Celestial Peak

Chapter 524: Servitude

Chapter 524: Servitude

In this Universe, many claim to be the strongest in its entirety. They claim they could destroy worlds, or even rule Immortal Empires. However, when they speak of these claims, it was already common sense to understand that, such claims cannot become reality.

For eons, only two known beings could claim the title of the strongest in the Universe. They rule the Heaven and Hell respectively, the two Godkings of the Origin Races Garm and Philas.

Garm, the Invincible Devil Eye capable of decimating an entire world with a single punch, he was known for destroying worlds with his body. A straightforward fighter that sees through all deceit in combat. A true Warrior through and through.

With flowing black hair and a pair of blood-red pupils, his face was masculine. His as though carved with a chisel, he was perfect. Impervious to almost all attacks, he bears the strongest hide in all of the beings in the Universe. It did not matter if he faces against Deities, with the gifts his father gave him, Garm was assured he would win.

Philas, the Holy World Bender with a wave of his hand the world's law is overturned. Mountains floats and the magma flows in the air and water becomes scorching. The air becomes course, poisonous, and suffocating, and to his desire he could end worlds with a thought.

Opposite of Garm was the mellow Philas. His visage was much effeminate compared to his fellow. He was gentler in his movement as though he was melding with the world around him. This man was Philas, the one gifted with manipulating what was left in a world. 

These two ruled over their realms uncontested for millions of years. No one questioned their strength for once anyone does, a world gets destroyed. They were the strongest, and they were the most revered. No one could say otherwise.

Uncontested, they rule over everything even if others did not know. Several times Immortals and Gods came and went, only they didn't. They were relics of the most distant past, yet they were stronger than the current era. They protect the Universe left behind by the father who left it to them while searching for their original homes. 

As quickly as they could, the two landed on the ground not on their feet but to their knees.

"Glory to the All-Father!"

"Glory to the All-Father!"

They wish to protect the remnants of what they had lost thinking he would return if they do so and after eons of waiting, and countless hours of praying, they finally got to kneel before the one they had lost.

Wang Ling saw their reaction to seeing his presence. From the widow, he exited the room and slowly he came down to meet the two. Around them, he could feel the presence of thousands of eyes, the Deities were watching, he knew that these were aware as wellhe applauded their dedication that they would throw away their pride and faces in this manner just to greet him.

"You need not act in this manner, you know? I am not deserving of such reaction, for I am not the one who created you two. Though he and I are now the same, we are generally different from each other. Should you two be kneeling down to me then?"

"Oh glorious All-Father, may this little one have the chance to raise his head and speak?" Garm asked for permission.

"Do as you wish."

"With all due respect, I do not mean to explain it but, the All-Father is more than flesh and blood. His vessel matters not for he is only one in existence. We of the Origin Race can feel your existence, and with but a look we can see who you truly are. Even if you do not remember us, that only means that our people must gain memories of the new you." Garm's words were broad in terms of concept, but Wang Ling could grasp its core.

[There is only one All-Father, thus, every form he takes remains himself and no other.] these beings were the oldest next to Bai Xue. These two were even born just right after Bai Xue when she had yet to absorb the remaining Creation Qi of the Universe and create the First of the Deities.

They were the oldest, yet their view of things was not rigid but broader than he initially thought, [I should have expected this after meeting Kareem and Naor.] 

"Oh glorious All-Father, may this little one have the chance to raise his head and speak?" It was Philas' turn to ask for permission.

"You two can just refer to me by my nameoh yeah, your very existence won't allow that then, how about stop calling me all the additional name such as glorious? It is uncomfortable for me. If you agree to that, then, you can speak" Wang Ling stated.

"I understand, All-Father."

"Good, then speak."

"If the All-Father would allow us to serve you again, then it would be our greatest honor. The Origin Race only wish to be of service to the All-Father again and regain our previous roles." Philas meant every word.

[Your roles, huh.] Wang Ling laughed remembering how their roles were supposed to simply live their lives and talk to the All-Father from time to time, [This ideology morphed into servitude that is now etched in their very souls how mortifying.]

Wang Ling laughed, "If you wish to do so, then I will allow you to do so."

"Thank you, Father."

"Thank you, Father."

The two bowed their heads again their joy was etched in their faces knowing they had returned to the servitude of the All-Father.

Though his form was no longer the same as it had been, the two cared not. They peered saw past such trivialities. The All-Father was not bound by flesh, the All-Father's soul was bound by his very existence. They know if the All-Father was before them, and Wang Ling was the All-Father they sought after for so long.

The two high being's tears fell seeing him stand before them. The intensity of his presence, the way he presents himself, and how a white fox atop his head

The two stopped their worship and stared at the white fox atop their Father's head. Bai Xue saw their weird expressions and smirked as if to say, "This place is mine." She liked looking down upon others in this way.

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