Creating Heavenly Laws

Chapter 163

Chapter 163

Help me buy a new computer :D /DavidLord


"Just the sect-suppressing immortal artifact."

Lin Yuan's expression became slightly serious.

So far, Lin Yuan had encountered the Taihao Mirror twice.

The first time was during the Ceremony, when Lin Yuan accompanied his parents to Daoist Immortal Mountain to congratulate Mu Qingliu.

During that time, Lin Yuan's Yang Spirit destroyed the power of the Black Veil Archipelago, causing the layout of the Daoist Immortal Sect to fail, which angered Mu Qingliu. He directly activated the Taihao Mirror and descended in person on the Eastern Sea Islands.

The second time was not long ago, when Lin Yuan, using his Yin Spirit, fought against the incarnation of Mirror Light for a while, feeling the true power of the Taihao Mirror.

Through these two encounters, Lin Yuan concluded that the level of the Taihao Mirror's Immortal Realm should surpass the Void Refinement Stage.

It is a treasure of the Harmony Dao Period (an ancient era) beyond the Void Refinement Stage.

The Harmony Dao Period has already surpassed the limits of this world.

Only the legendary 'Spirit Realm' possesses such immense power.

"Spirit Realm."

Lin Yuan's expression fell into brief contemplation.

According to rumors, the Daoist Immortal Sect holds the 'Ascension Platform' leading to the Spirit Realm.

Throughout the generations, after presiding over the Daoist Immortal Sect for ten to twenty thousand years, the Sect Masters disappear without a trace, supposedly ascending to the legendary Spirit Realm through the 'Ascension Platform'.

Of course, this saying has no evidence, and probably only the Sect Masters of the Daoist Immortal Sect know the truth.

Perhaps the Void Refinement Ghost King of the Nether Ghost Palace, the Blood Demon Lord of the Blood Demon Sea, and the Demon Saint of the Demon Saint's Nest also know some secrets.

"It doesn't matter."

"As long as I am given another two hundred years, cultivating to the peak of the sixth rank, or even breaking through to the seventh rank, any secrets will no longer be secrets in front of me."

Lin Yuan shook his head slightly.

Now he doesn't need to inquire about the secrets of the 'Spirit Realm' or 'Ascension'.

It's meaningless.

It's better to focus all his time on cultivation.

First, become invincible.

Daoist Immortal Sect.

Master Mu Qingliu sits high above.

Mu Mengting kneels below, his face pale, filled with fear.

He never expected that even after using the precious Void Refinement Stage talisman inherited from the Mu family, he still failed to kill Jun Dongjin.

Not only did he fail to kill him, but the Master sensed it firsthand.

Now, not only did he waste an incredibly precious Void Refinement Stage talisman, but Jun Dongjin also didn't die.

This means that Mu Mengting is not the only candidate to inherit the sect.

Mu Qingliu still has other choices, such as reusing Jun Dongjin.

If so, it means that Mu Mengting is completely out of favor with the Master.

"Do you know where you went wrong?"

Mu Qingliu looked at Mu Mengting, disappointment evident in his eyes.

He didn't expect Mu Mengting to lack such composure and discretion.

"Master, I shouldn't have acted against my fellow disciples, shouldn't have laid hands on Jun Dongjin." Mu Mengting immediately admitted his mistake.

Since Master Mu Qingliu called him alone and personally mentioned this matter, Mu Mengting realized that his little actions couldn't be concealed anymore.

In that case.

It's better to admit the mistake frankly.

Maybe there's still a turning point.

After all, his relationship with Master Mu Qingliu is far from simple.

"That's not it."

"You're wrong because you acted too early."

"And too hastily."

Mu Qingliu looked at Mu Mengting and said calmly.

When he inherited the position of Sect Master, he also used some means. Mu Mengting's behavior of prematurely eliminating competitors is not uncommon; it's something Mu Qingliu had done in the past.


There should be a bottom line to such behavior.

Jun Dongjin being transferred out of Daoist Immortal Mountain was already far from the center of power, and his abilities were good, with a clear distinction between public and private matters. Keeping him alive would be far more useful than killing him.


Mu Mengting looked puzzled.

He originally thought that the Master would reprimand his actions, but he didn't expect him to think he acted too hastily.

"When you reach the Void Refinement Stage, you will realize how ridiculous those past struggles were. Whether it's Jun Dongjin or anyone else, they are all pawns in your hands. Killing them is equivalent to weakening your own strength."

Mu Qingliu said calmly.

This was his greatest realization after stepping into the Void Refinement Stage.

Standing at the height of the ancient saints, some of his past behaviors seemed laughable. With absolute power, everything is subordinate.


Mu Mengting widened his eyes.

When Master Mu Qingliu mentioned 'when he reaches the Void Refinement Stage', Mu Mengting's whole body trembled.

What did the Master mean by this? What does it mean to wait for him to step into the Void Refinement Stage?

"The order to transfer Dongjin to Mangya Mountain, don't you see, I have chosen you as the next Sect Master?"

Mu Qingliu said calmly.


Mu Mengting was extremely excited.


When Jun Dongjin received the transfer order.

He did think that Jun Dongjin had been excluded from the list of candidates for Sect Master.

But Mu Mengting only dared to think like this and couldn't be sure if his thoughts were true or false.

What if Jun Dongjin was only transferred for a short time and returned soon?


For safety's sake, Mu Mengting decided to take a risk.

On the high seat, Mu Qingliu looked at the excited Mu Mengting, feeling a sigh in his heart once again.

Mu Mengting is indeed not as good as Jun Dongjin.

But who made Mu Mengting his offspring?


With the foundation of the Daoist Immortal Sect for tens of thousands of years.

It doesn't make much difference who becomes the Sect Master.

Even if Jun Dongjin becomes the Sect Master, it's impossible to completely suppress the Blood Demon Sea, Nether Ghost Palace, and Demon Saint's Nest.

Even if Mu Mengting falls short, if he becomes the Sect Master, he won't be able to greatly reduce the power of the Daoist Immortal Sect.

The solid strength of the Daoist Immortal Sect is there.

Even if it's a pig, becoming the Sect Master, as long as it has the cultivation of the Void Refinement Stage and wields the Taihao Mirror, it can still dominate the world.

In this world, the Daoist Immortal Sect is the dominant force.

"Do you still want to kill Dongjin now?" Mu Qingliu glanced at Mu Mengting and asked.

"No, Master. I can swear that I won't lay a hand on Jun Dongjin," Mu Mengting said without hesitation.

As long as he can become a Void Refinement Ancient Saint, as long as he can become the Sect Master of the sect, what does Jun Dongjin matter? At this moment, Mu Mengting faintly understood the 'attitude' mentioned by Mu Qingliu. Even Jun Dongjin, who he once regarded as a major threat, would eventually be used by him to guard the sect's legacy.

In this situation, Mu Mengting welcomed more talents like Jun Dongjin. Why bother with killing?

"Jun Wuji is Dongjin's youngest son, without spiritual roots. He rarely leaves the Cloud Mist Blessed Land and poses no threat to you," Mu Qingliu reiterated.

"Master, you underestimate me too much. How could I possibly lay a hand on Wuji?" Mu Mengting said seriously.

This is indeed true.

In these years, Mu Mengting feared Jun Dongjin, and even Mu Lian'er, Jun Xiaoyao, and Jun Zhilan. He feared even the younger generation. But he never feared Jun Wuji, a waste without spiritual roots. So Mu Mengting never did anything to the Cloud Mist Blessed Land. Because there was simply no need.

"Good. Wuji is also pitiable," Mu Qingliu nodded slightly.

Regardless of anything, he is still Jun Wuji's grandfather. Knowing that Jun Wuji has no spiritual roots since childhood, although no one dares to bully him, his heart is extremely sensitive. Otherwise, how could a normal person hide in the Cloud Mist Blessed Land for decades without coming out once?

"As long as Wuji is there, the Cloud Mist Blessed Land is his, and no one can touch him," Mu Mengting assured immediately.

"In that case," Mu Qingliu nodded slightly, "come with me. I'll show you the biggest secret of our Daoist Immortal Sect."

In the borderlands between the wilderness and the central land, there is a mysterious Void Refinement practitioner. And not long ago, there was a mysterious Ancient Saint whose strength was at the peak of the Void Refinement Stage and emanated the power of Yin.

These two seemingly newly emerged Void Refinement Ancients added another layer of pressure to Mu Qingliu's heart. The pressure here doesn't refer to the destruction of the Daoist Immortal Sect or anything like that, but the worry that these Void Refinement Ancients, along with those three old guys, might once again start a major war in the central land of the Divine Continent.

Admittedly, no matter the scale of the war, it won't affect the rule of the Daoist Immortal Sect. With Daoist Immortal Mountain and the Taihao Mirror, the sect is as solid as a rock.

But it's still nauseating. It's like there were already three flies flying around, and now a few more have appeared out of nowhere. And a battle at the level of Ancient Saints can easily shatter the central land of Divine Continent, which the Daoist Immortal Sect has long considered its own.

Therefore, the Daoist Immortal Sect must quickly have a second Void Refinement Ancient. Two Void Refinement Ancients, one to guard Daoist Immortal Mountain, and one to wield the Taihao Immortal Realm and eliminate any potential enemies.

Mangya Mountain.

Jun Dongjin, Mu Lian'er, Jun Xiaoyao, and Jun Zhilan gathered in a cave.

"We may not be able to return in a short time," Jun Dongjin sighed.

Now he also realizes that the Master's decision to transfer him away from Daoist Immortal Mountain was paving the way for Mu Mengting. In other words, the future Ancient Saint Sect Master of the Daoist Immortal Sect has already been confirmed.

That would be Mu Mengting.

His future depends on Mu Mengting's decision.

"Father," Mu Lian'er looked downcast.

Mu Qingliu ultimately chose a member of the Mu family as the Sect Master.

This decision was somewhat expected, after all, humans have emotions. Even a Void Refinement Ancient cannot be absolutely fair.

Abandoning Jun Dongjin and choosing Mu Mengting is not surprising.

"It's fortunate that Wuji didn't come with us to suffer," Jun Zhilan said softly.

The Cloud Mist Blessed Land has the effect of prolonging life. Jun Wuji has no spiritual roots, and the family's cultivation methods do not provide much enhancement to his lifespan. So staying in the Cloud Mist Blessed Land, Jun Wuji can live for at least a few hundred years. If he takes some longevity pills or the like, he might even live for thousands of years. But if he leaves the Cloud Mist Blessed Land and follows them to Mangya Mountain, his lifespan will definitely be greatly reduced, down to the level of a normal person.

Time passed slowly.

A hundred years had passed in the blink of an eye.

During these hundred years, the situation in Divine Continent gradually became turbulent. The Blood Demon Sea, the Demon Saint's Nest, and the Nether Ghost Palace secretly joined forces, intending to start another major war in Divine Continent.

The only disappointment for them was that the two mysterious Ancient Saints who had appeared before never showed up again. One was a body-refining Ancient Saint, and the other was a Yin Dao Ancient Saint. If they could unite these two Ancient Saints, their chances of starting a major war in Divine Continent would be greatly increased.

The Cloud Mist Blessed Land.

In a secluded chamber.

"Finally," Lin Yuan sat cross-legged, a smile appearing on his face.

In the past hundred years, besides regular cultivation and enlightenment, Lin Yuan had been trying to comprehend the essence of the body divine ability—Blood Rebirth. This fleshly technique is extremely complex, involving many aspects, even with Lin Yuan's unparalleled insight.

It also took a hundred years of consumption before he barely comprehended it.

"In this way, even if I return to the main world, I can still use this technique," Lin Yuan's mind was delighted.

The Blood Rebirth technique is extremely effective in terms of survival, so the more such methods, the better.

"It's just a pity that this technique cannot be popularized. It operates differently according to each person's physique."

"I spent a hundred years using the physique of the main world as a template to comprehend the 'Blood Rebirth' technique, so it can only be used on the physique of the main world," Lin Yuan said with some regret.

He originally planned to sell this technique to the Goddess of Wisdom, but now it seems that it probably won't work.

Although Lin Yuan was somewhat disappointed, he quickly adjusted.

The higher and more powerful the supernatural talent, the greater the restrictions.

In the universe of the main world, certain special secret inheritance techniques have 'uniqueness'.

In other words, in the same era, only one life can master such secret inheritance.

This is the iron law of the main world, even if you comprehend such secret inheritance, you cannot use it.

Blood Demon Sea.

The Lord of the Blood Demon sat on a small island deep inside.

"It's been over a hundred thousand years, and we can finally start another major war in Divine Continent," the Lord of the Blood Demon said excitedly.

One hundred and twenty thousand years ago, he, along with the Demon Saint's Nest and the Nether Ghost Palace, started a major war in Divine Continent.

But they were defeated miserably, and it was only in the recent thousands of years that they recovered.

"The Daoist Immortal Sect occupies the 'Ascension Platform', forcing us to stay in this world," muttered the Lord of the Blood Demon to himself.


At this moment, a blood-colored figure condensed from the Blood Demon Sea, bowing respectfully to the Lord of the Blood Demon.

"The Central Land of Divine Continent is covered with formations laid down by the Daoist Immortal Sect. To minimize losses when invading the Central Land of Divine Continent, we need to find out the specific locations of these formations and other details."

The blood-colored figure spoke softly.

"How do you plan to do it?" the Lord of the Blood Demon asked directly.

"The knowledge of these formations in the Daoist Immortal Sect is limited, and one of the people who knows is Jun Dongjin," the blood-colored figure hinted.

Over the past hundred years, it has become no secret that Jun Dongjin was transferred to Mangya Mountain.

The next Sect Master of the Daoist Immortal Sect is almost certainly going to be Mu Mengting.

Jun Dongjin has become an abandoned pawn of the Daoist Immortal Sect.

"I believe that Jun Dongjin can be won over. As long as he can be useful to us, invading the Central Land of Divine Continent will be much easier," the blood-colored figure continued.

"Right," the Lord of the Blood Demon nodded slightly.

He can speculate that Jun Dongjin probably has grievances against the Daoist Immortal Sect.

Now is the time to win him over.

"But one thing to note."

"Jun Dongjin cannot be won over directly."

"There must be a hidden hand near Mangya Mountain from the Daoist Immortal Sect."

The Lord of the Blood Demon spoke.

"Master, do you mean..."

The blood-colored figure asked softly.

"Go to win over Jun Dongjin's son, Jun Wuji."

"Then, through Jun Wuji, win over Jun Dongjin. Only then can we ensure complete success without the Daoist Immortal Sect noticing anything unusual."

The Lord of the Blood Demon said.

"Master, you are wise."

The blood-colored figure admired and pondered for a while, deeply impressed.

Directly winning over Jun Dongjin is indeed too risky.

Jun Dongjin, as a former high-ranking member of the Daoist Immortal Sect, surely has many means of protection even if he is not being used now.

If they try to win over Jun Dongjin directly, it is undoubtedly telling the Daoist Immortal Sect what they intend to do.

On the contrary, Jun Dongjin's son has a much lower profile.

Moreover, the Cloud Mist Blessed Land is right next to the Daoist Immortal Sect, so the principle of hiding one's actions in the dark is significant. It is likely that even the Daoist Immortal Sect itself would not expect them to have any designs on Jun Wuji.


"Treat Jun Wuji, you must not use forceful methods, but rather small threats or promises of great benefits."

The Lord of the Blood Demon cautioned.

At the same time, he opened his palm, and a blood-red crystal appeared.

"With this, you can temporarily avoid the surveillance of the Taihao Mirror," the Lord of the Blood Demon said.

For hundreds of thousands of years, he has fought with the Daoist Immortal Sect many times.

Naturally, the Lord of the Blood Demon has accumulated some means of guarding against the Daoist Immortal Sect.

Especially that Taihao Mirror.


The means to evade the surveillance of the Taihao Mirror require a great price from the Lord of the Blood Demon.

And there are many restrictions.

It cannot be widely popularized.

Cloud Mist Blessed Land.

On the top floor of the pavilion.

Lin Yuan lay back in his chair, basking in the sun leisurely.

"You may leave now," Lin Yuan waved his hand.


Chunhua and Qiuyue bowed and left.

It's not clear how long passed.

A blood-colored figure appeared silently in the shadow of the pavilion.

"Jun Wuji."

The blood-colored figure walked up to Lin Yuan, its voice hoarse and deep.

"I know your big secret."

The blood-colored figure stared at Jun Wuji.

"Big secret?"

Lin Yuan was slightly stunned.

He had long sensed the presence of the blood-colored figure.

The fact that the figure could infiltrate Divine Continent and the Cloud Mist Blessed Land came from the special aura emanating from it.

Originally, Lin Yuan wanted to see if there was anything special about the blood-colored figure's infiltration, but he was surprised to hear the figure confessing to knowing his big secret.

"Big secret?"

"Which big secret are you referring to?"

Lin Yuan's expression turned serious as he asked.

"Which big secret?"

The blood-colored figure was a bit bewildered.

Does this Jun Wuji have many secrets? Which big secret?



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