Civilization: Beyond Two Worlds

Chapter 289 - 289 Love Letter

289 Love Letter

“Your Highness, the messenger has returned with a letter from the princess…”

Before the butler could finish speaking, Kang De had already rushed out.

The travel-worn messenger had a weathered expression. It was the fatigue brought about by a long night’s journey. When he saw Kang De, he bowed deeply and handed over the box in his hand.

“Your Highness.” His voice was still strong, “Fortunately, I didn’t disappoint you… The princess said that only you can open the letter in the box. She asked you to be careful to not destroy it.”

Although he was suspicious and uneasy, after Kang De took the box, he did not open it immediately. Instead, he looked at the messenger in front of him and said sincerely, “You’ve worked hard… Please rest well.”

The messenger bowed and said, “It’s my duty. It’s my honor to serve you.”

He was not a stranger, and it was not the first time he had sent a letter to Kang De.

Last time, he had been asked by Nick Valentine to send Kang De a final letter.

At that time, the messenger was one of the few people who knew the truth and was also someone who was determined to survive. After successfully sending the letter, he bade farewell and left.

This was because he had to stay away from the flames of war and escape the elves’ attacks. No matter what, he had to survive and tell the world about the battle in Valentine and all the stories that had happened there.

However, the battle of Valentine ended in an almost miraculous manner. Goethe won completely and the city that had experienced the flames of war was saved. After Kang De completed the speech at the Valentine National Cemetery that was destined to be recorded in history, this messenger returned to Valentine and came to Kang De.

He said that his mission had been completed. He did not have to tell Valentine’s story anymore, because all the sacrifices and heroism here would be engraved in the history of this country and race. They would forever be remembered by the world and be far better than him alone.

Since Kang De could complete this better, he would offer all his loyalty for the rest of his life.

Then, a messenger and a postman appeared in Valentine City.


Kang De patted the shoulder of this increasingly silent young man. A few days ago, when he sent Nick’s letter, his eyes were empty and extremely sad. His mood was sad and desolate, and all kinds of emotions were displayed on his face. Now, this young messenger was already very calm. Human growth might only take a few days.

Or one night.

He said, “Is everything okay? Did you encounter any danger along the way?”

The messenger was respectful and silent. Every word was calm, as if he had thought carefully before saying, “Everything is fine, Your Highness. Although the journey is long, it’s very calm. The Beast of War has fallen silent.”

“I see…” Kang De asked again, “Is Tina alright?”

“She’s in good spirits, but she looks like she has something on her mind, Your Highness,” Ulysses replied. “However, she’s still happy because of your letter… I can tell that the princess loves you very much. She carefully instructed me to send the letter safely and give me precious wealth. Sword Saint Snowfall specially asked about it. Tedrell values you very much.”

Kang De heaved a sigh of relief. It seemed that nothing had happened.

Otherwise, the messenger would have run back anxiously.

Kang De asked a few more questions, including the situation of the international column led by Tina, from the economy to the military to the support in the surrounding area. Ulysses told him everything, and he answered the point.

He had seriously observed the soldiers’ views on the war, the busy situation of the medical camp, and the food ration in the kitchen… After many considerations, he came to an accurate answer.

Kang De heaved a sigh of relief.

Clearly, ever since the outcome of the battle of Valentine was spread, the battle had stopped. The army under Tina had already rested for a few days. Kang De was a little worried that this girl would use the resources of the Ponzi scheme to blow up, but now it seemed that he did not have to worry for the time being.

What a joke. Kang De’s orbit bomb was the most impressive market stimulant, okay?

Seeing that he was fine, the uneasiness in his heart stopped slightly. He glanced at Hong San, who understood and stretched out his hand, “Lord Ulysses, please follow me. You need to rest.”

Seeing that Kang De had nothing else, Ulysses bowed solemnly and followed Hong San away.

Kang De held the box in his hand and slowly exhaled.

From the corner of his eye, his heart stirred. He turned to see Leona opening the window on the second floor. Her gaze was faint. Seeing him look, she bit her lip and closed the window again.

The gorilla squatted on the roof, her movements and expressions like a gorilla. Her eyes were even more resentful as she looked at the box in Kang De’s hand, looking like she wanted to shatter it, but Kang De would definitely blame her, so she was ‘just’ curious.

Kang De shook his head, returned to the room, and opened the box.

Then, he understood why Ulysses had said those words.

Because the letter in the box was frozen in a piece of ice and its surface was surrounded by chaotic elemental power, Kang De’s current Phoenix Vision had already reached an initial mastery. Even if a good-for-nothing like Tagris was not very good at teaching, he had used the Fire Thief inheritance to figure out some uses.

In his eyes, this block of ice was simply a piece of plastic explosive. It was really stable, but any external interference that interfered with its internal structure would cause the destruction of the letter sealed inside.

“It seems that I need a simpler and more effective encryption method.” Kang De reached out and touched the ice, “For example, a phone or a tablet…”

If he recorded everything he wanted to say and write with a password, be it the elves or other bullsh*t enemies, they could forget about figuring out how this thing worked for eight lifetimes.

Extraction activated.

Tina was right. Only Kang De could easily remove this encrypted seal.

The ice disappeared and dissipated, and the trace of cold sharpness contained in it faded. Like a waterfall, snow scattered and sprinkled on the ground. Kang De was tempted as if he had seen a heroic and extraordinary woman.

He picked up the letter and covered it with wax. It was cold to the touch.

At this moment, Kang De was still hesitating because he was illiterate and did not know how to spell and read yet. If he asked Hong San to help read it, it would be a private message from him and Tina after all. If there was any sensitive content, it would inevitably be awkward and Hong San would laugh in his mind. However, it did not seem good to ask Leona to read it…

However, when he opened it and took a look, he smiled.

This was because the letter was written in the Cathayan language… It was similar to Chinese words. Even if some of the words were a little unfamiliar, with the context, he could still figure it out.

How magical.

The smooth and white paper page was filled with beautiful words. It was much better than Kang De’s words. The handwriting was neat and organized, and it was also very beautiful. It was a pleasing letter.

However, there were a few tears on the paper.

Kang De slowly sat down and carefully read the words on it. He translated the human language of the continent into the Cathayan language and wrote it down. It was not too genteel and was really not a simple job. Tina’s grammar and words were a little modern, just like the Republic or the establishment of a later Republic.

“I still remember how we met.”

“The first time I saw you, your smile was as warm as a saint’s under the sunlight. I remember you talking to me in Cathayan. What did you say? I didn’t understand at that time. I only remember your eyes that were as clear as the sky. I didn’t know how to answer you, but I wasn’t afraid. I held your hand and told you my name, so you said yours, Tina, and Kang De.”

Kang De read it word by word. That sunny day appeared in his mind. Many, many stories had happened at the beginning of the first meeting on the Holy Seal Islands.

“Now, I’ve known you for two months and 26 days. Before this, we didn’t know each other. You don’t know that there’s a girl called Tina, and I don’t know that there’s a man called Kang De. We can’t see each other’s smiles or even know each other’s appearance. Now, I’ve written this line of words, but I can cross a long, long distance, walk into your world, and think of you.”

“Everyone says that I’m the happiest girl in the world. Everyone is envious of me. A princess who’s about to face the pain of her country’s destruction stubbornly went to a cold country to pray for help that she could not give, but she happened to meet you and someone who could change all of this.”

“It’s like the arrangements of the gods.”

“I do feel very happy. I won’t lie about this.”

“But it’s not all because you changed the situation of the war and turned around the signs of Goethe’s decline by yourself. This is really the truth. My happiness won’t be so utilitarian. Of course, this is true.”

“When I heard the news that you were still in the human world, I didn’t know how to describe my surprise. I only felt very happy. As long as you’re still alive, I’m very happy.”

“When I heard that you took the initiative to come to Goethe and be involved in this war, I felt even happier and a little unseemly secretly happy. I was a little vain and attributed the reason for your interference in this war to myself. If not for that, please don’t point it out. You can laugh at me for being stupid in your mind, but please don’t say it. It’s very embarrassing. Coax me a little on account of your pride.”

“However, when I heard about the destruction of the five great legions, other than being unbelievably excited and happy, I naturally felt blissful.”

“However, there’s also heartfelt sadness and guilt.”

There were more tears here.

“In a short period of time, we became different. This is not your war, but you interfered and participated. You killed for it and stained your blood for it. I don’t want you to be like this, but you’ve already done it. Moreover, you’ve helped us greatly. I’m very touched and uneasy. I don’t know how to thank you or make it up to you. I’ve done too little for you, but you’ve done too much for me.”

“I want to do many things for you. I want to give you more. As long as I have them, I want to help you walk out of the pain of that night. I don’t think you have to face any sorrow anymore. I want to do it, but my ability is limited. I’m stupid and can’t do anything well. What I miss the most is the first day we met. I even hope that it was only the two of us at that time. I hope the ship won’t be repaired, and I hope no one will reach there again.”

“If that’s the case, at least you won’t encounter what happened after that.”

“I think this is for the best. Even if Goethe will be destroyed because of this, at the very least, you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do or experience everything. This doesn’t mean that you’re more important than my motherland, but because you’re completely innocent… I don’t want to implicate you anymore. You’ve done enough for Goethe.”

“I really miss it. At that time, if it was only you and me, the entire world would be quiet and peaceful there. There would be no luxurious palaces and complicated etiquette, nor would there be war and calculation. We would be like ordinary humans who would circle around every day, walk and stop, sometimes busy, and sometimes idle. We would hide at home when it was raining, walk across the beach when it was cool, eat and drink, and live our lives like this.”

“I think it’s very, very good if that’s the case… Perhaps I’ll still miss my motherland and family. Perhaps you’ll also miss your family and hometown. However, there’s no perfect good thing in the world. Even if I’ll feel regretful and sad, relying on each other will slowly calm my mind, right?”

“I think, if that’s the case, will it be better than now?”

When Kang De read this, he was stunned. If the Penguin had long sunk and only Tina had been washed ashore, what would have happened if no elves had chased after her?

Would he still have the thought of leaving on a long voyage? If he stayed on the Holy Seal Islands, he would not have the chance to be stabbed by Lost and use the curse divine power to build the bridge of transition back to Earth. In that case…

Unfortunately, there were no ifs.

“Unfortunately, there are no ifs. I’m only saying some things that will never happen. However, this is not meaningless, because such an imagination supported me through the most difficult time.”

“I killed, I lied, I weaved schemes, and I encouraged people. Many people will die because of my ideas and decisions, and many people will have their families destroyed because of my plan… I’m no longer as naive as before. My mind continuously confides in me the price of innocence. It roars at me to take revenge and make me cruel, cold, and decisive. I’ve examined myself countless times late at night, so I feel pain and abandonment.”

“When I’m saddest, I always think of you.”

“Thinking of the possibility that will never happen again, the world where only the two of us are, when I’m sad but can’t escape, my soul and thoughts will drift there and be with you, because where you are, it’s my safe place, the place where that innocent and kind Tina rests…”

Another series of tears fell.

“You’re the last pure land in my heart, Kang De. The only thing I won’t lie to is you. You’re the only person I can trust with all my heart. I hope you can live well and be happy without being hurt by the evil war and ugly calculations. I want to see you, and I’m afraid to see you, because I don’t know how to face you. I don’t know what to say to you.”

“But I want to say to you, thank the gods for letting us meet. It’s great that you’re still alive. Everything is fine with you. I’m very happy. I’m afraid to see you, but I really want to see you too…”

“Therefore, I made a decision. I want to see you and arrange the things at hand. I’ll set off. I’ll come to see you in any capacity you want. Then, we’ll discuss other things. I hope you wait well in Valentine, but you have to be careful. The war is not over.”

“I hope it ends soon.”

“It doesn’t matter if it doesn’t end, but I hope your war can end here.”

“This world is crazy, evil, and without light, so I hope you can always be pure, gentle, and spotless, just like the first time I saw you.”

At this point, it was already at the end.

“Kang De, I dreamed again last night. I dreamed that you were smiling.”

The letter slowly returned to the table, page after page.

“Is this a love letter?”

After a while, Kang De shook his head and smiled. “You don’t even call me husband. What love letter is this?”

He thought for a moment and took a photo of the contents of the letter with his phone. Then, he folded the letter and put it away. With a flash of light, he returned to the white fog world. He was about to put it away when he felt uneasy.

Why not find a safe to lock the next time he returned to Earth?

This thing should be framed and maintained according to the standards of world-renowned paintings.


The contents of the letter still echoed in his mind, causing him to feel waves of sweetness and joy. The girl’s reserved and restrained emotions were still transmitted to him, and the uneasiness in his heart gradually dissipated.

He was looking forward to their reunion.

After returning to the other world, Hong San also settled the messenger down. When he encountered Kang De, he looked at him a few times and cupped his hands to congratulate him, “It seems to be good news, Your Highness.”

“Good news, but there’s also something not too good,” Kang De replied. “Tina said that she wants to come over… This means that the plan you just proposed can’t be used. If we head to the capital of Goethe and attract the enemy’s attack, it’s very easy to miss Tina. If they bump into Tina and the others, it’ll be bad.”

“Is that so… Then I can only stay in Valentine.”

Hong San had met Sword Saint Snowfall and had a deep impression of this Sword Saint’s strength, “However, the good news is that with Sword Saint Snowfall’s help, our chances of winning are even higher.”

Kang De nodded. After meeting Hong San, the smugness in his heart sank. “If Tina and the others come… I’m a little worried. Will those people target her?”

“With Her Highness Tina’s caution, she won’t come lightly. She’ll definitely bring enough guards and disguise herself. With the arrogance of that group of enemies, they probably won’t do anything to take a hostage… They’re high and mighty and pride themselves above all living beings. How can they easily do such a shameful thing?”

Hong San comforted her and said, “However, Your Highness is worried. We can make some responses and arrangements… With the air force of the Elven diplomatic mission here, it’s a waste not to use it.”

Kang De’s expression changed. “How should we deal with it?”

At the same time, in the north of Goethe, the army mobilized. Military orders were issued, affecting people’s hearts and speculation. The most reliable saying was that the peace talks were imminent and the princess was about to set off.

The secrecy was very good. Almost no one knew that Tina was packing. She and Sword Saint Snowfall were about to follow a light cavalry secretly south, along the Goethe-controlled area that had yet to fall.

“After arriving in Fenuya, we can act alone…”

In the night wind, Tina’s eyes revealed a complicated and indescribable light. She said softly, “Then I’ll be able to go home soon… I miss my brothers and sisters and Father very much.”

Sword Saint Snowfall said indifferently, “I haven’t seen him in a long time either.”

“However, Aunt, I have something to trouble you with.”


Tina said softly, “When we get home, I might have to trouble you to make a trip to Valentine’s.”

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