
194 Chapter 194

Watching the demi-humans fight the zombies, I pace back and forth, observing their efforts as well as the zombies' habits. Compared to the skeletons, not all zombies didn't explode into purple smoke after getting attacked in the head. Some would flop down to the ground, trampled over by the zombies behind it while others would have to be stabbed over and over again before dying. However, everyone at the front was doing their best to keep the zombies at bay, and with the timely attacks from the archers in the back, there were no problems at the moment.

Every so often there would be a push against one side of the wall, with multiple zombies piling on one another in an attempt to breakthrough. Cleaves were used by the demi-humans to retaliate against the zombies and while the skill doesn't kill off all of them, it was able to stall enough time for someone else to come and help.

Closing my eyes, I try to remember the information Sam told me as he faced the zombies on the first night but the zombies he fought were fast… No, these were the same. The moment any sound was produced they immediately sprinted toward the noise. The number and the types of zombies were the same as well. We just need to defend against their attack since there are too many of them, but I do want to go deeper.

"Ian, when do you want to go inside the cave, and who is going with us?" - Howard

"We can go now, the zombies just did a combined attack on the right side and were easily repelled. Thankfully, the stone armor old man Hus made was able to completely cover our arms and legs with a small gap at the elbows, but that was quickly fixed, so there was no need to be worried about any injuries.

I have been watching them for a while and after fighting them earlier, I assume we are more than capable of attacking the zombies and going on the offensive. Compared to the skeletons that pushed with pure numbers, these zombies attack each other while approaching us.

Our job will be easier with you, Gobi and Solar. We can push forward with our high offensive power and the rest of the troops will come venture in after we start to clear the path. I would have liked it if they were able to complete this mission, but I have a feeling this is only the tip of the iceberg. After all, there are no abnormal zombies yet." - Ian

"Alright, I'll bring them over." - Howard

Turning around, Howard calls over to Solar while approaching Gobi. With determined expressions, the three of them come to me awaiting my orders.

"Before, I say anything I want your genuine opinions on going on the offensive. All of you." - Ian

"It might be reckless of us to go and attack. I know everything seems fine now, but what if there is a monster that is too difficult for you to fight? You told us before that we can't get bitten by zombies. What if a new monster comes, and it attacks differently? There are too many possibilities to consider…" - Solar

"I do agree with Solar in this case, my lord. Inside the cave is an unknown amount of monsters, each different from the last, even if they look the same. It is the same as us hobgoblins or goblins or demi-humans or humans. We might look the same, but our skill sets are different. It should be the same case with the zombies." - Gobi

"However, we should at least attempt to go on the offensive. We earned a lot from the fight against the skeletons and while the way we approached the attack wasn't the best we can do it differently this time. The cave already restricts the number of enemies we have to face at once, so I think we can definitely beat them." - Howard

"So, 2 of us are against going and the other 2 are supporting it. That makes it difficult… We need a third person…ROBIN!" - Ian

"Hmm?" - Robin

Turning around as I call her name, Robin walks over to the 4 of us.

"What's wrong?" - Robin

"We need a fifth opinion. What do you think about attacking the zombies rather than letting them come to us?" - Ian

"Hmm, attacking or defending. Isn't the best defense, offense? We should just attack them if we think we can handle it. Why? What does everyone else think? " - Robin

"There are too many unknown variables in the cave which we can't account for, but I believe we are more than strong enough to face these challenges. I also think that if we attack we would be able to gain a lot of loot from the zombies. Rather than letting them come at us at a controlled rate, we should push forward and kill them faster." - Ian

"Then I think we should attack." - Robin

"Then it is 3 to 2 for attacking." - Ian

"Alright, I understand my lord. I will give my utmost best efforts."  - Gobi

"I will do my best as well, Ian. Don't worry about anything." - Solar

"Thank you for expressing your opinions and don't worry I won't let you down." - Ian

Looking at the cave, I took a deep breath exhaling out slowly. Robin walks back to her team, preparing them for the upcoming fight while I turn towards the three others.

"Now, then. Let's relieve the front line of their duty and attack all at once." - Ian

"Yes, my lord." - Gobi

"On it." - Howard

"Without a doubt." - Solar

"Everyone! Gobi, Howard, Solar, and I will be attempting an attack on the zombies. I want you to be prepared for any complications that might happen and defend the entrance as we venture deeper into the cave. Frontline! Break to the side!" - Ian

The moment I shouted the command, the demi-humans sprint to the side, letting the zombies they were engaging with reach the wall. Stepping forward, I activate Enhanced Agility and Cleave slashing the approaching zombies but before I could step up on the wall I was stopped by Lynn.

"Ian, let me come along. I can use Bone Wall if there are any troubles deep in the cave to allow us time to escape." - Lynn

I hesitate for a moment as I process her suggestion before nodding and jumping over the wall. Gobi and Howard follow suit with Lynn and Solar in the back. Within seconds, a swarm of zombies was in front of me, attracted by the sound of explosions. I lead off the attack with a flurry of quick stabs, exploding body parts of zombies while my spider legs attack zombies on the sides.

Gobi activated Tornado spin, clearing a small space in front of him, allowing Howard to come forward and bash his Bone Shield against a zombie. Solar casts shield on everyone here enveloping everyone in a yellowish-white barrier whilst Lynn attacks with small water bullets. The dark didn't help in our attack but the snarling and growling of the zombies were more than enough to figure out where they were.

I gave small quick commands to Gobi and Howard as we push forward, attacking zombies and killing them quickly and efficiently. The Bone Shield proved to be handy as well as the counterattack skill damages zombie after zombie with the only exception being the snake zombies.

Their skinny bodies nimbly dodge the bone spike that launches out of the shield and retaliates by launching its body at Howard. However, its movements were slow in comparison to other monsters giving me more than enough time to kill the snake zombie before it reaches Howard with a simple strike of my spider legs.

In such an enclosed space, the spider legs were doing the work of 4 warriors. Cutting limbs or stabbing into the skulls of the zombies, they attack at an even faster rate than my trident stabs. With each explosion, I get a small glimpse of the environment in front of me and as we progress deeper into the cave, I notice a small detail on the zombies that changed over time.

From the start of the zombie attack at the cave entrance, all the zombies looked like they were falling apart but as I get deeper into the cave, they seem to become more whole. Fewer body parts ripped, fewer exposed bones, and fewer humans and demi-human zombies. Beasts like giant rats, alligators, snakes, large cats, and wolves were being more and more common as zombies and there were fewer humanoid zombies.

This made the attack stagnate at one point as killing non-humanoid monsters took more effort especially if they are undead and inflicting pain on them would do nothing. As we turn the corner, killing a zombie wolf, a gush of wind pushes me from the darkness. Instinctively, I thrust my trident out while Howard bought up his shield.

A loud bang could be heard as something heavy collides with Howard's shield, pushing him back into the wall. I activate Quickstep, aggressively approaching the large dark figure and attacking with my trident. At the same time, Solar casts a Ball of Light giving us sight of the new monster.

,m A blood-red monster with its brain exposed as its face with a set of sharp needle-like teeth was climbing along the wall like a gecko. My trident misses since the monster wasn't even there. The large figure I saw in the dark was simply its long tongue bundled up after striking Howard's shield. Its whole body was covered in muscles instead of skin with large claws as its feet and hands.

The monster grins as its long tongue enter its mouth, before retreating into the darkness.

"What was that about unknown monsters…?" - Howard

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