Crimson Instinct

Chapter 163: Cruelly abandoned

Chapter 163: Cruelly abandoned

Ying Yue was watching them with an impassive glance, but her heart was racing like crazy. She didn't know what was going on and why these men suddenly appeared, saying that it was a trap.

...A trap?

She slightly trembled and clenched her dress in her fist.

Was this interview fake? A scam? But why? Why do they want us? I don't even know them.

Xue Jingjing, on the other side, was already starting to lose it.

First, that thief who stole all the money at gunpoint and now these two men

She shuddered, seeing their guns pointed at her. A fight or flight response was already making her body shiver in fear.

"T-this" she jerked her head towards Ying Yue and gritted her teeth. "Yue, what the hell is this! Who are these people?"

"I don't know."

The second man laughed. "Everybody would be so happy. There was supposed to be only this bitch here" he pointed his finger at Ying Yue, "but now we have got two!" He looked at Xue Jingjing.

Tears rolled down from her cheeks. Her instinct obviously told her that the men were here to kidnap them. 

"Y-you... what do you want?" Then she thought about the thief she clashed with in the morning. "You want money, right! Yue will give you as much as you want but leave us"

She shook Ying Yue and exclaimed. "Why are you just standing there!? Take out all your money!"

The first man laughed out loud. "Money? Hahaha! You are so funny! But don't worry. You will soon come to know your fate. Hahaha!"

Ying Yue seemed calm. Even if she was afraid of them to a certain extent, she didn't show it on her face. She was secretly looking for and thinking about possible ways to escape. 

There was the main entrance, which was blocked by the two men and a window on the right side, but it seemed already locked tight. It would waste too much time to unlock it and escape. They would be already caught.

There was only one chance, and that was to let the men take her and Xue Jingjing outside, and before they put them in their car, somehow push them away and escape. Of course, it sounded easy, but in reality, it was too difficult, especially when they were carrying guns.

Ying Yue silently took a deep breath.

We have no other option left.

She plainly said, "Please don't shoot us. We will go with you."

"What! Yue, are you crazy?" Xue Jingjing looked at her in horror. "Are you out of your mind?"

The men were impressed. "Ho...she looks like a sensible girl. Now come, and let's go going already."

"No!" Xue Jingjing screamed and glared at her. "Yue, what the hell are you doing?" She looked at the two men, "Take her if you want but let me go please" she sobbed, "wasn't she your target anyway? I wasn't supposed to come with her, but she forced me! Please don't involve me in this!" She shamelessly begged for herself.

Ying Yue froze. Her gaze slightly dimmed, but she said nothing.

The two men didn't give a fuck to what she said and were dragging them outside.

"No, no, please! Somebody help!" She cried.

"Hahaha! Nobody can hear you here. Exactly why we chose this place."

They dragged them out at gunpoint, and we're reaching near the car.

Ying Yue's heart sped faster in her chest. She thought of something and got ready.

As soon as the men opened the door of the car, Ying Yue grabbed it in a flash and forcibly opened the door wider with all her strength, hitting the first man with it and taking them by surprise. The men were standing one behind the other, with the second one watching over Xue Jingjing at the side.

The door harshly hit the first man, and the gun slipped from his hands. He stumbled on the second man behind him, and they both fell together on the ground, colliding with each other.


Ying Yue grabbed Xue Jingjing's hand and dashed away.

"H-huh?" She was confused as hell as it was all of a sudden, but she snapped out. They were away from those men's grasp.

She looked at Ying Yue, dumbfounded.

Did this dumbo actually save us? Heh, of course, she should! It was because of this bitch that we got into this situation in the first place!

"Hey!" The men watched them running away and quickly got up. They took their guns and fired many shots, but it didn't hit them.

"Fuck! Let's chase after them!"

The adrenaline in Ying Yue was in full swing, and at every second, her heart was beating faster and faster. Sweat covered her forehead, but she kept on running, holding Xue Jingjing's hand.

The men kept chasing after Ying Yue and Xue Jingjing. "Stop running away!"

Ying Yue took a right turn, and just a few more yards ahead, they would reach the main road. Once they reach the main market area, they could find some help from those people.

"Hah..hah...I am tired, Yue" Xue Jingjing huffed and puffed breathlessly. She was slowing down a bit.

"We cannot stop, Jingjing. They are after us."

"It's all because of you! What kind of phony interview did you agree to? Do you not have the brains to figure out a scam? Are you so dumb? Now, I'm stuck because of you!"

Ying Yue said nothing.

"Wait, I think we have lost them already. Let's stop. I cannot run anymore"

Ying Yue urgently said, "Jingjing, please. It is still dangerous. Once we reach the main road, we will be safe."

Xue Jingjing shook her hand away. "Shut up! Don't tell me what to do. We got into this mess because of you." She looked at her in disdain.

She inhaled deep breaths and fanned herself. Ying Yue paled. She looked back, panicked, and was restless.

"Let's go, Jingjing."

"Shut up. We have already lost them."

"There they are!" The men shouted. "Hey, stop!"

Xue Jingjing froze, and Ying Yue widened her eyes.

"Jingjing, I told you."

"Damn!" Xue Jingjing cursed, and as they started to run, her knees wobbled, and she fell.


Ying Yue looked back and was shocked. She quickly came to her aid, but the distance was already lessening between them and the kidnappers.

Xue Jingjing cried. "Yue, please save me! Help me get up."

Ying Yue helped her up, but Xue Jingjing was terrified of those men. They looked ready to shoot. It was clear to her that both of them couldn't escape unharmed. Somebody was bound to get caught.

Xue Jingjing bit her lower lip and stared at Ying Yue.

Don't blame me for this, Yue. It's only right for you to compensate since you brought us into this mess. Those men want you in the first place, so why should I suffer?

Xue Jingjing pulled Ying Yue hard, and with her support, she stood up. But that force pushed Ying Yue down, and she fell instead.

Xue Jingjing quickly grabbed this chance, shook her hand off, and ran away.

Ying Yue fell on her knees, and she gasped as she collapsed. She looked at Xue Jingjing, horrified as she left her alone and ran for her life.

Xue Jingjing looked back once and saw the horror and disbelief in her eyes. Ying Yue was always impassive, and it was hard to detect her emotions, but at this moment, even Xue Jingjing could feel it - the sense of abandonment.

I don't feel guilty, Yue.

Xue Jingjing tore her gaze away from her and kept on running away.

"You bitch!" The men grabbed her arm and dragged her up. "How dare you hit us and run away?" He raised his hand and slapped her cheek.

Ying Yue's head was harshly thrown to her side with that slap. A burning sensation stung her cheek.

The crisp sound of that slap was so loud that even Xue Jingjing heard it. She froze.

Don't think about her, Jingjing! That bitch deserves it!.

The second man chased after Xue Jingjing and also shot in her direction, but she had already disappeared into the main road.

"Fuck! If I kept chasing after her now, she would surely get help. Lucky bitch," he cursed.

He went back and saw his partner manhandling Ying Yue.

"What about that other woman?"

"Tsk. She escaped."

"Fuck! We could have got a bonus if we brought her too. But at least" he pulled her hair, and she gritted her teeth in pain, "we managed to catch the main target. Otherwise, we would have been dead if we had lost her too!"

"We have already wasted enough time. Let's go."

"What if that other woman causes a ruckus?"

"Heh! Did you not see how she abandoned her? Will she open her mouth to get herself into trouble? She would just make an excuse and won't even mention this incident to anybody."

Ying Yue stiffened.


"Let's visit your hell, woman." The men sneered. "Everybody, especially one man, in particular, is restless to get his hands on you."

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