Chapter 601

601 Bu Mo city

“It’s just a minor wound, there’s no need for the great King of Realm to heal it.”

Chen Ming’s voice started to grow louder, he and Bai Ying as usual were never able to talk in a soft and low tone. Their voices are heard all over the area, even out of the carriage.

“It wasn’t the King of Realms, brother, but Ying er your sweet little brother who healed my own big brother, so what? Compared to anyone else, of course, you’re the most important, next time if you have any injury you should have told me, don’t just keep quiet and makes peoples worried.”

Bai Ying’s voice was even louder as if he was the one who scolded Chen Ming.

“This is my own problem!”

“You can’t do that, brother, this is Ying er’s problem too”

“This kid, why are you being so reticent now, it must be because you spent too much time with that rotten Crown Prince, huh?”

“What does that have to do with him? Brother is getting weirder.”

Luo Xiang would just pretend he didn’t hear anything, his ears were so long that he could even hear the two brothers fighting over trivial matters, they mention his name.


“Heh the journey will be longer” Luo Xiang grumbled.


The orange sun lightened up the western horizon when the group touch the main street of the big city located at the foot of Mount Fo Wang.

The bustling city of Bu Mo. Despite what happened a few days ago, after almost destroyed by an earthquake and attacks by wild creatures, the big city that supports the capital is back to its throbbing pulse that never seems to ever stopped. As if nothing had happened before, crowds were seen on almost every corner to the middle of the street where the market was again visited by traders who had fled. Since the official announcement from city officials regarding about the city situation, residents and migrants have not hesitated to come and return to their daily activities there.

The Crown Prince’s entourage stayed at a two-story inn not far from the city centre. Prior to their arrival, General Yan, who was temporarily assigned by the Emperor to accompany the Crown Prince and others while in Dai Yang had already headed to the city and vacated the inn for them.

Located in the middle of a busy area near the street in downtown Bu Mo, this beautiful inn is often visited by lots of visitors, apart from staying overnight, also enjoy incomparable delicious food at the restaurant downstairs. Although now all inns are closed to serve only their special guests.

While Bai Ying and Chen Ming rested in their respective rooms, Luo Xiang and Bei Yau, General Bu as well as General Yan sat enjoying their tea and snacks on the second floor. Two young maids had just finished serving snacks and tea which was poured into Dai Yang’s signature jade cup which was neatly laid out on the table. The sound of chatter could be heard all the way to the end of the second floor.

“Servant, truly unworthy Your Majesty, if not for Your Majesty the Crown Prince and Viceroy, how could I have saved His Majesty the Emperor and family in time? Everything is a blessing,” said General Yan.

Luo Xiang lifted the teacup made of green jade selected by the city of Bu Mo and Dai Yang in general, it was beautifully shaped, carved in detail and still comfortable to hold. The hot temperature of the tea that has been poured since a while ago is still maintained and does not cool easily even though it’s been a while. A high-quality jade of Dai Yang.

“General Yan is too humble, all this is because of joint efforts.” Luo Xiang said.

General Bu nodded, and he stroked his chin.

“I agree Your Majesty, all parties have a stake here, somehow Fo Wang can become that strong. However, there has been no report of anything happening at that mountain which has never had any turbulent events, let alone been revived.”

Luo Xiang looked at General Bu and General Yan, both of them probably know the true history of Fo Wang. He put his cup on the table before the waiter came back politely pouring tea and filling everyone’s cups. Luo Xiang looked at General Bu.

“General Bu, tomorrow you can head back to Xian Yang first. The Viceroy and I will enjoy our journey slower. And General Yan, I think you just need to take us out of Bu Mo city tomorrow afternoon, looks like we will enjoy the warm air in Dai Yang a little longer, won’t disturb your time.”

General Bu nodded while lowering his head, and so did General Yan who had no choice. Although the Emperor had ordered him to accompany the Viceroy and Crown Prince to the border.

“I will carry out Your Majesty,” said the two generals at the same time.

Luo Xiang lifted his cup back to enjoy the tea and continued their small chat.


In Bai Ying’s room. He and Chen Ming and Xiao Hong were seen enjoying their free time playing cards on the round table not far in front of the bed. Many snacks were spread out on the table as a reward for their bet.

“Brother is cheating, I clearly saw that your card numbers are all small, why it becomes all big? Brother must have switched it, did you?” Bai Ying exclaimed looking at Chen Ming with sharp eyes. Chen Ming threw his card into the centre of the table.

“Who allowed my very clever Brother to peek at my card, you’re the one who cheated, stop the excuses, and quickly throw your card” Chen Ming exclaimed.

Xiao Hong sat behind Chen Ming helping him choose which card he wanted to throw. Hanging out with Chen Ming for too long made him become like other humans who can play cards and who knows what else he can do.

Bai Ying squeaked in joy as he opened two cards and it was his that came out victorious.

“Yeah I won” he scooped all the snacks in the packet that had been their prize bet in the middle. Chen Ming looked at Bai Ying sharply.

“See, little brother was deliberately noisy to trick me right? You don’t know what my card was in the first place, didn’t you? This sly brat.”

Bai Ying stuck out his tongue teasing Chen Ming who looked angry.

“This brat” and Bai Ying really couldn’t stop showing off that he always won, lots of snacks on his side.

“Wow, this is enough for tonight”

Chen Ming pulled his lips, this little monster really likes to eat anything, that many snacks only for one night?

“Just watch out if you’re complaining of stomach ache on the way, there won’t be a restroom for you.”

Bai Ying puffed his mouth out.

“This brother is so mean.”

Chen Ming looked at the rest of the cards. He poked Xiao Hong’s stomach as if giving him a code with a glance in his eyes, and Xiao Hong seemed to know what Chen Ming meant. He looked at the card in Bai Ying’s hand, trying to see through it.

“Hong, you can’t cheat, okay?” But Bai Ying’s words stopped him.

Xiao Hong averted his gaze, scratching his head clumsily.

“Er, no, Your Majesty, I didn’t do anything.”

Chen Ming pulled his lips, what a useless Xiao Hong.

The young bird brought its head closer to Chen Ming and helped him choose the next card to issue.

“Prince, try this one.”

Chen Ming saw the look on Bai Ying’s face when he saw the rest of the cards, if he noticed his reaction was a bit different from earlier, he didn’t look that excited. Chen Ming pushed all his snacks into the centre of the table.

“Okay, I will bet all my food, and you too, push all the food, who wins will get all of it”

Bai Ying was surprised, but he tried to cover it up. It seems that the card is a bit problematic.

He has no choice but to push all his snacks to the middle.

“Okay, go ahead, come on, this time we’ll bet it all out!” Bai Ying shouted.

Night comes. In an instant, the crowd on the main street of Bu Mo’s bustling downtown became quiet, just like General Yan said that city of Bu Mo had a rule not to trade after sunset except for restaurants and the like. The atmosphere is very calm and the cold wind that blows from Mount Fo Wang makes everyone get into their houses.

Bai Ying lying on the clean and soft bed, when the door was pushed open from outside. A few steps until the bed finally rocked a little. Someone was already lying next to Bai Ying and hugging his waist from behind.

“Erm, I can’t wait to hug my Ying Ying, how can I endure this for so long?” whispered Luo Xiang who was hugging Bai Ying from behind.

The young man didn’t move, he was too sleepy to deal with the Crown Prince who hugged him like he was a bolster. He just held the Crown Prince’s hand and hugged him.

“Servant is very tired Your Majesty”

Luo Xiang buried his whole head in Bai Ying’s shoulder, inhaling the young man’s lovely body scent deep into his chest.


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