Creating Heavenly Laws

Chapter 91

Chapter 91

The Cosmic Human Alliance, as well as the three intelligent goddesses, encourage citizens to report any issues.

Reporting here includes any aspectofficial misconduct, discovering other citizens' criminal activities, tax evasion by companies, information about aliens, and so on.

Moreover, it is not a voluntary report; afterward, the goddesses will judge the impact of the report and give rewards accordingly.

Rewards can include cash, positions, rare items from the universe, celestial artifacts, and even merit points. As for the reporting method, it is extremely simple and does not require any complex procedures; you can directly connect to the Goddess of Wisdom.

In theory, even first-class citizens have the power and ability to report planetary governors.

Of course, while the goddesses support reporting, they do not support random reporting. If an investigation later reveals that the report was unfounded and entirely fabricated, it will lower the citizen's evaluation with the goddesses.

If the citizen insists on their report, they can then release their privacy permissions for specialized illusion-type evolvers to browse their memories.

For Lin Yuan, reporting the woman he suspects to be an alien to the Goddess of Wisdom is the easiest method. With his current status, there's no need for him to have any contact with unseen aliens.

Handing it over to the Goddess of Wisdom for handling is sufficient. Plus, he'll receive a reporting reward.

"Citizen Lin Yuan, please speak," the Goddess of Wisdom said with a slightly cautious tone upon hearing Lin Yuan's report.

"I went out for a walk just now and ran into a woman. I think she might be an alien" Lin Yuan said without specifying the real reason for his suspicion or presenting any evidence. This would involve his "Unrivaled Insight".

Moreover, given Lin Yuan's current citizen level, even if he made baseless claims, the Goddess of Wisdom would still conduct a thorough investigation. Besides, the woman in question is indeed an alien, so how could she withstand the Goddess of Wisdom's scrutiny?

"Are you referring to this person?" A virtual screen appeared in front of Lin Yuan, showing the footage of Lin Yuan walking in the garden just now. One of the tall and slim beautiful women passed by Lin Yuan.

"Yes, that's her," Lin Yuan nodded.

As soon as Lin Yuan made the report, all information about this woman, Yao Qingqing, from birth to the present, as well as all information from her ancestors for hundreds of generations, was immediately retrieved.

"Name: Yao Qingqing. Age: Ninety-two. Strength: Second Rank Seventh Stage. Birth Planet."

After a few minutes of analyzing with the vast computing power of the Goddess of Wisdom, the suspicious point about this "Yao Qingqing" was immediately discovered.

When this "Yao Qingqing" was twenty-eight years old, she was suspected to have been "switched." Since then, her behavior analysis has diverged from the previous twenty-eight years.

"The suspicious link is closed, and an evolver has been dispatched to capture 'Yao Qingqing.'" Because Lin Yuan is the informant and his citizen level has reached the fourth level, the Goddess of Wisdom did not avoid Lin Yuan.

"The Flower God Clan." Just as the Goddess of Wisdom began to act, thoughts about the "Flower God Clan" flashed through Lin Yuan's mind.

The Flower God Clan belongs to the Insect Clan and is a member of the Insect Clan Alliance. In the two million years of the Star Sea calendar, with human civilization spanning all corners, the surrounding alien races, driven to desperation, had to unite.

Among them, the Insect Clan Alliance, led by the Insect Clan, is a coalition of races. The strength of the Insect Clan is very strong, not weaker than that of the human race.

This group is too united, and under the order of the Mother Nest, all Insect Clan warriors fearlessly obey. Wherever the swarm passes, it's a disaster for all life.

In the early expansion, human civilization also suffered a few losses from the Insect Clan, but later adapted, and their losses were relatively few.

Yao Qingqing sat in a cafe outside the Water Moon District, feeling good. Through the recent contact, she judged that Lin Yuan should not have much resistance to herself. Otherwise, he wouldn't have stopped and stared at her back.

"It's a pity. I have to take it slowly; otherwise..." Yao Qingqing glanced at the Water Moon District not far away. Just now, she almost stopped and directly contacted Lin Yuan.

"This task should be almost guaranteed. After a few more coincidences, I can officially get to know him, and then I can firmly control this human evolver genius in my hands." Yao Qingqing thought to herself, showing a smug look.

She had experienced many tasks, but it was rare for it to be this easy. Yao Qingqing speculated that it was mainly because Lin Yuan was too young and had not seen much of the world, so he couldn't resist her.

"Let a human genius fall silently; I wonder what rewards I'll get." Yao Qingqing thought contentedly.

At this moment, most of Yao Qingqing's attention was on the Water Moon District not far away. So she didn't notice that the cafe she was in was now completely empty. Even the staff had disappeared.

"Hmm?" Yao Qingqing's heart suddenly sank. Without leaving any trace, she glanced around. Finding no one, her expression immediately became ugly.

"Damn it. How did they find me?" As a senior "spy", Yao Qingqing never believed in coincidences.

When Yao Qingqing entered the caf, there were still many people, but now there was no one, clearly indicating that her whereabouts had been exposed and detected by the human authorities.

Thinking of this, Yao Qingqing collected herself and stood up, intending to leave. Her current plan was that she hoped the human authorities would only be suspicious of her or underestimate her strength, so they wouldn't use too much force.

On the surface, Yao Qingqing was a Second Rank Seventh Stage evolver. But in reality, Yao Qingqing was already a Third Rank Eleventh Stage evolver.

As long as the human authorities didn't dispatch a Third Rank Twelfth Stage evolver or even a Fourth Rank evolver, she, Yao Qingqing, would have hope of escaping.

However, Yao Qingqing had not taken a few steps when a man with a smile as bright as sunshine walked into the caf's entrance.

"Hello," the man smiled at Yao Qingqing.

In an instant, Yao Qingqing felt dizzy.

"This... This is a Fifth Rank evolver, or a Soul Illusion type Fifth Rank?" Yao Qingqing felt somewhat hopeless.

A Fifth Rank evolver was already considered the strongest life form on the surface. Even on a medium-sized life planet like Canglan Star, there were only three or four Fifth Rank evolvers.

These three or four were not without holding important positions and couldn't be moved easily. Now, there was actually a Fifth Rank evolver coming to her?

Moreover, this Fifth Rank evolver belonged to the Soul Illusion type. In front of such an evolver, Yao Qingqing didn't even have the ability to commit suicide. A single gaze was enough to plunge her into an illusion, unable to extricate herself.

In the last moments of consciousness, Yao Qingqing's mind kept replaying everything since she arrived on Canglan Star. She had come to Canglan Star under the guise of a business trip, and everything she had done was not out of line.

Even when she entered the Water Moon District, it was under the pretext of buying a residence, having the staff take her in. When she encountered Lin Yuan, she didn't even speak to him.

At most, she secretly released her charm, but this charm was a secret skill of the Flower God Clan, at most only making people feel good without leaving any traces.

How did he discover it? Could it be that Lin Yuan noticed something strange about her? Even so, with this human genius reporting her, would the Goddess of Wisdom mobilize a Fifth Rank evolver to capture her?

As her thoughts wandered, Yao Qingqing had already fallen into a deep sleep.

"It's done," the man with the smile as bright as sunshine snapped his fingers at the caf entrance, and a group of people came in and carried Yao Qingqing out.

"She's just a small fish; why did the Goddess of Wisdom make me take action?" The Fifth Rank evolver was puzzled. "Could she have other value?"

The man pondered for a moment, but still didn't understand, so he turned and left.

Water Moon District.

Balcony of Residence No. 32.

Lin Yuan leaned on the balcony and looked out.

"This spiritual fluctuation..." Lin Yuan was surprised. Just now, he faintly sensed an extremely profound spiritual fluctuation.

This spiritual fluctuation far exceeded the Fourth Rank.

"Respected Citizen Lin Yuan, the capture of the alien spy has been completed," came the solemn and cold voice of the Goddess of Wisdom.

"Oh?" Lin Yuan looked thoughtful. He speculated that the spiritual fluctuation just now should have been the capture of Yao Qingqing.

"Is this Yao Qingqing very strong?" Lin Yuan asked curiously. Just by sensing the spiritual fluctuation from afar, Lin Yuan was sure that the captor's strength was at least at the Fifth Rank.

"For now, she has hidden part of her strength, and her true strength is at the Third Rank," the Goddess of Wisdom replied.

"A Third Rank alien, using a Fifth Rank evolver?" Lin Yuan was astonished. Were the powerful beings in the Cosmic Human Alliance now so wealthy?

"Respected Citizen Lin Yuan, your importance to humanity warrants such action" the Goddess of Wisdom replied seriously.

For the Goddess of Wisdom, Lin Yuan's fourth-level citizen status and the genius qualification of being a fourth-level evolver under a hundred years old were nothing.

What truly made the Goddess of Wisdom take notice was the martial evolution path created by Lin Yuan. The martial evolution path that had a sixty percent chance of reaching the Sixth Rank.

The encounter with aliens had made Lin Yuan feel a certain sense of crisis.

Although according to the Goddess of Wisdom, as long as Lin Yuan didn't reveal his identity as the founder of the martial evolution path, a fourth-level human genius under a hundred years old wasn't worth the price for aliens.

At most, they would be tempted and guided like Yao Qingqing. But what if? Lin Yuan was not willing to risk his life on the side of the aliens.


"Now, move."

Although Water Moon District was a high-end area, it was still aimed at ordinary citizens.

It was obviously not suitable for Lin Yuan now.

After winning the championship in the arena, the official of Canglan Star awarded the top ten evolvers a mansion each for free.

The mansion was located in the top-notch district at the highest point of the Central Continent, at the core of the planetary defense system of Canglan Star.

It could be said that living there, even if a Fifth Rank alien came to assassinate, would be useless.

The opponent would be locked by the planetary defense system the moment they made a move, without even needing reaction time.

And around that mansion, specific evolvers patrolled all the time, making it impossible for outsiders to enter.

Parent's home.

Lin Yuan stood outside the house with Lin Shou Cheng and Lin Qiong.

His younger sister, Lin Yi, was also beside them, looking eagerly at the house in front of her.

This house was the one given by the Huo family initially, and since Lin Yuan chose to move, it was natural to move with his parents.

Anyway, the residence in the Central Continent was very spacious, enough for dozens of people to live in.

A moment later, two men in uniforms approached and bowed to Lin Yuan, then respectfully said, "Mr. Lin, we are here to help you move, as ordered."

"Thank you." Lin Yuan nodded and smiled.

Actually, there wasn't much to move, mainly some items of sentimental value left by his parents over the past few decades.

As for other furniture and appliances, they were all prepared in the mansion long ago.

"What? Reluctant?" Lin Yuan glanced at his sister, Lin Yi, and said casually.

"I am a little reluctant." Lin Yi nodded. Although she hadn't lived in this place for long, compared to the old house she lived in at the beginning, it was undoubtedly like heaven.

"Let's go, the new house will be better." After Lin Yuan finished speaking, he turned and sat on the aircraft.

From Dongning City to the Central Continent, it was almost halfway across the planet, so naturally, transportation tools like spacecraft were needed.

Of course, with Lin Yuan's strength, he could fly there himself, but there was no need for that.

Half a day later.

The aircraft landed at the highest point of the Central Continent.

"This is your future residence, Villa No. 66, Mr. Lin." The men in uniforms walked ahead while introducing:

"The entire villa covers an area of a hundred acres, with a main building and six auxiliary buildings, as well as a dedicated training ground underground, and other areas where you can plant some fruit trees and gardens."

Lin Yuan had already seen the video of the villa in advance, so he wasn't surprised by this, but his parents and sister hadn't blinked their eyes.

Especially Lin Yi, the emotional turmoil she had before was swept away, and her eyes were constantly scanning around.

"This villa is bigger than ordinary neighborhoods, right?" Lin Shou Cheng exclaimed in amazement. As the core of Canglan Star, the Central Continent was indeed precious land.

As a result, such a large villa was built here?

This was simply...

Lin Yuan accompanied his parents as they walked.

This villa was a symbol of status, something that even with money couldn't be bought.

It was left behind by the government of Canglan Star specifically for attracting evolvers like Lin Yuan with unlimited potential.

After moving into the villa, Lin Yuan would definitely live in the main building. This was beyond doubt, even if Lin Yuan tried to defer, Lin Shou Cheng and Lin Qiong, as a couple, wouldn't accept it.

Lin Yi saw Lin Yuan arguing with their parents and took the opportunity to say shamelessly, "Stop arguing, I'll live in the main building."

As a result, she was slapped by Lin Qiong and ran aside sulking.

The next day.

Lin Yuan had just finished his cultivation.

The intelligent butler robot dragged a semi-human-sized alloy box and walked in.

"It's the prize from the arena."

Lin Yuan's spirit shook.

There were five prizes in the arena, four of which were physical items.

Therefore, it couldn't be distributed directly like the Pagoda Evolution Method.

Instead, it would be delivered a few days later.

After moving to the new villa, Lin Yuan also updated his latest address.

Today, the prize was finally delivered.

Lin Yuan verified his identity and opened the alloy box in front of him.

The first thing that caught his eye was a small, palm-sized, pitch-black clock.


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