Creating Heavenly Laws

Chapter 180

Chapter 180

The several powerful members of the Black Abyss Clan in the valley were in a good mood.

Originally, they were all prepared to report this space entrance to the clan. After all, even if they took a small share, it would be much better than not taking any at all.

But now, they unexpectedly found a member of the human race actively approaching this way.

As long as they could control this member of the human race and force them to enter the space entrance.

With their identity as the same race as the owner of the space entrance, they should be able to easily bring out all the treasures.

By then, they could fully enjoy the treasures inside this space entrance.

"Don't be too happy too soon."

"First, determine the strength and number of the human race in the spaceship approaching."

Captain Weiqing did not relax his vigilance. In the alien battlefield, any negligence could cost them their lives.

Compared to peak groups such as humans and insects, who had the possibility of resurrection.

Their lives were really gone once they died, and the clan could not afford to pay a big price to ask the peak groups to resurrect them.


A black-skinned Abyssal clan member took out a sky-blue gem.

Immediately, he aimed one side of the gem at the rapidly approaching sleek black spaceship.


A slight ripple spread.

This sky-blue gem, bestowed by the insect race, was used to detect the surrounding environment and the level and number of enemy powerhouses.

In the alien battlefield, it was difficult to kill powerhouses of the same level of different races, and it was equally difficult to use greater strength to bully weaker alien lives.

One reason for this was the existence of this detection gem.

A seventh-rank evolver who wanted to disguise himself as a sixth-rank and then slaughter weaker alien lives among the sixth-rank evolvers, basically couldn't do it.

Because the majority of seventh-rank evolvers couldn't escape the detection of this gem.

"Captain, there's only one person in the spaceship, and the aura hasn't reached the seventh rank yet."

The black-skinned Abyssal clan member opened his eyes and spoke.

"As long as it's not seventh rank, it's fine."

Captain Weiqing nodded slightly.

The few of them were all peak sixth-rank powers, and he, Weiqing, was the peak among the peak of the sixth rank. With their combined strength, it wouldn't be difficult to capture a human sixth-rank evolver.

Lin Yuan piloted the spaceship into the alien battlefield, exceptionally careful, and didn't even use wormhole travel.

In the alien battlefield, spatial fluctuations were obvious, making it impossible to use wormhole travel accurately.

"Hopefully, we won't encounter any aliens. I'm not interested in aliens."

Lin Yuan thought to himself.

Fighting against aliens, even against the weakest aliens, There was a risk of overturning.

Lin Yuan's main purpose for entering the alien battlefield this time was to go to the permanent spatial rift and comprehend the spatial rules emanating from it.

To quickly comprehend the remaining basic spatial models and open up the seventh-rank section of martial arts, fully entering the realm of the seventh rank.


Lin Yuan's face suddenly changed.

In that instant just now, he sensed a subtle fluctuation pass over the spaceship.

"Are there aliens?"

Lin Yuan's expression turned serious.

Just as he was about to control the spaceship to slow down.


A terrifying energy fluctuation descended.

The spaceship Lin Yuan was riding in exploded directly.


Lin Yuan's figure appeared not far away.

At the same time.

Several powerful members of the Black Abyss Clan immediately surrounded him.

"Pretty strong."

Black Abyss Clan Captain Weiqing stared at Lin Yuan.

With that blow just now, piercing through the spaceship, he originally thought that Lin Yuan would at least suffer some injuries.

But now, it seemed that the other party's strength was even higher than their estimates.

However, Captain Weiqing didn't mind. Through that blow just now, he had already determined that Lin Yuan was not a seventh-rank evolver.

Since that's the case.

Then it's simple.


Lin Yuan looked around at the Black Abyss Clan members who were coming over.

"They don't want to kill me?"

Lin Yuan looked thoughtful, sensing the strength of these several Black Abyss Clan members. If they really didn't hold back, it definitely wouldn't be as simple as just now.


"If you want to live, just listen to us."

A Black Abyss Clan member spoke, and at this point, they believed they had the upper hand.

"How can I survive?"

Lin Yuan's mind moved slightly, following the other party's words.

Normally, on the alien battlefield, when humans and Black Abyss Clan members meet, they wouldn't waste time talking and would directly start fighting.

Humans could obtain the treasures of the Black Abyss Clan members by killing them, as well as merit point rewards.

Black Abyss Clan members could also obtain rewards from their own clans by killing humans, and could even receive rewards from the insect race.


Unless there were other purposes.

Otherwise, the two major groups would definitely start fighting as soon as they met.

"It's very simple."

"You first give up resistance."

Another Black Abyss Clan member began to approach.

"You have to promise to let me go," Lin Yuan said in a low voice.


A smile appeared on the face of the approaching Black Abyss Clan member.

The expressions of the other Black Abyss Clan members were tinged with mockery.

In the alien wars, to actually believe the promises of aliens, this human evolver was probably participating in a war for the first time.

In the next moment.

Lin Yuan disappeared from where he stood.

At the same time, within thousands of miles, the air was filled with the true sun's fire, and the terrifying heat began to burn everything.

"Not good."

Several Black Abyss Clan members were greatly shocked.

The true sun's fire pervading every inch of the air was extremely powerful. The Black Abyss Clan member who had just prepared to approach Lin Yuan felt his flesh and blood begin to burn.


Just as this Black Abyss Clan member was about to retreat.

A right hand made of true sun's fire pierced through him, the terrifying power of the true fire exploded, and this Black Abyss Clan member was directly burned into nothingness.

The true sun's fire gathered.

And transformed back into Lin Yuan's figure.

"Quickly leave."

"This human evolver should be a top genius of the human civilization, not something an ordinary peak sixth-rank can compare to."

"Damn it, with his strength, if he had just shown a little, we wouldn't have taken the initiative to attack. It was intentional, deliberately attracting us to approach."

The remaining Black Abyss Clan members' expressions were grim when Lin Yuan unleashed the true sun's fire domain, covering thousands of miles around.

They realized that something was wrong.

Mastering domain power as a sixth-rank evolver was not difficult, but the complete domination of the domain filled with true sun's fire was simply unthinkable for them.


Several Black Abyss Clan members tried to retreat and break free from the suppression of the sun domain, but it was already too late.

Lin Yuan's figure disappeared again.

Turning into the pervasive power of the sun.

In an instant, it condensed in front of one of the Black Abyss Clan members.

"Captain, save me."

This Black Abyss Clan member only lasted for a moment.

And was also burned into nothingness by the true sun's fire.


Next, the last Black Abyss Clan member showed a look of unwillingness, and then his flesh and soul began to burn.

As a life from the cosmic secret realm Black Abyss, he had to go through countless competitions from a young age, It was not easy to get out of the Black Abyss. Originally, he thought he would shine in the alien battlefield, break through to the seventh rank, and then return to the Black Abyss to dominate.

But now, everything was impossible.

Lin Yuan casually killed this Black Abyss Clan member.

Lin Yuan looked at the last Black Abyss Clan member.

According to the expressions of the Black Abyss Clan members just now, this Black Abyss Clan member should be the captain or leader.

When Lin Yuan slaughtered the previous Black Abyss Clan members, this Black Abyss Clan member did not make any moves to help his clan members.

Instead, he looked on coldly as his clan members died.


Captain Weiqing looked at Lin Yuan.

Even though he was in the domain of the true sun's fire, he showed no fear. The true sun's fire, which could burn a peak sixth-rank powerhouse into nothingness, quickly dissipated within a few feet of his body.

The reason he didn't make a move against the other Black Abyss Clan members just now was simply to let his own clan members test Lin Yuan's strength.

Competition among the Black Abyss Clan was fierce, especially after encountering the cosmic environment, every Black Abyss Clan member had fought their way out of countless peers.

"But now, you can die."

Captain Weiqing's expression revealed cruelty.

The Black Abyss Clan had joined the Insect Race Grand Alliance, so as long as they met the conditions, they could directly receive the Insect Race's rewards.

Among them was the condition to kill the top genius evolvers of the human civilization alliance.

A top human civilization sixth-rank evolver's value was even higher than that of an ordinary seventh-rank evolver.


Captain Weiqing thought he had figured out Lin Yuan's details. What the other party relied on was nothing more than the domain of the true sun's fire and the ability to turn flesh into true sun's fire.


A wave began to spread from Captain Weiqing as the center, spreading in all directions.

Wherever the wave passed, the domain of the true sun's fire began to collapse, and a stronger domain power began to forcefully expel and suppress the domain of the true sun's fire.


Lin Yuan's figure disappeared again.

"It's useless."

"Our Black Abyss domain can isolate everything, you can't come in."

Captain Weiqing was about to speak.

In the next moment.

A trace of spatial fluctuations appeared.

Lin Yuan seemed to teleport directly to Captain Weiqing's side.


Captain Weiqing's eyes widened. At this moment, Lin Yuan's control of spatial rules and the use of strength completely exceeded the limit of a sixth-rank evolver, reaching the level of a seventh rank.

Simply put, although Lin Yuan still relied on the power of a sixth-rank evolver, his understanding of the essence of power was no different from that of a seventh-rank, and any casual strike could crush any sixth-rank.

Captain Weiqing's consciousness began to blur. At this moment, he suddenly felt a certain kind of frustration. You, a seventh-rank powerhouse, disguised as a sixth rank, isn't this bullying?

Captain Weiqing's flesh and soul were burned into nothingness, turning into the purest essence of power, and then pouring into Lin Yuan's body.

"Storage ring."

Lin Yuan stretched out his right hand, and Captain Weiqing's storage ring fell into his hand.

Just now, when he killed the other Black Abyss Clan members, Lin Yuan also casually took their storage rings.

As for the flesh and soul, they were all burned into the purest essence of power by the true sun's fire, and then became nourishment for the Yang Spirit's soul.

"Are there any other Black Abyss Clan members left?"

Lin Yuan slightly closed his eyes, feeling the expanding and pervading sensation. After confirming that there were no lives within tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of miles, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Everything was recorded just now, right?"

Lin Yuan communicated with the intelligent assistant telepathically. Human evolvers would receive corresponding rewards for killing aliens on the alien battlefield.

But how could one prove that they killed the aliens? That was done through the recording software installed by the three goddesses.

All that was needed was to record the process of battle and killing, and then, upon reaching the gathering place of humans on the battlefield, upload the recorded video to the three goddesses. After they reviewed it, the number of merit points would be determined.

That's right.

Due to various factors such as spatial fluctuations, many places on the alien battlefield couldn't connect to the three goddesses. Only by leaving the battlefield or being in a gathering place of humans on the battlefield could one reconnect to the goddesses.

"However, why didn't those aliens attack me just now?"

Lin Yuan landed on the ground and furrowed his brow in thought.

The reason those Black Abyss Clan members didn't immediately attack was because they wanted Lin Yuan to do something for them.

And whatever that thing was, the Black Abyss Clan couldn't do it, only Lin Yuan could. Lin Yuan's mind stirred.

He began to carefully search the surroundings.

Half a day later.

Lin Yuan arrived at a valley.

"Is this just an entrance to some space?"

Lin Yuan observed carefully. "Judging by its use of spatial rules, it should come from a human evolver."

"I see."

Lin Yuan suddenly realized.

Before heading to the alien battlefield, Lin Yuan naturally wouldn't be unprepared. He was aware of many opportunities on the battlefield.

Among them, one type of opportunity was treasures left behind by predecessors.

Since it was impossible to connect with the three goddesses in the alien battlefield in real-time.

Many powerful evolvers, when critically injured and unable to heal, often left their treasures behind in a certain place before dying.

To ensure that these treasures wouldn't fall into the hands of aliens, a backdoor would generally be left, which only human evolvers could access without being targeted.

"Judging by the spatial fluctuations, this entrance to space has existed for at least tens of thousands of years. It hasn't collapsed for such a long time, so the internal space still exists, and its owner's realm is estimated to be at the eighth rank."

Lin Yuan speculated in his mind.

"An eighth-rank evolver's legacy?"

Lin Yuan's anticipation rose immediately. Judging by the situation of the spatial entrance, the treasures inside should still be there. Otherwise, if the treasure was taken away, many arrangements would have been taken away as well, and this spatial entrance would have collapsed long ago.

"The spatial entrance."

Lin Yuan's thoughts turned.

The spatial entrance connected to a small space, which was created by a certain evolver.

At the seventh rank of evolution, one gradually begins to comprehend spatial rules. By using spatial power, one can open up a small space.

In the Immortal world, the top-tier technique of the Daoist Immortal Sect, "World in the Sleeve", was a similar application. However, the sleeve space opened by "World in the Sleeve" could only be maintained for a short time.

But the small spaces opened by seventh and eighth rank evolvers could last longer, and even if the owner died, it wouldn't collapse for a long time.

"Let's go in and take a look."

Lin Yuan contemplated for a moment. After all, this was just one of his avatars. Even if something really happened, his main body could quickly condense.

It wasn't much of a risk.

Besides, this spatial entrance was left by humans, so as long as Lin Yuan revealed his human identity, there shouldn't be any problem.

"What's this?"

Lin Yuan took a step forward, entered the spatial entrance, and looked ahead, his expression changing slightly.


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