Conquering The Novel

Chapter 173 New Power?

Crack— Crack—

The figure stood up, his aura blazing brighter than ever before.

"Alright! That seems to be the limit of how much I can reveal to you," they said, raising a hand and causing the cracks in the space to disappear.

I had many questions for the mysterious figure that stood before me, but I doubted I would receive any answers as the surrounding space began to fracture and contort with their every word.

"So...What's the purpose of bringing me into this world?" I asked nonetheless.

"The reason for your arrival in this world, will soon be able to discover for yourself," the figure replied, their voice tinged with a sense of urgency. "But for now, I must fulfill the purpose of my presence."

With a quick flick of their wrist, they threw a storage ring toward me, which I caught without thinking.


As I examined the contents of the ring, I was surprised by what I found within. A wealth of strengthening fruits and a coveted mana fruit were stored inside.

"What is the meaning of this?" I queried, my confusion evident. "Why bring me to this treacherous demon lord's dungeon, of all places, merely to present me with these fruits?"

I was grateful for the coveted fruits, but I couldn't comprehend the significance of being given them in this particular location.

Despite their worth, I could not shake the feeling that there was a deeper purpose at play.

The figure chuckled. "Think of these fruits as just a small gift. The true reason for my presence here is to impart upon you something of far greater worth."

"...Something even more valuable than these fruits?" I asked, eyebrows raised in surprise.

"Exactly," the figure replied, a hint of excitement in their voice. "I am here to bestow upon you ...the power to defeat even the mightiest of Demon Lords."

"However, how you choose to utilize it will be entirely up to you." The figure added.


My eyes widened in surprise as I heard the figure's bold claim. However, before I could react, the figure closed the distance between us in an instant and I felt a sharp pain in my left eye.

The figure now stood behind me, the aura of their power permeating the air.



I fell to my knees, clutching my bleeding eye in agony as the world around me spun and blurred.

"What have you done to me?" I cried out, my voice filled with anger and confusion.

I launched my shurikens towards the figure using my telekinesis. But, to my surprise, the weapons went straight through their intangible body, leaving no mark.

"Don't worry, I haven't harmed you. In fact, I have just given you a gift." The figure said with a smirk. "If I wanted to harm you, you wouldn't be standing here, alive."

Despite the figure's words, the pain in my left eye persisted, only growing stronger with each passing moment.

I found myself struggling to focus and keep standing as the pain continued to wrack my body.


Despite the pain, a system notification echoed in my mind.


[You Have Obtained ◇◇◇]"

However, I was unable to see the contents properly as the searing pain in my eye made it difficult to focus.


[The Power Of The Skill Far Exceeds The Limit A Human Body Can Handle!]


[Warning: The User's Body Will Explode If The Power Is Not Controlled!]

I screamed in agony as I clutched my head, as the pain became unbearable.

The system notifications continued to ring, but I was in no shape to check them.


[Strengthening Fruit Found In User's Possession! Using Strengthening Fruit To Enhance Physical Ability...]

Crack! Crack!

I heard the sound of my bones cracking and reshaping, and I could feel my body undergoing a transformation.

"AHHHH!" I continued to scream, but I couldn't lose consciousness as if something was preventing me from doing so.


[Mana Fruit Found In User's Possession!

Using Mana Fruit To Enhance Magic Ability...]

As the transformation continued, I felt my body being filled with immense power and energy.

But, I knew that I needed to control this power or risk being destroyed.

I gritted my teeth, focusing on the power coursing through my veins, and attempted to harness it.

"The power I have given you will serve you well, but remember, the truth of why you were brought to this world will reveal itself in due time," said the mysterious figure as its body began to fade away.

"But for now, my purpose here has been fulfilled and I must take my leave."

As the mysterious figure vanished into thin air, I was left alone in the demon lord's dungeon, still in immense pain.

The world around me seemed to blur, and the only sound I could hear was the constant beeping of the system's notifications.


[Searching For More Mana Fruits To Increase The User's Mana Pool...]

[No More Mana Fruits Found...]

[Alert! The User's Body Is In Danger Due To The Excessive Power.

Recommended: Use The Skill ◇◇◇ To Discharge The Excess Mana.]

[Use Skill ◇◇◇? Yes/No]

Grimacing in pain, I managed to nod my head, muttering a barely audible "Yes". The girly robotic voice of the system confirmed my request.


[Got User's Permission To Use The Skill.] [Initiating Command...]

The pain was almost unbearable, and I felt as though my body was about to explode. But just then, I felt a surge of power coursing through me.


Third Person POV~

As Ares knelt on the ground, writhing in pain, a sudden glow erupted from his left eye, casting a menacing aura upon the surroundings.

The world around him seemed to slow to a crawl as the sound of chains shattering echoed through the air.


And immediately after that, he felt a powerful presence rapidly approaching him, its demonic energy growing with each step it took.

Despite the world around him slowing, the figure still moved with an unmatched speed, even surpassing the agility of Helena, who was known to be the fastest individual.

Ares struggled to breathe in the presence of such raw power, and now the demonic being stood just a step away from him, ready to strike at any moment.

However, just as the attack was about to land, Ares's left eye unleashed a bright flash of light and the sound of a robotic female voice echoed in his mind.


[Using The Skill...."EYE OF CHAOS!!!"]

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