Chapter 44

Chapter 44: Rose Inn

The Crown Prince, BaiYing, General PoYang, and BeiYau already seated at the dining table to enjoy the dinner, General Po laughs haven’t stopped seeing the adorable cute face of Baiying who enjoys his food, even when BaiYing scrunched his face when LuoXiang keep teasing him.

“This brat, look how you eat? It’s so messy”

BaiYing brushed off Luo Xiang’s hand who’s blocking his hand to pick up another delicious meal on the table, BaiYing kept pushing all the food in his hungry stomach as he hadn’t eaten properly for a long time.

“Your Majesty please remove your hand”

“Don’t eat too much, you’ll get a stomach ache later”

“No, not with all of this delicious food”

General Po chuckled as he stroked his beard.


“Hehehehe Concubine Hua eat slowly, you’ll get choke later”

BaiYing glanced at General Po who seemed to be mocking him.

“Ah Grandfather, who is concubine Hua? this is BaiYing grandpa, Xiao BaiYing, please don’t call Ying’er like that”

General Po chuckled again.

“Hehehehe, what can I says, according to His Highness that, this cute, adorable and sweet young kid is his concubine, what can I do other than obey His Highness Crown Prince word, or otherwise i would be in trouble”

BaiYing glanced at Luo Xiang who pretended not to look at him, busied himself taking the side dish and putting it in his mouth until he lifted his head and found BaiYing’s gaze on him.


BaiYing waved his hand in front of him.

“Your Majesty, please tell Grandpa Po that this servant is just a fake concubine, Grandpa Po will always misunderstand, Your Majesty’s concubine should be my sister, HuaBaiYen and not this servant HuaBaiYing, please tell him clearly Your Highness”

LuoXiang just glanced at him and did not stop him from filling his mouth to swell with the foods until he could not speak.


General Po finally couldn’t stop himself and laughed out loud.


BaiYing kept tugging at the Crown Prince’s sleeve.

“Your Majesty, just say it, don’t just eat”

Luo Xiang was still furrowing his brows because his mouth was so full that it was hard to talk at this time.


“Your Majesty!” sulking BaiYing.

General Po laugh loudly, one of the most powerful Generals in the country, his laughter could be heard to the second floor where the guards were still busy on guard.

“Ha ha ha ha”


Night’s getting late.

BaiYing fell asleep on his bed while LuoXiang and General Po were still talking at the table not far from the bed, LuoXiang wanted to just rest right away but General Po met him and delivered the news he forgot to tell earlier.

General Po poured tea into LuoXiang’s cup.


“So, maybe the puppeteer is really in the palace? But who is so brave? And why now? What made them attack YingYing now? ” LuoXiang was marked with a question.

General Po also took a soft sip of his tea.

The two of them spoke in small voices and didn’t want to disturb BaiYing who was fast asleep until the blankets were scattered.

“Heh, I don’t know for sure, but, my hunch is that anyone who is eyeing XiaoYing won’t just stop before getting what they looking for from the first time, don’t know what the kid has but it’s definitely worth it when XiaoYing is alive than to killing him.”

LuoXiang clenched his fists.

“General Po, I am very grateful if the General did not reveal YingYing’s identity to the palace first, I will think about it later, at this time YingYing will be much safer in the palace, at least many guards will always be on standby when the attacker manages to infiltrate the palace, as for now, let everyone think HuaBaiYing was killed in the massacre of the Hua family. ”

General Po nodded while stroking his beard, he glanced at BaiYing who was fast asleep innocently.

“Heh poor kid, he’s been suffered since he was a kid from many attempts of murder, almost died with very serious injuries when he even didn’t understand what happened yet, and now, has to be the target of assault whose motive is still unknown, and, heh, Your Majesty, I have thought about this, one day, I will come and take XiaoYing out of the palace and live with me in my house outside the city, so when I retire I can enjoy my old age with Xiao Ying by my side, heh, this is not bad either. So, I beg you, don’t let anything bad happen to Xiao Ying.”

The general looked at LuoXiang deeply,

He might be a general who was under the Emperor’s orders, but as a great General who leads the troops for decades, the number of his men are countless, even if he intended to rebel he could mobilize many troops loyal to him.

And his words were not just words that he just blurted out, LuoXiang knew that he lifted his teacup and took a slow sip again before answering General Po, in his heart wanted to tell the General that YingYing business is not that he’s, he just talks like that as if he could just take YingYing from him, he wanted to die?.

“Ahem, YingYing is my concubine, one day, maybe I will take him to visit General Po in your retirement home, just wait there, but for now, until don’t know when YingYing will always stay with me, General don’t worry about that.”

General Po put his teacup on top of the table, holding it firmly, had eye-to-eye with the Crown Prince who was known to be so stubborn and firm with his stance, he grinned.

“Hehe, I just want to take my grandson home, if he doesn’t feel at home in the palace he can come back to my house anytime, he won’t feel lonely.”

LuoXiang took a deep breath.

“How could YingYing feel lonely, there is me by his side”

“Well, of course, Your Majesty also has other concubines, well who knows that one-day XiaoYing is naughty and Your Majesty is bored with him, can immediately tell me about it” General Po still had time to raise his cup while saluted, but LuoXiang continued to pour the tea into the cup and drink it up in one gulp.

“I think it won’t be happened in shortly General Po, until then maybe it would be too difficult for me to get bored to YingYing, and for sure, he will feel at home in the palace that he might forget to go to your house later”

General Po finally chuckled at Luo Xiang’s words.

“Heheheh of course Your Highness, I only say if, I believe that Xiao Ying is so cute and fun that no one will feel bored with him, he such a cute and sweet kid”

Finally, the two same stubborn stone-headed people laugh loudly and enjoy their tea again. Their voices are quite loud which makes BaiYing who’s sleeping a little bit annoyed and cover his ear with a pillow.

“Ach Ying’er want to sleep”


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