Cultivation Starts From Simplifying the Exercises

Chapter 261: Sixth grade alchemist

Chapter 261: Sixth grade alchemist

Chapter 261 Sixth Grade Alchemist

On a hilltop of the Yuanchen Sword Sect, Chen Fei was holding the Qianyuan Sword, with the tip of the sword pointing downwards into the soil. The next moment, the Chongyuan force field descended, the black energy superimposed on the force field, and the Chongyuan sword formation enveloped the entire area of dozens of meters.

Sword beads flashed in the formation one after another, running through the formation at extremely fast speeds. If you look carefully, you will find that the number of sword beads in the sword formation has changed from ten at the beginning to twenty now.

Moreover, both in terms of speed and strength, Jianzhu is much stronger than before.

This is the most intuitive change that occurs after Chongyuan Sword Skills has been cultivated to the proficient level. In addition to the obvious improvement in combat power, Chen Fei's daily energy absorption also increased slightly.

In order to open up the acupoints and fill them with vitality in the acupoint training realm, the level of understanding of the skills is very important. The Dzogchen-level exercises are definitely above the entry-level level in terms of training speed.

Hence, when a martial artist practices, resources are important, and the level of understanding of the techniques is also important. Just like walking on two legs, if one is missing, walking will be much more difficult.

Chen Fei looked at the whistling sword beads in the sword array. The mind power in the sea of consciousness gradually boiled. Qianyuan Heart Locking Technique was operating, and the sword beads in the sword array began to transform and turned into sword threads.

The sword was refined into silk, and the sword silk transformed from twenty sword beads completely enveloped the sword array.

Chen Fei's eyes glowed slightly, sensing the changes in the sword formation. After a moment, Chen Fei couldn't help but reveal a smile on his lips.

On the way to Qinhaicheng, if Chen Fei had such fighting power, it would be impossible for Dai Fangxuan of Yulou to break through the sword formation, and he would be killed by the sword formation.

After a moment, the sword array that shrouded the front dissipated, and the surroundings returned to calm.

Chen Fei stood there, calculating the sword beads and sword silk, and the consumption of the energy in his body.

In a high-intensity saturation battle, Chen Fei's current level of cultivation can actually maintain the sword beads for a long time.

But if the sword beads are transformed into the form of sword wire, although the combat power will be greatly improved, the burden will also be much heavier. On the one hand, the load of mental power is on the other hand, but the slightly insufficient side of Yuan Power is also highlighted.

The state of cultivation is the most basic thing. Chen Fei raised his head and looked forward, thinking to himself.

Having returned to the sect for so long, the first acupoint was already half full, but now it is almost full. It will take about two months to complete the cultivation of the first acupoint.

At that time, preparations can be made to open up the second acupoint, which can also slightly alleviate the lack of energy during high-intensity battles.

Early the next morning, Chen Fei appeared at the Alchemist Alliance's residence.

It took nearly four months to finally reach the perfect level of Lingxue Dan recipe. According to the original plan, it can now be used to practice alchemy.

For four months, Chen Fei received a Lingxue Pill issued by the sect every month. Chen Fei ate it directly every time, adding a little bit of cultivation and warming up his mental strength.

Elixirs are a matter of perseverance. The sect gives twelve Lingxue Pills a year, and if you take them all, you can at least save more than a month of hard training.

If the issued Yuan stones are refined together and the two are combined, it will take nearly two months.

Saving two months a year in ten years means saving more than one year and nearly two years. In terms of the lifespan of the Acupuncture Realm, this kind of saving is of great significance.

Because in the end, you may find that there is only a little time left. Or at a critical moment, a little extra cultivation can help you overcome certain difficulties.

Chen Fei worked hard to upgrade the recipe of Lingxue Pill to the perfect level, just to make this efficiency even higher. The road to martial arts is about seizing the day.

Master, you are here! Qin Jinglan saw Chen Fei and greeted him enthusiastically.

Although Chen Fei hasn't been here for several months, Qin Jinglan always feels joy from the bottom of her heart every time she sees Chen Fei.

I want to take on an alchemy task. Chen Fei looked at Qin Jinglan with a warm smile on his face.

Young Master, follow me! Qin Jinglan bowed slightly to Chen Fei and led Chen Fei to the counter.

Several women in front of the counter also recognized Chen Fei. After all, it is rare to see such a young practitioner and an alchemy master.

Sir, which task do you want to take on? Qin Jinglan unfolded the task list and displayed it in front of Chen Fei.

Chen Fei looked carefully and saw the task of refining the Lingxue Pill at a glance.

"Are there usually many tasks like this?" Chen Fei pointed at the task of Lingxue Dan and asked softly.

There are many, but they dont happen every day. If an alchemist completes it, it will probably take a few days before a new task appears.

Qin Jinglan said with a smile.

Chen Fei nodded slightly, which was consistent with what he learned.

Lingxue Pill is a pill that can be taken in the Aperture Training Stage. Of course, the effect is best in the early stage of the Ability Training Stage. After the middle stage of the Ability Training Stage, the effect of Lingxue Pill will be weakened a lot.

At the early stage of the Ability Training Realm, they have the largest number of people in the Ability Training Realm. Just like in the Yuanchen Sword Sect, there are not many elders in the middle and later stages of the Ability Training Realm.

Yuanchen Sword Sect is like this, and other sects are also like this. That is to say, Xianyun Sword Sect has more strong people in the middle and late stages of training.

However, in the early stage of the Ability Training Realm, the base number is still the largest among the Xianyun Sword Sect's Ability Training Realm. This is the law of martial arts, or the law of most things. It becomes more difficult as you go up, and the number of people decreases. "I want to take on this task." Chen Fei pointed at the task of refining Lingxue Pill and whispered.

Okay, sir, please wait a moment!

Qin Jinglan saw that Chen Fei looked serious, and it was obvious that he was not joking. Four months ago, Qin Jinglan kindly reminded Chen Fei not to act too hastily.

Now that four months have passed, Qin Jinglan can hardly imagine how much alchemy level can be improved in four months. But Chen Fei came to the alliance specifically today, obviously for this mission.

At this time, any further dissuasion would seem to be overstepping the bounds.

"Sir, this task is to refine five furnaces of Spiritual Snow Pills. Each furnace must produce three Spiritual Snow Pills. Only after one furnace is successful will the spiritual grass needed for the next furnace be given. The spiritual grass from the five furnaces will not be used. Give once and for all.

After a while, Qin Jinglan said some things to pay attention to after helping Chen Fei pick up the task.

Chen Fei nodded without any objection.

The purpose of refining one furnace of spiritual herbs is to prevent the alchemist from not having enough skills and wasting the spiritual herbs. Anyway, as long as you can successfully refine every furnace, you will not be missing the spiritual grass.

By the way, if you successfully refine the Lingxue Pill, can you become a sixth-grade alchemist?

Chen Fei suddenly asked, if the level of the alchemist can be improved, then of course he can do it directly. No matter what, the higher the level of the alchemist, the higher the treatment he will receive.


Qin Jinglan nodded and said: "In the assessment of the sixth-grade alchemist, there are three spiritual pills to choose from, and Lingxue Dan is one of them. Are you going to take the assessment of the sixth-grade alchemist?"

Yes! Chen Fei smiled and nodded.

The assessment of a sixth-grade alchemist requires a payment of 30,000 taels, or one yuan stone. If one elixir is obtained, the assessment is passed. If multiple elixirs are produced, the extra elixirs belong to the alchemist." Qin Jinglan explained.


Chen Fei took out a Yuan Stone from his arms and placed it on the counter.

Sir, please come this way!

After completing the procedures for Chen Fei, Qin Jinglan led the way forward. The route he took was different from the alchemy room that Chen Fei had visited. Obviously, when it comes to the level of spiritual elixir, the Alchemist Alliance's attention has also been raised by one level.

After walking for a while, there were very few alchemists coming and going around. Qin Jinglan led Chen Fei to an alchemy room, and a hint of medicinal fragrance emanated from it.

Chen Fei took a slight breath. These medicinal fragrances belong to spiritual herbs and formed elixirs. Obviously, there are a lot of elixirs produced here to make the medicinal fragrance last for a long time.

Chen Fei waited for a moment at the door of the alchemy room and saw two people walking straight towards this side of the aisle. One of them looks older, but his energy is very strong and his face is extremely rosy.

With just one glance, Chen Fei knew that this person's cultivation had reached the realm of acuity training, and he should be the alchemist who would take Chen Fei's test this time.

As for the other person, holding several jade boxes in his hand, he is an alliance member like Qin Jinglan.


Chi Guanqing came to Chen Fei and looked at Chen Fei vaguely. He realized that Chen Fei was also at the Ability Training realm, and his face was full of smiles.

Youre welcome! Chen Fei responded with his hands raised.

The two complimented each other a few more words, and then walked into the alchemy room together. Chi Guanqing signaled to the deacon and handed several spiritual herbs to Chen Fei's hands.

Chen Fei opened the jade box, checked the spiritual grass, and found no problems. He nodded slightly to Chi Guanqing and came to the alchemy furnace.

The routine inspection of the alchemy furnace found no problems, and the quality of this alchemy furnace was much better than those used before.

Chi Guanqing stood aside, watching Chen Fei's movements without saying a word.

From the first moment he saw Chen Fei, Chi Guanqing recognized Chen Fei's identity. After all, there are not many people at this age who are in the realm of acuity training and are alchemists.

It was precisely because he recognized him that Chi Guanqing's attitude was so enthusiastic. Chen Fei's state of practice is one reason, and another reason is Chen Fei's original mission to improve Feiling Pill.

In that task, Chen Fei showed his strong attainments and talents in alchemy. And now that his cultivation level has reached another breakthrough, Chen Fei's achievements in alchemy will probably be quite high in the future.

I just heard that Chen Fei broke through to the realm of acuity training not long ago. Is it too early to take the assessment of the sixth-grade alchemist so soon?

Chi Guanqing didn't know that Chen Fei had taken over the task of refining the Five Furnaces of Spirit Snow Pill, otherwise he would have been even more surprised.

Chen Fei sat cross-legged on the ground, lit a fire, cleaned the alchemy furnace, and set up the furnace. When the alchemy furnace was slightly hot, Chen Fei put the spiritual herbs into the alchemy furnace one by one.

Compared to the elixirs used in refining the body-refining realm, Chen Fei's movements are rarely normal now. At least the flames have not enveloped the entire elixir furnace.

Chi Guanqing saw Chen Fei making alchemy for the first time and thought it was normal. Qin Jinglan had seen Chen Fei refining elixirs several times before. Seeing that there were no flames filling the sky at this moment, Qin Jinglan's eyes became worried.

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