Conquering The Novel

Chapter 179 The Weapon Crafter's Call


As Lia's video call came in, I pushed away Irethiel and lifted the phone to answer.

[Hello, Ares, are you free--] As soon as I picked up the phone Lia started to speak but stopped mid-sentence as she saw my bandaged body.

[Hey, Lia, how are you doing?] I asked, trying to sound upbeat.

[I-I'm fine, but it doesn't look like you're doing well, though!] Lia stammered, looking concerned.

I could see that she was in her father's workshop from the background.

[Yeah, things happened.] I replied. However, I noticed Irethiel began peeking from beside me as she hugged me from the side.


[Um, w-who is that woman beside you?] Lia asked with an awkward expression as she noticed Irethiel.

Hearing her, I turned to Irethiel and saw her smiling pleasantly. I realized that her behavior was unusual, and I immediately suspected that it might be the side effects of the disguise potion she had used.

"I think it's the potion affecting you, demon. Didn't you just brag that a single potion couldn't affect you?" I said to Irethiel telepathically. Her behavior seemed out of character, and moreover, I had never seen her smile so pleasantly.

[...Don't mind her, she's just a nurse taking care of me.] I said to Lia, indicating Irethiel.

[Ah, I see. Sorry for the misunderstanding.] Lia replied, but I could tell she was still skeptical.

[I'm a nurse?] Irethiel asked, pointing to herself.

[...Yes, you are.] I said in a low voice, smiling.

[Not your slave?] Irethiel asked, confused as if question marks appeared on top of her head.


I pushed Irethiel away from me with my palm on her face and changed the subject.

[...Anyway, you mentioned that my other two shurikens were ready, right?] I asked.

'Didn't she just say slave? And what is she doing so close to you if she is just a nurse taking care of you?' Lia felt a surge of jealousy and suspicion, but she kept her composure and didn't say anything. She knew that she wasn't close enough to Ares to question him about his personal matters.

She hesitated for a moment, looking as though she had something else to say, but then replied, "Y-Yes, wait, I'll be sending your shurikens to you right away." And began scanning a small white box.

A notification popped up on my screen:

"Lia wants to send you a package.

Accept: Y/N."

I clicked "Yes," and the box arrived in front of me in no time.

I opened the box and found two similar-looking shurikens but of different colors: one was golden, and the other was purple.

[I added a clone spell to that golden shuriken; it creates multiple fake clones of itself. Which can be used to confuse the enemy about which shuriken is real and catch them off guard.

And I cast the purple shuriken with a resize spell; you can adjust the size of the shuriken according to the monster you are facing.

For example, if you are facing a giant monster, the small shurikens would just feel like ants biting them, right? But now you can increase the size of the shuriken by infusing more mana into it, thus increasing its damage to the giant monsters as well.] Lia elaborated.

As Lia explained the spells she added to the shurikens, I added a drop of my blood to both of them, causing them to vibrate for a moment before settling down.


They made a metallic sound as I made them float around me. They were easy to use and looked just like my previous shuriken, but with added functionality.

"This is...impressive," I uttered, impressed with Lia's work.

[It must have cost you a lot to add these spells to them, right?] I then asked, bringing my attention back to Lia.

As far as I know, it would require a lot of money to have someone cast these spells. It looked like high-level spells were cast on these shurikens, which I believe is too soon for Lia to cast them on her own.

[Haha...well, I got help from my father's acquaintance.] Lia said with a nervous chuckle.

I knew Lia's father was a famous weapon maker, so it made sense that she had connections with high-level spellcasters as well.

[I see, I really liked them! Send me your account details so I can send you your money!] I said.

[Oh, you don't need to. I already received the remainder of the Onyx stone as my payment.] Lia replied while making a "no" sign with her hands.

[...I want to send a payment for the other weapons I need repairing and for which I need your help.] I clarified.

[Ah, I see. You mentioned you have some other weapons that need repairing and that you need my help with, right? You can send them to me now, and I will take a look.] She said.

[Okay, I will send them right away.] I said and took out the bow and lightning blade, then sent them to her immediately.


[Alright, I have received them. A bow and a sword, huh? The bow needs a good bowstring to match its petrification prowess. And the lightning blade seems to be too big for your fighting style.] She stated, giving the weapons a quick glance.


'Yup, her talent is scary. No doubt she will become one of the best weapon crafters in the world.' I thought to myself, impressed by her accurate assessment.


Lia's phone beeped, indicating a new message. She glanced at her phone, and her eyebrows furrowed in confusion when she saw the amount of money transferred to her account.

[W-Wait, what? Why did you send me such a huge amount of money?] Lia exclaimed in shock.

[Not even high-ranking weapon crafters take that amount of money to make a high-level weapon.] she added.

[Don't worry, I think you deserve it for your excellent work, and I also believe in investing in talented individuals like you.

You have the potential to become one of the best weapon crafters in the world, and I want to support you on that journey.] I replied with a smile.

I knew Lia wouldn't receive financial support from her disapproving mother who didn't support her daughter's desire to become a weapon crafter. However, I also knew that by helping her, she might be grateful to me and would prioritize my orders over others when she became successful.

Suddenly, Lia's body began to shake, and tears started rolling down her cheeks. She lowered her head, trying to hide her tears from me.

[Why...why do you have so much faith in me?] Lia asked, her voice choked with emotion.

[I would be an idiot if I didn't believe in you even after recognizing your talent.] I responded with a smile.

Lia looked up, her eyes still glistening with tears, and smiled gratefully at me.

[T-Thank you so much for believing in me. It means a lot coming from someone like you.] she said, her voice still a bit shaky.

[And I promise that I won't let you down, and I will work hard to become the best weapon crafter I can be.] Lia stated.

[Good, I have faith in you, Lia," I replied with a smile. [I'm sure you'll become an excellent weapon crafter. Just remember to stay focused and work hard towards your goals.]

We talked for a few moments after that, with Lia asking about the precise adjustments and materials I preferred for my Bow and Lightning Blade. I told her to use her own creativity and preferences to make something that suited me best.

Which made Lia realize how much faith I had in her craftsmanship.

[Alright, I will let you know when I am done repairing the weapons you gave me. But I can't guarantee that I will be able to complete them before the start of the tournament though because I will be participating in it as well.] Lia stated.

[Take all the time you need. And don't worry, I won't hold you back from the tournament.] I reassured her.

[Thank you for being so understanding.] Lia said gratefully.

[I'll keep you updated on the progress of the repairs.] She added.

[Sounds good.] I replied, smiling before adding [I'll see you at the tournament's opening ceremony then. Good luck!]

[Thank you Ares!] Lia exclaimed with gratitude before we hung up the call.


I set my phone down, feeling a sense of relief that my weapons were in good hands. Now, all that was left to do was wait and see how Lia's craftsmanship would enhance their power.



Suddenly, we heard the sound of the door opening, which made me furrow my brow because I couldn't hear the person's footsteps nor did I feel their presence.

"I think that woman is here," Irethiel said and turned towards the door.

And my eyes widened in surprise as I saw the woman who entered the room.


As soon as Lia ended the call with Ares, she couldn't help but smile. Not only was it her first big sale, but the amount she earned would solve many of her financial problems.

Ever since her mother stopped giving her pocket money, Lia had been struggling to afford the materials necessary for her weapon crafting. But now, with the money Ares had given her, that problem was solved.

Excitement bubbled within her as she looked forward to seeing Ares at the tournament's opening ceremony.

But suddenly, her face fell as she realized something.

"O-Oh no...he won't be able to recognize me without my disguise," Lia muttered anxiously.

From the time they met at the auction house, to their video calls, Lia had always been in disguise. She panicked at the thought of Ares not knowing who she was.

"W-What should I do now?"

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