Conquering The Novel

Chapter 182 Irethiel Vs Meira [2]

Meira delivered a powerful kick to Irethiel's chest, sending her flying backward.


Irethiel landed on the ground but quickly sprang back up to her feet.

She let out a hiss of pain as the blood continued to flow from her arm, but her eyes also shone with a hint of excitement at the sudden increase in Meira's strength.

"You've finally shown a little bit of fight," she remarked, getting ready for the next attack.

Meira, however, was acutely aware that she couldn't afford to make any mistakes. She knew that one misstep could mean the end of the fight, so she remained focused and cautious.

Thankfully, she had gained better control over her powers of the constellation, in contrast to the fight she had in the gladiator's arena where she had lost control.

Meira's movements were swift and agile as she closed in on Irethiel, her daggers glinting in the sunlight. She feinted to the left and then to the right before lunging low, aiming for Irethiel's ankles.

As Meira's speed and agility increased, leaving afterimages behind her, Irethiel was caught off guard and stumbled back, narrowly avoiding Meira's blades.

But she didn't have time to catch her breath as Meira's relentless attacks continued, striking at her from all angles with blinding speed and accuracy.

Despite her efforts to defend herself, Meira's blades still managed to slice through her flesh, drawing blood and leaving deep gashes.


The momentary imbalance of Irethiel was an opportunity for Meira, who quickly sprang into action, charging at Irethiel and easily dodging her counterattacks.

She performed a swift double jump, vaulting over Irethiel's head and landing behind her in a crouch.

From there, Meira launched into a flurry of quick strikes, her daggers moving in a blur as she aimed for Irethiel's exposed back.


Irethiel found it challenging to block the flurry of rapid strikes coming at her back from Meira's fluid and agile movements, and Meira took advantage of her confusion to abruptly execute a spinning hook kick and landed a solid blow to the side of Irethiel's head.


Irethiel staggered, but she quickly regained her balance and countered with a vicious backhand strike followed by a devastating uppercut that sent Meira flying up into the air.

But as Meira twisted her body midair, she vanished in a dark cloud of smoke, leaving behind only a trail of shadows on the ground. Irethiel looked around, searching for any sign of her opponent, but Meira had already disappeared without a trace.



Suddenly, she heard the sound of daggers slicing through the air. She barely had time to react before Meira appeared behind her stealthily, her daggers glowing with a dark aura.

Meira's powers of the constellation had given her the ability to become a shadow assassin, enabling her to merge with the shadows and strike her enemies from unexpected angles.

Irethiel was able to evade the initial attacks, but Meira's unyielding assaults as she disappeared and reappeared from the shadows left her no time to rest. Meira was striking quickly and accurately, targeting vital areas.


The sound of clashing metal filled the air as the two of them continued to exchange blows. Their movements were so fast that it became almost impossible to keep up with their speed with the naked eye.

Meira's shadow assassin skills gave her the upper hand, allowing her to strike with deadly accuracy. However, Irethiel was still fighting with restrictions, preventing her from unleashing the full extent of her power.

Finally, after a flurry of strikes, Meira landed a devastating blow to Irethiel's abdomen.



Irethiel growled in frustration and anger, blood pouring from her wound as she was taken by surprise.

Finally, summoning her demonic powers, Irethiel's eyes began to glow a bright red. Her aura began to change, and her disguise faded, revealing her true demon form.


Meira was shocked by Irethiel's sudden transformation; she didn't expect that the woman she was struggling against was actually a demon.

'...What is a demon doing by my master's side?' Meira was filled with conflicting thoughts as she faced Irethiel.

However, she pushed aside her musings as Irethiel's aura flared up, growing fiercer by the second. Meira took a deep breath and focused her constellation powers, tapping into her inner assassin.

In an instant, Meira was cloaked in shadows, still making it difficult for Irethiel to track her stealthy movements. Meira capitalized on this advantage, attacking from different angles and striking at Irethiel's blind spots with lightning-fast speed.

Irethiel found it difficult to match Meira's new fighting style, and Meira appeared to be in control for a brief moment.

The two of them were moving quickly and aggressively, trying to gain the upper hand in the fight.

But just when Meira thought she had the upper hand, Irethiel suddenly shifted her fighting style, calling upon her dark aura to imbue her claws with sinister energy.


Now Irethiel's attacks were violent and unrelenting, her claws enhanced by the demonic aura pulsing through her body. Each blow landed with bone-shattering force, and Meira's arms grew heavy with fatigue as she struggled to defend herself, and her breathing grew labored.

She knew she had to find a way to turn the tide of the battle, or else she would surely be beaten to pulp if this continues.

Desperately, Meira retreated a few steps away from Irethiel, somersaulting repeatedly. Her body seemed to merge with the shadows, and she disappeared from sight.

The shadows moved like a snake, and suddenly Meira reappeared behind Irethiel, her daggers slicing at her.

However, Irethiel had learned from her past mistake and was prepared for Meira's next move. As Meira appeared behind her, Irethiel spun around and countered her dagger with her claws, creating a shower of sparks as the two weapons clashed.

Their struggle sent shockwaves through the ground, destroying the area around them and sending debris flying in all directions.

The ear-splitting sound echoed across the landscape as the two of them continued to clash, neither gaining the upper hand.


However, as the intensity of their fight had grown, Meira could feel her energy draining and her transformation slowly fading.

She fought with every ounce of her strength, but it seemed like it wasn't enough. She was tired, and her movements were becoming slower and weaker with each passing second.

As the fight wore on, she began to realize that she was outmatched and her strength was not enough to overcome Irethiel's demonic power.

She gritted her teeth, refusing to give up, and tried to push forward with all her strength.


However, as she readied to clash again, she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her ribs as Irethiel appeared in front of her out of nowhere.


Using her location swap skill to replace her previous location with debris flying around, Irethiel connected a powerful punch to Meira's ribs.



The sound of Meira's ribs cracking was audible as she was sent flying through the air, vomiting blood before crashing onto the ground.


The impact was so powerful that it left a small crater in the ground where Meira landed making a deafening THUD sound. She lay there, gasping for breath, her body wracked with pain.

Irethiel towered over her, a malevolent grin on her face. She could sense that Meira was on the brink of unconsciousness, she raised her hand to deliver the final blow her claws crackling with dark energy.

"You fought well," Irethiel said, she was genuinely impressed by Meira's fighting style, "But you still have much to learn." She added.

However, just as she was about to strike, Meira's aura suddenly flared up once again, her snake tattoo glowing with intense blue light.


Irethiel was surprised for a moment, unsure of what was happening.

Meira seized this opportunity and instantly lunged forward with a powerful strike. Irethiel tried to dodge, but it seemed too late.


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