Cultivation Pet Shop

198 Chapter 198

The next morning at breakfast, everyone was tense since they knew that the deadline Lin Fan had set was approaching.

During the entire meal, they were all cautiously looking at one another, wondering who the traitor would be. But there was nothing that came out of this until the end of the meal.

Once everyone was done, they were all waiting for Lin Fan to make a move first because it didn't seem like the traitor was about to do anything, but then they suddenly did.

In front of everyone, one person came forward and stood in front of Lin Fan.

It was the person with the cloak that just stood there, gathering everyone's gaze.

There was still a minute before the time limit that Lin Fan set, but that person came forward to take off the hood of their cloak, instantly causing surprise to fill everyone's eyes.

A handsome face that seemed to be chiseled out of stone appeared, but it wasn't the normal kind of handsome. Rather it was more cute than handsome.

This person had bright blue eyes and medium length blonde hair, with soft white skin, but that wasn't the cutest part of him. The cutest part were the rabbit ears that were on top of his head, drooping down slightly.

However, when everyone saw that pair of bunny ears, there was a look of disdain that filled their eyes along with the shock.

These bunny ears actually touched on a very disputed topic of the Blue Star Planet, the demi humans.

Demi humans were humans that had characteristics of beasts, making them a mix between the two.

Normally demi humans were actually stronger than most normal humans, but for the humans of the Blue Star Planet that had a deep prejudice against the Beast Clan, they were considered an impure breed. Especially since there were only two ways for demi humans to be born.

The first way was the natural way.

During the earlier invasions of the Beast Clan, they were able to take territory from the humans and in those territories were people that were unable to escape or were just left behind.

Naturally the Beast Clan also had a deep prejudice against the humans since they were natural enemies, so the humans that they captured were never treated kindly. Most of them were either used as slaves by the beasts or were used as toys to relieve them of their boredom.

The Beast Clan had many different races, so of course there were some with special tastes, namely human women.

The beautiful human women captured were used without care by the Beast Clan and for the Beast Clan, they naturally didn't care about contraceptives.

One would think that different races wouldn't be able to produce offspring, but there were some among the Beast Clan that could transform into human form. Once they were in human form, that was no longer a problem.

However, even if they were in human form, their beast genes still remained and were passed on to their offsprings. This in turn created the demi humans.

When the humans finally pushed back the Beast Clan and reclaimed their territory, saving the other humans that had been captured, it was already too late since the demi humans already existed. When these prejudiced humans found these demi humans, they marked them and the women who gave birth to them as sinners, banishing them from normal society.

These demi humans and women were specially marked, forcing them into the cracks of society, doing whatever they could to survive.

There were also some that went off from the main human cities and created villages that were just for sinners, but no one ever found these villages. And whenever one was found, they would be immediately swept through by hunters and these sinners were taken away to be sold as slaves to those with money.

After all, there were some demi human races that were quite charming, such as the fox race or the bunny race…

Other than this first method of creating demi humans, there was actually another way of creating demi humans, but this method was much more dangerous than the natural method.

This method was to put the spirit crystal of a beast into humans, allowing the human and the spirit crystal to mix.

There were still traces of the beast's soul inside the spirit crystal and with their life energy, it mixed with the human that it was placed in, creating a human and beast hybrid.

This was much more dangerous because there were many cases where humans were unable to contain the energy inside the spirit crystals, causing explosions or complete disintegration of their form.

There were tests that were done before by the government, but they had been deemed inhumane and this project was quickly abandoned. However, that didn't mean that everyone abandoned it.

There were many dark organizations that still utilized this method since one had to admit that demi humans were indeed much stronger than normal humans. Combining the innate power of the beasts with the infinite potential of humans, it was much easier to become an expert. But usually the price of that was one's life since there was only a less than one in ten chance of succeeding.

Lin Fan however as someone who came from earth didn't hold the same prejudices as the people of this world. He was someone who actually really enjoyed beastmen, especially catgirls, or rather catgirl maids…

But this wasn't the time to think about this, so after a bit of a pause, Lin Fan asked, "What kind are you?"

The rabbit boy whose name was Yu Shu said, "Which one do you think?"

Lin Fan fell silent for a bit, but he already knew his answer.

If Yu Shu was a sinner, there was no way the royal family behind him would accept this. Especially since this Yu Shu was the son of the family head.

If the family head of a royal family had been cuckolded by beasts and had to raise a son that wasn't even his, the royal family would have removed him from his position a long time ago.

So the only possible explanation was that Yu Shu had used the second method to become a man and beast hybrid.

Since he was working with the Beast Race, it was very likely that he volunteered for this, with the slight chance that he was forced to do this. However, either way, the fact that he chose to do this meant that he had clearly betrayed the human race.

Yue Jin came forward and said, "You trash, how dare you turn your back on the human and turn yourself into hybrid trash like this? You bring disgrace to all of us!"

But Yu Shu ignored him and continued looking at Lin Fan, waiting for his reaction.

Lin Fan raised his hand to stop Yue Jin and the others who clearly wanted to say their piece before saying, "You're not exposing yourself as the traitor because of my threat, you're doing it because they want you to lead us to them, correct?"

Yu Shu said with a nod and no expression, "Correct, I am to lead you to their base where you will meet them one last time."

Yue Jin pulled out his bow and aimed it right at Yu Shu, "You think that we'll let you lead us anywhere? I'll finish you off right now!"

But Lin Fan stopped him once again, "There's no point in killing him and besides, since he's willing to reveal himself, he must have plans already." Then he turned back to Yu Shu to say, "Alright, we'll let you lead us there, it's not like there's anything else we can do right now."

Yu Shu nodded before praising, "Brother Lin truly is wise, I can see why Lord Yin has such hope for you."

Lin Fan gave a smile of disdain as he said, "I'm afraid I can't take the title of brother from someone like you."

Yue Jin couldn't understand what was going on, so he quickly said, "Brother Lin, you can't do this! This is clearly a trap, we shouldn't listen to him! We should take him out now and force him to give us the location of the enemy!"

Lin Fan shook his head and said, "I've already told you, since he's willing to reveal himself, he must have his preparations. Moreover, the fact that they are willing to reveal him is not just because I already know who he was, rather it's because they are confident in taking care of us. That confidence isn't false, they are definitely much more prepared and much stronger than us. Instead of waiting for them to hunt us down one by one, it is better to face them head on while we still have our full strength."

Yue Jin still didn't look completely convinced, but he had to admit that Lin Fan's words did have some reasoning to it.

Lin Fan just ignored him and turned back to Yu Shu, "Then, shall we go?"

Yu Shu made an inviting gesture and said, "After you, brother Lin."

Lin Fan gave a snort, "How can I go first if you're leading the way?"

Yu Shu revealed his first expression which was an awkward smile, "Eh, you're right."

After he said that, he led the way into the forest without care for the others.

Lin Fan naturally followed behind him, but the others hesitated a bit before following Lin Fan.

In the end, there was nothing they could do alone and since Lin Fan was their only hope, they had no choice but to follow him…

So they headed off into the forest, not knowing what would await them.

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