Cultivation Pet Shop

163 Chapter 163

The captain was surprised when he heard this, but he quickly came back to his senses and gave the order to his men to find the old couple.

His men quickly went through the passenger list and it didn't take them long before they were able to find this couple since there was only one old couple on this entire ship.

Lin Fan was led by the captain himself to the room of this old couple and the captain had his men blockade the area and surround the door. At first the captain wanted to send his men in to breach, but Lin Fan stopped him and said he would do it himself.

Angela also volunteered, but Lin Fan knew better than to let her go on a rampage.

Once all the men were in place, Lin Fan raised his foot and kicked in the door before charging inside to find a disturbing scene.

The shades were completely closed, but when they turned on the lights, they found many kids sitting in various parts of the room.

On the bed was Song Shu who had been tied spread eagle with a gag in her mouth, but the good thing was that her clothes were still intact and there weren't any visible injuries on her.

As for the other kids, they were sitting on the ground against different walls with blank expressions on their faces. It was clear that they had been drugged and weren't conscious at this moment.

The captain was about to rush forward to help these kids, but Lin Fan suddenly grabbed him by the back of his collar, stopping him from moving forward.

The captain looked at Lin Fan with a confused expression, but Lin Fan wasn't looking back at him at all.

Rather Lin Fan's eyes had been on Song Shu.

Song Shu for some reason hadn't been drugged like the other kids, maybe it was because she was the last one captured or maybe it was for a different reason. When she saw Lin Fan, her eyes immediately lit up, but then she began trying to signal him with her eyes by pointing up with them.

Lin Fan didn't understand what this meant at first, but then he felt a dangerous feeling from above him. Lin Fan quickly moved back with the captain as two blades fell down from above where they had just been standing, stabbing into the ground.

Once he moved back a bit, Lin Fan raised his other hand to punch at the two figures that had dropped down with these two swords.

The two figures both gave clean turns, allowing them to avoid all of the force released in this punch. Then using that force, they floated back several meters and created distance with Lin Fan, landing near the bed.

This airship was an airship for rich people, so each of the rooms offered to guests were all quite spacious and luxurious.

This was actually one of the smaller rooms and it already took up an area of over ten square meters.

The two figures firmly landed before standing up to reveal their true appearance. It was the old man and woman who had spoken to Lin Fan when he first got onto the ship.

Since Lin Fan's group had already come to their room, there was no point in trying to hide who they were. Not to mention that they were confident in their ability to take care of Lin Fan's group.

The old man said, "See, I told you you shouldn't have taken that little girl. Now look at all the trouble you've brought."

The old woman said, "But she looks just like a doll, I really couldn't help myself. You know that we would take better care of her than these kids ever could."

As the two of them argued with each other, Lin Fan began moving towards the bed and he pushed the captain towards some kids near the walls. Moving silently, they slowly approached their targets, but once they were just out of reach, the old man and woman stopped arguing and turned back to them.

They both released an air blade attack with their swords which pushed back Lin Fan and the captain.

Once they did that, Lin Fan turned to them and asked, "Do you want to tell us why you're doing this?"

The old woman revealed the same sweet smile as before as she said, "You already know that we lost our son, but we never got over it. So we figured that the only thing we could do now was replace him with even more children to fill the void. Of course, we'll definitely take good care of these kids, better than any of you could ever take care of them."

Lin Fan ignored this and just asked, "There are plenty of kids who are orphans on the streets that you can adopt, why do you have to resort to stealing kids?"

The old woman said, "Those street urchins are filthy, but these kids are well behaved children who were raised well. If you had a choice, which one would you choose?"

Then she moved over to Song Shu on the bed and said, "Especially this little one, she is just like a little doll. How could I resist taking her and raising her as my own?"

Lin Fan had heard enough, he immediately released his aura and prepared for a fight.

The old couple revealed surprised looks when they felt Lin Fan's aura since they never expected him to be in the Platinum Realm at such a young age. Moreover, he was already in the mid Platinum Realm.

But the old couple wasn't worried at all since they were confident in executing this plan, even if it did mean offending royals.

The two old people released their auras and everyone around was shocked.

The aura they released was actually stronger than Lin Fan, both the old man and the old woman were in the high Platinum Realm!

The old woman said with her sweet smile, "Child, you don't have to get hurt. I know that you're a good kid by the way you raised this little doll, but it's also clear that she isn't yours. Just give her to me and no one has to get hurt, alright?"

The old man however said, "You know you can't win, both of us are stronger than you, how will you be able to beat us?"

But Lin Fan just ignored them as he gave a nod to Angela.

Angela gave a nod back and before the old couple could even react, she had suddenly used her wind laws to accelerate and pick up all the kids around the room, bringing them outside.

Then when she was prepared to come back in to take care of the couple, Lin Fan raised his hand to stop her.

When the old couple finally reacted, they realized that every single kid was gone from the room, but they didn't know how it happened.

The old man had a cautious look on his face, but the old woman went into a frenzy, "What did you do?! How dare you take all my precious babies! They belong to me, I am their mother, how dare you take them away!"

Lin Fan was more than confident since he knew that he could easily defeat them, so he asked, "What happened to your son that it caused you to act this way?"

The old woman roared out, "My son? My son? You're the one who took him away from me! You took away my sons and my daughters, give them all back to me!"

When she was about to charge out at Lin Fan, the old man took her hand and held her back as he said to Lin Fan, "Our son, to be honest, it was all our fault. We were wild back in our younger days and that created a lot of enemies. Those enemies teamed up together and plotted against us, a plot that had cost the life of our son." Then his eyes turned cold and sharp, "Of course, we punish them all for that and now they're all dead."

Then his eyes relaxed as he looked at Lin Fan with a pleading gaze, "How about you just give us one or two of those kids, they aren't related to you at all and you can avoid this fight. We'll leave once you give them to us and we'll never bother you again. What do you say?"

But the old woman wouldn't take any of this as she said in a hysterical voice, "Old man, are you serious? After all we've done, you're just going to let them take our babies? Those are our precious children and you're just letting them take them away from us? I won't let that ever happen again!"

Lin Fan could see that the old man was also hurting from the loss of his son, but he also cared deeply for his wife which was why he went along with her crazy plan.

But even then, when he thought of how the kids were treated, there was an impulse that filled him that made him want to protect them.

It was the same strange impulse that had made him protect Zi Ling, it was just an impulse that made him want to protect anything that he deemed helpless and unable to stand up for itself.

He didn't know where it came from, but it was too strong to ignore.

Lin Fan looked at the old man and said, "Unfortunately, I can't do that."

The old man gave a sigh, but then he suddenly disappeared.

When he reappeared again, the blade of his sword was already right in front of Lin Fan's eyes.

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