Conquering The Novel

Chapter 169 Fighting The Guardians [2]

As I entered the room, the massive stone door behind me slowly creaked shut, sealing me inside.

"Well, here we go again," I muttered to myself, now becoming used to these dramatic entrances.

As I examined the room, I noticed it was filled with towering stone columns, each intricately carved with designs of snakes and other creatures.

The smooth marble floor reflected the dim light in the room, creating an eerie ambiance.

In the center of the chamber stood a large statue, its stone eyes fixed upon me, seeming to dare me to take another step forward.

"Why do I get the feeling that statue will come to life as soon as I approach it," I mumbled to myself, having experienced similar scenarios in the past.

I readied my katanas, the blue aura around them brightening, and started moving toward the statue, keeping a vigilant eye for any signs of movement.

Suddenly, the statue began to stir, its eyes opening and revealing a cold, stony gaze.

Crack! Crack!

The statue shattered into pieces as it came to life, revealing the true form of the enemy I was about to face.


[You Have Encountered A Gorgon, One Of Demon Lord Pazuzu's Guardians!]


The Gorgon let out a blood-curdling battle cry, echoing through the chamber.

I tensed, ready for the fight to come. The creature before me was massive, easily three times my height. Her skin was a sickly green color, and her hair was made of writhing snakes, each one coiling and striking as if they were alive.

Her eyes were piercing red, and she had a powerful tail that whipped back and forth, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake.

To my surprise, the Gorgon was wielding a bow made of gold, and she had her piercing eyes fixed directly on me.

I didn't waste any time and summoned a hail of shurikens, launching them toward the Gorgon with telekinesis. However, the creature simply shrugged off my attack, unaffected by my efforts.


The Gorgon let out a fierce battle cry again as she unleashed a barrage of arrows at me with her bow.

I quickly dodged and weaved, relying on my agility to avoid her shots and close in.

With a swift slash of my katanas, I cut the strings of her bow, leaving her momentarily defenseless.

But before I could capitalize on the opportunity, the Gorgon transformed into stone, causing the ground to shake with her powerful petrification attack.

I quickly rolled to the side, narrowly avoiding being turned to stone myself.

Knowing that I needed to end the fight quickly, I took a deep breath and focused my mana on my katanas.

With a fierce battle cry, I unleashed my "Fell Crescent" attack, sending blue crescent energy slicing through the air in a deadly "X" pattern, destroying the Gorgon's stone form.


But she was far from defeated. The Gorgon roared as her stone form shattered and she transformed back into her snake-haired form.

She summoned a massive snake from the shadows, which slithered towards me, its mouth agape.

I leaped into action, my katanas flashing as I sliced through the snake, avoiding its venomous bites.

The Gorgon summoned more snakes, but I was prepared. I used my agility to dodge their attacks and get in close, unleashing a rapid series of slashes that shredded the snakes and left the Gorgon exposed.

She roared in anger, firing a powerful energy blast at me. I leaped over it, using my momentum to deliver a powerful kick to her chest that sent her hurtling across the room. She hit the wall with a thud.


As the Gorgon hit the wall, I could see her struggle to regain her footing. I took a moment to catch my breath and ready my katanas once again. I knew this was far from over.


The Gorgon let out a ferocious roar as she rose back up, her snakes hissing and writhing in anger.

As I advanced towards her, she was quick to respond, employing her formidable tail to attack me with lightning speed. I sprang back, my katanas deflecting her blows while I sought an opening.

She was relentless, attacking me from all sides with her tail and sharp claws, and I was forced to give ground, dodging and parrying her attacks.

She swiped her claws at me continuously, but I was quick to dodge and slice back with my katanas.


My katanas and her claws clashed in a shower of sparks, and we began to engage in a deadly battle.

I could see the Gorgon's eyes widen as I suddenly unleashed my skill "Atomic Slash," a rapid succession of powerful slashes that bombarded her relentlessly.


She tried to defend herself, but I was too fast and the attack was too strong. I could feel my katanas cutting deep into her flesh, but still, she refused to give up.


The Gorgon let out a bloodcurdling scream as she summoned the power of her gaze, attempting to turn me to stone.

I knew I had to be cautious; a single gaze could spell my doom. I dodged and weaved, ducking and rolling.

I kept moving, my heart pounding as I tried to get close to the Gorgon, as I knew that I needed to finish her off quickly before she had the chance to use her powerful gaze again.

I made a sudden dash, my katanas in hand, and swung at her with all my might. She was caught off guard and stumbled back, her snakes hissing as she tried to regain her balance.

I seized the opportunity and pressed my advantage, my katanas slicing through the air with deadly accuracy.

The Gorgon was forced to defend herself, her snakes lashing out to block my attacks. I continued to fight, my movements fluid and graceful as I circled her, striking from every angle.

However, despite my efforts, the Gorgon was proving to be a tough opponent. Her snakes were quick, and she managed to dodge many of my strikes.

I could sense my mana starting to run low, and I realized that I had to change my approach if I wanted to overcome her.

I quickly drew my bow from my inventory and summoned an arrow infused with Static Electricity, taking aim at the Gorgon.

She noticed my actions and hissed, her snakes tensing and ready to attack.

But I was faster, and I let the arrow fly, watching as it hurtled toward the Gorgon and struck her in the chest.


She staggered, her hiss turning into a scream as she clutched at the arrow.


But I was already moving, rushing forward with my katanas at the ready. I swung with all my might, and the gorgon's head was cleaved from her body.


Her head rolled to the ground, and her body crumpled beside it. I stood there, panting and sweating, as I surveyed the aftermath of the fierce battle.

And noticed Gorgon's headless body gradually turning to stone.


However, the gorgon's head screamed loudly for a moment before exploding into numerous pieces.

—You Have Killed A Gorgon!

I heard an alert from my wristwatch, confirming the end of this fierce battle.


"...What a gruesome scene," I observed as the Gorgon's head exploded and blood splattered over my face.

I took a moment to collect my thoughts, wiping the blood from my face.

Just then, I heard the sound of a door opening in the distance, signaling the path I needed to take next.

Before leaving the room, I approached the golden bow that the Gorgon had been using and picked it up.

And suddenly a message from the system appeared.


[You Have Obtained A Gorgon's Fury Bow!]

As I looked at the bow's description, I was astounded by its power.

[Name: Gorgon's Fury Bow

Description: A bow crafted by the powerful Gorgon, capable of unleashing devastating attacks on her enemies. This bow imbues its arrows with the power of the Gorgon's gaze, capable of petrifying its targets with a single shot


•Increased damage dealt by arrows.

•Poison effect added to arrows, dealing additional damage over time to enemies hit.

•Petrifying Arrow: An arrow that can turn its target to stone, depending on the user's powers. (It is only effective against enemies with a lower strength than the user. If the enemy is deemed strong, the arrow will only act as a normal arrow.)


[The Appearance Of The Gorgon's Fury Bow!]

The Gorgon's Fury Bow, crafted from the finest materials and imbued with powerful magic, is a truly magnificent weapon.

Its body was adorned with intricate snake-like patterns, intricately carved into the golden surface.

The curves of the bow formed the shape of two snakes, wrapping around each other in a never-ending dance.

The bowstring was made of the strongest spider silk, ensuring that each shot would be precise and deadly.

Its golden sheen was accentuated by the emerald eyes of the snakes, which glimmered in the dim light of the room, adding an ominous aura to the bow.

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