Cultivation Pet Shop

167 Chapter 167

After dinner and hiring Zhu Tie, Lin Fan's group were led to rooms that had been prepared for them in the west hall of the manor.

These rooms were all luxuriously decorated, but they had been put in separate rooms.

Once night fell and it was time to sleep, all of them naturally came into a single room and they fell asleep together.

Lin Fan was of course banished to the couch while the two girls took the large bed that was in his room. Tomorrow he would definitely have to get the servants to bring a smaller bed in like they had done at the Mu Manor.

The next morning, after they woke up and finished cleaning up, they arrived at the same dining hall as last night for breakfast.

This time, the entire Zhu Family wasn't gathered and it was just Zhu Ba Jie as well as Zhu Tie who were waiting for them.

Zhu Ba Jie happily greeted them when he saw them, "Good morning Owner Lin, how did you sleep last night?"

Lin Fan did his best sleeping on the couch last night, but it was still sleeping on the couch which was quite uncomfortable, but he still said with a smile, "It was alright."

Zhu Ba Jie then said, "Good, good. Then Owner Lin, when do you want to see your new shop? We already have it prepared and we can bring you there at any time."

This was what Lin Fan had been waiting for. He still had his mission from the system, so the sooner he could get this store up and running, the sooner he could build his business.

But then he remembered what he had promised vice president Zhang Liang yesterday. He still had to visit the Monster Trainer Union this morning, so he couldn't immediately head over to his new shop.

However, thinking about it, he did realize that he didn't know the layout of Water Pearl City at all either, so he would need a guide. Lin Fan said, "Elder Zhu, if possible, could you let Zhu Tie lead us around? You know that I still have to go to the Monster Trainer Union this morning and I don't know my way around Water Pearl City. If Zhu Tie comes with me, he can bring me to the store right after and I can have him help me out at the store while explaining his duties to him.

Zhu Ba Jie nodded at this, "Of course, I don't mind at all. Rather this is a very good idea since Xiao Tie always stays at home anyway. I always tell him to go out and get some fresh air, but he never listens."

Zhu Tie looked worried at first, but seeing that his grandfather had already agreed, he looked resigned as he gave a nod as well. It was very clear by his appearance that he didn't want to go out at all.

After breakfast was over, Zhu Ba Jie headed off but he gave his personal beast carriage to Zhu Tie to show Lin Fan around. He also told Lin Fan that he would see them later at dinner.

Zhu Tie was wearing his mask when he came out of the house. Lin Fan thought about having him take it off, but he decided not to do so since they weren't in the store yet. With that handsome face, he would use it while in the store and when it was outside, it was better to hide it. But if he did ever gain enough confidence to show his face full time, that was fine with Lin Fan too since that would also be good advertisement for his store.

They rode the same whale as yesterday, taking some time to let Song Shu play with it again and they came down to the main street where Zhu Ba Jie's beast carriage was waiting.

The Monster Trainer Union wasn't that far away from the Zhu Manor since these two were the peak organizations of this town. Since they didn't have an antagonistic relationship and regularly worked with each other, their headquarters were quite close.

It only took them ten minutes of heading down the main street, going around the edge of the fountain to the other side to reach the Monster Trainer Union.

When they arrived, Lin Fan's group got out, but Zhu Tie stayed inside.

When Lin Fan saw this, he asked, "Zhu Tie, you're not coming with us?"

Zhu Tie said, "I'm still not used to being outside, so I'll just stay in the beast carriage."

Lin Fan didn't insist, but he did say, "You'll have to get used to being around people eventually since you'll be working in my store. I can tell you now, working in my store isn't easy at all since it will be a very popular store."

Zhu Tie had an awkward look on his face under the mask as he said, "Owner Lin, I've actually been meaning to talk to you about this. Could I not work in your store?"

Lin Fan shook his head, "Of course not, I need someone like you in my store and I can't find someone else that easily. You're someone I definitely need in my store."

Zhu Tie still had an unwilling look in his eyes, but he couldn't go against the orders of his grandfather, so he said with a resigned look, "Alright Owner Lin. I'll wait here for your return."

Lin Fan just gave a nod and turned to leave.

Zhu Tie was definitely the best eye candy possible, how could he let him go that easily?

p Besides, he'll gain confidence soon with all the girls swarming him…

Lin Fan's group walked to the front of the Monster Trainer Union and they found a group waiting outside for them.

When Lin Fan looked over that group, he found that it was the same group that Zhang Liang had brought out with him yesterday and the one leading them was the same disciple who spoke up. But with that group, there was also another group that was led by this ugly looking young master who kept pestering that disciple.

Zhang Liang's disciple was actually quite the beautiful young woman with light green eyes and cyan hair. She was quite tall for her age, which was the start of her twenties. As for her figure, while she was a little flat up top, her bottom half had all the right curves.

When Zhang Liang's disciple saw Lin Fan, she ignored the ugly young master who kept pestering her and came up to Lin Fan's group. She cupped her hands and gave a slight bow as she said, "Hello young master Lin, we've been expecting you. You might not remember, but I am Yu Ning, Master Zhang's disciple who was there to welcome you yesterday."

Lin Fan nodded and cupped his hands towards her as well, "Miss Yu, I'm sorry for keeping you waiting. Have you been out here for long?"

Yu Ning shook her head, "No, no, young master Lin has nothing to apologize for, it's an honour to wait for you. My master wanted to come this morning, but there was a matter that came up that he had to take care of. He wants to express his utmost apologies for not being able to come personally."

Lin Fan waved his hand, "It doesn't matter, I'm sure that Elder Zhang is busy. I don't mind at all since I'm the one who is dropping in on him."

Yu Ning said, "Master has instructed me to take you to a place to rest, later he will come with the president to meet you. If you would please follow me."

Lin Fan couldn't help smiling at this since he really didn't want to just sit around waiting, so he said, "Um, Miss Yu, if possible, could I walk around the Monster Trainer Union first? This is my first time here and I would love to take a look around."

Yu Ning was surprised by this, but she quickly recovered and said, "Young master Lin, of course we can walk around. We just thought that it would be boring for you since there's nothing special with our Monster Trainer Union."

Lin Fan said with a smile, "How could that be? The Monster Trainer Union is famous, how could there be nothing special with it? You should know that I'm also a sort of Monster Trainer, but I've never actually gotten my license yet."

Yu Ning was even more surprised by this since she had heard from her master that this young master Lin was actually a Master Monster Trainer at his young age, but she said, "If young master Lin doesn't mind, we can sign you up for a test and you can get your license today."

Lin Fan thought about it before saying, "Alright, that's a good idea. I should get the proper certification since I am running a pet store."

With this, their two groups began walking into the Monster Trainer Union.

But there was someone who suddenly appeared in front of them.

The ugly young master had endured being ignored by Yu Ning, but seeing her happily talking to Lin Fan, he couldn't stop the jealous feeling inside him. He even ignored all of the things Yu Ning said about her master, just seeing how happy they were filled him with anger.

He came up to Lin Fan and poked him in the chest as he said, "How are you qualified to make Yu Ning guide you around? Who do you think you are?"

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