Civilization: Beyond Two Worlds

Chapter 374 - 374 Amazing

374 Amazing

Steel wings streaked through the sky and circled in the air. The crystals of modern industry galloped in the sky of Red Maple City. Through the porthole of the cockpit cover, Kang De looked at the huge city of this other world.

The river that crossed the east and west, the white and exquisite square, the verdant park, the grand halls, and the towering spire. It had been given a beautiful name and a symbolic status in history and long poems. It was the eternal home of the Goethe people, the center, origin, and end of everything. He had finally come here.

—Cleveland, I’ve come to your hometown.

Now, the grand and beautiful city was enveloped in dismal hot clouds.

The army outside the city was like ants, and the flames of war burned in the city.

Horned eagles, pegasuses, dragons, and mages soared in the sky. The soldiers ran around the ground in vain. The light of spells continuously blasted into the city, and there were continuous beams rising from the city that were still intercepting. The flames of war burned here as if Valentine had repeated itself.

Kang De looked down from the sky like a god staring at the human world from the clouds. He could see everything.


Invasion and resistance.

Killing and unyielding.

Living beings attacked each other for benefits and not survival. The brave died in battle, and the commoners suffered. They were injured, in pain, and in despair. Fire burned, knives slashed, and arrows stabbed. Their clear souls were also dyed black. The ancient city fell into the flames of war, and unyielding and angry warriors dyed the city with the last blood.

He was here for this.

In the communication device, Tina was already sobbing, as if she wanted to cry out all her sorrow, reluctance, and longing. She did not have the strength to speak at all and only intermittently urged Kang De to leave. At this moment, a calm and powerful male voice sounded on the walkie-talkie.

“Kang De, the Cathayan? I’m Grand Duke Leckos Tedrell of Goethe. You’ve obtained Goethe’s eternal friendship. No amount of words can express my gratitude, but now is not the time to show your noble words. Although I thank you for your magnificent feat at such a critical moment, it’s too late.”

He said calmly, “I thank you as Tina’s father and suggest that you leave. If possible, please bring Tina along…”

“There’s time.”

The supersonic fighter swept through the sky. Kang De observed the battle and said to the communicator, “Your Excellency, immediately reorganize your army. It’s time to counterattack. The battle situation in Red Maple City has changed. I see that many city walls have already fallen. I’ll help you take back that place, but I need your decision and guidance.”

Grand Duke Goethe said, “Mr. Kang De, it’s too late. Please…”

“—Grand Duke?”


“I’m not suggesting anything.”

Kang De said indifferently, “You have about ten minutes to be angry, shocked, and decisive, because I’ll use ten minutes to do something to prove it to you.”

“Do what?”

“Take back the air control of Red Maple City.”

There was a strange sound from the black brick-like thing in his hand as if something had fallen to the ground. Then, there was no movement, and Kang De’s voice did not sound again.

The sky howled like thunder.

The steel wings that suddenly appeared drew a beautiful arc in the sky. They rolled and turned, quickly swooping down and rushing towards a team of horned eagle knights who were gathering.

The Grand Duke was still looking up when his head suddenly hurt and he was knocked by Sword Saint Snowfall’s scabbard.

“What are you looking at?!”

Clearly, his sister was clearly on his son-in-law’s side.

“Ten minutes!”

Moreover, she shouted at her brother.

The steel wings roared down with the momentum of rolling wind and lightning.

This was one of the new forms awakened by Horus after absorbing three fighter jets in a row. It was a true artificial intelligence and could even be considered a sixth-generation fighter jet.

It absorbed and reorganized the layout, engine, and material advantage of the multi-purpose air superior fighter jets, the F16 and the F35. It was summarized and optimized with the instincts of the Transformers and Tacitus’ knowledge. Although it was only the initial integration and had yet to be deeply integrated and optimized… it was enough.

Kang De grabbed the joystick and closed his eyes. His mind was connected to Horus. There were still many gains from extracting and absorbing Tacitus together, such as the increasingly close mental connection.

From now on, they would respond to each other’s tactical requirements faster, guide the target, carry out teleportation maneuvers, quickly extract, and enchant faster—there were even stronger ones.

Firstly, he had to take back the sky of Red Maple City.

Most of the people in Red Maple City heard that strange scream.

They looked up in surprise and saw an iron bird sweep through the sky. The structure of the silver-white body had a strange beauty, causing them to be curious and absent-minded. This strange alchemical weapon continuously lowered its height, sweeping up dust on the ground. At the same time, the elves’ horns resounded through the world. The aerial combat troops carrying out the mission immediately left the battlefield, reorganized their formation, and spread out.

However, Invincible Iron Bull had already thought of a way.

“You’re not going to fire?”

“There’s no need for autocannons to deal with these!”

In an instant, Kang De’s body shook. The feeling of being pushed surged. The Transformer rushed forward and continuously accelerated!

“—It’s too fast!”

The horned eagle knight who had drawn his bow and nocked an arrow shouted.

The exquisite archery could not be used at all, because the speed of the alchemical weapon was too fast. Moreover, it continuously flapped its wings and changed its location. The horned eagle under it was already shouting and flapping its wings uneasily, and the swaying brought about interfered with the knights’ aim. These battle beasts in the sky were shocked by the roar and speed of the aircraft and instinctively smelled danger and fear.

“It’s here!” The officer captain roared. “Disperse!”

The extremely fast alchemical weapon actually collided in his direction and arrived instantly. The elf’s sharpshooter could even see an Easterner’s face in the glass-like transparent protective shield. He originally wanted to draw his bow and nock an arrow to take the enemy’s head, but the horned eagle under him could no longer restrain its fear. He could only order his subordinates to disperse.

Could he only use collision?

Then surround him!

The Horned Eagle Air Cavalry officer could not help but think of the hunt he had participated in. The huge rhinoceros that was even more terrifying than heavy cavalry attacked back and forth with unstoppable force. However, no matter how powerful an attack was, as long as he could dodge it, it was meaningless!

“Listen up! Get ready…”

This unfinished order was drowned.


The vector pushed the nozzle and roared. The moment the fighter that had slowed down passed by the Horned Eagle Cavalry, it exceeded the speed of sound again.

At this moment, the sound barrier parted. The air that filled the front of the body and was being disturbed was no longer compressed. Instead, it instantly spread in all directions. The intense wave surface with a high concentration of acoustic energy instantly erupted. The surrounding air shook violently as if it was boiling, and a sonic boom cloud that was like white fog unfolded gorgeously!

Death followed.

A terrifying sound wave bombarded in all directions. The sound wave was an extremely effective weapon against living beings. At an extremely close distance, the disturbed airflow and roaring sonic boom swept in the barely dispersed Horned Eagle Knights. Even the battle beasts carefully raised by the Druid Academy could not resist such an intense sound wave attack.

Not to mention elves with five senses that were far more sensitive than humans.

Their bodies were torn apart, and blood spewed out of their seven orifices. The screams of the elves and the horned eagle sounded endlessly. The flaunting air knight fell to the ground. The battle just now was like a knight colliding. It intertwined and the outcome was decided.

The Transformer circled and quickly descended to subsonic speed before rushing towards another wave of air cavalry.

From afar, the elves did not have any relevant experience. Even if they saw that scene, they could not understand Horus’s attack method. Before the proud air cavalry could make a decision to fight or retreat, that alchemical weapon with extremely terrifying speed had already whistled over and the sonic boom sounded again!

It was useless to disperse!

Horus weaved back and forth in the formation of battle beasts in the sky and repeatedly jumped between the speed of sound. The sonic boom raised sent the Horned Eagle Knight and the Pegasus Knight falling to the ground. Then, he asked the Earth God to collect their heads for him.

If the fighter plane on Earth did this, either the plane would disintegrate or the pilot’s brain would explode. However, these two outcomes were completely not a problem for the two of them!


“Father! How is it?!”

The sky was the domain that land creatures instinctively yearned for. The high-speed intense battle in the sky was the most exciting battle in the world. They swam in the sky and lived for a moment. The endless sky was the greatest battlefield. Not only did such an experience make Kang De’s blood boil, but it also made the Horus mechanical soul happy!

“It’s awesome!”

Kang De was not stingy with his praise and praised his son loudly.

In front and on both sides were all kinds of instruments, dials, and buttons. Beside him was the joystick. The professional and complicated various devices were enough to make every ordinary person at a loss, but they were completely useless, because he was not the one who flew the plane, and these things were only part of the game experience that increased the sense of immersion!

The flashing signal light, the pattern on the radar, the spinning dashboard, and the pressure of high-G mobility reminded Kang De that this was his war!

He took a few selfies with his phone and combined the scenery on the back of the cockpit. As he took photos, he praised loudly, “It’s not only a genius idea to use a sonic boom to kill the enemy, but it’s also a genius effect!”

“—Do you know?! At the moment of supersonic speed, the sonic boom cloud that the water droplets can form is very beautiful. The fog-like sound cone superimposed on the tail of the fighter plane is like a small dress!”

At this moment, his father revealed an ugly expression.

He was laughing wildly.

“You’re awesome in female clothes!”


The Elven Air Force that had previously broken into Red Maple City killed and set fire to everywhere with the speed advantage and caused chaos. Not only did they attack military targets, but civilian buildings were also within the attack range. They were both fast and flew high. They used long-range enchanted arrows and alchemical bombs as attack methods. With the speed advantage, they left Red Maple City guards in the dust and the resisting soldiers and citizens extremely hateful.

Now, they fell like rain.

This was because the sky had welcomed a new king. The steel wings that shuttled back and forth on the battlefield flew everywhere, raising a huge sound wave and shooting down the elf formations. Compared to the speed that the elves were proud of, they were simply as slow as a snail. Silver lightning struck back and forth, and sonic boom clouds continuously exploded. That rumbling sound sounded like a holy movement to the Goethe citizens. It was the bell of the enemy’s death.

Every elf knight who fell into the sky could cause cheers.

Ever since the war erupted again, the shadow of war had enveloped Red Maple City. All the crazy attacks of the expeditionary army were like a destructive hammer, causing all the Goethe people to feel uneasy and panic.

If the previous battle was only limited to the city wall of Red Maple City and had not allowed the people to see that powerless disadvantage with their own eyes, the elves’ air raid was direct despair. The elves ruled the sky and poured rockets, bombs, and spells down, but Goethe was helpless.

Only such a fact, as well as the flames, casualties, and tragedies everywhere, could completely shake hope.

Now, the desperate people, be they soldiers or commoners, saw a little light.

The elves were not the rulers of the sky.

Without a doubt, that powerful and fast alchemical machine was on Goethe’s side.

For a moment, countless Goethe people looked up at the sky.

The old, young, men, women, and even children were allowed to climb to the roof. The nobles, soldiers, students, and mages who were preparing to fight to the death were also looking up. After being wantonly destroyed by the Elven Air Force, this scene they had personally seen would stay in their hearts for a long time and not be forgotten for decades.

He would not forget that in the sky ruled by the elves, a huge silver-white steel bird rode in the sky. It crossed the Vanni Tower and rushed through the lower city. It fought intensely above the White Stone Park and swept past the long river and blue water, destroying the enemy who had been showing off in the sky above the city.

The legendary invincible knights, the brave Horned Eagle Knight, and the holy Pegasus Knight all fell under the wings of this steel. The arrogant and powerful mages fled in all directions like flies.

In the end, a dragon roar sounded. The Dragoon who was quickly approaching was the ultimate destructive power, a powerful incarnation, and the strength of a legend. In the distance, there was a roar. Under the gazes of countless people, the invincible Sky Wings put on a white battle dress and fearlessly faced the roaring dragon.

This scene was like an epic.

They branded this steel wing in their hearts and deeply remembered it and the power it represented.

In alchemy, only such power could defeat the elves.

Such a seed had already been planted in his heart.

The Grand Duke’s message had already spread to the entire Red Maple City.

The various departments reorganized and prepared to counterattack. The mages carried out focused support and immediately replenished their magic power to repair.

Most importantly, informing the soldiers, nobles, commoners, warriors, women, and children in the entire city of the owner of the alchemical weapon and the identity of the person who controlled it to fight intensely in the sky would spread hope.

That person was Kang De, the Cathayan, Princess Tina’s husband. He had once summoned a forbidden spell in the battle of Valentine and instantly destroyed five Dragon Flag Legions. When the war erupted again, he had crossed thousands of mountains and rivers from Valentine and defeated the heavy obstructions of the elves along the way to Red Maple City.

It brought hope of victory.

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