retreating.

Chen Fei had no time to pay attention to these bandits, and stood on the eaves of a building in a flash, looking down at the entire Pingyin County.

From the ruined temple to here, Chen Fei has roughly figured out this weird attack method.

If Chen Fei's current cultivation level is not at the late stage of the Ability Training Realm and he has many techniques to protect his mind, then Chen Fei's mind should have been deceived since he was dragged into the ruined temple.

If his mind is really deceived, then Chen Fei probably really feels that he is still the little martial artist who first entered the skin training realm.


Most people in the Ability Training realm will probably end up like this when faced with the weirdness in Pingyin County.

However, Chen Fei's mind has been in a very clear state since he was pulled into the ruined temple. Therefore, neither the ruined temple nor the scene in front of him is threatening in the slightest.

Even if Chen Fei wants to leave this illusion and return to reality at this moment, Chen Fei can easily do it.

When you clearly know that you are dreaming, it is naturally much easier to wake up than those who are stuck in a nightmare.

It's just that Chen Fei didn't want to leave like this. This illusion was created strangely, and part of the origin of the strangeness must be here.

Chen Fei was dragged here. If he left like this, it would be somewhat advantageous. As things come and go, Chen Fei wants to see if he can find out part of the origin of this weird thing here.

If the source of the weirdness can really be found, then in reality, it would undoubtedly be more labor-saving for Chen Fei to attack the entire Pingyin County.


The night wind howled, and the originally cool summer wind turned a little cold at this moment. In Pingyin County, people who were doing their own things stopped what they were doing at this moment, and all looked in Chen Fei's direction.

Chen Fei felt the change in his breath, and a smile couldn't help but appear on his lips. Apparently, the strange creature finally realized something was wrong.


The eaves tiles behind Chen Fei suddenly shattered, and several figures rushed up from below, holding blades and slashing at Chen Fei's whole body.


Chen Fei waved his hand casually, and the bodies of several figures were broken, rolled back, smashed the house, and disappeared.

But this was obviously just the beginning. Chen Fei had already heard the sound of running from far to near, and they were gathering towards this direction from all directions.

Here, Weirdness is the God of Creation, and it has the final say in everything. Therefore, at this moment, Chen Fei is considered hostile by everything in this fantasy land. They reject Chen Fei and hate him, and want to kill him.

It is undoubtedly extremely difficult to find the source of the weirdness in such an illusion, because it can be anywhere, even in the tiles of a building.

Chen Fei's eyes let out a gleam of light, and he used stargazing!

Before he finished, Chen Fei wiped his eyebrows with his right hand, a ray of light condensed from it, and the sword returned his eyes!

By using both at the same time, Chen Fei's perception of this illusion instantly increased several times. At this moment, Chen Fei looked at the people who were coming, and there was only black mist left on them.

Obviously, the origin does not lie with them.

Chen Fei's body flashed, his eyes explored hundreds of meters in radius, looking at every place in Pingyin County like a carpet. The so-called digging three feet in the ground was probably not as good as Chen Fei's at this moment.

The real Pingyin County is not small, after all, so many people lived there. This illusion truly restores the size of Pingyin County, and the area is naturally huge.

But no matter how large the area is, Chen Fei's exploration method cannot withstand inspection, so Chen Fei soon found his target.

At this moment, Pingyin County is in chaos. Everyone is rushing forward, like a wave of zombies, rushing crazily towards where Chen Fei called him.

The limbs were broken and the liver and brain were bruised, but it did not affect these people's dedication to Chen Fei at all.

Looking from a distance, it looks like waves, one wave after another, just to get in front of Chen Fei faster and touch Chen Fei.

Chen Fei's figure flashed and stepped on the head of a stone lion in a mansion.


The gate and even the wall of the mansion were shattered, and countless people flocked to Chen Fei. Everyone's face was numb, but when their eyes stared at Chen Fei, they were full of hatred.

Chen Fei remained motionless, and suddenly his right hand inserted into the head of the stone lion at his feet.

The origin, which had been silent all this time, was suddenly startled, and with a flash, it disappeared into the body of the stone lion.

In this environment, the strange origin can move at will, because this is its world. It's just that Wei Wei didn't expect that his origin would be found by Chen Fei so quickly.


A sword light, at some point, penetrated the ground in the distance. The people nearby were like a black mist, which dissipated completely in an instant.

Chen Fei came to the sword light, and the strange origin was trembling under the sword light.

Chen Fei naturally knew that the strange origin would definitely run away after being frightened, so he already had a way to deal with it. Click!

The sword light circulated, and the strange origin suddenly broke.


Huge roars resounded throughout the illusion, the illusion trembled violently, and the next moment, it shattered.

The vision went dark, and Chen Fei opened his eyes. He had already returned to reality. The electromagnetic gun in his hand was still running at this moment. So many things had happened just now. In reality, time seemed to have not moved.

The battle between the mind and the heart is like this. It seems to be extremely long, but it may only be a blink of an eye.

Chen Fei looked at Pingyin County in the distance and found that its aura had weakened a bit.

The origin in the illusion is naturally only a small part of this weirdness, but the origin is the origin. As long as it is lost, the damage to it will be real.

What is more significant to Chen Fei is that Chen Fei has locked onto the location of this strange body.

Today's Pingyin County can be said to be the body of this weird thing, but it can also be said that it is not. When the time comes when nothing can be done, Pingyin County can be abandoned at will.

Hence, even if Chen Fei used the electromagnetic gun to demolish Pingyin County, he might not be able to cause much damage to this strange creature in the end.

But at this moment, because of the origin of the illusion, Chen Fei now directly locked the true location of the weirdness in the huge Pingyin County.


The power of the bow and arrow in Chen Fei's hand became stronger and stronger, and the light flowed. Chen Fei looked ahead. The next moment, Chen Fei loosened the bow string.


A huge sonic boom cloud appeared behind Chen Fei, and the surrounding rocks and trees were all swept away in an instant. Except for the position where Chen Fei stood at his feet, which was protected by Chen Fei, the surrounding ground disappeared for a moment. .

As soon as the sonic boom cloud came out from Chen Fei's side, the arrow had already hit the wall of Pingyin County.

The city wall is covered with black mist. If an ordinary person gets a trace of it, they will turn into blood. A warrior in the body refining realm can only hold on for a moment.

Even warriors who are in the realm of acuity training are unwilling to touch this kind of vicious power.

But now, when the black mist hit the electromagnetic gun, it was pierced through without even having time to resist.



Explosions and roars sounded almost simultaneously, and a huge hole appeared in Pingyin County, penetrating from front to back. Electric light flashed on the cave, and the surrounding black mist was dissolved into blue smoke and dissipated before it even got close.

Absolute power at the peak of the Qiao Lian Realm. The key is that this arrow hit the weird body directly, without even having time to dodge.

With just this arrow, Pingyin County's aura dropped again, and it dropped violently.

This weirdo is very strong, but it is definitely not as strong as the second-level peak. Therefore, if it is hit by this kind of power and is not immediately annihilated by ashes, it is considered a fate.

The fine iron longbow in Chen Fei's hand turned into ashes. Chen Fei looked at the dozen longbows on the ground and it seemed that he still wouldn't need so many this time.

The new fine iron longbow fell into Chen Fei's hands, and the electromagnetic sound sounded again.

Pingyin County in the distance is constantly trembling, and the weirdness inside is constantly flickering and changing in various positions.

If it weren't for the previous illusion, Chen Fei probably wouldn't be able to lock in the weirdness at this moment, but I can only say that everything is destined!

several miles away.

Several figures stood on the hillside, looking at the location of Pingyin County. They all looked at each other. At this moment, they were a little unsure whether to advance or retreat.

That power just now was at the peak of the aperture training realm?

"It should be so. At least I can't do this level of moves. Brother Lu, can you do it?"

How can I have such ability? The person next to him smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Thats good, its a blessing that someone takes one step ahead of us and eliminates this great harm!


A few people nodded, but there was still a bit of pity in their eyes.

After all, with so many people gathered together, I originally wanted to destroy Pingyin County and get something. But when I came here, I encountered a strong person at the peak of the Aperture Realm who took action.

Even though they were several miles apart, they were still frightened by the fear and power. They were afraid of this kind of power, but they also yearned for it extremely.


Another crackling sound came, and in their perception, the strange aura of Pingyin County completely disappeared.

Two moves! someone lamented.

One needs to gather several of them, and also prepare for the possibility of casualties. This level of weirdness, in the hands of others, is just a two-step treatment.

They are both in the skill training realm, but the difference in strength is simply incomprehensible.

Lets go.

Okay, lets go!

A few people looked at each other. Although they wanted to get acquainted with such a strong man, who knew what kind of character this strong man had.

Especially if someone else has just finished killing Weird, their sudden appearance can easily cause misunderstanding. It is better to leave directly to avoid other twists and turns.

There is another hole in the city wall of Pingyin County that runs from front to back.

Chen Fei was standing on the city wall, overlooking the entire Pingyin County, and suddenly felt a sense of trance.

Many years ago, it was here that Chen Fei woke up for the first time.

At that time, Chen Fei had a low status and was just a helpless handyman in the medical clinic. No matter whether he was alive or dead, not many people cared.

In other words, no one cares at all.

Memories of individual figures in Pingyin County flashed through Chen Fei's mind.

The high-ranking Zhang family was gone, and only a few people escaped. A small handyman of the Zhang family, now he has eliminated this strange creature that has devoured tens of thousands of people.

Chen Fei shook his head slightly, flashed and came to a huge pothole in the city.

Wei Wei was nailed here by Chen Fei, and at this moment, there was an amber-like crystal shining slightly in the pit.

Chen Fei's clone picked up the spar, and there was nothing strange about it.

Chen Fei put it in front of his eyes, observed it for a moment, and carefully injected his energy into it.

The crystal trembled slightly.

New Years Day is here. Here, I wish you all good health, all your wishes come true, everything goes well, and happiness in the new year!

Finally, please give me a monthly pass. During New Years Day, the monthly pass will be doubled. Then I will resume two updates as soon as possible!

Thank you all for your support and love, thank you!

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