Chapter 55

Chapter 55: It’s Not In The Cherries

The Crown Prince kept thinking, he kept thinking as he massaged BaiYing’s palms.

“Emm, the evidence was found in their room, whether the culprit Yan or Bi, or even both, we do not know that for sure, but they will be investigated”

BaiYing looked at his scuffed hands when his skin was slightly peeled off, it’s weird, he did not feel any pain, until it touched by the Crown Prince now, and, he thought a lot of odd things here if the maid wanted to poison him, why they have to wait until the meal where so many people came? Wouldn’t it be easier if there is no one around? And, if this time the target was concubine Ye, why do they have to wait for concubine Ye to go to the Plum pavilion to launch their action?

BaiYing wanted to tell the Crown Prince about what he thought, but, could it be able to help him?

“YingYing, what are you thinking of?” Luo Xiang asked, knowing BaiYing too well to know that the boy was deep in thought when he looked at him.

BaiYing shook his head, however, he shouldn’t hide anything if he wanted to save his servants from the death penalty.

“Your Majesty, is, you think their target now is concubine Ye?” BaiYing asked.


LuoXiang thought and shrugged his shoulders.

“Em don’t know either, but..” The Crown Prince stopped his hand movements.

“If it really Concubine Ye, they shouldn’t have done it in the Plum Pavilion, why not attack her while in her pavilion? And, if it is YingYing, they should’ve done it when no one comes to visit, isn’t that what are you thinking about right now? ”

BaiYing frowned, can that Crown Prince really read his mind? How can it be the same with what’s on his head?

“Em, Your Majesty thought about that too?”

LuoXiang nodded.

“Yeah, I also realize, this is quite strange, but it could be, because the perpetrator wants to mess up the situation so that they think they can take a chance when everyone is gathered, however, the risk is that there could be more than one victim if they poisoned the food, it possible that not only Concubine Ye who ate it, but also YingYing, Concubine Fu or Concubine Lui. ”

BaiYing looked at the Crown Prince.

“Um, earlier, actually I also had time to taste that cherries”

Hearing that Luo Xiang widened his eyes, he immediately checked on BaiYing.

“Really? Then did YingYing feel anything strange? Is it chest tightness or ... ”

BaiYing lowered the Crown Prince’s hand on his cheek.

“Servant is okay Your Majesty, I only tasted a little bit because it was too sour so I threw it up again.”

LuoXiang stopped his hand movements.

“Em, really? This, it’s very strange, if all cherries are spiked with poison, even if you only taste a little, YingYing must also be poisoned. What if, it means that the poison was not in those cherries? ”

BaiYing also thought if the poison is not in the fruit then where can it be? While concubine Ye only ate the cherries, and after that drank, there she was, drank, Concubine Ye also had time to drink.

“What if, on a drinking water?” BaiYing asked.

“What drink?” Luo Xiang asked back.

BaiYing’s eyes widened wide, he remembered concubine Ye’s, after finishing a few sour cherries, she then grabbed the drink on the table and took a single sip, and the drink was none other than BaiYing’s fruit drink that he had not touched yet.

BaiYing swallowed his saliva, if so, it means that the target was really him? because that was his drink, but the victim was concubine Ye.

BaiYing gripped Luo Xiang’s hand tightly, thinking it made his chest suddenly hurt, imagining that concubine Ye was getting hurt because of him.

“Y-Your Majesty, what should I do? Servant makes concubine Ye wretched. ”

The Crown Prince immediately grabbed BaiYing’s trembling hands.

“Hey YingYing no it’s not because of you, calm yourself down”

BaiYing’s chest was tight, his breath hard to pull out, all the pressure in his head seemed to keep pushing so that he could burst at any moment, his hand tightly gripping Luo Xiang’s arm that was hugging him.

“Poor concubine Ye, she’s a good girl, Ying’er shouldn’t have invited them to eat together, this shouldn’t have happened if Ying’er wasn’t careless, it’s all my fault. ”

LuoXiang patted BaiYing’s shaking shoulder while he kept biting his nails.

“No, it’s not your fault, pull yourself together, we have to think about it, let’s do this together, okay?” The Crown Prince lowered his face at BaiYing’s lackluster face and pulled him in his arms.

“It’s not your fault”


Bomm bomm boom!

Footsteps from outside the Crown Prince’s workroom.

The Crown Prince just finished his report when he saw his bodyguard appear at the door, immediately lowering his body in salute.

“Report Your Majesty, His Majesty the Crown Prince is ordered to return to the Emperor’s palace for a while, there are important issues to be discussed”

The young guard was none other than one of the special guards who served beside the Emperor to convey all messages from him.

LuoXiang waved his hand at the clerk who handed him another pile of reports.

He glanced at BeiYau who then approached.

“Your Majesty”

“Bei you go back to the pavilion to look after YingYing, I don’t want when I am not around there will be people who take the opportunity to harm him, even though the guards are quite strict but I’m still worried”

BeiYa nodded.

“Yes, Your Majesty.”


While in the detention room in one of the buildings not far from the Crown Prince’s palace, BaiYing, followed by a servant, sneaked into the prison area.

“Your Majesty,” whispered the little servant who followed him, a young boy perhaps not far from his age who also hid behind the wall when he saw the bodyguard passing them.

“We can’t make people see us Tu, they won’t allow us to go to the detention room”

BaiYing waved his hand to ask the young servant called Tu, who is none other than his gardener to come out of hiding, and trot towards the door of the detention room, Tu brought a basket filled with food, apparently, BaiYing had prepared everything to visit Yan and Bi there.

“Come on, hurry up,” whispered BaiYing, pulling Tu’s hand.

Shortly, the two of them entered the detention room, some of the guards who saw BaiYing passing by lowered their heads respectfully, it was not that he could not go there, but all the eyes of the guards saw him strangely, soon the news about he was there would be known by the Crown Prince.

The detention room is dark, there are several rooms on the left side that are used to temporarily lock the prisoners before being sent to the central prison outside the city, he eavesdropping the conversation from the prison guards outside earlier, that Yan and Bi’s prison located at the very end of the room, they hold them in one place. But, there were no sightings of his maids, only the dirty prisoners who were looking at him with their mouths almost drooling because BaiYing looked so attractive.


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