Chronicles of the Red Sovereign

Chapter 77: Prince Andrei of Retoulis Royal Academy

Chapter 77: Prince Andrei of Retoulis Royal Academy

Vincent, you should put your teammate on a leash if its going to lash out like that. You do realize that any misconduct can have your team disqualified.

Everyone was quiet. My eyes were only on the dark green haired young man. Somehow, I could feel something about him and I couldnt really explain it.

Andrei, this is between my teammate and her, stay out of this. growled the guy called Vincent.

Im a witness. I know your kingdoms crowned prince has a trashy attitude but I did not expect it would be in this level.

More growls could be heard from the Ferhusto Team but they did not make a move.

Remember that this is not your turf Prince Gerald, so Id like to advise you to not make unnecessary trouble on the duration of your stay. said a familiar voice. I whipped my head to its direction and I could see Senior Leo making his way towards us. The kid has apologized and you have been paid, I think that makes it even, dont you think?

Hey first year! both Freya and I turned our heads to Senior Geralds call. No, just the red-head.

-Seriously? Red-head?

I heard Freya grumble in front of me but she just shrugged her shoulders.


Ill see you in the tournaments, and Ill crush you.

-Is it wrong for me to not feel threatened at all?

Moments later, Senior Gerald left together with his team and the one called Vincent who had a hand on his ear.

-Great, I just gained a target on my back.

Im sorry. I heard the boy say. I crouched to his level and patted his head. Im sorry I caused you trouble.

Its fine. That guy was the one looking for trouble. I replied, trying to soothe him.


Yes. If you see them again, run away and find me okay? So, whats your name?

My name is Ciel! Whats big sisters name?

My name is Luna. Nice to meet you Ciel.

Ciel hugged me and I just patted his head again, playing with his hair.

Luna! Freya yelled which made Ciel flinch, but I hugged the boy who started shivering again. What was that? Are you seriously pulling something right when the G.A. Games is just around the corner?

If I didnt do something, he wouldve hurt this child. I retorted. And Im pretty sure no ones really willing to save the kid apart from me since hes an esteemed guest here for the games.

That is enough you two. Lets just be careful from now on. The Grand Academy Games will be in three days. We have to be ready by then. Senior Leo reminded me. Luna, bring the kid home and then return home as well.

Yes Senior Leo.

Minutes later, I found myself walking Ciel home which as I guessed was the slums. He wasnt just a commoner; he was an orphan living in a rundown orphanage at the edge of Azte City.

-I guess even a powerful country like Praiji has its handful of people in the slums as well.

At least the slums here dont look as bad as the one from back home.

Oh yeah, this one guy went with us; that person with dark-green hair who defended me and claimed to be a witness. From what I remembered, he was called Andrei li Retoulis, the second prince of the Retoulis Kingdom. He was also the Retoulis Royal Academys team leader. Why he went with me to bring Ciel home, was beyond me.

So why did you come with us, Senior Andrei? I asked in a cautious manner.


-Okay, whats his problem?

He suddenly giggled which annoyed me. If he wasnt only a prince from another country and was an enemy representative, I wouldve kicked him already.

Why are you laughing? I asked, already irritated.

Sorry. Its just that, youre a very strange person Luna Hysi.

Huh? Whats that supposed to mean?

I couldnt explain it myself but he seriously ticked me off, and Im usually a cool-headed person.

Its just that, when people find out Im a prince theyd either stay away from me to not make me angry or get to my good side by doing things for me. You on the other hand dont seem to care, which is strange and interesting.

I pursed my lips, stopping myself from retorting.

Was there actually something wrong with me? I mean, he did say hes a prince. Any normal and sane person would do either of what he just said, but how come I was unaffected.

-Ah, I think I realize it now.

Kai and Peter were close friends of mine and they were both princes. Plus I grew up treating people with high status in society normally and casually; Aunt Zaira, Sebastian, Zach and Senior Leo to name a few.

I sighed mentally. Maybe there really was something wrong in me.

I faced the prince who was looking at me curiously and scoffed. I guess, theres something wrong with me on that part?

Pfft! I like that Miss Hysi! I really hope we can be friends!

Please dont call me Miss Hysi, just call me Luna.

Then call me Andrei! Forget the title!


-Is this guy serious? I mean, sure Im quite close to a few members of the imperial family, but I do still give them the necessary respect and curtsy when were in public!

Ah, if youre worried when were in public, you can call me with my title. But I dont think it will be necessary really.

I couldnt help but raise an eyebrow.

How so?

We will be facing each other as enemies in the Grand Academy Games. Titles do not matter in the games.


Luna, youre interesting. Can we be friends?

-Hes one strange guy isnt he? But

Sure. I held out my hand and shook his. But once were in the events, dont expect me to go easy on you.

Of course!

Were here! exclaimed Ciels voice which interrupted us.

I turned to the child, who had Vyfal clinging on his head, as he pointed to the building in front of us. Seeing his home, I couldnt help but feel a twinge of something in my chest. I knew the feeling, I felt sorry for the child as well as the orphanage where he lived.

The slums of Azte werent as bad as regular slums, but the condition of the orphanage building was not something ideal for a growing kid like Ciel.

-Maybe I should talk to Aunt Zaira about it. She seems to like picking up orphans under her wings.

Thank you for everything Big Sister Luna! Ciel said and hugged me again, handing me Vyfal while he was at it. Thank you for defending us and coming with us as well, uhm your highness.

You can call me Big Brother Andrei, Ciel.


Of course!

-Seriously this guy. He is a strange one. Asking me to be his friend all of a sudden. But I am Aunt Zairas niece, even though were not related by blood, I was taught to scrutinize everything at a very young age.

Or as young as a human could be.

Since Ciel was already out of earshot and we were on our way out of the slums, I took this time to confront the friendly prince.

Dont get me wrong, Im thrilled to have a new friend. But nobody just outright asks you to be their friend without a reason.

So Andrei. I stopped on my tracks in which he stopped as well. Who are you and what do you want from me?

What are you-

Were enemies, and yet you want to be friends with me. Thats not really normal.

I suppose. his demeanor suddenly changed. From the ball of sunshine that he was, his aura suddenly turned cold and dark. Luna Hysi, do you know the name Hilda Hysi?

I beg your pardon?

How about the term Spirit Ball?

Oh, he was one strange person alright.

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