Children of a Lesser God

Chapter 312: All Sides Gathered

Chapter 312: All Sides Gathered

A wave of yellow energy rushed out and hit the building, causing it to be blown backwards. Laz, who was on the roof, wasn't expecting this and didn't have a chance to do anything. Luckily, due to his being in mist form, he didn't suffer any injury as a result. Instead, his body just floated to the ground while the golden eyes within the dark mist faded.

While everyone looked on, Laz body became corporeal and his form was revealed.

"IT'S YOU!" Tommy yelled out after seeing Laz.

"Yeah. It's me. You know what? I guess I got lost somewhere. Isn't there suppose to be a large parade going on around here? I brought some beads with me for... payment purposes? Ah well, seems I got lost. I'll be on my way," Laz said, making to make a quick get away. He wasn't exactly scared about this situation since there wasn't a need to fight. He just needed to run and the ones chasing him would find it a lot harder to do so in this concrete jungle than the last time he got chased. Of course, Laz wasn't exactly thrilled with being chased, but you did what you had to do and there was no way he was going to be able to fight everything in front of him. Everyone else aside, the giant bronze man was the one who seemed to pose the most risk towards him and Laz's gut was telling him he shouldn't fight him.

Laz's gut may not want to fight, but that didn't mean he was going to get away either. Before Laz could take off, the Bronze man disappeared from where he was standing and appeared in a blink of an eye next to Laz, landing a firm roundhouse kick right at his stomach. Laz took the hit and speed off like a bullet, only coming to a halt when he crashed into the rubble of the ruined church.

"This one... is one of our enemies?" The giant asked Tommy, just wanting to confirm things. For the revived god, he still had a lot of questions about the social make up of the world. The reason why he didn't attack Laz earlier was because he didn't understand the situation after having just awoken.

Now though, thanks to the insight from Tommy and what he learned after draining the earth user, the bronze giant understood that there would be no problems with him crushing this annoying and rather close by bug. As such, he had hit Laz with a good portion of his strength that was boosted by a flow of earth energy.

As far as he was concerned, this would have been enough to kill him.

Hence, he was the most surprised when Laz dug himself out of the rubble and stood up. There was a little blood at the corner of his mouth, but otherwise he was ok.

'God damn that could have been bad. If this guy was at full power, I would be a blown meat sack right about now,' Laz thought to himself as he dusted himself off. Laz knew from his use of Heaven's Gaze that the bronze giant before him was currently one level stronger than himself. While those who had blood lines strengthened themselves through building up their inner energy, going from Awakening, through Condensing, into the Foundation Realm and then to what Laz now understood as the Void Palace realm, the god types do things differently.

The constantly drew power into themselves to strengthen their inner channels and store that power throughout their entire bodies. Their ability comes from channeling the elements as opposed to inner strength. Think of it like using mana to cast a spell. The strange part that Laz didn't understand and seemed unique to this world was why they could only draw upon one power. According the the things he learned from viewing the life from his master, they should be able to access many types of power, not just one.

This wasn't the type of information he was going to share, therefore this answer wouldn't be found any time soon.

Getting back to the moment, Laz knew that his body was far stronger than even the average infected. More than that, even the average infected would have a body stronger than the average chosen of the same level. The only real difference was earth based chosen as their abilities allowed for a natural strengthening of their bodies thanks to their element. Due to this new awakened bronze god, his power was currently at the an infected's void palace realm, which while strong enough to hurt Laz when taken by surprised, wasn't enough to cause him fatal damage without giving him the ability to resist.

Laz knew all this while the bronze giant was quickly putting the pieces together in his head. But for those other chosen, Tommy included and the military and government agents, this looked like a total domination of Laz.

"Ha. So this is the power of a fully fledged god. Even if he is a lower level, just his strength alone is enough to awe. This little piss ant who gave me such trouble in the gate is nothing before him. Now the question remains as to how I keep him under my control..." Tommy said out loud to himself. Only the other chosen gathered around him heard him. And they couldn't have been more impressed by Tommy's thinking. Who wouldn't want a super strong fighter to use as they desired? While this one might be the young master's, perhaps there would be other chances for them in the future or so they thought.

"You... are different, aren't you?" The bronze giant finally asked, looking at Laz.

"Different?" Laz questioned back, not understanding his meaning.

"You're not part of the Jotunheim from around here. You're not like the ones we warred with in the past. Within my bones, I feel... a sense of fear... about you." Although the bronze giant was saying this, he summoned forth his power and covered himself in rock like, bronze colored armor. While normal armor might look like thin plating, this giant's armor looked like like chucks of metal thrown against his body. It was craggy and crude, but also looked menacing.

Knowing that the giant was about to go all out, Laz decided that he would not only change into his Asura form, but would also see if he could use a speed rune while he had the chance. The great beast of a man had already proven that while he wouldn't be able to harm Laz easily, he also had proven he was fast enough to get it down eventually. Even Laz had trouble following his first attack. If Laz didn't do anything to counter it, it would mean trouble for Laz soon enough. All this was based on the thought that no one else tried to help as the other chosen, minus Tommy, were weaker than Laz. But if they attacked together, the result would be bad.

Just as Laz raised his finger in the air to draw the rune, several black vans pulled up. From inside the vans, dozens of girls emerged from within, many of them dressed in maid outfits. If one were unaware of the situation, one would think that there was a convention going on.

The only non van in the caravan was in the front. After the girls had gotten out of the vans, the drivers side door of the Lambo opened up and out walked Freya wearing a red dress with low cleavage and a high slit on the side for her legs to move freely. Seeing this, Laz couldn't imagine more unsuited attire to fight with. Looking down, Laz was relieved to notice that at least she didn't have heels on..

"Well now, what do we have here?" Freya asked, leading the girls over to stand behind Laz while she stood beside him.

"YOU DAMN WHORE!!!" A scream raged from within the group of chosen as a black haired man emerged from the group, staring at Freya as though he wanting nothing more than to rip her apart.

"Ah. It's you. I'm surprised your still alive... I figured an egotistical bastard like you would rather off himself than live without his dick," Freya laughed, leaning on Laz. Her actions seemed intimate as though she were provoking the dick-less man, but only the two of them new that Freya was trying to inject some energy into Laz's system, hoping that it would help him to heal faster.

:What are you doing here?: Laz asked without moving.

:The goddess didn't want us to come knowing what you were facing. But even she couldn't ignore what would happen if this newly revived god was to run around unchallenged. And she feels you're the only one who can do something about it. So... here we are.: Freya didn't break eye contact with the man who was still fuming while looking at her. Due to his anger, he failed to notice the strange looks that his fellows were giving him, including Tommy.

The only one who really had their eyes glued to Freya was the bronze giant.

"I remember that smell. The blood demoness... I see she is still around here somewhere. I shall have to go kill her before she can revive," the giant said to itself, loud enough for everyone to hear him. The strange part was that he didn't even notice. Laz figured he must have developed some weird traits after sleeping for so long.

Despite the new arrivals, the giant didn't change his plan at all and decided to end Laz as quickly as possible. The only real difference was that now the girls had guns trained on them while Tommy was deciding how many of his people should he use to be able to capture all the girls alive. Looking over the dozens of young and strangely alluring young women was enough to almost make him drool.

Helen walked up to Freya and whispered something in her ear, causing he to first look surprised and then smile. Seeing this, Laz wondered what she was smiling about, but then he noticed a hodgepodge of vehicles pull up next to the vans and out came Aaron, Madam Cal, Dwayne and even Jennia came out from the vehicles and choose to stand next to and behind Laz with many foundation level Vodun as well. Laz even noticed Damien and Remi with them, apparently deciding to stay and fight as opposed to running away.

Laz took a quick glance around and was relieved to find that Abraham and Julia weren't with them. He was glad about this as at their levels, they would simply be cannon fodder.

"Oh, little sister, there you are..." The two chosen who Laz had once seen eating while strolling the streets when he first arrived in town and who later went with Tommy into the gate, the ones with the strange white hair, both stood forward and set their gaze on Remi. Although Laz noticed a bit of a tremble go through her body, she also didn't end up backing down.

Thinking about it, these were the same two chosen or evolved that Remi had fought within the gate, due to the chaotic nature at the time, Laz didn't pay attention to it then. But right now, it seems like there was some sort of story there.

"As Remi said before, fuck both of you. Remi is Remi and Remi will do what she wants when she wants," Remi said, grasping hold of her courage.

"Little sister, we've already indulged you enough when we didn't force you to come back with us at the gate. But now? Now we aren't giving you a choice," the one on the left said.

"Remi doesn't give a damn what you say," Remi replied, staying strong.

Watching the events unfold, Laz couldn't help but notice that even when comparing the white hair of the three along with their facial features, they all did really look like siblings.

"Listen here you little bitch. You are nothing more than our pet. You may had escaped once when we took pity on you and let you out of the cage and then slip through our hands behind the gate, but you will be coming home with us today and that's final," the one on the right said, lifting his finger and summoning her like a child.

"HA ha. Boys. You should know better than to let your pets run free," Tommy laughed, causing the other chosen or evolved to laugh as well.

"A mistake we will soon correct AAAAGGGHHHHHHHHHHH."

Although her movements were quick, Laz was able to see what happened. While the brother on the right was distracted with responding to Tommy, Remi launched a quick attack using what looked to be a feather that cut through the air like a blade and separated the young man's finger from his hand. The more powerful members of the evolved had seen this, including Tommy and the bronze giant, but they did nothing to stop it.

The white haired man clenched his one hand with his other hand while glaring hatefully at his little sister.

"Brother, are you ok?" The twin brother asked, showing concern.

"I'm fine. This time, That bitch is getting a baseball bat shoved up her ass no matter how much she cries..." The young man fumed and raged.

Just this statement alone was enough the anger the many gathered allies of Laz and even many of the members of the military who were gathered as they seemed to understand many things from hearing this exchange.

'Are all of this people this perverted?' Agent Wallace asked himself, disgusted.

"ENOUGH!" Raged the giant. Even if he didn't understand what was being said, he did understand that it seemed like more and more of the strong boys allies were arriving. Although none of them had yet to pose a risk to him, he was starting to wonder if the strength he was told Tommy's side has was as real as he made it out to be. Currently, the number of chosen matched the number of infected. Even if the normal mortals could be helpful with their strange weapons, the scales were starting to tip.

"Kill all of them and take their leaders prisoner, understood?" The called out, without bothering to ask Tommy's opinion. Tommy, seeing this, ground his teeth together but didn't say anything. The more people that showed on Laz's side, the worst it would make him look.

Just when both sides, one covering the east side of the block and one covering the west side were about to clash, a white limo with a strange insignia on it drove arrived. The driver must have been an expert as they were able to weave, turn and drift their way through the gather cars on Laz's side before coming to a rest.

"NOW WHAT????" The giant roared, just before he went silent.

The car's doors opened and several stunningly beautiful women made their appearance.

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