Chef in the Apocalypse

Chapter 32 Binge Eating to get stronger?

32  Binge Eating to get stronger?

In the midst of the tension and danger, Jayce's actions seemed almost surreal. With urgency burning in his eyes, he hastily shoved the prepared food into his mouth, his focus unswayed by the notifications that popped up before him. It was a sight that seemed oddly comical, if not for the overwhelming dread emanating from the Berserk Shaman.

Lianna and the rest of the party watched on, a mixture of concern and bemusement etched across their faces. Jayce's determination was unquestionable, his willingness to embrace any advantage in their desperate situation evident in his hurried consumption of the assorted dishes he had prepared.

As he devoured the food, the notifications continued to fill his vision, but Jayce ignored them. There was no time for distractions now. The moment felt almost absurd, a stark contrast to the dire circumstances they found themselves in. But Jayce knew that the path to survival often veered into the realm of the unconventional.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Jayce stood up. A wince of discomfort flashed across his features as he felt the aftermath of his hurried feast. His stomach protested the sudden influx of sustenance, a buffet's worth of food crammed within. It was an uncomfortable sensation, to say the least.

However, a giant grin crept onto his face which was now unceremoniously covered with all kinds of food and sauces. As a precaution, Jayce had made all types of food last night, not for a picnic but just in case they got into any trouble.

The menu included sandwiches, rice balls, sushi and even some cream puffs that were leftover, all of which he had just shoved into his mouth and chowed down. For each piece of food, he was given a stat boost, making these snacks the most stat effective items he owned.

The reason why he was grinning so hard, was that during his consumption of sushi, he saw his VIP15 skill trigger two times. This meant that his VIP15 skill was not limited to one activation per item, and as long as he had these items, there was a chance of the skill activating.

"Lianna, put a heal on me and cast the Blessing of Protection once more." Jayce said, his eyes still focused on the stationary Shaman.

Lianna looked at Jayce with an odd gaze before eventually complying. Feeling the warmth wash over his body, Jayce clenched his fists, feeling an old but familiar power coursing through his body.

He looked around at his party who seemed a little worse for ware, especially the swordsmen who despite being just healed, seemed spent.

"Everyone, get ready. Mages ready your spells, Archers nock your arrows. As soon as the Shaman takes a step forward, throw everything you've got at it." Jayce ordered, the tone of confidence in his voice was unquestionable.

"Swordsmen, follow my lead." He added. With that, he accessed his status screen to take a quick look before the battle started once again.

Name: Jayce

Title: N/A

Class: Chef

Subclass: N/A

Level: 2

EXP: 100/200

Health 120/120

Mana: 70/70

Strength: 3 (+10)

Dexterity: 3 (+8)

Intelligence: 2 (+8)

Vitality: 4 (+15)

Luck: 27

"41 additional stats." Jayce murmured, quickly doing some calculations. Regular players were meant to begin with 20 starting stats, disregarding the Luck stat. If they gained 5 stats per level, then with his current boost, he should be equal to a level 7 or thereabouts.

"It should be enough…" With a grin, he scrolled down and selected a skill. Although it was a passive skill, it needed to be refreshed whenever a temporary or permanent boost was added.

[Executive Chef skill reactivated]


A few minutes earlier, Colin made contact with the pack of goblins, his towering frame a stark contrast to their diminutive size. With the rest of the party on their way to assault the Goblin Shaman, he had no choice but to hold off until the threat was neutralized.

The goblins, their eyes burning with a frenzied aggression, charged forward without hesitation. Their fangs bared and claws poised for attack, they lunged at Colin with a savage determination. The sheer audacity of these small creatures to challenge him, a towering figure of strength, did not go unnoticed. A sense of grim amusement flickered in Colin's eyes as he braced himself for the confrontation.

Casually, he swung the large kite shield off his back and positioned it before him. With a calculated motion, he enacted his taunt skill, a move that would focus the attention of the goblins solely onto him. A blaze of red ignited within the eyes of the goblins, their aggressive instincts honing in on the imposing figure before them.

As the goblins lunged, their weight collided against the shield with a jarring impact. Colin strained under the force, his muscles taut as he fought to maintain his stance. In a display of brute force, he executed a powerful shield bash, sending several of the goblins hurtling into the unforgiving wall of a nearby building. The resounding crash echoed through the desolate streets, a testament to Colin's overwhelming might.

With the immediate threat partially mitigated, Colin drew his sword, his movements fluid despite the cumbersome weight of his equipment. He exploited the gap he had created, thrusting his blade forward with precision. The sharp tip of the sword found its mark, impaling one of the goblins. Yet, even in its moment of agony, the goblin clung tenaciously to the sword, its grip unyielding.

Colin's eyes widened in realization, his decision swift. Abandoning his sword, he relinquished his hold on the weapon before it created a large opening in his defenses. However, his calculated evasion was not swift enough to dodge the onslaught of the remaining goblins. One of them executed a slashing strike, tearing into Colin's ribs with a searing pain that radiated through his body.

Gritting his teeth against the torment, Colin's resolve burned brighter. He would not falter, not in the face of these relentless adversaries. His towering form remained a formidable obstacle, a bulwark against the goblin onslaught. With each blow he weathered, each injury he endured, his determination only intensified.

Through the pain, Colin fought on, his actions a testament to his unyielding spirit. The battle raged

around him, chaos and desperation enveloping the once-bustling city streets. Yet, Colin stood firm, a pillar of strength amidst the turmoil, holding back the tide of goblin aggression with an unwavering resolve.

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