Civilization: Beyond Two Worlds

Chapter 178 - 178 Dwarf’s Oil Paper Bag

178 Dwarf’s Oil Paper Bag

Kang De and Preston rushed out of the war room and into the outside world.

A group of officers followed out.

In an instant, the noisy and intense world returned. He looked at the sky. Dark clouds pressed down, and the world was deep and dark with a faint trace of blood.

There were no shouts on the city wall, only the explosion of spells and the buzzing of the rain of arrows. Kang De was deep in thought and immediately asked, “Have the elves not begun to attack the city?”

Preston glanced at him and gritted his teeth. “Soon!”

There was a trace of anxiety in his tone. He did not have the time to explain to Kang De at all and immediately instructed, “Messenger! Pass down the order to the city hall to conscript the prepared warlocks, engineering teams, and geometry teams to go and evaluate the damage of the damaged Catapult No. 5 and try to repair it!”

“Order the reserve team to move to the area under the second city and be on standby. Be prepared to reinforce at any time!”

“Order the 1st and 3rd Archer Squadron…”

As he ran, he gave orders. Officers and messengers continuously left the team. The attack on the city wall became more and more urgent as if it was a sonata before the torrent arrived.

Kang De was a few steps behind, and Hong San was beside him.

As the commander, Preston did not have time to explain the situation to him, but Hong San could.

The Cathayan lowered his voice and quickly explained, “The damaged Catapult No. 5 is a very important long-range attack point. It’s huge and uses the latest results of the Dwarven Engineering Institute. It’s controlled by a warlock. It’s a perfect fusion of magic and mechanical mechanics. It’s extremely powerful and precise.”

“However, the parts are complicated. They’re huge, heavy, and complicated. They can’t be configured on the city wall. Moreover, with such firepower and size, even if they’re forcefully placed on the city wall, they’ll only be live targets for the elves…”

“Therefore, it was configured on a carefully calculated firepower position in the city to attack from afar through the observation spells of warlocks and the calculations of the geometry team.”

“The benefit is that it’s hidden enough. A large number of concealments and bunkers have been built on the firepower base. They’ve even built large tracks regardless of money and manpower. In a critical situation, when mobilizing the beasts and horses, they can even pull them to dodge and hide. The disadvantage is that after all, under the city wall and in the city, there are shooting blind spots. In the end, it’s not as convenient as being installed on the city wall and towers… There are always places that can’t be taken care of.”

Hong San said extremely quickly, “However, there are many such catapults scattered throughout the city. The shooting range superimposes and can take care of every battlefield. However…”

When Kang De heard this, he roughly understood, “However, this one has been damaged, which means that the saturated firepower density will be correspondingly lacking. In other words, the elves will choose the corresponding gap to attack to reduce the defense advantage of the city defender. Is that right?”

Hong San nodded and said, “Master is wise. That’s the reason. Moreover, a thousand-mile dike collapses in an ant nest. War is the collision of two entities. Our side has broken a valuable catapult that will trigger a series of reactions. If we can’t repair it as soon as possible, things will be troublesome…”

The location of the No. 5 catapult was not far from the temporary combat room. Almost all the officers present had battle aura, and the worst was a fierce and strong person. They quickly arrived and saw that the air was filled with the charred smell of lightning piercing through. The lingering flames of the burning fire floated in all directions, and broken flesh and blood were everywhere.

This place had clearly encountered a ferocious and dense firepower attack.

It was not that the elf mage had accidentally guessed it, but after careful calculation and preparation, he had seized the human mage’s mistake and uprooted this place like a bolt of lightning.

Surrounded by a group of broken limbs and corpses, the huge catapult stood quietly like a proud and powerful giant. It still stood after suffering a heavy blow.

However, even if he knew nothing about dwarven engineering, everyone could tell that this proud and powerful giant was already dead. The cause of death was not a fatal injury to his body but from the inside.

The catapult even maintained a nearly intact appearance, but the internal structure had already been pierced and destroyed by countless jagged stone spikes. Many parts and fragments that still had magic aura scattered on the ground, and the exquisite structure was in a mess.

Preston stood in a daze for a moment and slowly exhaled.

As the commander, he should not have come personally, but he would not give up unless he saw this with his own eyes. Moreover, he had to figure out how the well-prepared firepower position was removed.

This was the most important thing.

He slowly said, “Commander, immediately inform the warlocks and guardians of the other firepower positions…”

“Let’s say that Catapult No. 5 was destroyed by the rock piercing magic and directly destroyed the magic and transmission structure of the core of the catapult. This blow can be said to be deeply calculated. The violent and dense spell bombardment is only a cover…”

He looked at the corpses around him and the various bunkers that were set up to attract and reduce the lethality of spells. Then, he continued, “The true fatal attack comes from the ground… Let all relevant people pay attention to guard and vigilance to prevent the same casualties.”

After saying that, he glanced at Kang De and did not speak.

Kang De did not speak.

When he saw that catapult, he knew that he was helpless.

Heavy weapons in the era of cold weapons on Earth were basically not complicated. At least in the eyes of modern people, this was the case. Even if an extremely advanced weighted catapult appeared in the later stages of cold weapons, Earthlings who had experienced modern education could immediately understand the operating principle after looking at the diagram a few times. Even if he was asked to make and adjust it, it was only a matter of time.

It was precisely because of this thought that Kang De wanted to see if he could help. After all, the ability to extract and enchant was very suitable for this. Repairing broken simple machinery was not a problem at all. He could casually get some material to stick and enchant.

However, this was another world.

This catapult emitted the aura of an elite monster.

He could not help but think of the ballista on the elf battleship seized on the Holy Seal Islands. At that time, he was shocked when he saw it. This thing was actually not inferior to the elf ballista at all, and it was even better.

Not to mention that these various parts and fragments looked troublesome at a glance, and they were even magic components that had fused with so-called magic and mechanical mechanics, he would most likely not understand after looking at them for a day.

Therefore, Kang De was helpless.

Moreover, he felt a little embarrassed.

Fortunately, although Preston was vexed and angry, he still had his rationality and knew the severity of the situation. He did not mock Kang De. He glanced at the officers around him who were in a heavy mood. No one was stupid. They all knew the meaning of completely destroying this precious catapult. Although it could not shake the entire situation, it was a bad move.

“Cheer up!”

Preston said sternly, “War is not a theater on the stage. It doesn’t follow the script! All kinds of bad situations will happen. What’s the big deal about a catapult being damaged? When Mr. Mayor designed the city defense strategy, he had already considered all the bad situations. All the sudden events have been recorded. Everything is in his control! These strategies and decision-making problems are not something we should consider!”

“We soldiers only need to do our jobs and fulfill our mission. That’s all!”

He shouted, “Since the elves have removed this firepower position, it’s not far from an official siege. Everyone, it’s time for us to fight a bloody battle… Return immediately and wait for the war!”

The messenger sent the precious experience obtained at this heavy price to the mages and other firepower positions, and Preston and the other officers returned to the predetermined battlefield.

He only needed to think of the fire support area of Catapult No. 5 and calculate the fire support area that had been weakened because of this to know where the elves would attack.

Kang De stayed last. He walked forward and looked at the situation of the catapult being destroyed. That rock piercing magic rose from the ground directly under the huge base of the catapult.

This spell had been accumulating strength for a long time and was extremely sharp. Thick, long, and sharp stone spikes slashed out in all directions, destroying all the structures inside the catapult and fusing with it, jamming all the conduction structures.

If he used extraction, he could eliminate the stone spike, but that was meaningless. If he did this, although the stone spike would disappear without a trace, this huge catapult would instantly collapse.

He shook his head.

It was better to let the warlocks and engineers of the backup team repair it. Such precise and professional things were better left to professionals.

It was said that it was a high-level product made by the dwarves.

He hoped that the dwarves were strict enough and would bury an oil paper bag with a full set of spare replacement parts under the ground near the catapult.

He turned around and said to Hong San, who was waiting where he was, “Let’s go. It’s about to begin.”

Hong San nodded solemnly.

At the same time, outside the city, the energetic elf infantry was fully equipped and stepped into the battlefield. Their shiny armor and shields reflected the sunlight like waves of light rolling and swimming. The elite soldiers would protect them. The elf commander looked at the battlefield from the high platform and watched the destructive light of the mages’ array drag gorgeous tail flames towards the city wall.

Then, he said, “Send the order, Elras. Start attacking the city according to the established plan.”

The elf adjutant beside him bowed and said, “Lord, why don’t we wait for the mages to make more contributions? They’ve already removed a powerful catapult and weakened the long-range strength of a part of the battlefield. According to this method, if we destroy one or two more catapults, the long-range advantage will completely belong to us.”

The elf commander shook his head and said, “Although we can’t underestimate the humans, in my opinion, this resisting city is controlled by a human official with a heart of stone. He’s willing to do anything to survive, even abandoning honor and shame. It’s the usual practice of pitiful humans. In order to survive, they disregard their dignity. This means that this city will be defended extremely efficiently under his iron grip…”

“In other words, the method we use to destroy that war weapon will quickly be discovered by the enemy and inform the other directions to make them defend carefully… The same method will no longer be effective.”

“Let’s save the precious magic power of the mages to support our brave soldiers.”

At this point, the commander looked at his adjutant and shook his head, “Elras, I know what you’re thinking, but war is an exchange. Use your own soldiers to exchange for the enemy’s soldiers to obtain victory.”

“I know that if we attack now, our soldiers will still advance at the risk of the impact of the war weapons and definitely have to pay casualties. However, war is like this. We can’t hope to fight a war without casualties, just like how I won’t delude myself into thinking that there’s an alchemical bomb in the world that can destroy a city and make a country helplessly surrender… right?”

When the adjutant heard this, he sighed helplessly, “If the lords of the council want to win, we have to bleed.”

The commander slowly said, “It’s meaningless to complain about this. Elras, we have to obtain the victory the lords want and make contributions from this. We have to advance step by step until we step into the council… and replace them!”

The adjutant nodded forcefully, and fanaticism flashed through his eyes. He took a deep breath, took off the horn, and suddenly blew it. The desolate horn swept across the ground and fluttered in the sky, hearing both friend and foe.

In the next moment, the silver elf array began to move, and the ancient war slogans were in unison.

“Get ready—”

“Get ready—”

Shouts rose and fell on the city wall. The veterans, the officers, and everyone who did not hesitate to fight.

Fear, anger, and then facing the war.

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