Civilization: Beyond Two Worlds

Chapter 305 - 305 Kirov, Translate

305 Kirov, Translate

Dust flew. Kang De crossed the vast land of Senegal.

It was about 300 kilometers away.

Sometimes, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, he had no choice but to choose the even harder wilderness. Just like many days ago, he crossed a long distance from the hinterland of the Empire and arrived in Goethe.

However, compared to before, his mentality had changed again.

“Father… this place is simply worse than Myanmar.”

The asphalt road was simply rare. Moreover, it was lacking maintenance and was filled with potholes. In many cases, the so-called highway was the kind of dirt road in the Chinese countryside. It was even very difficult to see cement roads.

Along the way, there was only dust flying in the sky. Low iron houses and even thatched houses chased after men who passed by lizards with sticks in their hands. There were women with seven or eight trays of charcoal on their heads. There were kids who looked to be five or six years old, but they were children holding bottles and brushes who were soliciting for their car-washing business along the street.

What he saw along the way was only public transport that was connected to the international market.

The scientific name was the human rigid suspension external ticket system.

Nothing happened along the way.

Although they had still encountered a few waves of police and even the army, they only sized up the car briefly and immediately let them in. They did not make things difficult, investigate, or ask for bribes. Once, they even pretended not to see it.

The reason why there was no bribery or difficulties was because of the tall and domineering Hummer that had been modified to the point of being extremely expensive.

There was also the weapons station formed by the double M2HB heavy machine gun and the AGS-17 automatic grenade launcher on the roof that had been modified by his iron son, as well as Kang De’s indifferent and sharp gaze.

There was also the MG6 Lynx anti-materiel sniper rifle placed in the driver’s seat.

What he saw and experienced along the way was simply worlds apart from what he encountered at the airport.

The residents on both sides of the street dodged. If they could not dodge, they revealed bright and friendly smiles, indicating that they were harmless. Regardless of whether they were facing the opposite direction, the cars they encountered dodged as far as possible.

Even the violent machines, police, and army of this country revealed friendly and enthusiastic smiles from Central Africa. They gave the green light as quickly as possible and let them through. It was a sharp contrast to the cars queuing up to pay. Even the driver who had been detained and blackmailed had no objection.

What was even funnier was that Kang De had been covering his face with a scarf.

The reason for this contrast was probably because Kang De had more morals now, so he could subdue people with virtue and make all his African friends submit.

“This place is far inferior to Goethe… and even Myanmar.”

Horus’s voice sounded from the car’s stereo, “Just the weapons in the car are enough to defeat their company and cause a massacre in their city. These soldiers and police actually turned a blind eye. They didn’t even do the most basic interrogation or even report to their superiors.”

Kang De looked at the blue sky and endless plain outside. The plants were sparse, and the wilderness was wide. In the distance, a group of unknown things was moving in groups. In terms of scenery, it was better than in the country. At the very least, it was much stronger than a large city. This was also the only bright color he had encountered so far.

He said indifferently, “Didn’t you notice? It’s a pattern. What we’ve seen along the way are soldiers and police. The higher the military rank and the higher the position, the fatter they are. Civil servants are stronger than commoners by the roadside, and the people driving are fatter than the people walking. The two Serbians told me earlier that Africa is all like this. It’s poor, backward, and a vicious cycle. No one wants to improve it. When a civil servant takes over, they fish desperately, eat seafood, and enjoy life after leaving the stage. This is the current situation here.”

The Autobot had heard about China from Kang De and had personally seen Goethe’s appearance. It also understood the development of modern society from the blockbusters and books of Kang De’s computer, so it found it unbelievable.

It was unimaginable that there was actually such a primitive and backward place in modern society less than half a world away.

Second, third, and fourth-owned cars that were almost scrapped, the electricity supply that was cut off from time to time, and flights… Apart from these things, this place could not even compare to Goethe.

The road maintenance situation, the health condition and mental appearance of the commoners, the integrity of the public officials of the country… could not compare to the countries of the other world. It was really unimaginable.

“I can’t even see hope here… Even when Goethe faces the attack of the world’s hegemon, I can see hope in their courage and unyieldingness.”

The Autobot said in a low voice, “What caused their sad current situation?”

“There are many, many factors, but that’s only the appearance, or rather, a scam.”

Kang De patted the steering wheel and said indifferently, “The most important or only reason is the enslavement, plunder, bloodsucking, and control of this land by the white world for hundreds of years or even until now.”

“They’ll manipulate them economically, divide them politically, let them rot, and stir up war. They’ll continuously tame and castrate them, making them greedy, lazy, and lowly. Then, they’ll publicize their greed, laziness, and lowliness from public opinion. They’ll even make them accept their fate and let the elites born in this land leave. They’ll make the vast majority of people degrade themselves here and never be able to stand out. Such a vicious cycle…”

He smiled. “Look, this is their civilization. This is the world of democracy and freedom.”

His iron son was shocked, “These guys are much stronger than the elves…”

“That’s right. A hundred years ago, they wanted to do the same to us.”

Kang De continued to smile, but sharp killing intent flashed through his eyes, “But they’re daydreaming. A civilization that has not been cut off for thousands of years has a foundation and strength. They still want to dig out this foundation, but it’s also daydreaming. We paid the price of tens of millions of people. We killed the Japanese, we killed the Americans, the British, the French, the Russians… Then, we lit up the light of the nuclear bomb and continued forward. We dragged the competition into our rhythm. One day, we’ll take back everything we lost!”

At this point, his mood was already surging.

He was a nationalist, to begin with, let alone someone who had just seen blood.

However, as a mechanical life that had just been born, Horus was not familiar with the history of China, nor did he have the nostalgia for Kang De’s country. He only patrolled this vast land through the receiver and recalled those unbelievable black people and that lifeless country.

It never doubted its father’s words.

However, he still had doubts.

“Then…” It said softly, “When can we take back what the people of this land and this land lost?”

Kang De was slightly stunned, then shook his head.

“It’s none of my business. They’ll wait for the Saint to appear or for our country to unite the brothers.”

He had just gotten off the plane and was in Africa. In just more than ten minutes, his impression of this area had already fallen to negative. Rescuing his father was more important. Who cared about this?

Speaking of his father…

“No wonder my father said when he chatted with me that before most people went to Africa, they shouted for support for the Asian, African, and Latin brothers and silently chanted that the people of the world were united. They thought that racial discrimination was a huge sin, but after staying in Africa for a period of time…” Kang De leaned against the window and chuckled, “They’ve all f*cking become the Ku Klux Klan.”

“Father’s father…”

There was curiosity in Horus’s words. “Has he changed too?”


Kang De looked away and said softly, “No.”

From Senegal to Comoros, it was more than 300 kilometers. In four hours, Kang De crossed the border.

This place even looked a little worse than Senegal. As for the mental appearance of the people, they were no different from Senegal, but the strange thing was that there was actually no aura of war here.

Perhaps it was only a thousand-man light infantry war.

Or rather, this small and extremely backward country no longer knew what expression and attitude to use to face the war… The war should have been far, far away from them.

Using the Google map that he had downloaded in advance, Kang De pointed the way for Horus. His goal was the base of his father’s company in Comoros. It was one of the three major cities in Comoros, Moroni… Of course, it was a large city in Comoros. It should only be the size of a small county in China.

Now, it had already been captured by Gambia.

When the map showed that they had already arrived at the Moroni Calendar, Kang De also recognized the city.

The photo sent back by his father, the photo of his mother when she first went, and the diagram maintained in the family group overlapped with the current scene.

There were no tall buildings. The highest was no more than four floors. The beige color was the main color. The locals liked this color. Many houses were only in the foundation state. There were iron sheets, red bricks, and even thatch. There were still many pedestrians on the street. There were also vendors by the roadside, but there was still fear and uneasiness on their faces.

War was one thing, but starvation was another. Many black people did not have the habit of saving. If they did not do work for a day, they would starve. Even if this city had actually been occupied by the Gambia army, they still had to repeat their lives day after day… just like before.

On a hill outside the city, Kang De sent the Autobot back to the white fog world. After all, it was too eye-catching. Moreover, the next operation was not the Burning Tank, but a secret infiltration.

Moreover, this city was not big.

He covered his face and walked in a hurry, avoiding the soldiers of the Gambia who were staying at the main intersection. He followed the direction indicated on the map and advanced towards his father’s company’s base. The location of the base was considered the rich district here, but there were no longer many people. Or rather, there was no one on the road. Only the sneaky and ragged Comorians stuck their heads out here to obtain something from the war and escape.

The laughter and commotion of the Gambia soldiers could be heard in many houses.

After circling around, he finally found the courtyard encampment where the company was. It was a two-story villa surrounded by red walls and barbed wire. It was the appearance in the photo.

This was behind the encampment. There was a vegetable field. He had seen the photo his father had sent. It was planted with watermelons, cucumbers, small tomatoes, green onions, and so on, surrounding a small fence.

There were two large generators to prevent sudden power outages. There was a huge lid of a satellite dish, grape vines, a small pergola, a recliner, and a small open-air screening booth. You said this was a small courtyard built in the countryside of China, but there did not seem to be anything wrong.

Kang De took a deep breath and climbed over the wall.

What he saw was that the fence of the vegetable garden had already been kicked down, as if it had been dug in by a wild boar and wreaked havoc. Almost all the vegetables and fruits were gone. There were some remnants and broken fruits in the soil. The entire backyard was in a mess. The swing and parallel bars had been removed. There were even a few lumps of feces and spots of blood on the ground.

Kang De’s face darkened and he walked towards the front courtyard. There was a stench in the air.

From afar, he could see that the iron door was also gone. Many glass panes had been smashed, and everywhere were messy traces, as if it had been looted over and over.

He turned to the front yard. The ground was stained with blood.

The two dogs were hanging. One of them had already been skinned, and the other was half-peeled. A black man in a Gambia military uniform was carefully busy with a dagger.

He had seen that dog in the photo his father had taken.

The scientific name was the Native Dog of China, Tugou.

The Gambia army had kidnapped the Chinese as hostages, but there was no reason to kidnap dogs.

The dog would definitely guard the house.

When the black man heard Kang De’s footsteps, he turned around and was shocked to see the Asian. He reached out to grab the rifle beside him and shouted, but after two syllables, Kang De had already appeared in front of him.

The punch struck his throat. The black man held his throat, his eyes bulging as he rolled on the ground in pain.

When another black soldier heard the sound, he rushed out with a gun. Kang De flashed out from the side and grabbed his head, knocking it against the wall. Blood covered the wall.

When he entered, the room was in a mess and empty. Many of the furniture and appliances had clearly disappeared. Seeing him enter, an old black soldier jumped up from the tattered sofa. With a cold flash, the dagger passed through his throat. Kang De grabbed his head and tore it. Blood splashed violently like a fountain and sprayed into the room.

He took out the pistol from the black man’s waist, opened the safety catch, and fired twice.

A few seconds later, chaotic footsteps and shouts sounded from upstairs. Kang De looked up and looked at a certain place above his head. He reached out and pressed down on the side wall. His mental strength spread out and extracted. With a bang, a hole opened in the floor of the second floor. His legs immediately sank, but his body was stuck.

Kang De grabbed a leg, pulled, and swung, throwing the other party to the ground with a muffled bang.

Before the black man could figure out what was happening, his eyes were filled with stars from the collision and his body was curled up like a shrimp. Kang De had already raised his foot, stepped on his hand, and crushed it.

It hurt a lot. The black man let out a tragic wail. It was the same two syllables. Immediately after, another foot had already stepped on his face, stepping aside his military cap and blocking all his voice in his mouth. He only let out a series of painful whimpers, as if he was crying or pleading.

Kang De picked up the satellite phone and dialed the number. His voice was cold as the soles of his shoes rolled back and forth.

“Kirov, translate.”

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