Conquering The Novel

Chapter 176 Ability: Wings Of Pazuzu!

I clicked on the ability to read its description.

Ability Name: [Wings of Pazuzu]

Description: This ability is obtained after defeating the Demon Lord Pazuzu.

With Wings of Pazuzu, the user gains massive demonic wings that grant them incredible speed and agility in combat.

When the wings are infused with mana, they grant the user ability to fly, allowing the user to take to the skies and survey their surroundings.

The user can also unleash a flurry of razor-sharp feathers that shred their enemies apart or create a shockwave that sends foes flying.

The more the user trains with Wings of Pazuzu, the more powerful and versatile the ability becomes and the amount of mana requires decreases upon the user's proficiency.

Soar through the skies and strike fear into your enemies with the formidable Wings of Pazuzu.


"I wonder how these Wings of Pazuzu work," I muttered to myself, curious to try them out. Almost as soon as I thought it, the wings appeared from my back and unfurled gloriously, revealing a wingspan of at least three meters. The feathers were sleek and shiny like polished obsidian but faintly glimmered with a red sheen, and the tips ended in sharp points.

I examined the wings in awe, admiring the intricate patterns etched onto their surface.

"Whoa, this looks cool! With these wings, I can fly anywhere I want without needing a vehicle," I exclaimed in delight, eagerly testing them out.

I flapped my wings and soared upwards, but immediately fell back onto my bed due to the lingering pain from the aftermath of the battle with the demon lord.

"Argg! I-I guess I'll have to try that again later," I said with an awkward smile, deciding to move on to the next thing and check out the skill that the mysterious figure had bestowed upon me.

'So the skills name is Eye Of Chaos? What an ominous name. And it comes in a category of the Gifts means it must be one of the skills given to me by my constellation,' I thought to myself as I clicked on it to check its description.

[Skill: Eye of Chaos!]

Description: Eye of Chaos is a high-level skill that harnesses the chaotic energy of the universe. With this skill, the user gains the ability to manipulate chaos energy and release devastating blasts of pure destructive power.

Using the Eye of Chaos, the user can summon a powerful beam of energy that tears through everything in its path, leaving behind nothing but destruction and chaos. This skill is not only powerful but also versatile, allowing the user to control the direction and intensity of the beam.

However, the Eye of Chaos is not without its drawbacks. The chaotic energy it channels is extremely unstable and difficult to control, and using the skill requires a massive amount of mana.

Additionally, the user may be overwhelmed by the sheer force of the energy they channel, making it risky to use in close combat.

Use the Eye of Chaos with caution, and only when you're willing to risk everything for the chance at total annihilation.


'It requires a lot of mana, it says? Another skill that's totally. dependent on my mana. Which means I can't use it regularly,' I thought to myself.

More importantly, I should first try to measure how powerful it is and learn how to properly control it before using it next time.

As I don't want to lose consciousness just after using that skill,' I continued to think.

"If the opponent is somehow able to dodge that attack and I end up losing consciousness, then it will be the end of me," I concluded.



The abrupt sound of footsteps interrupted my thoughts, I realized I had been so preoccupied with my new abilities and status that I forgot to address the most pressing matter: how did I get out of the Demon Lord's dungeon and where was I now? And more importantly, who had brought me here?

"I guess it's too late to ponder on it now," I muttered to myself. "Might as well find out from whoever just walked into the room," I said as I heard the door creak open.


Opening the door, a beautiful mature woman with long purple hair and purple eyes entered the room.

She was wearing a black, form-fitting outfit that accentuated her curves, and a long, flowing cape draped over her shoulders.

"Fuuu, so you're finally awake, huh?" the woman said, exhaling a sigh of relief.

"Irethiel?" I called out.

Although her appearance had changed and looked more human-like, I could still tell it was her... maybe because we were bound by a contract?

"Hmm, what?" Irethiel asked as she walked over to the bed I was on and began to remove the bandages that covered my upper body.

"...So you used a disguise potion?" I asked as I let her change the bandages.

"Yes, I found it in the storage ring you gave me before entering the Gate," she responded.

"Well, I put a few of them in that storage ring just in case," I said. "So, how did you bring me out of that Gate? I thought you weren't able to enter it," I inquired, gazing at her curiously while she was busy changing the bandages.

"It was not me, but someone else who brought you out of that Pazuzu's dungeon. She's away making preparations for your departure, as it seems you don't have much time to rest, with only a few days left until the tournament you're taking part in," Irethiel explained.

"Who is this 'she' you're referring to–" I asked, but then paused before continuing. "Wait! So you already knew that the gate I entered was where the Demon Lord Pazuzu was sealed?" I asked, staring at her with a blank expression.

"...No, I didn't know about that when you entered the gate. But after a few days of you entering, I felt the demon lord Pazuzu's energy emitting from the gate, and sensed that his seal had been broken," Irethiel clarified.

As I heard her, I stayed silent, lost in thoughts.

"However, it seems you were somewhat able to defeat Pazuzu. I'm curious about how you pulled that off, as from the condition you are in, it would still be impossible for you to defeat a demon lord even if he was just released and in a weakened state," Irethiel finished changing my bandages and looked at me curiously, waiting for an explanation.

"...What did you mean by 'after a few days'? How many days was I in that dungeon?" I dismissed her query and asked urgently.

Irethiel paused to count for a moment before speaking.

"Hmm, let me count. You were in that dungeon for around 8 days, and you've been unconscious for the past 2 days since you were brought out."

"...So it has been a total of 10 days, huh? That means there's no time left for the tournament to begin," I muttered to myself.

"Yes, and for the past 2 days, after they found out that the demon lord was defeated, the whole continent is in pandemonium and they have been searching for you everywhere," Irethiel stated.


"Firstly, about what you said regarding them searching for me, is it Marz or Ares?" I asked, seeking clarification.

"It's your identity as Marz that they're searching for," Irethiel confirmed.

"So, they're looking for Marz because they believe he was the one who defeated the demon lord?" I speculated. "But how are they so certain it was Marz?"

"According to what I heard from that woman, the wristwatch is a special device used by adventurers to record information about the monsters they defeat.

It can also be used to transmit that information to the adventurer guild for rewards and ranking purposes," Irethiel explained.

"Ah, I see. That makes sense," I said as I searched for the wristwatch, which was not in my hand anymore.

"That woman who brought you here took the wristwatch from you, saying it might have something to track you down," Irethiel informed, noticing me searching for it.

"Well, she did the right thing by removing it," I replied, relieved that it was no longer in my possession or else it would have given away my location and things would have become much more troublesome.

"...What signs or phenomenon does the surrounding area exhibit after Demon Lord Pazuzu was killed?" I asked, recalling what I had read in a novel about similar occurrences.

The book had described how after the defeat of a demon lord, the surrounding environment would undergo drastic changes, from sudden weather changes to shifts in the very fabric of reality.

I was intrigued as to what happened when the demon lord Pazuzu was killed.

Because, when the demon lord Pazuzu was killed in the story, his servants all throughout the continent died on the same day.

'Did the same thing happen now? Or maybe things were different since he was dead much earlier than in the novel.' I reflected.


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