Civilization: Beyond Two Worlds

Chapter 143 - Maximum Caution

Chapter 143: Maximum Caution

“Don’t be afraid.”

Kang De’s calm and steady voice entered Hong San’s ears.

That voice was not loud, firm, or powerful. It was only an ordinary tone, ordinary words, and even lowered his voice… However, it instantly calmed Hong San’s heart.

He turned around and saw Kang De’s face.

The other party actually smiled at him for the first time.

It was not that Hong San had not seen Kang De’s smile before, but those smiles were either sneers, mockery, ferocious smiles, or bitter smiles. The meaning behind them was mostly things like “you coward”, “you’re simply hopeless”, and “you actually dare to appear in front of me”.

Although there was no malice, it was also a look of disappointment and judgment, filled with disapproval and even disdain.

This smile was different from before.

It was very gentle and filled with encouragement and approval. Most importantly, he treated Hong San as an equal.

For some reason, Hong San’s heart suddenly shook, and then he felt a certain sorrow. Thousands of feelings instantly surged in his heart, and many feelings mixed in his heart, causing him to be at a loss.

How should he put it?

All these years, he had been watched with disdain.

For example, although he was a servant in the Goode family, his status in the Glory Sand Castle was not low. However, not only did the masters treat him as a servant, even the maids and servants who were inferior to him often secretly sized him up with disdain and discussed him behind his back.

However, he did not mind. This was the lifestyle he had chosen. The discussion and disdain of others did not harm him. As long as his master did not chase him away, he could continue to live happily.

Until he met Kang De.

This master was different from all the Cathayan compatriots he had seen before. His thoughts were very strange, and his attitude and style were even a little similar to his master’s. However, what really shocked Hong San was not Master Kang’s attitude toward others, nor was it the principle he believed in.

Instead, it was what he had done.

That night, the viscount revealed his fangs and everyone in Goethe died one after another. On the other hand, Master Kang had escaped. On one hand, he was alone, and on the other hand, there was Glory Sand, who had the advantage in numbers. With Hong San’s philosophy, if he survived a great disaster, he naturally had to escape. He had to hide his identity and live safely. As for revenge… he could not take it.

What could he do? Escape. Moreover, it was only a group of Goethe people.

However… he could take revenge.

In a night, the world turned upside down, but on another day, this world turned back.

One person against a group of people. Last night, they were still beaten until they fled in panic. Today, they took revenge as they pleased. What Viscount? What Mage? As the saying went, there were many talents. The so-called military strength was overwhelming, yet they all died without a burial place. Their methods were cruel and they used everything. They were swift and decisive, intimidating the enemy, and decisive in killing. In a day and night, the once glorious Glory Sand Viscounty collapsed. Flames soared into the sky and burned everything.

The impact and impact of this matter on Hong San was really too great.

This was because he had personally seen it.

He had seen how kind and friendly Kang De had been. He had even been willing to help lowly and detestable beggars who were full of lies.

He had also seen Kang De’s personality change drastically. His methods were cruel, crazy, and terrifying. It was only normal for him to wipe out an entire family.

It turned out that a gentle and calm person could also be as ferocious as a tiger.

Those glorious big shots were as cheap as pigs in front of him.

All of this gave Hong San a huge impact and made him understand something.

It turned out that there was actually such a way to live in the world.

Of course, he only sighed at this. As a human who knew his limits too well, he definitely did not have the arrogant thought of “I can do what Kang De did”.

Moreover, such a ferocious person would still die under the curse divine artifact in the end, right? It could be seen that relying on strength was the cause of destruction. Most mistakes in the world originated from this. This was because once a person had strength, they always wanted to use strength to resolve the problem. One day, they would encounter a power they could not understand, resist, or predict. If they were brave and ruthless, they would really court death.

Hong San had learned a lesson from Kang De’s “destruction” and stabilized his beliefs.

However, he could not help but be impressed.

He was very envious and impressed by Kang De.

If a person lacked something, they would envy the person who had it.

Although he lived comfortably, this did not mean that he did not know what he was missing.

It did not mean that he would not be envious.

That was why he was so concerned about Princess Tina’s mission. Moreover, he did not forget to worship the spirit tablet for Kang De on the way because he indeed admired and admired such a person from the bottom of his heart.

Such a… person who dared to draw his sword.

Then, Kang De appeared in front of him again.

Moreover, now, when he was wrapped in the burden and pleading he had never wanted to bear, even panic, fear, and uneasiness, she reached out and held his shoulder.

He said, “Don’t be afraid.”

Moreover, he revealed a friendly, encouraging, approving, and warm smile.

Hong San had not seen such kindness and such a smile for a long, long time.

This was because Kang De was a different person.

Along the way, Hong San acted as the protective umbrella and guardian of many people. Many people admired him and worshiped him. He had received many gratitudes and praises. As he walked in the camp, he never lacked adoring and fanatical gazes. Everyone smiled at him… However, he knew where it came from.

It was only because he could protect people, but it was only because he could lead people all the way to today and let most people be safe and fed.

Once they could not do it, these people would probably disperse coldly.

If a huge number of casualties were caused and these people lost their relatives and close friends, the adoring and enthusiastic gaze would disappear and be replaced by utter hatred.

He knew this.

However, Kang De’s smile was different.

This was because the other party knew his past and personality. He was also an unreachable figure. That Lord Kang De was a dream that he could never reach. He admired and envied him deeply, but now, he revealed a smile of approval and encouragement…

Such a smile really surpassed all the fake politeness he had seen in the past two months.

At this moment, the complicated emotions surging in Hong San’s heart were really difficult to describe in words.

He only felt that… the fatigue and exhaustion of the past month or two had not been in vain.

“…Why are you looking at me? Say something.”

Kang De’s voice woke Hong San up from his sigh.

When he returned to his senses, he saw that everyone was looking at him. He could not help but ask in confusion, “What do you mean?”

Kang De sighed. “Calm the hearts of the soldiers. What are you thinking?”

Hong San immediately reacted. He nodded and looked at the people gathered on this street. He raised his arm and shouted, “My friends, perhaps you all know the news. The city gate is closed and the elves are attacking. The City Lord summoned me and ordered me to discuss a meeting. I’m going this time to fight for a way out for everyone! Before I return, everyone, don’t worry. We’ve already passed through a mountain of blades and a sea of flames. We’ll definitely succeed this time!”

To be honest, in Kang De’s opinion, this short speech was actually only average. There was nothing exciting or exciting, but the reaction of the people exceeded his expectations.

First, one person raised his head, then everyone slowly began to cheer, and then it became fanatical. This enthusiastic atmosphere, this heartfelt relief, and satisfaction. Be it men, women, old, or young, everyone cast respectful gazes and enthusiastic cheers at Hong San, as if he had already found a way out for everyone.

Amidst this sudden cheer and fanaticism, Kang De saw the dazed and jealous eyes of the leaders of the Chen, Song, and Huang factions… This was something they yearned for extremely.

However, who knew that Hong San actually did not care about all of this and even avoided it?

He looked at the crowd who were continuously cheering and shouting. Fanaticism was spreading and people were following. A trace of understanding flashed through Kang De’s heart. Perhaps these people did not care about the truth and logic. They only relied on Hong San and did not want to care about the truth or think. They only listened passively. They only wanted Hong San to say a few words to reassure them. They would grab this life-saving straw and comfort themselves.

Even if it was a fake lie, it did not matter.

In the end, he looked at Hong San thoughtfully.

This guy… had probably long seen through all of this, so he only casually said a few righteous words in an impassioned and unquestionable tone.

Surrounded by everyone, Hong San was sent to the entrance of the street and saw the mayor’s envoy.

It was said that this block had been recently developed and organized to centralize Hong San and the others.

Hong San said that when he saw the mayor do this and actually let their group of not weak armed forces continue to gather in the city and not split up the refugees in the team, he felt that something was wrong. Clearly, the mayor hoped that this team would continue to be condensed and organized.

Now, it seemed that he was indeed prepared and wanted them to defend the city and fight…

Kang De looked around and saw armor flash through the buildings on the other side of the street.

He could sense many gazes peeping warily.

He was afraid that there were elite soldiers arranged by the mayor around this street. If Hong San was unwilling and planned to encourage his subordinates to kill their way out of the city, he would definitely be killed by the mayor who was already prepared…

This City Lord was not easy to deal with.

The envoy’s attitude was neither arrogant nor humble. Instead, it was businesslike. The other party was expressionless and his tone was powerful, “Under the mayor’s orders, we invite Mr. Hong San to the city hall for a meeting!”

Hong San smiled and nodded, “Thank you. I’ll follow you.”

Again, this fellow’s social skills were simply maxed out. Seeing that there was nothing wrong with his skills, the stern-faced envoy’s expression softened.

The few leaders who had seen Old Du bring the horses over wanted to follow. The envoy reached out and stopped them, “I’m sorry, everyone. The mayor will only invite Mr. Hong San.”

Chen Honghu was furious and was about to curse when he was stopped by Song Baoyi. Hong San turned around and said, “Brothers, don’t worry. I’ll be back soon. I’ll meet the mayor and discuss it with the brothers.”

After he finished speaking, he cupped his hands at the envoy, “Sir, the person beside me is not only my mentor’s classmate but also the Chief Military Advisor of our organization. He has superb combat experience and administrative ability. I think if he participates in such a major meeting, he might be able to make very useful suggestions…”

When the envoy heard this, he glared at Kang De. His eyes were sharp and judgmental.

Kang De looked back casually.

Their gazes met and retracted. The envoy blinked his sore eyes and turned to look at Hong San. His tone was a little complicated, “You said he’s the Chief Military Advisor?”

—What did I say? Master, how can a Military Advisor be as fierce as you? No one will believe it.

Hong San explained, “Everyone in Cathay practices martial arts, and military staff officers are no exception. His martial arts are very profound and he’s especially good at fighting, but it’s purely his personal hobby…”

The envoy nodded and said, “Alright, bring him along.”

He looked at Kang De again. “You’re not bad, Cathayan. What’s your name?”

Yes, what was his name?

Kang De thought for a moment and was about to say “Dong Zhantian”.

Hong San stepped forward again and interrupted, “My Uncle-Master’s name is… Dong Zhuo1.”

Kang De’s eyes widened.


The envoy smiled and said, “Dong Zhuo… Alright, I’ll remember it, Chief Military Advisor.”

Under the gazes of the people of the Heaven and Earth Association, the three of them rode away. This was the first time Kang De had seen a city in the other world, and it was Goethe’s… However, he could not tell if it was prosperous or not, because the mayor’s order had already been carried out decisively. The shops on both sides were closed. The pedestrians on the street returned home one after another. Everyone’s faces were filled with fear. With the arrival of war, the people who suffered the most would always be the commoners.

Kang De only saw rows of houses and small buildings. They were exotic and colorful, but behind the window were pairs of confused and frightened eyes. All of this was so heavy.

He could not help but sigh.

This was the country Tina and Cleveland wanted to protect.

Then, what should he do now?

When he arrived at the city hall, Kang De had a preliminary understanding of the mayor he had never met. This was because this city hall sounded like an administrative building, but it was actually built like a fortress. There was a four-sided arrow tower, an iron wall in front of the door, and a large open space in front of it was not a garden, but dense anti-cavalry piles…

The envoy arrived at the door and handed it to the guard. He turned around and smiled at the two of them, “Mr. Hong San, Mr. Dong Zhuo, I have something on and will leave first. Someone will guide you in a while. We’ll meet again.”

With that, he left.

Hong San whispered in Chinese, “Master, this envoy is definitely not an ordinary person. His status is definitely not low.”

“I missed the part where that’s my problem?”

Kang De glared and said, “What’s with the name Dong Zhuo?”

D*mn, after hearing this just now, he was shocked.

Hong San said, “Master, Master, I took the initiative. This is an alias. Keep a low profile…”

—You’ve already f*cking called me Dong Zhuo, yet we’re still keeping a low profile?

Hong San explained, “My master’s surname is Dong, and my master’s wife’s surname is Zhuo. With this, your name is Dong Zhuo. It’s low-key and ordinary. It’s very good. Moreover, the name Zhuo is also very good…”

Kang De waved his hand. In any case, it was only an alias. He asked again, “How was it? How did you feel just now? So many people trust you and rely on you. Their safety and hope are on your shoulders. What do you plan to do?”

When Hong San heard him mention it, his heart stirred. His complicated emotions had yet to dissipate.

There was even the feeling of that touch on his shoulder and that sentence, “Don’t be afraid.”

That never-before-seen, approval, encouragement, and gentle smile.

He was a little excited and nervous as he said softly, “Master, you just said that I don’t have to be afraid…”

Kang De looked at him and nodded. “Yes, I said that. What’s wrong?”

He saw Hong San’s experience in the past two months, his current situation, the burden he had taken, and the weight of trust gathered on his shoulders.

It would be a lie to say that his heart was calm.

He had also wondered if he could do anything.

No… that was for sure.

If even a person like Hong San was willing to stay for those people and fight to protect them, how could Kang De leave? This was Tina and Knight Cleveland’s country.

Therefore, he told Hong San not to be afraid.

If the other party was determined to protect it, he would help.

As long as he spoke, as long as he was willing, as long as he made a decision, he would no longer be timid and run away.

Then, Kang De would help.

Under Kang De’s gaze, Hong San gritted his teeth but did not speak.

Hesitation and struggle flashed across the Cathayan’s face.

Clearly, he was in a dilemma.

As the saying went, it was difficult to change one’s nature. Some things were deeply rooted. It was easier said than done to change them. How could a person who was used to being timid and humble transform into a hero in a short period of time?

He seemed to be swaying between his philosophy and the current crisis.

This choice must be very difficult.

Kang De could understand and was patient enough.

He waited quietly.

In the end, Hong San gritted his teeth, lowered his head, and clenched his fists, as if he had gathered his courage. Perhaps this was the most important turn in his life and he had made a choice that surpassed himself.

Anticipation flashed through Kang De’s eyes.


Hong San whispered, “Can I give you my seat?”



When the servant came out to welcome them, he was shocked to see Hong San.

This was because Mr. Hong seemed to have been punched in the head.

“I’m… I’m fine…”

Hong San gritted his teeth and said, “I… I… hit a…”


The servant thought to himself, Hit what? This is clearly a hit from the fist.

However, this had nothing to do with him. He was only a servant. “…Please follow me.”

Hong San hurriedly walked in. Kang De’s expression was as calm as water as he followed behind without saying a word.

They passed by the scattered anti-cavalry piles and entered the main building of the city hall. Many people were busy, either holding documents or wearing armor. They only quickly glanced at Kang De and Hong San and did not pay attention.

Under the lead of the servant, they walked towards the meeting room. Before they approached, they heard a domineering shout.

“To hell with your great-grandmother’s smelly fart! Hurry up and clench your butt. I’m not someone to be trifled with!”

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