Chapter 46

Chapter 46: Rough Diamonds

Shortly thereafter,

The entourage would continue their journey back to the palace, General Po’s core troops who often followed him were lined up in front of the inn. Meanwhile, the general was still reluctant to part with BaiYing who escorted him out with the Crown Prince behind him.

“Grandfather, can Ying’er visit Grandpa’s house later?” asked BaiYing.

General Po chuckled.

“Heheheh of course you can, this boy, grandfather will be so upset if Xiao Ying doesn’t visit me” he glanced at the Crown Prince who was standing very close as if clinging to BaiYing, then slowly pulled BaiYing’s hand a little away from that man and whispered to him.

“Emm, XiaoYing, is that, em, the Crown Prince really kind to you? You can tell grandfather about this, even like this, grandfather has more power, Ying’er only needs to say that if you really don’t feel comfortable and depressed in the palace, then Ying’er can stay with grandfather in XianYang,” whispered General Po.

BaiYing glanced at the Crown Prince, who seemed he didn’t want to care about their business but BaiYing knew that that person had eavesdropped, just look at his ears which are getting higher and tapered. At first, BaiYing also thought about that, if he could just refuse to return to the palace and go with his foster grandfather, who was none other than YueYang’s mainstay of generals, which is certain that if he wanted even the Crown Prince would not be able to prevent it.


But, after hearing what the two people had talked about last night, even though it seemed he was asleep but BaiYing could hear the two people’s conversation clearly, that the person who planned the massacre of his entire family, or even the person, who killed his biological mother and the Crown Prince’s real mother, most likely are people inside the palace, therefore, BaiYing had to enter the palace, no matter what, he could try to find out and if he could get avenge for the twenty-two members of the Hua family as he’s in there, at least that was what he could do because he couldn’t fight anyone with his current state, he couldn’t even protect himself.

BaiYing smiled at General Po,

“Grandfather, Ying’er will definitely come to visit, grandfather don’t forget to take care of your health, don’t leave BaiYing alone, Grandpa have to promise Ying’er”

General Po almost shed tears at the young man’s gaze, he slowly pulled the boy and hugged him, stroking his hair, softly.

“Hehe sweet child, grandfather will take care of this health for the sake of little Ying’er, and don’t forget that XiaoYing still has a grandfather, so you can never say that you are an orphan, okay?”

BaiYing who almost can’t hold his tears nodded his head, General Po anxiously pinched his nose.

“This kid”

After BaiYing let go of his embrace, someone else was already standing beside General Po ready to replace him to hug him.

“This brat, don’t forget about uncle.”

General LinMo, who came at dawn also knew BaiYing well, he was none other than the distant cousin of BaiYing’s mother side, as he know, so in other cities, BaiYing might still had many other family members.

“Hehe uncle” BaiYing hugged the young general.

LuoXiang took a deep breath, those General help him since they have their own reason since the first time, he did not expect to have carried a rough diamond in his palace, it looked worthless but it turned out that he was more valuable than anyone else and he could not mess with that kid.

“Hehehe please be careful on the way back, uncle”


The big horse crosses the city road fast.

Drap drap drap.

Until the man pulled his bridle stopped the big tall horse in front of a restaurant and immediately rushed inside, ran directly to the second floor where the whole restaurant had been rented by a man in white-dominant clothes embroidered with gold who were sitting enjoying the tea, surrounded by large, tall men in clothes resembling palace guards who were standing at attention.

The man who came hastily lowered down his body in front of the figure that was none other than LuoYan, who placed back slowly his teacup onto the table.

“Report Your Highness, I have got the information.”

LuoYan waved his hand and ordered the man who was none other than one of the palace guards assigned by him to stand up.

The man immediately presented his findings.

“Whole residents of Hua killed in the attack and the big house was wrecked on fire, at this time His Highness the Crown Prince had sent people to clean house even bury all the dead in the family cemetery outside the city, has been ascertained that the Concubine Hua is among one of the victims”

Hearing that LuoYan raised his head, looking at his bodyguard with big eyes opened

“What do you mean?”

LuoYan immediately glanced at his personal bodyguard standing beside him, a slightly stocky and round man, PangPao, don’t judge him by his fat round body and funny dork face, there must be something interesting that makes this unattractive man as the personal bodyguard, of a very handsome and good looking Second Prince.


Pang approached, lowering his head in front of his prince.

“Forgive me, Your Majesty, servant pretty sure had seen His Majesty the Crown Prince and Concubine Hua ride the horse together heading to the Rose Inn. It will not be mistaken because the Crown Prince’s entourage is quite an eye catching.”

LuoYan glanced at Pang sharply.

“Then you think your men are lying?”

Pang glanced at his men, both of them engaged in a vague glance.

“What the heck?”

“I saw it by myself.”

LuoYan picked up the teacup that the servant had refilled.

“It’s easy, what makes you so sure that Concubine Hua was killed, did you see her body?” he asked, the young guard lowered his head back.

“Report Your Highness, I saw the name on the headstone located behind the tombs of Mr. and Mrs. Hua, it is clearly written the name of Concubine Hua, HuaBaiYen.”

LuoYan enjoyed his tea, not knowing what was on his mind, but he grinned.

“Hehe, maybe Concubine Hua who we know now is not the Concubine Hua that we should’ve known, hemh, this is interesting”


Klop Klop Klop.

The big horse belongs to the Crown Prince’s entourage entered the capital main road, everything they passed immediately lowered their bodies to see the group passing, the Crown Prince’s reputation was not too bad at all, in the eyes of his people he was the awaited Emperor just as they had great respect for the current ruling Emperor, in the future popularity LuoXiang might be a bit more than his father, who, although is very wise, but rarely set his foot outside the palace, so that people thought he was a cold figure, unlike LuoXiang who always seemed to be smiling broadly on his horse, well, of course, because now he’s hugging the beautiful BaiYing with him in his arms.

All eyes don’t stop seeing them, and this is a little embarrassing for BaiYing, why doesn’t that pervert bring a horse-drawn carriage with him? Do they have to sit on the horse cramped all the way to the palace? Ouch, the distance is still quite far. He sighed.



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